Mini coop for DC area swap, hellebores, pulmonarias, etc.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The pots are 3 inches by 3 inches and 3.5 inches deep. A very good size and quite a bit bigger than the little 72 plant flat plants.

Walmart had huge pots of the double decker echinacea last summer for $3, as well as Ruby Star and some others. Ferns and heucheras - I'm struggling to keep the ones I have alive and I know I don't want any of those. Besides, that's something else I can get at Webers' sale cheap -$2.50 for a big quart pot and the last two years they've had the fancier brand new heucheras. Let me know if you want me to look for some for you at the sale in June.

Poppies are nice for sun. (snicker)

Okay, okay, what about lupines? They have red, pink or blue for 95 cents each in the 25 plant flats. I kill them but I'm always willing to try again.

What about this salvia? It's pretty gorgeous and only $1.10 each.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

All I need to do today is order what we are sure of to reserve it. We don't want them to mail the boxes until closer to the swap, right? So we can still aim for 12 trays! No Echinacea for me -- no sun, sadly. I kill lupines too.

Do they have any Epimedium?

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Depending on the one/ones you choose, I would get some of the epimedium. I already have some of it but let me know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know everybody says poppies are great for sun, but I've never had them do well here... maybe poppies from plants would do better than poppies from seed? You know how easy it is to twist my arm!

OK, with wyldeflwr taking 3 more, I think 4 remain on the Brunnera.

I will take the 9 Pulmonaria (I'd said up to 9 was fine), which finishes out that flat.

I'll take 5 Coreopsis, too, to finish off that flat.

East Friesland is a nice Salvia, but Carradonna is my favorite S. nemorosa, with purple stems which make it even prettier than EF. But Carradonna can't be had for $1.10 a pot, so... I'd probably pass on the S. nemorosa, though, because I want to winter sow a flat or two of it next year to add to the border along the edge of the yard.

Thanks for the tip -- I'll watch for the DD Echinacea. Maybe it's become cheap because of the newer varieties that are out now. :-)

OK, I'm going to go drool over that website some more... hmmm, can Asters take shade? I'd take half a flat of Wood's Purple!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, thinking again of my mom and MIL with their shady yards... and Happy & Miata, of course! LOL

What about the astilbes? Looks like they might come dormant/bagged rather than in flats, which should be fine... might call and see if they can ship bare root together with flats...

I've got places for just a couple astilbes, but I could fit several into either mom's yard... so I'd take at least 10 of a given color, preferable 'Amethyst' or one of the whites or a pinkish one (not peach or red, please). The less bold colors have more of a "wildflower" look to me, which I think I prefer.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill: You can get Double Decker by seed:

I'd love the other half of the Wood's Purple, or less if someone else wants some.

I'll take any of the Astilbes -- I have tons, but can always use more. I don't care what cultivar, so long as someone googles it to make sure it is a good one. Amethyst or white or pink are all fine with me. I'd prefer taller (usually I like shorter, but not this time). But I'm ok with anything. Please check the availability.

I need to get back to work so I can't spend a lot of time on this today, but I'd like to call in a preliminary order today.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I wonder if they can fit a bag of astilbes in a box with 3 flats...

It sounds like we could make Wood's Purple Aster be our 9th flat (Happy & I will share if others want some)... ?

I agree; we need to call in today to at least put a hold on what we know we want so far... if something sells out, we'll end up scrambling again!

Wyld... I had also offered to take more of the Rozanne... if you have plans for 7 plants, that's fine, but would you rather split those last 4 with me to finish the flat? that would give you 5 and me 8 (gives me a group of 5 and a group of 3 for planting -- works). I'll enter the numbers as 2 more for you, 2 more for me, but we can juggle again, no problem. I'm easy. :-)

updated totals, ready to order 9 flats to fill 3 shipping boxes:

Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady
Bec (3) Miatablu (2) Gita (2) Hart (4) larlienda (3) dragonfly (2) Happy (9)
Hellebore Double Queen
Bec (3) Miatablu (2) Gita (1) Hart (2) dragonfly (2) Critter (3) Happy (3) Lastelf (9)
Achillea Apple Blossom
dragonfly (5) critter (3) Happy (6) Larlienda (5) Lastelf (6)

