Chit Chat... Everyone welcome. Part 20

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Dutch lady, not a bad idea....! I just might take you up on that offer....I will come up with a design that works in a couple of weeks and post some pics.

I designed and sewed costumes for the theater and many other things both personally and professionally most of my adult life. I stopped sewing about 4 years tired of it. I do that every now and then. Then after a couple of years I pick up the needle again when I want something I can't find to buy. Guess it's time!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lizette, the seeds arrived today, thank you, thank you!

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

You are very welcome!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, I guess I'm going fishing tomorrow. : ) Probably freshwater this time, don't know where just yet, gonna let DH decide in the morning. Got my fishing license and pole all ready. Hope I don't worry about my plants while I'm gone. lol

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Ugh! Today was mostly about business matters requiring me to take a shower and put on goin-to-town clothes. I didn't shave though. I still have several days before I must be completely presentable for the zoo job. But it was a productive day in finding out some information I needed and handling some concerns.

Having the good car (the 97 Mustang) instead of the old 79 Chevy van (one more year and I can register it as "collectible!") gave me the opportunity to run by the garden center at Lowe's - ostensibly just to replace the hand pruners and pruning saw that I lost somewhere in my yard. I will need them for the zoo job Monday and to use for continuing to tackle my "native habitat/public nuisance" depending on who is viewing it.

Several plants screamed to be rescued from the Lowe's racks. Two gerberas out of flower for 99 cents each, a straw flower (Helichrysum) and an Argyranthemum 'double pink' both half-price at $3.50 each, a Justicia for $1.75, and nine 4 inch pots of yellow Gazania. I couldn't find the price on these so I asked one of the Lowe's garden staff who turned out to be the garden manager if they were on the sale rack. She said, "Yes, you can have them for 25 cents each," so I grabbed a flat of them.

My newest plant obsession, it seems is my cacti and succulent garden. I had lots of the mini-cacti and succulents left over from the Lowe's cull packs last year. Most of them would not survive the winter here, and they wouldn't do well in the humid green house, so I built a plastic home for them in the area where my pony tail palm and plumeria and some other tender tropicals are planted. Everything came thru the winter great in the plastic house, especially the weeds. I spent the first few hours this morning pulling weeds carefully out of the raised gravel planting bed, which is about 6 x 6 ft.

So, I just had to have some new cacti and succulents to fill in a few remaining empty spots. I got two little 4 inch pots of some as yet unidentified succulents -- one of them is made up of layers of flat leaves that stack up to make sort of a small rectangular pagoda shape. I debated quite a while before spending nearly nine dollars on one 6 inch basket of banana vine succulent (Senecio radicans), but I finally took the plunge. The cashier then told me she has a banana vine succulent that hangs down about 8 ft, so I'm glad I bought it. It should be awesome in a year or so.

If anyone has the closely related string of pearls succulent (Senecio rowleyanus), maybe we can arrange a swap for some of my banana vine? I think both of them will root in sand with no effort. It was the string of pearls I was really looking for, but the banana vine was all that was available.

Buying some new plants always gives me a giddy feeling of delight! Something new to look forward to watching grow and develop.


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, Jeremy, I get kinda giddy when I am buying plants, also. : )

Hey everybody, I thought when I got home today, there would be lots on here to read. NOT. : )

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Has anyone heard from Mol;ly?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I haven't. : (

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone :)

I had thought about those apron thingy's the workmen wear but just decided it would get in the way. I can't stand gardening gloves either .

I haven't been to Lowes in ages , and reading this maybe I shouldn't. Too many things to buy!!!. I have been so bad lately buying plants . lol and I tell myself, hey they are perennials (sp) once the gardens full you don't need to buy that is going to happen . There is always that just one more, or maybe I should just get a few extras just in case some don't grow!!!.

Jeremy I have some baby ones of these ( see pic ) if you wan't for your succulent patch, also 'life' plant and mother of thousands. I was told it was called Black Rose but haven't found it under that name in plant files.

