Mini coop for DC area swap, hellebores, pulmonarias, etc.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

WOoooOO, WOoooOO, WOoooOO!!!! Enabler siren has gone off!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Don't think i can do both--the Swap AND the Herb Festival! Kind of in different directions.....
I always drive down to Sally's (maybe a 20-30 min. drive) and then we load everything in her SUV and head off wherever! Besides--she will have Shirley carpooling with us too.

One of these days,,,when i stop working all together...Yeah, right!---I will be able to attend everything and anything.....BUT--Need to pay my bills with something! Being all on my own, with a fairly big house to maintain--heat, AC in Summer, Pay taxes and insurances on-- is not all that simple! So, while I am able and have the energy to do it--I will continue working.....Love all the people there anyway! Sort of, my surrogate "family".

I am adding a couple things to my "haves" today......for the Swap.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It wasn't an entirely serious suggestion, Gita! ;-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hey, Lastelf, who told you NW had an order minimum of $100? The only minimum is 25 plants. This is from their ordering info page.

"There is no dollar amount minimum. Minimum order per variety is 25 bare root plants unless otherwise indicated. We do not ship partial bags. Minimum order for plug trays is 1 tray per variety. We do not ship mixed or partial trays."

No reason why you can't order your own stargazers when they come in. Shipping shouldn't be too bad on bulbs.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Hart!

That's where I started. I tried to order the Stargazers on my own but was informed that there was a minimum $100 order.


Blessings on your garden,

Shenandoah Valley, VA

What I posted above is from their ordering information page. Whoever told you that must not read their webpage. I'd call back.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Hart!

You're an angel.

I'd love to know for sure. Thank you! Maybe they'll be nice about the whole thing based on this order.

Ya just never know.

Blessings on your garden,

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Here's the link where you'll find that text.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Why not call them? Maybe they will agree to piggyback it on this order, with a later delivery when they get their shipment and mailed directly to you?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Hart: That's what the web says, but if you add a tray to your cart this message pops up:

A minimum order amount of $100.00 is required in order to checkout.

And then there is no checkout available untill you get that amount, so it's all kind of weird.

Happy- Good idea. I wonder if they'll play? I'll get to them after wook. I have students arriving in a couple of minutes.

Blessings on your garden,

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Call and ask for Cindy. She's very nice. They're on Pacific Time so you can easily call them after work here.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And if they want to keep it all on one order, they can use my credit card for your order.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Hart, Happy - I have to drop out of the swap, but I still want to pay for the co-op plants. Would it be possible for you to box them up and send to me when you get a chance? I think they should all fit in a flat rate box if you de-pot them. It doesn't have to be done before the swap, there's no rush

If you would rather not, just let me know what I owe and I'll send a check and you can share them out, ok?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Aw, Terri. I can mail them to you. I should be able to mail them before the swap. But I'm really sorry you're going to have to miss the swap.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Terri: If you'd prefer to back out of the co-op, that is totally fine -- it seems a shame to have to add on the cost of mailing them to you. I am sure we'll be able to find other homes for the plants. As it is, there are a few that need homes. I was going to post a thread on the co-op forum if they weren't taken at the swap.

And of course, if you'd prefer to have the plants anyway, that's find too. Whatever works best for you. I'm just sorry you can't make the swap!

Is there no way for you to drive to the house of someone else who is coming, and carpool from there? Of course, given all that is going on with your daughter you may need a free weekend as much as anything.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i can take the 5 ostrich plume astilbles.....

Terri, sorry to hear about all that is going on....i hope things get better quickly :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I put you down for them, Larlienda.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah, I'm sorry to miss it too, I was looking forward to meeting with everyone! I wish there was someone near me going but I'm in extreme southern Virginia, only 20 minutes or so from the N Carolina line.

Happy, I don't want to back out of the co-op, I hated it when people did that to me and I am really looking forward to the Achillea and others, so if Hart can pack 'em in some newspaper and put them in a flat rate box, I still want them. It is still cheaper than driving 4 hours each way in a van that only gets 20 mpg, LOL!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Terri: That's totally fine if you still want the plants. But if your concern is that you don't want to be "backing out of a co-op", that's a complete non-issue from my perspective. We'll be able to find homes for the plants, and you don't need to feel any obligation at all.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You're somewhere near Susan, aren't you? Susan -- in case your unspecified reason has anything to do with costs also, maybe the two of you could ride together? I'll chip in to help fill your tank...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Me too!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Me three!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Well, shoot, I've been dmailing everybody asking if we couldn't just do that. Terri and Susan, I'm sure we could come up with enough gas money to get you all to the swap. For purely selfish reasons - we want to see both of your lovely faces at the swap.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I've dmailed everyone who is planning to attend, at least I think I have, to see if they're interested in helping. Haven't heard back from several. Some may not be in a position to help.