Coreopsis American Dream
dragon (5) Happy (6) Lastelf (9)
Hakonechloa Aureola
wyldeflwr (6) hart (2) Happy (17)
Geranium Rozanne
wyldeflwr (5) hart (3) larlienda (3) critter (8) Happy (6)

Brunnera Dawson's White
wyldeflwr (6) hart (1) larlienda (2) critter (6) Happy (6) 4 REMAIN which Happy said she'd guarantee
Pulmonaria EB Anderson
wyldefwr (3) hart (5) larlienda (2) Happy (6) Critter (9)
Aster 'Woods Purple'
Happy (12) Critter (13) -- and we'll share these out if others want them too

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill: Thanks for updating Hart's list. I'll call and place a preliminary order.

I'm hoping to check with Hart first and make sure this is all ok with her, since she is doing the lion's share of the work.

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

critter, five for me is fine on the Rozanne.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I've been trying to reach the vendor. All circuits are busy! Do you think there's a run on the bank?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Aster wood's purple is available. That's a short one, did you notice? They have some other asters available if you'd rather have a tall one.

Lynda said she would take some more of the pulmonarias but won't be home until this evening. We can make any shifts later.

This looks fine. I'm glad you were able to find another one you all liked.

Critter, thanks so much for doing the new list. I'll be happy to keep a lookout for the echinacea at the Walmart here for you. I got some of the Ruby Stars last year and they're doing very well. They have huge, dark pink flowers.

It looks like we're all set to go. Happy, I'm thinking have them arrive around May 16th or the 19th just to make absolutely sure they're here by the 24th. I'm going to dmail you my contact info so you don't have to go through the board to get me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Short works for me with the asters... I have a harder time finding great place for tall plants, actually!

I'm quite happy with 9 Pulmonarias. I don't want to be greedy, but I'll be parceling them out between 3 yards. If possible, I'd like to keep 7 at least (3 for my mom, 3 for my MIL -- to go with their Brunneras -- and 1 for my small shade garden).

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

There may be something wrong with my phone. I keep getting busy circuits. I'll try my cell if it doesn't clear up shortly.

I'll ask about astilbes too.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think she was taking some more to help out and also because I told her they wouldn't be killed by the black walnuts. She has the same problem I do - huge areas where only juglone tolerant plants can be planted because there are black walnuts all over.

Happy, if they opened at 9 am, they would just be opening today. That might be why the phones are busy. Check your dmail - I sent you my address, which you'll need for mailing them.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hart, no worries... as you said, we can continue to juggle numbers after we place the order. Heck, until I finally clicked that link yesterday I didn't even know I wanted Pulmonaria, LOL! (I didn't love the foliage of that other silvery one.)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have three other pulmonarias and one of them has the silvery foliage. It's actually very beautiful and one of those lights up the shade plants. I think it's just hard to photograph. The silvery one I have is a different variety than Majeste and has been very vigorous. It's this one:

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

:-) I believe you! It just didn't grab me the way the silver-splashed leaves did... just watch, that one will turn out to be very boring in person, LOL.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I just called; they have everything in stock. The person I spoke to (Cindy) said they weren't likely to sell out of any soon. She didn't seem to want to take a partial order, and I am waiting on a client call-back so I didn't push the issue. She said that they would probably come 2 to a box, not 3 to a box, and she thought the astilbe could fit in with the others -- but she pointed out they ship UPS ground and it is priced by weight. They only ship Mondays.

Cindy suggested May 5 to be sure they are here on time (that's Monday).

On the other hand, Hart, you'll have to baby them because I'm sure they aren't hardened off, and shade may be a challenge for you. I would think the 12th would be more than soon enough. Of course, on the other hand, if it gets too hot in transit the plants will suffer, but I would think mid-May should be ok.

We should decide on any last plants (like Astible). It sounds as if there is no magic in getting muliples of 3.

If anyone wants a full tray of something, I could also have part of it shipped to me -- let me know (soon).

Gotta run.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 3:28 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That date isn't a problem, Happy. I have plenty of shade on the patio under the pergola. Don't worry, I'll take good care of them.

If they're two to a box, are the asters going to be a problem? If Lynda is going to help bring some, do we need to look at getting another flat to make it an even number?

