Flowering today part II

I think that amaryllis was worth waiting two years for!! Beautiful.

Here is what is blooming in my plumeria patch....

Thumbnail by
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lovely multicolored blooms...am still waiting on some bloom signs on my plumerias.
Spanish lavender, bees love them. So much was said about hardly any bees last year, at Lowe's and HD, I'd stood in wait for bees to be drawn to such flowers...and I'd bring them home.

Edited to ask: How's the fragrance of the plumerias. It's been so long since I got a whiff off a frangipani.

This message was edited May 10, 2008 9:38 AM

Thumbnail by heavenscape

My yard is so fragrant right now it will knock your socks off.
Can you not grow them where you are (obviously taking them in for the winter)?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes I can. I do have a couple that's growing well, been 2 years now, and no blooms. Got a few from the co-op, followed Claire_Ca's instructions on how to pot them, and waiting....
Got all the patience in the world ^_^
Red Honeysuckle here.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Red clematis..pre DG of course!

Thumbnail by heavenscape
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Striped one.
Time to play outside. Have a good day Dutchlady!

Thumbnail by heavenscape

Thanks and all of you too! :-)

Thumbnail by
mulege, Mexico

Beautiful pictures.

My first Hawaiin woodrose has germinated. Twenty-four more to go.

Had a crisis last week and drove 400 miles on two-lane Mexican roads to loan my van to friends whose truck had broken down. Then had a five hour wait followed by a ten hour bus trip home. I've been in bed most of the week since. I'm too old for this stuff. Actually, I'm amazed I was able to do it. While barely able to get out of bed all week I knew it would pass fairly rapidly. Karen (one of the friends) was able to keep her medical appointments and she'll be able to bring me the plants I have ordered.

Carol, I've been thinking about you and sending positive thoughts for your surgery. Do allow yourself to recover luxuriously, be waited on hand and foot and sleep all you can. You know we are all pulling for you.

Tony has been here every afternoon. Took me into town yesterday for medicine and food (the latter mostly for the dogs).

The weather is heating up here and I am forcing myself not to overdo and relapse. Very hard when I know that in amonth it will be hard to breath let alone work.

Sending happy thoughts to everyone.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Geeze katiebear, it sounds like you've had a rough few days! I hope all is well with you and that you get back on your feet soon!
Thank you so much heavenscape for your wonderful flowering pics. It is Autumn here, and things are slowing down, but we still have a few things flowering. The Azaleas are puting on a last flush, as are angels. The plumerias have a few blooms left, but not many leaves, and for me, the Cannas are still blooming there heads off.
All my Aechmea bromeliads are starting to flower, which is great, as I didn't know/remember half of what i have got, so its nice to be able to photograph, Identify and catalogue them.
Hi Dutchlady, I'm glad someone has a frangipani to enjoy, and can post us some pics when ours have gone to sleep.
This is Aechmea calyculata. It stays this way for quite some time.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful flowers everyone! Katiebear....do take care of yourself! Everybody have a great weekend!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

You too, TX Gal

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

WOW, those are lovely, Dale! Great shot....love the background as well!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well over here, those are a bl*&%y weed!

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

weed woman thanks for the name of that bromeliad i have it but it didn't come with a name.
i have quite a few broms in full color.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is one of my favorites

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

these are attached to a queen palm

Thumbnail by candela
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice Candela, I am a brom-a-holic too!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh they are all beautiful! Thank you for posting.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

This guzmania is going on forever, and I'm quite happy about that!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

You all are amazing!

Thumbnail by LApalms
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey LA - I know you are in Redondo, but that last pic looks a lot like Venice Beach...when did the boardwalk go in?

mulege, Mexico

My first plumeria is blooming. It's a pretty pink grown from a cutting I was given.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

My plumies are just now starting to bud. But here is a Ginger....curcuma!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Hello Islando Shari!
You got that right, It's Venice beachn about 5 miles up the coast.
I hope your doing well!
On January 7, 1978, Glendora's first State Historical Land-mark was dedicated. Known as the Glendora Bougainvillea, the site contains the largest growth of Bougainvillea in the United States. Planted at the turn of the century, the vines cover the lower portion of twenty-five, ninety-foot palm trees, stretching for 600 feet along Bennett Avenue and 600 feet along Minnesota Avenue. The twelve-hundred foot growth borders two sides of an orange grove owned by Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Pittman. These magnificent vines have been viewed through the years by thousands of people from all over the U. S. and other countries. The beautiful magenta to purple-colored bracts are in evidence throughout the entire year, although the heaviest bloom is in December, May, June and July. During these months there are so many florescences that the green leaves can scarcely be seen. The trunks of these giants are 18 to 24 inches in diameter.

Thumbnail by LApalms
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

What a gorgeous painting! Did you do this LA???

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Maybe there is hope for this poor little distressed plant I got from Lowe's Wed. "Look little bougie what you can grow up to be! Grow little bougie, grow!!!"

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

On my way to the grocery store I saw this Oncidium on the trunk of a plam>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's too cool!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Waay cool Dale! Looks like it could have been taken out here except for the power lines, the street sign, the street....let me rephrase that...Waaay cool Dale! Notice the chicken wire at the bottom to hold it on? They could probably remove that now, the roots look like they have adhered to the tree nicely. I saw one out here tied to the tree with a pair of pantyhose. When I asked about it, she said what else was she gonna use them for??!!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

They still make panty hose??

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

There you go again, making me cry with the beauty of your photos! That is glorious!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Breathtaking blooms! You guys are all so clever....

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful Dale!

This is my latest new baby! Went to HEB yesterday and they had a group of them for $9.99, so you know I couldn't resist! It has about 8 more buds on it! I am so excited!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

TX gal, that is a bargain.

Shot this at the nursery>

This message was edited May 18, 2008 6:04 PM

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Dale, those are beautiful! What a shot! Just lovely!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Yep, lots of sharp looking plants at the nursery>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I have a file called 'Nursery Shots'>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, I don't live withing 3000 miles of a nursery, and I certainly can't compete with the beautiful gardens that you folks are showing, but I have a few prizes. How about some pretty foliage plants? We always seem to consentrate on the flowers, but some are pretty without them!

Here is my newest croton...still pretty small, but full of color and a beautifully shaped leaf.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here is a different, larger form of croton...I haven't got these names figured out yet...I'm still working on it. This one is about 4 ft. tall Pretty, huh?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

This is my "tall, dark, and handsome" croton. About 7 ft. tall, with dark leaves full of splotches, streaks and dots of a rainbow of other colors.

Thumbnail by Islandshari

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