Haven't heard from Terri either. Susan, save me a dmail and let me know if this would make it possible for you to attend, pretty please.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okay, Happy is busy so here's the payment info. You can either by check or Paypal. She prefers checks. You'll find Happy's address in the address exchange (go to the main page, click on extras, click on address exchange) under happy-macomb. Or you can pay her through Paypal with this email: dmiller @ Take out the spaces I put in before and after the @ to make sure spammers' bots can't get her email address.

I did tallies and I think everything is right. It adds up and I tripled check all the numbers. Let me know if anything is incorrect.

Shipping came to a fraction of a cent less than 50 cents per plant. I figure we can donate those cent fractions to Happy.


3 hellebore metallic blue lady @ $3 = 9
3 hellebore double queen @ $2.50 = 7.50 total for plants 16.50
6 @ .50 shipping = 3
TOTAL: $19.50

2 hellebore metallic blue lady @ $3 = 6
2 hellebore double queen @ $2.50 = 5 total 11
4 @ .50 = 2
TOTAL: $13

2 hellebore blue lady @ 3 = 6
1hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 2.50
3 astilbe fanal @ 1.05 = 3.15 total 11.65
6 @ .50 = 3
TOTAL: $14.65

4 hellebore blue lady @ 3 = 12
2 hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 5
2 Hakone aureola @ 2 = 4
3 geranium rozanne @ 3 = 9
1 brunnera dawson's white @ 3 = 3
5 pulmonaria eb anderson @ 1.40 = 7
13 helenium red shades @ .80 = 10.40 total 50.40
30 @ .50 = 15
TOTAL: $65.40

3 hellebore blue lady @ 3 = 9
5 achillea apple blossom @ 1 = 5
3 geranium rozanne @ 3 = 9
2 brunnera dawson's white @ 3 = 6
2 pulmonaria eb anderson @ 1.40 = 2.80
5 astbilbe ostrich plume @ 1.05 = 5.25
12 helenium red shades @ .80 = 9.60 total 46.65
32 @ .50 = 16
TOTAL: $62.65

2 hellebore blue lady @ 3 = 6
2 hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 5
5 achillea apple blosson @ 1 = 5
5 coreopsis american dream @ 1 = 5 total 21
14 @ .50 = 7
TOTAL: $28

9 hellebore blue lady @ 3 = 27
3 hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 7.50
6 achillea apple blossom @ 1 = 6
6 coreopsis american dream @ 1 = 6
17 hakone aureola @ 2 = 34
6 geranium rozanne @ 3 = 18
6 brunnera dawson's white @ 3 = 18
6 pulmonaria eb anderson @ 1.40 = 8.40
12 aster woods purple @ 1.05 = 12.60
6 astilbe fanal @ 1.05 = 6.30
9 astilbe erika @ 1.05 = 9.45
10 astilbe white gloria @ 1.05 = 10.50
10 astilbe ostrich plume @ 1.05 = 10.50 total 174.25
106 @ .50 = 53
TOTAL: $227.25

9 hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 22.50
6 achillea apple blossom @ 1 = 6
9 coreopsis american dream @ 1 = 9
10 astilbe erika @ 1.05 = 10.50
8 astilble white gloria @ 1.05 = 6.40
10 astilbe ostrich plume @ 1.05 = 10.50 total 66.90
52 @ = 26
TOTAL: $92.90

6 hakone aureola @ 2 = 12
5 geranium rozanne @ 3 = 15
6 brunnera dawson's white @ 3 = 18
3 pulmonaria eb anderson @ 1.40 = 4.20 total 49.20
20 @ .50 = 10
TOTAL $59.20

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oops, almost forgot

3 hellebore double queen @ 2.50 = 7.50
3 achillea apple blossom @ 1 = 3
8 geranium rozanne @ 3 = 24
6 brunnera dawson's white @ 3 = 18
9 pulmonaria eb anderson @ 1.40 = 12.60
13 aster woods purple @ 1.05 = 13.65
16 astilbe fanal # 1.05 = 16.80
6 astilbe erika @ 1.05 = 6.30
7 astilbe white gloria @ 1.05 = 7.35 total 109.20
71 @ .50 = 35.50
TOTAL: $144.70

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Can we pay happy for al these at the Swap or does it have to be paid ahead of time???

Thanks, Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

She's already paid for the plants so I imagine she'd rather be paid ahead of time. I would guess she'd rather not be worrying about collecting for plants at the swap either.

Happy's having a busy week with a little family issue this week but maybe she'll see your question.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm ok if you pay me at the swap, but I'd slightly prefer to be paid ahead just so I don't have to be juggling checks at the swap. But it's no biggie -- do whatever is easier for you. My address is in "extras" if you want to mail a check.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Mailed my check on Monday... hope it arrived!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It did -- thanks!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Elf and Larlienda for paypal (Larlienda -- I owe you 16 cents!).

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sigh -- I'm finally depositing everyone's checks -- if I've messed up your accounting by waiting so long, please let me know and I'll hold off until you tell me I can deposit it. I've been madly cleaning my desk -- I can almost see wood!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Will wonders never cease? I figured you would eventually get around to it. No problem on this end. The money is still there waiting on you.
Hugs, Shirley

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


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