Would anybody like to split a flat of the heleniums with me? At 80 cents apiece that's only about $10 each.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Re heleniums: I would but I don't have sun -- I'm sorry, Hart. I'd kill 'em really fast. Critter? Anyone else?

I don't think we have to worry about how they'll fit them in a box too much since it goes by weight. Cindy didn't seem concerned. But aren't we at an even 12 flats? See Critter's list, above. That's what I went by.

Everyone should check what Critter has you down for to confirm that looks right!

I'm going to take one last look at their offerings.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, so who wants Astilbe? :-) Good to know they'll fit in the box! I figure bare root plants shouldn't add too much to the weight.

I love 'Amethyst', but it does look like that's a shorter one. 'Bridal Veil' may be the tallest white they have, at 28 inches (in bloom) according to Bluestone's description. I know I said "no red," but now I have this recollection of making a note that I loved 'Fanal' when I saw it at the Philly flower show a couple years ago... deep beet red color. Those 3 would probably be my top picks.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I split that list up by three's to make for easy counting... we're currently at 9 flats. :-)

The heleniums are red & yellow, right?... sorry, just not wild about adding any more of those colors. Hart, can I make it up to you by telling you I just spotted a little salvia that I think is probably a 'Caradonna' volunteer, and that I'll pot it up & put your name on it?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sounds wonderful, Critter. I think I'm helenium doomed. LOL I've been trying to get some for years. I did get one in a trade a couple of years ago and I keep willing it to spread but it hasn't. Yes, the heleniums they have in are in links I posted up a ways. They're both red.

Critter, would some goatsbeard help you with your astilble need? It has white flowers and looks just like astilbe. I can dig you some of mine.

I'll go for some astilbes if they're any color besides white.

I don't see amethyst or bridal veil on the availability list. They have fanal as either bareroots at $1.05 each or in 25-plant flats at 75 cents each. Do you like dark pink? The rheinland is only 60 cents each, bareroots.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I like almost any astilbe. I'd especially like some really tall ones. I like Erika. I like short ones. I'm easy. But I don't want more than 1/2 flat of any one type.

Does no one but Jill and me want Astilbe? I'd be ok w/ 1/2 a "flat" each of the three you mentioned, Jill.

Is anyone interested in Astilbe Erika? Another tall one -- pinkish.

I got a bunch of bare root astilbe's last year nd they all did great.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 5:43 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart: If you really have any extra Aruncus (how is that possible???), I'd love some. But I can't imagine having too much of that. I've had one forever, and it never increases.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Mine isn't huge but I'm sure I can get enough for you and critter too if she wants some.

Happy, did you get my dmail with the contact info, address and so forth?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes. I was waiting to firm up the astilbe order -- I think it is just Critter and I who are interested, yes?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I would love some astilbe. :)

My garden is shades of pinks, purples and yellows with white accents.

So any astilbe in that range would be lovely. I'm fine with left overs of anything as you all work this out. I started with a blank half acre, so I still have room, and of course, there is the new front bed.

The areas that will eventually become shaded are starting to grow, so I'm ready to start with the shade plants. I'm hoping to get Gita down here one day soon so she can tell me what I need to do next!

Blessings on your graden,

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm waiting for Lynda to get home to see if she wants to split a flat of heleniums with me. LOL

Which astilbe did you all want to get?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Actually, I'd prefer Goatsbeard to white astilbe... Thank you, hart! Those Geranium Biokovo cuttings are looking a little wilted at present, but I think they'll perk up... I stuck them 3 to a pot, so if we get just 1 in 3 to take, we're good.

Happy, I thought you wanted tall astilbes? Did you change your mind?

I'm totally jazzed about 'Amethyst', and I fell for 'Fanal' at the Philly flower show a couple of years ago... my recollection is that it is not the bright red shown in the photo but rather a deeper, beet-root color, very similar to the color of 'Woodstock' oriental hyacinths or the veining in sorrel or "bloody dock."

I found this description of 'Fanal' here

"‘Fanal’ is noted for having perhaps the darkest red flowers of any of the astilbes and for its bronze foliage. It is a compact cultivar which typically forms a foliage mound to 9-12” tall with narrow panicles of dark crimson red flowers appearing on upright, 15-18” tall stems. Foliage emerges bronze but tends to turn dark green with a reddish tint as the summer progresses."

