What's in doing in your part of the country??? Pt.6

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thought I'd move us over...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Congrats FancyVan..sounds as though they appreciated the hard work you did...are you pleased with the results...

Busy day trying to catch up

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

It's kind of a cloudy but warm and summery day - perfect for lollygag'ing around in the heat. I took pics of my Night blooming Jasmine lastnight as the aroma is wonderful. I moved it next to the front door. It's now about 5' and not bad for a $6 or so dollar plant that was ready for the trash a few months ago.

Thumbnail by growin
Victoria Harbour, ON

It's gorgeous..did the same for a shrub last year...Canadian Tire had cleaned out all their plants and there sitting was a poor little shrub, half dead, anyway they gave it to me, it's growing better than all the rest - maybe it's appreciative of being saved..lol..

Dark and gloomy over Barrie tonight but sunshine here...first day back to work-had to catch up, work tomorrow then it's specialist time Wedn. - gets confusing and I'm tired..won't be a late night...

Must go walk the gardens and promise tomorrow I'll catch up on all the thread and respond...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Don't think I posted the link to my sister's website..she (well not exactly - her dog, lol) had puppies...so cute..thought you might enjoy...


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I will not get a puppy.... I will not get a puppy not matter how cute and cuddly they are ...... I will not get a puppy....

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the new thread. But is there a link on the old one? I kept waiting for a new message there and didn't see one; so I looked over here and found part six.

Been a busy day. The garden tour is coming and I barely got into the garden. Have my DGtwins for the week and attending a day camp at our church. So there are lunches to prepare and we have to drive them and pick them up.

Off to bed. Hope you have a good night.


Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Very nice growin and what a deal eh! I had this sent to my inbox and thought some of you may be interested as you can win a $15,000.00 backyard makeover and its for a very good cause as well, so check it out Nestle Canada (consumer.services@ca.nestle.com) . Well did something wrong here as its not lighting up blue for the contact, but its to plant a virtual tulip for breast cancer, if your interested.

Its been a hot day here for me and I just got off duty once again and glad to be home. Watered all of my babies and off to bed soon. Hope everyone enjoys there day today.

Dahlianut..I want a new puppy and am in the process of looking...but only want a black lab again and cant wait now. My DH is away with the army right now, so waiting until he gets home next month.

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Ok..try this one www.realdairy.ca. .hope this one works

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 11:50 PM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for moving us over Betty :-)

Puppy .. PUPPY .. mmmmmmmm .. P U P P Y !!!! We are 90% sure we are going to get another Westie. Have gone so far as to call the breeder and ask if Lilly's Mom (Missy) will be bred this year .. nobody was home .. and so .. we wait .. Have already picked a name .. 'Piper' .. I sometimes sit back and wonder if I've lost me marbles !!

I have NO idea what is up weatherwise here in Thunder Bay .. 10 minutes ago it was foggy, now it's cool .. one thing I AM sure of is the humidity factor !!!

Have lotsa stuff to keep me occupied today .. will be going BACK to CDN Tire as yesterday they couldn't find the 5 'Blow up beds' that their computer kept saying were there in the store. I only wanted ONE .. anywho .. the CDN Tire on the other side of town has 18 (or so the computer says)
Don;t know if any of you are as fond of your George Foreman grill as I am .. but .. there is a 10th anniversary edition out, and since that makes the one I have 10 years old .. I bought the new one at CDN Tire .. DH says we could likely cook half a cow on it LoL .. it IS big .. but .. very nice :-)

Time to cruise down for the paper .. also purchased some WATKINS cream bug repellent at a Farmers Market .. 28% DEET .. works quite well and is ODOURLESS !! Makes walking down for the paper a PLEASANT experience !!

Take care all


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

You've worked wonders with that Jasmine growin. I love the scent of that stuff.

Congrats to your sister on her new grand-fur-babies Betty. Puppies are just too cute for words, but with 5 cats I'm in no danger of even considering the idea of getting one.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

What a coinkidink syndney! We want a black and a gold lab. We're waiting til we fully retire though. Thoughts, prayers and thanks to your DH for serving.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sunny day in Toronto today, calling for 31 tomorrow and with humidity factored in, it will be scorching over the next few days..well, when the snow was 3' we asked for this...

