Chit Chat... Everyone welcome. Part 44

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Grand Ridge is a pretty area. Much nicer (in my opinion) than where I live. But then, I like hills and I just don't have any over

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

My great aunt lived on top of one of those hills, just a little south and east of Grand Ridge. Loved to sit in the old porch swing and look out over the country side. I miss going there but all the kin I know has passed away. Do not miss the clay. man when it rained it was h**l to drive up the hill, I ended up in the dich once.
We use to joke that if you blinked you would miss Grand Ridge it was so tiny. Bet It has grown, was about 15 years sence I was last there.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

I haven't been over there in a few years but I imagine it has grown alot. That's what we say about Fountain, don't blink or you'll miss it.

We don't have the clay's sand and more sand. I wouldn't mind a little clay. hehe

I just this morning finished a story about a Granny and sitting on the porch swing...I was searching for photos to go with it before I popped back in here.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Help! My epiphyllumitis just flared up. I bought 14 more cuttings. I better get buzy on my shade house. Not counting seedlings and douplicates I have 94 kinds. I think I can find room for a few more.LOL

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh my word...I don't think I have 94 of everything together around here!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning all, sorry I wasn't on late, last night. I wasn't feeling real well, so I went to bed early. All better this morning. : )

Monschi, the milkweed came from Rene10's (Lorine)neighbor, down at her beach house. When we all get it growing, we will be happy to share. They are just small cuttings right now. I might have an extra one for the Fall RU, if the 3 I have do good.

Molly, you be careful getting in and out of that pool. Ouch,...on the sting. Bees love getting drinks out of birdbaths, too. I saw 3 on mine yesterday.

Linda, hope you have a good day, today. I hear Olive garden was crowded, so you ate at Outback. That's one of my favorite places. : )

Wren, 94 kinds? Oh my, you are addicted. lol : )

Lib, love your stories, can't wait for granny on the porch. I never had a grandma, but I live through everyone elses. : )

Jeremy, check your spare. ; )

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you BlueGlancer.

She's not really my Grandmother..just the Granny in the neighborhood. The older lady everyone calls Granny. :)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

And that is not counting the seedlings I have about 10 and more seeds to start. just bought a new plant lite and a couple of connecters for the shade house. NO-NO more plants this month- yell right.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

NO-NO more plants this month....I don't think I believe you.
I thought I heard something about a 12 step program but you might need more intense treatment.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

This is a little bit of a change of subject, but I wanted to tell you that I had never heard of a Tervuren dog breed before. I read up on them and you are quite an amazing person to have been able to successfully raise those dogs. From what I have read they can be quite a handful.....your dog is so beautiful and thanks for telling us about him.

And should be the winner of the most addicted to Epi's be a wonderful collection!

Lucy, glad you are feeling better.The agapanthus you gave me has a bloom spike!! I am very excited and thank you so much for that plant....I have been wanting a blooming blue one for 3 years now...will take pic when it is fully open.

Lib I think I missed your articles....going to look now!

I am working and also trying to get bits and pieces of things done outside today here and there.

Molly.....enjoy that pool, but like Lucy said please take care!

I haven't been to Outback in years! Olive garden either for that fact. Will have to go someday soon. Been to Macaroni Grill instead lately.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I haven't been to Macaroni Grill, yet. Is it all pasta dishes, or do they have other things? I know where one is in Lakeland, might need to try it out. : )

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

They have the best steak and pork chops at the one here!

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

I just got this link to this video/song in an email.
It's beautiful.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

That was beautiful, Lib. God bless each, and every one of our men and women that are fighting for our freedom. And, bless those families that have given, the ultimate.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes very touching Lib......

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It's been a hectic morning running over to the other side of town to pick up the tires and get them installed at the nearby tire shop. The Mustang seems to be riding smoothly now. Christina dropped back by the tire shop because there was a rattle in the back, and sure enough, they had not tightened one of the lug nuts all the way.

I've got the rest of the day to piddle, but I do have to get the curbside grass mowed -- my least favorite garden job. It only takes about 15 minutes to do it, but I keep putting it off.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Shellabella The key to raising tervurens is to have a sense of humor. Stay calm(Yell right) and be gentle but firm with your training. And be very patient for 3 years until they start usig that brain of theirs. I love the breed but Andre is a little more wired than most. I get him to do agility and obe. with but do to dads health we can't. Most books do not know the breed, only one has it right . It says that they are tricksters and pranksters for Life. They have the memory of an elephint and can live in a phone booth with you if they get enough execise

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The only problem with all my epis is I will have to wait till next year for blooms. But it is wort the wait.
I think I have most of the ones I wont. But we will see. I bought a plant light so I can grow more seeds.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Are you gonna go into business selling them?
Sounds like you're getting your stock built up so you can. They could pay you in some 'green' as well as pretty blooms.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No plans on selling but will be glad to share when they git big enough. To much trouble to sell things. I just love the plants, and I do go overboard on things I like.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Hopefully, when you get ready to share, I'll be ready with something to share back :-)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It will be fall of next year. Most of them I bought this summer. A cutting is only about 6-8 inches long, so they have some growning to do. One I get them into the shade house the growth should pick up.
Should be no problem for you to find something I wont sence there is very few plants I do not like.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

That will give me time to learn how to take care of them.
Same here, I find I am falling crazy in love with everything I see Hmmm...dogs,cat and plants..sounds like a good life to me. :-)

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Wren thanks for the explanation of how you raise those tervs. I think I will stick to the "squeaky toys" :) Would love to meet your puppy one of these days tho!
Mine needs a good bath and a brush right now...

