Tropical garden #11

Red Oak, TX

wishbone flower in a basket

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

another hibiscus

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

noid ginger

Thumbnail by prita
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Gail, the hibiscus in this photo a member has requested. I've isolated the plant I think it is, will a cutting make it in the mail, or should I root it first?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I thought I was supposed to root every cutting before sending out for trades....if some of them can be mailed without having to root I would love to know b/c I would have so much more to offer! (I've been so far pretty much a loser as far as getting stuff to root..)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL...I'm the same...I root first..but some folks just say send the cutting.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Well, I TRY to root, but it's so hard, you know! I bought a wonderful book on propagation by the Horticultural Society, hopefully I will get better...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

a rooting solution does help. Seaweed extract is also a good rooting solution.
I always keep new cuttings in shade. Alot of folks use pure perlite to root in.
I use 1 part perlite 1 part sphangnum moss 1 part volcanic sand 1 part potting soil

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Do you cover your cuttings to preserve moisture? I've tried pure perlite before and the thing wilted so quickly I didn't even have time to think about it...sorry folks for going off-topic!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's where the lava sand comes in. It retains soil.

If I was in San Diego, yes I would do something to increase humidity. As it is, we here certainly need not do that!

My first Dinner Plate Hibiscus opened today..but didn't take photo. It's loaded with blooms though so there will be more opportunities

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

rJ...........he told me to strip the leaves off and seal the bottom cut with melted wax but these are going overseas. If were sending in the US, I would wrap either wet paper towels and then press and seal around the cutting bottom. (even put a rubber band around the press and seal............then put the cuttings in a big zip lock bag.......or individually.

People send me cuttings all the time. I love it as I can propagate and most people can.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

That's so good to know! Yey!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Come to think on it, that is how I brought them back from Hawaii...and it's a big bush now...they seal the bottom with wax, the color that the hibiscus is.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

finally i have a voodoo lily popping up

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

varigated chalice vine looks happy rita.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

the tacca looks like it has a flower starting

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

crepe myrtle

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

any idea what fruit this is

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

candela, your variegated chalice vine does look great.
Please post pictures of your tacca in bloom. I could never get them to grow, so I will enjoy yours with you.
I made a new bromeliad basket yesterday, but I need a few more to fill her up.
Those are CASHEWS, you can plant the seeds.

Thumbnail by prita
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure what that is?? though a pepper at first glance.

This is the second year I have had the chalice vine, it really is getting enormous.

It's been pretty hot! I can work for a couple hours, then have to go in to cool off. Watering alot, the pond evaporates 4 inches before I go to work at 12:45PM..and it was fill to top at 7AM. Caught a Crane/Egret traumatizing the fish the other night!

Some deck colors ..

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

a neighbor has this fruit tree, a barbados cherry, and some other yellow plum tree that i will plant. he made a great wine out of those cahew fruit and carambola wine. tasted like a nice desert wine

Thumbnail by candela
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Don't know what it is about this particular nght Jasmine, but it blooms more profusely than any of the other. This particular plant was a cutting from a friend that lives in the same neighborhood, none of my other night jasmine blooms like this one.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

it must smell heavenly at night at your house do you have brunfelsia as well?

Thumbnail by candela
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Gotta love Plumerias. Seems like the hotter and dryer it is, the happier they are. Took me a good while to learn the secret of plumerias. Stick them in a corner and ignore them. I put these on an outside shelf by the fence, where they stay year around.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes it was very fragrant last night...
Indeed, I noticed the Americana Brunsfelsia was starting to bloom today.

Peaking out the dinner plate hibiscus..

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

close up of the Iochroma

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

alocosia I bought at MercerArboretum last year. don't recall the name, can't find the tag...I thought they bit the dust last year because it rained so much.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm assuming these are seeds? the berry things. I've not seen this before.
I think it's the borneo giant.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Parent plant

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh my, Cassie, your indoor pool with that jungle outside must feel like heaven! Is your neighbor from Brazil? Both trees you mention are typical over there. How awesome! The cashew plant we call Caju. I have actually visited a little "museum" in a fishing town where the largest Cajueiro spreads over a huuuge area! The fruit is tart (like unripe Fuyu persimmon) but you can make delicious juice or liqueur with it. Carambola is delicious regardless!
Placentiarita: can I copy you? I had never thought of hanging my bromelias!!!
Rj: I think you have a cestrum nocturnum. I planted one for myself this year and I can't wait for it to bloom!

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

RJ -

I have the 4 night blooming jasmine (cestrum nocturnum) planted around my lanai along with other jasmine. It almost always blooms that profusely and some evenings the fragrance almost knocks you down (in a good way) when you are outside. Our friends have even driven up to our house and asked what smelled so great.

Can you believe some people don't like them and rate them right up there with weeds?? They just don't know what they're missing.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, what's wrong with these people?! lol! I think this is THE MOST "beautiful" of the fragrances...

Red Oak, TX

Rj, very nice pictures. I too, spend most of the day watering , just barely keeping stuff alive.
You definitely have seeds on your Borneo Giant. I was going to suggest having a contest, just for fun, to see who could grow the biggest borneo giant, but I can see that between you and Texasbigleaves, no one else will come close.

borneo giant in the ground.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

BG in a pot.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

gloriosa lily

Thumbnail by prita
San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Rj, I love your potted plants arrangement! It's funny how I always love peoples use of croton, but I just can't figure out how to use it in my own garden!

Red Oak, TX

Rita look my puya is blooming!!!

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
Red Oak, TX

robcorrea, of course you can copy the bromeliad basket, I probably copied it from someone elses' previous pictures.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

truetropical77, I am happy for you that your puya is blooming, you waited long enough.
I am looking forward to seeing the whole plant in full bloom. What a treat that will be.
Thanks for showing it to us

Thumbnail by prita
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Let me share a few pictures with you of my favorite nursery where they always put bromeliads in hanging baskets.

gotta back later

Thumbnail by gessiegail

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