Took a walk in the gardens, although they take your breath away, can you not just feel the turn of fall somehow..think that it won't be long and most of it's beauty will be behind us...some of the plants have dried seed pods, must get out and save them for spring...

Wow Ginnylynn, 5 cats..here I thought 2 were a handfull..

One of the girls who uses my home on Mondays to teach painting called last night to say Sailor (border collie) didn't look well, she didn't even want to play ball..when I got home she looked fine even though her hip was giving her a bit of trouble (age) but this morning I woke to quite a mess down in the family room...she had dirtied all over..just how one wants to start their day...dreading what I know is to come in the not too distant future...

"M" will have to key in Canadian Tire flyer..I usually get the flyer sent to me via e-mail, guess with being off last week the girls 'x''d it...I might be missing some mega sales..lol

I can take the heat as well "M" but the humidity gets me down..on my trip to Chicago I brought along coolant bandana's for everyone...have to say they sure got used..even Judy's husband kept one on his neck and thought it did wonders...must make more...Judy loved her chair set..glad I was able to paint it and get it across the border..lol..

Wow Sydney you haven't been to bed yet??? Love black labs...

Brother Mike has 2 westies, they are adorable..spoilt as can be...

I have promised myself that once Sailor is gone, no more dogs..getting where I could leave for a few days with someone simply dropping in to feed the cats but the dog needs someone there each and every day, morning and night so whenever I want to travel I have to have a house sitter, which isn't the end of the road but not always easy to find...

Victoria Harbour, ON

My plan for the evening was to sit outside, feet up in the chair I have on the inset of this thread, get magazines out and relax..mosquitos had other plans, lordy they were about to carry me away..not normally do they enjoy my blood but tonight they are thirsty, so time to come in...

The lily's I'm waiting for to open haven't as yet..did notice some baby's breath...first time it does so well...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Before long I'll be filling those silk sachet bags I made last fall with lavender...I so enjoy the smell...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Even caught a bee having dinner...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OH Betty .. I am so envious re your Lavender .. have tried to grow it twice without any success .. and I LOVE it !!!

Skeeters .. lil pests .. have ruined MANY a mornings coffee 'al fresco' .. and .. for the second year running .. we have a wee flying beetle that is very annoying as well. It's an iridescent green .. big as a lady bug .. but .. they BITE !!
they are in Lilly's pool .. and just about everywhere we are .. especially the patio furniture .. ..

My Asiatic Lillies .. pink .. are SO ready to POP .. beautiful plants :-)

Another busy day tomorrow .. doin Hospice .. I had best walk Lilly and go bunkies :-)


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I'm jealous too of your lavender! It so reminds me of my Grandma and England, For some silly reason I cant get the stuff to last long and prosper here either. There must be some secret I'm missing.

Today it was cloudy then sunny then repeat a million times, sort of. My plants are still recovering after the nasty hail last week.
As for puppies I think I will always have one , I have found that with good friends and a good dog, going away isn't too bad.
I have lots of offers to watch our Cleo when we go but she is so good the same number of offers for her to come with us happen too. (She's a standard black poodle who thinks she's a queen)
Skeeters! yes they are here too but not too many.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Still getting ready for the Garden Tour on Thursday. I have MOST of the mulch spread though some of it is in heaps where is has to be spread around and there's still a bit on the driveway. I've redone the labels on quite a few Hostas so they are easier to read.

Have the DGtwins here and in day camp, but gardening time is limited and tomorrow is my volunteer day at the Food Cupboard. Since several others are away or have visitors, they will need me.

Ann - you can have a few of our skeeters which are abundant.

Have been trying to get up to date photos of all the Hostas and I should do the general gardens too. Some of the Hostas literally pose for the camera and others are very difficult. I've retaken a few varieties 4 or 5 times trying to get a sharp pic.

