Chit Chat... Everyone welcome. Part 20

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Yup Easy To Grow

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

What a nice day to be outside. No humidity to speak of, and a nice cool breeze blowing. Sure wish it would have rained last night. I need some.

Have to take MIL to Dr appt at 1:30., so that kind of messes up planting until I get back. Oh well, you got to do, what you got to do. : )

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Here ya GG. That flat spline sure had us stumped at first. Dh couln't get it started to save his soul. He got frustrated and gave up. I googled it and found some DIY forum that had similarly frustrated folks talking about the flat spline. Someone had finally come along and posted the answer. From then on it was much easier. I did the spline and DH did the trimming and the removal of the old. Still it was time consuming. By the time we were almost done I had the hang of! The last section only took 15 minutes to do.

I am almost done with the "bulb and tuber" bed overthere by the pool cage. Only 6ft to go.
I know its a little late for some bulbs, but maybe they will bloom later or next year. At least they are in the ground finally.

On the East fence I almost have all the passies planted. I am reserving the invasive ones for pots and their own trellis. We put up cross pieces on the fence for a built in trellis system.
I have finally learned to plant the same types of plants together for easier care.

Still transplanting stuff from the "Now not so shady" bed....I miss that big tree somethin awful.
I promised myself I would use the whole day and not waste time....

Seeeya later !

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

lol Michelle wondered if you would notice!! :). I don't remember where I saved it from.

I have a couple of sections of the pool screen to do as well , I can manage the sides but not the top ones and two of those need repair. I use an ice pick to get the old rubbery stuff out and then just pull. Love the little tool to replace t, it reminds me off a mini pizza cutter or a pastry wheel. No idea of it's correct name.

Thanks Paul I may try some . I have 'matoes and peppers Black Pearl and Red Treasures. Tried some ordinary green pepper seed but they never appeared .
What did appear tday though and I am thrilled about is my marantas are growing, heliconias are through and my hosta plant which I had totally given up on. Oh and my tuberose as little spikes. So a good day.

Thumbnail by fleurone
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

And I captured this 'flutterby' on camera today , no idea what it is though.Was hoping for a better picture but it wasn't hanging around too long.

Thumbnail by fleurone
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Found my pics from the Lowry zoo affair so here's Mum camel

Thumbnail by fleurone
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm off all this week from the zoo job. Each day that passes, I groan a little because I could easily use about 3 - 4 weeks to stay at home and take care of things and would stay constantly busy. Great rain here yesterday! A real soaker. So glad for it because everything was looking very parched after more than a week without rain.

I'm making progress (as much as I'm willing to do) toward cleaning up my "public nuisance" weeds and rubbish (i.e., exotic plants the city inspector had probably never seen before and thus thought they were weeds, and recycled materials for fine works of sculptural assemblages that haven't been assembled yet and exist only in my mind). LOL

Yesterday before the rain, I pruned the front Podocarpus (Japanese Yew) hedges down to about 5 ft. I want them to grow taller than that, but they do best and fill out thicker if they get a good whack job in the spring. Amazing discovery with that project -- the Podocarpus are Lady Beetle factories! I've never seen so many Lady Beetles (beneficial insects) in one place ever! Of course, if there are Lady Beetles, there must be aphids, and sure enough, as I examined the fresh, succulent new growth on the Podocarpus, there were little gray aphids. There was also their sugary residue which was causing some sooty mold to grow (which is not really a problem, it doesn't really harm a plant unless it gets so thick the leaf can't get any light). I think these aphids may be specific to the Podocarpus plant the way those yellow/orange aphids seem specific to milkweed. I don't have aphids on any of my other plants, probably because the Podocarpus aphids are providing feasts for the Lady Beetles which are reproducing madly due to all the available food and are plentiful enough to eat the aphids off all my plants. About 1 out of 10 Podocarpus green tips had adult Lady Beetles or their larvae. It was amazing and very nice to see! Maybe I can go into the Lady Beetle business?

Sunday, I got the irrigation well working again. It was an easy fix, as I somewhat expected (took less than an hour). I knew it must be some electrical problem because the pump motor would shut off immediately and the GFI circuit breaker switch would shut down. All I had to do was install a breaker in the breaker box, run a direct electric cable out to the pump motor, attach the cable wires, and flip the switch. It irks me to no end to think of the (literally) $2000+ I spent on city water bills over the last year because I just couldn't get motivated out of my funk to make this simple repair, but that's how it was. Oh, well, definitely "water over the dam." The electrical problem turned out to be truly a "ground fault." The previous electrical cable that I thought had been buried deep enough got a knick in it (probably from a shovel or other tool), that cause some scorching and the plastic insulation burned off the wires. (Glad I was never standing on that spot in a heavy rain!) I only got one dose of "shock therapy" during the repair project. I turned off the breaker for the pump, but forgot to turn off the breaker for the electrical outlet that was previously wired in conjunction with the pump. I had my rubber garden flops on my feet, so I didn't know I was getting juiced til I had my finger on the hot wire and my elbow bumped against the nearby metal trellis. Just enough of a jolt to make me be a little more careful next time (as if!) LOL

