What have you bought so far ?? Part 6

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

oops. i knew i forgot something - lotus vine... it looks really pretty, but the picture shows it getting red flowers which i like a lot less than how it looks without...

Thomaston, CT

Sounds like a haul, amy--am not familiar with lotus vine, but you are a zone warmer than I am---unless it's an annual? Am still awaiting a box from High Country Gardens--need to get more weeds out of the beds to plant the new arrivals! Another dahlia has popped up---my gardens have totally dried with the wind--need to water, which I hate to do on our feeble well--I do have a rain barrel, but that goes quickly.

Brattleboro, VT(Zone 5a)

Twelve periwinkle (myrtle, vinca, whatever you like to call them), which I planted yesterday under some maple trees. Since it is difficult to dig there because of all the tree roots, I purchased several bags of moo dirt and made little hills of it to put the plants in. I hope this works, because I am paying with some very sore muscles today--apparently I had not used these in particular very much this winter--from playing in the dirt on my knees so long yesterday!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Same here, sore muscles, from my long adventure at the Arnold Arboretum with Patti and her DH! (Not quite the same, but almost....)

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

It is an annual here - i think it is hardy for like z9? i think it can also be brought indoors, but i am not a houseplant kind of girl. Has anyone else grown it? Do you think i can just take the flowers off, like coleus, without hurting it? i reallyreally like the ethereal lovely foliage...

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

A few new items I picked up yesterday.....

Clematis integrifolia
Solitary, violet to blue, nodding, bell-shaped flowers. This is actually a clambering shrub and need to be staked to grow upright or they can be left to wind through neighboring plants.
Zone: 3-7 Height: 18-36''

Chrysanthemum weyrichii 'Pink Bomb' (Dendranthema weyrichii 'Pink Bomb') Z: 4-9
A dwarf Dendranthema or hardy Mum. Looks like a 'Mum' but is an easy care, dependable perennial that doesn't need to be pinched, doesn't die out in the middle like 'Mums'. Short lived in heavy soil but easy in well-drained. Quickly makes a carpet. A zone hardier than most hardy mums.

Creeping Phlox, 'White Delight'
Creeping Phlox, 'Admiral Red'

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


HCG has the most amazing, meticulous packaging. The box is huge, your heart swells with wow, they sent me HUGE plants, but no, they may even be on the small side (but very healthy and strong).You'll need a box cutter to get them out though, they are so carefully packaged, wrapped, taped, double-boxed and custom packed! It's the most unbelievably careful packaging I have ever seen.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

marcha, Welcome to the N.E. forum!!
I have the periwinkle and they will be just fine with how you planted them. Mine have spread quite a bit since I first got them, they bloom spring and rebloom in the fall here.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

:-( DH cannot abide them. . . I'm quite fond of them, especially over little bulbs.

Thomaston, CT

I'm sure, amy, that you can pick off the flowers on anything without hurting the foliage--will probably give the foliage more vigor! Thanks, Carrie, for update on HCG--the order should have been here by now. Your vinca should do well in the hills of Moodirt, Marcha--mine grows like crazy in the sandy soil by the road, under the hostas, in the shade garden--I guess you can't kill it--I have a magenta purple, also a variegated gold & green leaf.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Thanks ROBIN!

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

WOOHOO...Got home from the garden helpline today, and what's on my front porch? The order from Oakes DLs. The peeps at Oake's never disappoint, but...HOLY CRAP_O_LA...these clumps were the biggest yet from them! Maybe because I have bought from them almost every year for the past 5, sometimes with multiple orders, they sent larger than average clumps. Yes, you read it correctly CLUMPS!

Thumbnail by Hemhostaholic
Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

This is a 1lb. clump...lol...of 'Lavender Deal'

This message was edited May 16, 2008 12:40 PM

Thumbnail by Hemhostaholic
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Looks great, Thom! But their stuff always is.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Victor-They rock! I almost always "have to" put an order in with them. I know they don't have many (if at all) of the "newer" varieties BUT what they do have never fails, and is always so awesomely great. I'm almost complete with my DL fix for this month! lol. Here is a mediocre pic of all the new DL kids...

Thumbnail by Hemhostaholic
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Thom I got mine from Oakes yesterday.....DH says "How many fans did you order of 'Harbor Gate' "? Me ~ "Just 2 fans Dear"
DH~ "Well ya got 5!!!!" I love to order from Oakes too!!!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

We (I) got a dwarf boxwood at Home Depot yesterday or the day before and a bunch of other annuals which I know I could have winter sowed but they wouldn't be blooming until July, and I don't have lights or space (at least until I get rid of a kid or two). I think I'm going to ask the town to cut down the dying Norway Maple in front of my house, and their inclination is to plant a Bradford pear in its place. I think I'll buy a redbud or something (if it will grow on a street) and ask them to plant it instead.