Have a good night.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Up and 'sorta' at'em .. makin a coffee to go and then I am off ..

Since the sun has yet to rise .. I am thinking a weather update is a fib :-) BUT .. it 'seems' as though it's going to be a great day .. the Robins are heralding it as such :-)

Enjoy your day !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful day here as well, went outside to say 'good morning world' only to find my Missy brought me a mole, went out and picked it up and up she comes with a bird..THIS did not make me happy, know it's part of Nature but it's the part I think terrible...she couldn't understand my displeasure, put her in the house so I could do the chore and let her out again, she looks at me, the spot the poor birdy was, looks up at me, as though to say 'didn't you like your pressies' NOT!

So I'm home this morning, have a specialist appt. at 1:30..will make some calls to see if the catscan results the doctor at emerge had me have reached his office so I won't have to continue these appts....other than that, I plan on being home about 2:30 and will get 4 or 5 hours into garden weeding before my class arrives at 7..

We did though have a terrible thunder/lightning storm pass through during the night...Sailor was terrified so I had to sit up with her until it passed us by..guess I don't have to water the lawns today...lol..that part of Mother Nature I like...

so all and all a wonderful day!

Viola Ann ... happy birthday...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Ok I'm getting very tired of the rain!! We've had 15 mm in about 20 minutes and it boomed it's head off first thing this morning.
It was so dark it felt like winter.
It's noon and I am getting ready for work with the rain letting up and the grey sky a bit lighter. Oh well I won't have to water either.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well it is rather nice to have a few days when I dont really need to concern myself about how the garden looks!

Yesterday a friend and I went to a local garden centre that is having to shut down after almost 30 years - province bought the land to put in roads to a humungous shopping/race track/sport centre on the other side of the highway ( this place is in a little hamlet north of town) I kept my hands in my pocket most of the time - just truly dont have room for any more plants ( or so I said) but I did end up buying a rather neat 3 section iron 'screen' which will go ( next spring) along the property line of one of the north front beds. And I am still debating going back and getting the other one and having a 6 part screen.
Then on the way back into town we stopped at a new place that does a lot of decorative concrete and stone work and drooled over some gorgeous stone bits but managed not to buy ( this year!) although I did succumb and pick up 2 nice pots of Gaura to fill in a couple of emtpy spots.
And then I took her to another very nice little garden centre she had not seen before but did manage to get out without buying anything although they had some lovely pots of Million Bells on sale!
And received a little birthday gift - a little pottery plant ID sign in 'Latin' :" Plantum Whydibuyum" Had quite a time deciding which plant should get the sign! Finally put in beside the Tree Peony I bought last month at Cdn.Tire.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the iron work..omg it will look lovely..how did you show such restraint in those garden centers...lol...

It's late, class just finished and I'm ready for bed...I drive into the city tomorrow as Suzanne has meeting which will take her to the other side of the city...so, want to leave before all the crazies are on the road...lol..

Be back to read all your posts in the am...



ok Fancy........ what north-of-city garden center is about to close?????
Does it begin with a "B"? (can't remember the name.......) I went to one last year that did free soil testing. Very small company, too.

Let me in on the secret lol

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I gotta get there before it closes. I've never been there, can you believe it??

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know where some of you will be today!!! lol
I'm driving into the city myself today so am leaving early to have time for a leisurely drive...hot and muggy today..thank goodness for air...

Didn't go back and read my last post, but was waiting for my specialist appt. to find out results of biopsy...appt. was yesterday so took the entire day off, was out in the garden and thought I'd better get cleaned up when I noticed a call had come in..appt. canceled, surgeon would be operating the entire aft. so day off for not...new appt. not for 2 weeks as he's away at a convention next week..oh well, guess I'll life if they've put it off that long..lol

Enjoy your day..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The words of Joni Mitchell's song 'Big Yellow Taxi' are certainly ringing true for the 30 yr old gardening centre "Take Paradise and put up a Parking Lot"!! Fancy you were fortunate indeed to have scored the wrought iron .. I am sure it'll look wonderful !!