Also yesterday, I cleaned the build up of algae and gunk out of Gilbert's plastic pond. The well water made it possible to clean and scrub and flush the pond several times without thinking about how much money it would have cost me if I used city water. Gilbert is getting along well with his pond buddy -- the Peking Duckling I bought shortly after Easter at the feed store (the only Peking remaining, so it was meant to be mine). The "baby" is now getting his real feathers and soon will be as big as Gilbert. No determination yet whether it is male or female. If female, I will do what the zoo does with the free range peacocks -- let the hens sit on the egg nests for a while, then remove the eggs. I truly DON'T need a Peking Duck farm! After some discussion and deliberation, it seems the duckling's name with be Sullivan. A likely pair -- Gilbert & Sullivan. The Sullivan name seems appropriate whatever sex it turns out to be. I wanted to call the duckling "Dilbert" for Dilbert & Gilbert, but Sullivan has a better ring to it.

I went by Lowe's today to get new filter pads for the biological filter in Gilbert's pond. There was a red rose bush ($12.95) on the shelf that commanded me to bring it home. It has the most perfectly formed buds/flowers I've ever seen on a rose, and it is also a TRUE, deep, velvety red. It looks like the roses used in florists' bouquets. It's cultivar/patent name is "Essence of Truth." I can't find it in Plant Files or in a Google search, so it must be a new introduction. (Darn! and my camera won't interface with the new computer that runs xp instead of Millennium, so someone may beat me to the punch for creating an entry in Plant Files before I get a new camera with some of the $600 windfall on the way and can get a photo of "Essence of Truth!!!)


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

sorry about the double post, ( gremlins)

Jeremy you have been busy!!.

Aww I love peking ducks . lol at Gilbert & Sullivan, you are hoping for Two little maids or is it As we sailed the duckpond blue'.You know you are in trouble if they come along singing 'Comes the Broken Flower ' or maybe it was 'There grew a little flower' :)

Look on the internet you shoud be able to get updated drivers

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)


I bought a $25 gizmo (card reader) to fix my photo problem. It has slots for 3 sizes of photo cards. The gizmo plugs intot he computer, the card coms out of the camers and goes in thr gizmo, and next thing you know, photos on the computer.

I must have found it at one of the name brand computer stores.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Qwilter! I hadn't heard of that gizmo. We currently have a Best Buy Geek as a roommate/house guest, so I'll ask him to see if they have it on his next workday.

I forgot to mention, the "Essence of Truth" rose also has a light rose fragrance. I'm really awed by its beauty.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Lee, next week will be good. Just let me know what day you are coming. Paul

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

camels baby

Thumbnail by fleurone
South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

That's so cute.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Where was everyone last nite? I usually spend the early morning drinking my coffee and reading what everyone posted long after I was in bed. What gives? The planets must be out of alignment. And I have an hour to kill!!!!

Anyway, Jeremy the gizmo is officially called a "23 IN 1 Card Reader/Writer USB 2.0". There is no name on it so I have no idea who makes it. It definately saved me when I switched cameras & computers and noe of the direct hooking up any longer worked. And it is indeed easier than making sure the correct camera software is on every computer I use and vice versa.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, Qwilter. I was on last night but, nobody else was, so I didn't have anything to say. : ) But, look how early I am up this morning. I must be sick. lol : )

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning all :)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Afternoon, Fleur. : )

Cathy, I received the seeds, today. I'm gonna plant them this afternoon. Wish me luck. : )

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

I love peking ducks to mostly with a Orange Sauce

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Lol Paul!

Lucy, Did those seeds I sent you ever sprout?

I've been planting like a fool around here, see ya guys later!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucy, glad the seeds got you safely! Had the afternoon off from work, and DH was kind enough to go with me to the County park and pick up some free compost. The semi truck had just dumped it- hot off the press!
Got a new camera last night to replace the one I murdered! I'm learning how to use it, and need to get a memory stick, since it's a different flavor from my last one. I was able to capture the compost though!
Back to the garden...

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Is That Cat Litter?

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL! My cat would certainly think so!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Hee hee, I sure hope my cats don't use it! I don't think they would like the 2nd story cat litter box! It's already nice and stinky, it sure doesn't need any more additives.
I mix it with the shredded oak leaves and it makes a great addition to a planting hole. These poor plants can certainly use every ounce of moisture I can give them right now. When I water at night, the little anoles come running to get a drink, poor things!

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Cathy,
I got your seeds today.
Thanks so much!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yep, Paul. Christina and I were invited to a longtime friend's house for Christmas Eve dinner this last year. The main course was duck (not with orange flavor, but bar-b-kewed and very delicious). I was afraid to get around Gilbert for a few days after Christmas, fearing he would smell the aroma of roasted duck on my breath and totally freak out. It may be what made him get so much more aggressive about biting our bare toes. That behavior prompted me to get him a soul mate to join him in the pond and hopefully give him some sort of outlet for his pent up hostility (or bottled up lust, I'm not sure which emotion he is acting out). I was about ready to wring Gilbert's neck during the pond cleaning episode a couple of days ago. He would NOT get out from under my feet for the couple of hours it took to scrub out the grunge but we both survived intact.