Thumbnail by fleurone
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Elaine thank you so much cuttings arrived today I am thrilled!!!! :0).

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi all,, glad you got the cuttings Magi.
Cathy, I got your seeds a couple of days ago. Been busy having fun with my mom and sisters.... thanks for the extra seeds. I will have some seeds pretty soon of purple volcano salvia if you are interested. I assume they will be true to the parent plant.
Lucy, hope you are feeling better. Did you catch any fish???
Jeremy, I don't have any succulents.
yawning here.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Elaine ...Yep so excited, thank you so much....didn't think they had come as we had no packages by the door today, H came home around 6ish and picked up the mail , the stupid mail person had put the package/box in the mail box . They come around 2.30 so it had sat there cooking all that time. You had written live plants on the box, guess they don't read to well..... :(
Super Nova's leaves were just soggy mush but stalks were fine and the others look good, leaves and all . Just opened the baggies tonight and put them on a table outside , which is also shaded in the morning and then I will pot them up tommorow.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Elaine, I felt pretty good today. I might not tomorrow tho. It takes more effort using your sea legs when my DH is driving the boat. lol I would be trying to stand on the bow and fish, and the next thing I would know, DH would back the boat up without telling me. I would stagger around trying to catch my balance. lol

I caught a couple of fish, but mainly we just rode around, and looked. Saw alot of alligators, a couple of eagles, and other birds. My face and neck are a nice pink, tonight. : ) It was fun, but not as fun as saltwater.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Fleur - that is a gorgeous dark succulent! Does it get the color in sun or shade? My new succulent/cacti garden is in something close to full sun.

I can't find 'Black Rose' in Echeverias, but there is 'Black Knight' and 'Black Prince' Those two cultivars are also the only ones that show up in a Google Search, so maybe your plant is one of those?

I would love to have a leaf to grow, but let me find one of succulents to trade. I don't have a camera that will work with this computer, but am on the verge of buying a good camera so I can finally get the close up photos I struggle to get with my old Polaroid 700.

Today was an aggravating day of facing endless traffic snarls to do a few necessary errands. Geesh! Now I know why I want to hole up in my half-acre and never leave the driveway. I made some progress on being less of a public nuisance, but still a lot to go. I did let things go to near ruination last year when I was handling the thousands of plants coming in with the cull packs. There is a lot to do to pass muster, I'm sure. I spoke with the inspector this week who said the process usually works with him coming out to do another inspection this week. If I fail again, I get another 18 days to work at it. With that amount of time, he may mistake the place for Versialles when I'm done with it. LOL I am varying my tasks so I don't get totally burned out on clean-up chores -- doing some of that for a while, then stopping to play in my succulent/cacti garden (threw down a bucket full of Sedum acre cuttings to be a succulent ground cover for a good portion of the flat area of the garden, tossed on some soil and water, and walked away, knowing within a week or so it will be approaching the look of a bright, green carpet. I got the cuttings from my garden at the zoo. The Sedum acre is doing great there. I clip it off where it hangs over the planting bed curbs. The kids use the curbs as balance beams and the sedum gets squashed if I leave it on the curbs, but stays mostly intact if I prune it back. I will probably have a 3-gallon bucket of Sedum acre every few weeks. Let me know if anyone wants some.

I am a volunteer Master Gardener on duty at the zoo tomorrow with some other MGs, so not much will get done at home unless there are enough MGs to cover the Noon - 3 PM time slot. If so, I will head the 2 miles back to my house and tackle some more organizing jobs.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

175 ??

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Whatzamata Paul, you lagging again? 277


At 89 degrees it has just become too hot to garden here... sigh, I love the time of year when you can just dash outside at will and do a chore only to come inside for a rest of the fingers and the feet.... now we have to time it so the work gets done before 10.30 and after 5... SUMMER IS HERE!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Everybody go here, new thread. >>>>>

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