FRUSTRATION seemed to have ruled my day yesterday and today I will endeavour to sort things out. I took my car in to have the AC fixed .. $200. later I was in heaven .. or so I thought .. got in the car at about 4:30 to go and collect my friend from her work site .. the car was like an oven ... HAHA , I thought, flipped on the Air .. NOTHING, NADDA, NOPPERS !!! Had to remove Lilly from the car .. no way could I take her with. DH was totally unimpressed and visions of a LINCH Mob kept floating through my head !!! But .. I had no time to fuss and fume as I had 5 people coming for supper !!
After work I had gone to one of our famous Polish Legions that make perogies and cabbage rolls and fried chicken .. who wants to cook :-) So .. as everyone sat outside enjoying a drink .. I proceeded to fill casseroles to re heat the repast .. imagine my HORROR when I realized that there were NO CABBAGE ROLLS!!! As it was, I had bought more than enough chicken and perogies, so, no one was the wiser .. but I was in a 'stew' ... After the company left I kinda just sat and tried to mellow out (Baileys helped) .. decided none of the happenings were particularly life threatening or altering and will deal with them as I can.

Today "Darth Vader' (my new BLACK gas range) is being installed .. I am giving away my 7yr old electric range to a young couple who expressed an interest .. I had an ad on Kijiji selling it for $75. and had no takers .. I certainly do not want it languishing in the back 40 .. it's clean and it works ..

Have a hair appt at 11 and lunch out with friends following .. at which time I will regale them with my tales of woe .. they'll empathize and I'll likely leave feeling better .. funny how a 'friend fix' can do that :-)

It's a gloriously sunny day here .. and I hope you all enjoy your day ..
Betty I am wishing you the best in traffic coming and going .. those hwys down east scare me half to death !!



Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Yes Betty, I was asleep long before you woke up that day, but with the time difference,...maybe not and of course, never sleep much as I worry about DH. ...........SO..... off to bed...and I JUST got off duty after 12hrs. Ive already watered everything and hopefully sleep good today..ya never know.

Sorry, but dont read this all the time~~~~~~~~Hope everyone enjoys there day today


I hope that Balzac is still open on the weekend.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sydney, will say prayers for DH..must be overwhelmingly worrysome...no wonder you can't sleep...

Took the long way home last night so I could do some meditating..the back roads were quiet, no cars, I stopped along the sides of the road and picked wildflowers, even though I've a garden full I could cut...

Dropped into the rose greenhouse yesterday morning and bought 3 doz. - 1 for SIL/BIL who had their 25th yesterday, my cousin who was is also my SIL, it is her 55th today so dropped into Barie and had a visit with her and then 1 doz. for my 'sweetie' he would have been 65 today..so lots of memories...can't believe that he's been gone 17 yrs....early age of 47..seems like yesterday...

By the time I got home it was ready for bed...even the animals were pleased to see me....Missy decided to stop and smell the roses...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Missy has a MOM that must have taught her the beneficial effects from actually 'stopping to smell the roses' :-)
What a lovely bouquet Betty.

TIme does most certainly pass quickly, especially when we mark a special occasion of someone who has passed away, and, you are so right about events such as that appearing to have been more recent than say 17 or 20 years back. Those memories are kinda indelible. I sorta cherish those memories though, as painful as they are .. I try to literally take the adage "don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened', to heart .. most especially with my brother.

We have fog this morning .. which I am hearing is going to burn off and we'll be looking at high temps .. my car is sitting in the Cnd Tire parking lot awaiting RE repair of the A/C (don't go there with me) .. Darth is lookin good and cookin even better :-) THAT was an adventure .. I still am a bit squeamish re pushing in that knob a hearing the 'tic tic tic' before the MAGICAL 'blue flame appears .. didn't cook anything too fancy last night .. now I am HEAVILY suggesting new pots and pans .. but .. DH is totally 'back in the 30s' !! I inherited his Mom's "Everware' .. gosh darned heavy stuff that she kept in tip top shape .. I keep telling him the drawbacks with regards to trace elements from that brand of cookware being a trigger for Alzheimers, but, he is adamant it's just THE best .. I think I'll just buy new stuff and do the "I DON'T HEAR YOU" thing LoL
The young couple who took away the electric range last evening were so happy .. brought their lil Shitzu (sp) Dexter with them, so Lilly got a visit in as well :-)

Off and running .. nobody on the 'bugfiles' has identified my lil green bug as of yet .. going to TRY and get a better pic of it ... irritating lil beasties !!