This photo at BloomingBulb more closely matches my recollection of it:

(You'd think I could put my hands on a photo of it from the show, but noooo.... LOL)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I was wrong about fanal being available in the flats. It is available in the bareroots at $1.05. The amethyst is gorgeous. Wish they had it in stock for you.

Okay, Lynda will split the heleniums with me so could you add a flat of the Heleniums red shades, Happy? Flat of 25, 80 cents each.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hart, where are you looking to check availability? When I click on 'Amethyst', it says "In Stock 750." Is there an availability list somewhere that's more up to date?

Although there are smaller astilbe divisions available on some of them, I think I'd rather get the larger divisions... 60 cents for 1-2 eye vs. $1.05 for 3-5 eye... I think I'd rather have a bigger plant sooner!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

On the main page, click where it says availability download. It's a pdf file. That's updated every week. I see what you mean, though. It does say it's available on the page for that plant. Why don't you have Happy ask about it when she calls? You could always have an alternative ready if that one is out of stock.

I just checked. The page for the smokey blue pulmonaria says the same thing - in stock, 750. But it's not on the current availability list.

I was just trying to save you some money. LOL

I hope Happy sees my note about the helenium.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 8:14 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Critter and HArt!

I had the same kind of question about the Stargazers. The web page says that they have 700 available. They have us all a bit confused. :) It also says that they area vailable. They are also listed as a "Best Seller."

I've written to them to find out what source we should pay attention to as far as availability goes.


This message was edited Apr 29, 2008 8:43 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would imagine the list that's updated every Monday is what is correct rather than webpages that are updated who knows when.

Has anyone heard from Happy? I wonder if she's having phone problems again and maybe her computer is down?

I just clicked on quite a few pages for individual plants. All of them say available, 750, the same thing, whether they're on the available list or not.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady
Bec (3) Miatablu (2) Gita (2) Hart (4) larlienda (3) dragonfly (2) Happy (9)

Hellebore Double Queen
Bec (3) Miatablu (2) Gita (1) Hart (2) dragonfly (2) Critter (3) Happy (3) Lastelf (9)

Achillea Apple Blossom
dragonfly (5) critter (3) Happy (6) Larlienda (5) Lastelf (6)

Coreopsis American Dream
dragon (5) Happy (6) Lastelf (9)

Hakonechloa Aureola
wyldeflwr (6) hart (2) Happy (17)

Geranium Rozanne
wyldeflwr (5) hart (3) larlienda (3) critter (8) Happy (6)

Brunnera Dawson's White
wyldeflwr (6) hart (1) larlienda (2) critter (6) Happy (6) 4 REMAIN which Happy said she'd guarantee

Pulmonaria EB Anderson
wyldefwr (3) hart (5) larlienda (2) Happy (6) Critter (9)

Aster 'Woods Purple'
Happy (12) Critter (13) -- and we'll share these out if others want them too

Critter () Happy () Lastelf ()

Helenium Red Shades
Hart (13) Larlienda (12)

Just updating the list and putting in some spaces between the plants so that it's easier to read.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sorry -- I got incredibly sleepy all of a sudden and went to bed early.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok. I'll ask about Stargazers and Smoky Blue Pulmonaria just in case.

Critter: I'll order bags (25) of Astilbe Fanal and Amethyst, large divisions @ 1.05. How many do you want of that?

Lastelf: I'm also going to order full bags (25) of Erika (pink), White Gloria (white) and Ostridge Plume (pink with distinctive droopy blooms), all 1.05 a plant. They are all tall (18" when not in bloom, close to 30" in bloom). Do those appeal to you? I need some height in the back of a new shade bed. Since they are bare root, they'll be easy for me to post on "co-ops" and mail if no one here wants them. Anyone else interested?

I ordered Astilbe last year from a co-op, bare root, and they did fine, though it did take a while for them to break dormancy.

Hart: You should give any Aruncus divisions you have to Jill. I am looking for a bunch -- maybe 10. I have some seed I just bought, so I may see how long they will take from seed.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

happy, i may be interested in some astilbes....let me wake up enough to go look them up

i was really tickled to find some of mine from last year putting on growth for spring :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

They are supposed to be long-lived, as long as they get enough moisture. My goal is a garden that doesn't require a lot of replenishing each year!

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