Tropical garden #11

Red Oak, TX

sunshinesw, good to see your dwarf poinciana blooming.
Before the rain this morning, I took this picture of the Aristolochia Gigantea blooming. It is ugly, but I like her.

Thumbnail by prita
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Bizzare maybe..ugly no lol. I have a little one maybe one day....

Red Oak, TX

kimarj, they will grow very quickly, here is another plant, ( same species). I like this color much better.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Siam Ruby and lime zinger

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

waiting on the ginger to bloom

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX


Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

colocasia gigantea

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

pinstripe ginger

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

climbing Oleander

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

last one

Thumbnail by prita
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My scapes are really big but nothing has bloomed as yet. How is it that we are soooo close and yours bloom and mine don't?

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Rita, you've got so many different plants!
This is a cutting flowering so I am not sure if it'll open all the way in the morning.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Red Oak, TX

LouC, I realy do not have a explanation as to why my plants are blooming and yours are not. I did notice earlier in the spring that you had a few plants blooming and mine weren't.
After I moved a clump of daylilies from a shaded area to where they were getting more sunshine, they started to bloom again.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Sunshinesw, I do love them all, I even have a few citrus trees that I am worried about now. Their new fruits turned yellow and fell off. (sad)
What is the name of your plant? I like the blooms,it has a nice color.

Thumbnail by prita
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

It's NOID epiphyllum. I think it might be a German Empress relative.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Have a good weekend everyone!

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Red Oak, TX

Have a good weekend too RJ.
candela, I need a ID on this little beauty. Can it take the sun, or do I need to move it to a shady spot ?
Can anyone else ID for me? This is the only bloom on it. It came from Florida.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

it looks like a yellow balleria. is it one i gave you? my camera broke so no new pictures this weekend.

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

candela, thank you, I will do a little research on it. Yes it is the one that you gave to me in the spring.
sorry about your camera, I do enjoy all your pictures. I bought my dh a new camera for our annirversary this year.(smile)

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Erythrina crista-galli (cry baby tree)

Thumbnail by prita
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Everyone has very nice pictures!

Placenciarita - I have pink balleria and they are planted in full sun and are exploding. I didn't know there was yellow. . . another plant to add to the wish list!

Candela, do you mind me asking where you found the yellow?

The plant you have in your last post, is that also a coral bean? I just planted one of these in my yard this year and am excited to see it bloom.

Thumbnail by floridabunnie
Red Oak, TX

floridabunnie, thanks for the tip, that was my very first flower and I like it very much, The sun is scorching all my tender plants, I will leave it where it is for now.
I can't wait to see it covered in blooms.
Yes it is a Coral tree.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 8:14 AM

Thumbnail by prita
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Good Sunday morning!
Hoya compacta

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 9:43 AM

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoya multiflora

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Pink plumeria

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Morning Glory Bush

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Harry potter in his glory.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Rain lillies waiting for rain.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Golden Rat tail

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Last one. Hoya pachyclada white

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw

lovely pictures, I like your hoyas. I have a Hoya obovata that has been blooming non stop on about 8-12 bloomheads for a month now. It continues to produce more.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

testing my new camera.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

florida bunnie i have the yellow barleria i love your pink would you like to trade.

this is supernova brug.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

a black antherium

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

the coral tree in the back

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

one more for now

Thumbnail by candela
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

candela, are your super nova blooms really long? (i'm new to brugs.) a cutting that i have just bloomed as well. i had to prop the limb up to get the bloom off the ground. my bloom was longer than the actual plant itself!

thanks for posting pictures everyone!

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

the purple is so deep on this one. i love this brom because it has no spines.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

old dependable bloomers

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is my newest bunch from a friend who is getting divorced she asked if i wanted some bromeliads because she was going to take half of his plants. we drank half a bottle of his favorite rum while doing it. what a garden party we

Thumbnail by candela

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