TGIF !!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, everyone must be sleeping in??? no, busy then right...
Not sure why but I'm flying high today, it's a good day..started my morning with a trip to Roger's gravesight, left the roses, said hello and know when I left that he was proud of what I've accomplished and how I've dealth with things over the years..know he'd say, "Bet, might have been tough on you at times, but it sure has given you the strength to move on and deal with life!"
So then on to the city, had my tunes just a blarring..tunes from the past..sang along with most...got to the city at 8:10 and my favorite store Canadian Tire wasn't open till 8:30 so drove and picked up donuts for everyone, then back to Canadian Tire...oooops you just can't imagine all the shrubs that found their way into my vehicle...actually one would think I've a jungle in my car...lol... 60% off so who could resist...maybe "M" you can check them out while picking up your auto..lol...so I'll put these in DG friendship garden to start the garden project..have already moved a few flowers in it so next spring, once I purchase all the sale shrubs/flowers this season, it will be lovely...even purchased a jasmin vine for the arbor and 30 glad bulbs...will start slowly with those,not sure how they'll do..who knows maybe as the sales continue I'll pick up more...do I plant them in sun or shade..guess the tag will tell me...OMG,
as I arrived near Paramount's Canada Wonderland about 8 miles from the office the smog was so thick you could almost touch it..will be nice to get home today..had thought about getting perm late aft. but maybe I'll try for the morning and get my grass cut...

As I keep thinking about the sales, might have to stop in Barrie at their large Canadian Tire store...lol who can resist these sales? Will you???

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Canadian Tire and ME are NOT on good terms right now !!! Rec'd a call at 9am telling me that some kinda 'hoseamadoodle' had a leak in it .. ergo .. my AC won't work. So .. I paid $220. for NADDA and to have the 'hoseamadoodle' repaced .. are yas sittin down .. $275. +++++++++ .. I am mind boggled .. said to the Manager .. so I literally DONATED the $220. to CDN Tire .. he said there was a mechanism with which I could TRY for a refund !!
I said I'll be in with the hubby unit later !!
I can handle the no AC .. but little Lilly can't .. so .. she'll just have to get used to going in Dad's BIG truck (which I won't drive .. lordy it's a big thing) plus it's only a year old and dollars to donuts I'd be the first to 'DING' it !!

Doing laundry and hoping the muginess passes so the clothes will dry .. also am testing out the stove to see how it bakes banana bread :-)

Take care out there .. and WATCH THOSE SALES !!! :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" I'll pick up 3 or 4 more shrubs and plant them in my yard for you...that way I won't find I'm purchasing too many...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That calls for a major VERY loud hissy fit thrown in the store IMHO. Go girl go!!! Do you have a consumer watchdog group in TB? I would get them all over this too. ARGH!!!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I once had one of those very loud hissy fits at my friendly Toyota dealership when they tried to tell me they couldn't rethread a wheel bolt and I'd have to buy either a new wheel or a complete set of bolts (they don't sell them singly - imagine that). The service department was very busy that day with lots of customers. They took another look and decided that maybe they could do it after all...and they comp'd it too :-)

Victoria Harbour, ON

I love it when people stand up for the rights...I'm the type of person who would rather pay than create a scene..but DSIL Suzanne is slowly converting me...a few times I've spoken for myself and was quite proud at the outcome...especially when you are right! So off to Canadian Tire, demand satisfaction and when they rebate you your $$$$ head over to the garden center....why not?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LOL bettypauze. Isn't it funny how all our stories end with "to/in the garden center"?

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