Thumbnail by shellabella
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Mine get the brushing today but still needs the bath. The demon child and I would like to meet you and your squeaky toy. He does like little dogs, he has two old winer dog friends, it is funny to watch a 80 pound dog try to be meek and small for his short friends. There is one nice thing with my big boy he needs a lot of excersies , so I get enough too, we did 3+miles to day and 4 miles yester day.

I am a lazy gardener so there are some plants like orchids that I donen't mess with any more. The epis are easier that orchids but still have out of this world flowers.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

I'm hoping that y'all can help me. I have a lot of unidentified plants. Some came from Molly's RU. Others came from who knows where.

Here is the 1st one.

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Here is a pic of the flower. So sorry it's so blurry,

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

The 2nd one

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

OOPS! Wrong pic.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Let's try this again.

I think Stacey (Floridian) brought this to Molly's RU.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2008 9:52 PM

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Close up.

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

3rd one

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Close up. Could this possibly be a Rangoon Creeper?

This message was edited Jul 9, 2008 10:16 PM

This message was edited Jul 9, 2008 10:18 PM

Thumbnail by toy747
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

And anther one.

Thumbnail by toy747
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

We discovered a bit ago that the back tire on my van was flat. Not reduced of air, not low, but out right FLAT. The seal was broken.

Let me tell you about me and flat tires. 54 years and I have never changed one. Managed, always to get someone else to do it, even when it was another woman.

But watching it get done is so different 20 years ago than today. Today I located the donut spare. It was under the van. But how to get it out and find the jack, lug etc, I had to dig out the owners manual. What a calamity. My first inclination would be to call Billy, but for reasons known only to Billy (the auto specialist), he doesn't take my calls anymore so Jeremy was on his own. Being of the male gender, following written directions isn't part of the genetic make up. And when the owners manual isn't totally specific about where and when to attached the jack to the underside of the car (where the devil is the unibody frame?) you can very well buckle the running board side of the body.

So I called a former friend of Billy's who is also a mechanic and he wasn't home, but by that time Jeremy figured out where the frame was at. We now have the donut on the car and ready to head to town in the morning to get it fixed and go to work.

I have had more screws, nails and staples puncturing my tires this past year than ever before. It's all the new construction jobs that we work. If you go to Tire Kingdon or Goodyear, they want to take the tire off, put a patch on and charge you 20 bucks and an hour of your time. All I want is a plug and will give 10 bucks and 10 minutes of my time for that.

I am feeling inclined to go take a dip to cool off this annoyance.

It didn't rain today and my newly cemented crown stayed on. No more dental problems at this moment in time.

Wren, your doggy certainly seems like an interesting sort. I found that the Siberian Husky that adopted us last year is totally different than any other dog I have shared my life with. Most others are of the hound or retriever sort. Soft mouths easy toe nails.

Miss blue eyes, Dixie, has very sharp teeth and toe nails and a very high level of energy and metabolism. Easily excitable. We have to keep after her daily to not jump, "no teeth", be sweet and whatever key phrases or words that work. She torments my aging Greyhound to the point of Snowy losing her temper and snapping at Dixie. I let them handle it, since Dixie needs a firm attitude adjustment, Snowy can mange fine.

Someone was looking in last years phone book for a painter. I went and looked at the job today and now too tired to do the bid. Will probably work it up in the morning. So much for yellow page advertising. Most people recycle last years phone books. Good thing some don't.

Well, very tired now. No swim, bed is better.


South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

And another close up.

Thumbnail by toy747
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Lizzette, I don't know what any of those are. I'm alot of help, huh? lol : )

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Still more.

Thumbnail by toy747
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Molly, you need to go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get you one of those hand-held magnets that you can drag it along the ground to pick up all metal, nails and such, out of your yard. I bought one, and it wasn't too much, and it stopped me having flat tires after the hurricane construction people left.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeremy..good to hear you got the tires on.

Shellabella...that is such a cutey..Yorkie or Silkie? I don't have my glasses on right now.

Molly..Your day sounds long, to say the least. I hope you are getting a good nights rest and all looks better in the morning.

Toy...The only one I would attempt a guess at would be the last and it looks like an Amaryllis to me.

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