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Michelle, yes, I have 9 plants fom those seeds, and I still have seeds left. It took 2 trys, but I think I started the first ones during the cold weather, and they didn't like that. Have you started any yet?

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for letting me know Lizette, good luck!

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Hello all!!! Lucy what the heck are you thinking getting up at 7:00? and what kinda seeds are you guys planting that I don't Have? Had company for dinner tonite they just left. I cooked all afternoon and it turned into Domino's pizza!!!!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Linda, they were white Mistflower seeds, for the butterflies. I'll let you have one. lol I think they will spread alittle underground in the right conditions. My blue one barely came back this year, I'm having to baby it. Been to dry, I think.

You always have company, you must be very popular. lol : )

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

It seems to me like i always have company also. Tomorrow we are going to Davenport where we used to live. Will be staying over nite so i won't be on tomorrow nite.

AGAIN what were you doing up at 7:00 am were you sick?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I woke up in alittle pain, and had to take a pain pill. Then I couldn't go back to sleep, so I fixed some coffee, and stayed up. I am gonna have to look into getting a new bed. maybe one of those adjustable ones, so I can sleep better.

Be careful going back and forth to Davenport.

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Hope you have a better nite tonite! Did you work in the yard today?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes, I finished my path from the driveway to the Mexican Flame vine gate. Planted a few plants, and watered everything. Tomorrow I have to clean the house, it's getting on my nerves. lol Friday, we are suppose to go fishing. I don't know where yet. Probably Kissimee.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the seed report Lucy.
No I haven't started any yet, but its on my list for early next week. I have plenty, I will try a few at first and then do more if those make it. Any tips other than warm weather?

I certainly hope you feel better. A new bed always helps. I would love one of those sleep number or one of those Tempurpedic (sp?) beds.
The last time my back was out I couldn't even walk.
I couldn't sleep in the bed either, I couldn't get in it or out of!
I had DH put a thick board under the couch cushions so I could sleep there until I could manage to sleep in the bed again. That was the last time I had a problem. I started doing excercises to stretch my stomach muscles and that seemed to cure me...go figure.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm still working at cleaning up the yard. I called the city yesterday to ask for an extension to the deadline (my 15 days were up yesterday). The inspector said he won't be back out here until May 5 - 6. I should have enough done in the front to satisfy him. I let wedelia grow as a ground cover out by the street in front of the hedges. I don't know if that will be considered a "weed" or not (it certainly spreads rampantly, I somewhat regret ever putting a sprig of it in my yard). The noisette roses have crawled across my 4 ft wide swath of lawn grass (the only grass I'm allowing to grow) all the way to the curb, along with various colors of sweet potato vine. I will probably have to mow over them to get the grass knocked down (it's about 8 inches high, which is above the 6 inch flat top limit). I was considering yesterday that I might solarize with plastic the area that is grass to even get rid of that stretch of grass and then growing a ground cover there as well, but that can wait.

I lost time yesterday by misplacing my hand pruners and pruning saw. I use these same tools at work at the zoo and always know where they are. I have a pouch on my belt and always replace the tools immediately to the pouch. I wore the pouch at home, but found I was doing my usual thing of just dropping the tools where ever I last used them. Now the hand pruners are lost somewhere under a thick growth of wedelia and the pruning saw just disappeared, probably taken by the garden gremlins. I'll replace them while I'm out today. I've often thought of getting those electronic beeper "key finder" thing and putting them on all my tools I use at home, but then I would probably lose the button that makes the beeper work, so it wouldn't do me much good. LOL I occasionally find old rusty tools in my yard lost by some previous gardener during the 70 years the house has been here. It gives me a sense of connection with those that had planted this yard before me. I guess someday some other gardener will find my hand pruners and other lost tools and perhaps feel the same sense of picking up on the heritage of working this bit of turf.


West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Jeremy if it's any consolation to you I do the same thing with my tools here. I am down to one trowel and my hand pruners seem to have flown away. I have alot of vines that need tying and the tools that I walk around looking for the most is the twine and my "yard scissors".
Jan made me an apron, but the pockets weren't big enough for those. I decided to make myself a garden smock with BIG pockets for all my stuff. But I don't think a smock would look good on! (or I'd make you one too! )


I think a garden smock or apron of some kind would be a very useful item and if you are good at making them, Michelle, I would happily trade you some plants or pay otherwise!!

I want to add that I ALWAYS buy any yard tools I find at garage sales, since you can never have too many....

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

When cleaning out my vegetable garden this spring I found the 2 diggers I lost last summer. Now I buy the ones with bright yellow, orange, or lilac handle grips. I found them at Big Lots.

Jacksonville, FL

Check your emails!!! Hope the "cleanup" is going well--this too shall pass! My son has been clearing out my front yard and as you know---that jungle was an undertaking on southside-some of the plants came to westside-others were given away. Some just put ot for people to pick up. He has a great design plan working though and won't be such a mess that mine was.
He found some tools in those gardens too! Rather rusty tho

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