What I have bought so far this year:
Astible - 2 lilac, 2 pink, 1 red, 1 light pink @ 3.50 /gallon pot
glads- mixed corms large, .50 cents for 20/ yard sale.
hosta blue boy, 2 3-5 eyes for 2.95
dianthus, pinks and others
begonias 6pk/ 90 cents
yarrow /gallon pot 3.50
hosta sum and sub /gallon pot 3.50
salvia, peach 4 pk .90
cardinal flowers
sundrops . 3 different types,
red pine
scabosia - pink 2
crazy daisy
double decker coneflower
poppies, oriental/ tulip/ iceland
sedum voodoo and a pretty pink one, dragons blood, stonecrop ( the one that forms a clump ) sedum brillant
sib. iris
tb irises about 18
creeping phlox, candy cane, blue
larkspar and delphiniums
mock orange/double
multi color butterfly bush + 2 others
brass buttons
josie lilac
spirea, old fashioned big bush
cannas, caladiums, astaic lilies, oriental lilies, ixia, sword lily, hens and chicks, flowering maples,
and tons of others . I won't need much next year. I am done buying for this season.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Now, there's a list!
Good luck with it all, and don't forget to take photos to share.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow. You SURE you're done, now? When you say flowering maple, you mean abutilon? Are the lilies - the true lilies - perennial? Who's gonna plant all this booty? Was it all at once, or in dribs and drabs? That's such a list - there wouldn't be space in my town for those goodies. Drool.. drool... drool... Yes, please take pictures!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Nice list and very busy gardner!!!

This message was edited May 16, 2008 9:12 PM

Brattleboro, VT(Zone 5a)

pixie - Glad to hear you think my periwinkle planting method will work. I bought 15 more plants, but put in only about half of them today to give my body a break. Hope to do the rest tomorrow. I did not realize they might bloom again in the fall. Since we are the same zone, perhaps mine will do that as well. In any case, I am looking forward to improving this dreary spot where the only thing I have growing so far is some hosta.

oh it is all planted. Yes they are true lilies. I did not buy hardly anything in the way of annuals , I started them in Feb., did 10 flats, they are hardened off and in the ground. We moved here last May, I also planted a Norway Maple , seedling of my grandfather's. Weeping willow, 12 or so, that grew in our poor pool ( liner tore and former owners left it go) also in there was corkscrew willows ( our neighbor down the road has both weeping and corkscrew , he came up and ided them) also pussy willow. Tree heights for the pool babies are 12inch to 10 foot. FUN!
I have 4 main gardens, a hold-over garden for perennials. Am I done ? Probably not , I have come across alot of terrific buys this springs and if I see something I fancy I just may jump. But right now I am working on mulching everything, no fun around the baby seedlings coming up, yes I seeded too. And planting around the civil war style fence, I hate to move under it, it tends to fall down at spots!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, I'm about to have the town come cut down the Norway maple on our sidewalk. They were the sidewalk tree of choice in the 1950's and now one by one they are getting sick or cracking and falling down. They are also a noxious weed, at least in MA. I hope you never regret that choice - you will be weeding or mowing seedlings out for the rest of your life!

I do understand the sentimental value of a passed-down plant - I wish I had ANY plant that was my grandparent's. If I were you, I would plant a shade-accepting ground cover (like vinca) (or hosta) under that Norway maple while the roots are still little enough that you can. Its roots grow VERY shallow and close to the surface - it's hard to get anything started once the roots get going. And the shade is very dense - hard to get grass to stay growing under it if that's your intent. (Baby Norway maples don't mind a bit!) Do you know what cultivar?

Sorry to be foaming at the mouth like this - I'll go and splash some cold water on my face!


Dunkirk, NY(Zone 6a)

Home Depot has azaleas for $2.49 each as a promo - I bought 12! I have four left to put in the ground. I also went crazy and ordered something like 80 different packets of seeds on ebay. I have mixed luck with seeds, but usually manage to get a few goodies out of every attempt!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

What an awesome buy, Shirley. How tall were they?

Dunkirk, NY(Zone 6a)

Candyce, they're just in one quart pots, so just barely a foot tall. My mom made a good point, though - that younger plants will transplant better anyway. I'm telling myself they're going to grow like mad LOL. I got a bunch of Fisher Salmon, which looks very much like the Rhody in the first pic on this thread, and a deep pink whose name escapes me at the moment. They also have "Tradition" and a white variety. Very healthy and smothered in blooms! The deep pink blooms are fading now but the fisher salmon looks fabulous - very long lasting blooms. I planted one in front of a forsythia and I hope they bloom around the same time because the two colors look stunning together!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh, that sounds stunning!
Do you have a camera so that you can take photos of your new babies?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Order from Edible Landscaping yesterday. Key Lime (huge! - a bit over five feet), serviceberry, persimmons and fig.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow! Victor, that's an enormous Key Lime.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I better learn to make the pie!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Victorgardener: how did you get a key lime tree especially one that big??? I didn't know they could be shipped out. Off to Edible landscaping to see if I can get one. I love key lime pie.....

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Key Lime Pie is my favorite. Do you have to overwinter indoors? That would count me out. But I do love that pie!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes - it will have to come inside.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)


It is one of those perfectly shaped Norways. They get very, very big, not a good choice at all for a side-walk plant. Yes, I know all about the seedlings, they can be mowed off and if they get in a bed pulled. At least they do not travel by underground , I can live with pulling and mowing my parents have for years. They have 3 huge ones. Can't be beat for shade though.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have a Norway Maple that I have been babying for three years in my back yard. I am seriously jealous of anyone considering them a weed tree. I think they have the most beautiful canopy. I'll trade one of my scrub oaks for one Norway Maple.........any takers?? lol

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I don't have room for the oaks, but Norway maple seedlings are in the top 10 weeds I pull here.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

o, i want a key lime tree - i never do plants indoors, but i might make an exception...

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

That Key Lime is gorgeous, Victor! What a great choice.

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