VA Get Together/Plant Swap Trade Lists

Raleigh, NC

shameless iris hyping - trying to get y'all to chose some so I dont' overload the car

Alice Goodman

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 10:58 AM

Thumbnail by bonjon
Raleigh, NC

Loyalist - it's either Money or Lemon Fever behind it that's yellow

And that dark red low in the photo is either Honky Tonk Hussy or Harlem Hussy

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 11:01 AM

Thumbnail by bonjon
Raleigh, NC

This is a red climbing rose - possibly something like Blaze or Don Juan. They were here when we moved in, planted in shade, sick and neglected. I've moved it this one twice since - it's now three to four times the original size and growing bigger.

Unfortunately, both need to go - the only place they'll get enough sun is near the pool area and DH has declared he is tired of them "attaching" him when he's got only swimtrunks on. LOL

Anyone want a full grown rose? I'm real good at yanking these babies up now - I've had practice!

Thumbnail by bonjon
MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

bonjon, that alice goodman is gorgeous! I'll take one of them :) Have you got a pink rebloomer? I'm in a "pink" mode I guess, LOL. Iris hype all you like ;)

I'd love the rose, but I'm afraid I might kill it before I have a home ready to plant it in, LOL.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have a perfect spot for a climbing rose on the south side of my deck if no one's claimed it yet.

I'm going to finish up digging the ferns and brunnera tomorrow. I'm bringing some extras of those and the bee balm just in case.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Hype away! I'm enjoying the pics and am hoping i don't bring anything back home either, LOL!


Raleigh, NC

let me check to see if I still have some leftover Pink Swan, think it was listed as a rebloomer.

Kubi - one or two red roses? have matching set if you'd like two.

FYI - that dark red iris in the previous pitcher might also be Marauder -

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Everyone bring your rubber boots ;) We've had over 12" of rain since Sat night!!!! The yarden is ssooooogggggyyyy! Hopefully no more and birght sunshine for the next 2 days will help dry out at least a little bit...

and to think last year at this time we hadn't had any rain in at least 3 weeks... sigh

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Just finished potting a few more things... thats it... I quit, LOL.

I just noticed that my variegated columbine has a bunch of seedlings sprouting around it. If somebody wants one, you can pop it out while your here. They are tiny and the ground will still be (hopefully only damp and not wet) ;) so they will be easy to pull and pot if needed.

Crozet, VA

Oh my gosh - sounds like you folks are in the giving mood. I will most likely take one of each please. ha-ha Just kidding. Bonjon, I can give home to any Iris that you have left over and Jody, I would like to have one of your Columbine. And yes Kubileya, I asked about Bee Balm and not sure you saw it. So, I will take one of those off your hands.

We thought that we might have to leave home today and come down that way. The storms last night knocked out power out and it wasn't back on until almost 11 this morning. We were considering contacting the dog sitter to come early so that we could leave and have air conditioning and hopefully Internet access. As it stands now, we will leave some time late morning tomorrow and arrive whenever. If we don't hook up with anyone on Friday, we will definitely see you folks on Saturday. I am very much looking forward to it.

I need to go now and see if I have everything covered. If not, I will be back here with more questions for you all.

Kubi, I just pulled out my notes and see that I also requested that I get some Liatris from you. Is that kosher?


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yep, ruby, got you down for both of those.

bonjon, I could give both those roses a good home.

Just came in from finishing digging up the ferns-- I am done! I think. I'll probably remember something I've forgotten on Saturday morning about 5 minutes before we leave.

Hayes, VA

I dont know what I want but SAVE some for me!!!! really looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend! I will have a few goodies for ya'll to pick from. Shame I didnt have more time to dig.......but hey, there will always be next time!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Glad your power is back on ruby! We've had some unrealy storms here this week...

If you and john want to drop by this afternoon/evening we will be here. :)

va, no worries, you will probably go home with more than you want to, LOL. :)

Crozet, VA

Oh Jody, having power outages just show me how spoiled I am. I wanted coolness, hot coffee and my Internet so badly yesterday morning. ha-ha I was very grateful when the power came back on. According the the Weather Channel we are in for some really, really high temps for this early in the season. Oh boy. Did I mention that I don't do heat very well. Oh well.

Jody, if we are not too tired, after we check in we will give you a call and possibly ride over to see you. I think that John wants to get the plants out of the car and let them sit at your place instead of spending the night in the car, so we just may show up. I will definitely call first though.

This is my last computer check before hitting the road. I just wanted everyone to know that I am truly looking forward to meeting you folks. See ya tomorrow.


Raleigh, NC

I'll put in an extra pot for some columbine, Jody.

LOL - have had two offers of family/friends selling their pickup trucks- after I just spent all $$ fixing broken cars!

everyone stay safe - see ya tomorrow. I may be getting in a bit after 10 if I decide to leave in the morning early. Can't load up until I have a working vehicle!

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)


Reminds me of the time my young son (11 years old, at the time) and I went out to Indiana to rescue some dogs. There we were in the mid-summer heat, loading 8 scared Shelties into the back of my station wagon. Got everyone packed up and the car wouldn't start!. Had to unload all the dogs and go to "the Walmart" for a battery. But then, things work out for a reason, missed a really bad storm and traveled almost all the way home (11 hours) in the evening and at night, which was much better for my passengers. Can't wait to meet you. Have a safe trip. Pam

Crozet, VA

Pam, last summer while we were at VA Beach I saw a family walking their Sheltie along the boardwalk. I fell totally in love and there is a little place in my mind saying that when the other three dogs that I currently own are no longer around, a Sheltie might be what I look in to getting. I am excited now that I know someone who will offer some good advice when I need it. It is definitely a good bit down the road though, as my two younger boys are still quite young.

At some point when you have some spare time, please DMail me and give me run down on the breed, if you don't mind. I am in awe of people who get involved in breeding and training the animals.

Bonnie, it was very nice to meet you. I am so glad that you were able to come.


Raleigh, NC


Who gave me the named daylilies in fairly big pots?

They are blooming their little hearts out and are just as awesome as can be. One is a double (I LOVE doubles) and light peach apricot. The other is iced lemon, I'd call it.

I'm still planting. These are still in their pots next to where I'm planting them, waiting for me to show up with a shovel.....

THANK YOU I love them.

Crozet, VA

Hi There Lady - I was thinking of you earlier and realized that I have missed chatting with you. When John comes in, I will ask him if he gave the day lilies to you. I don't think he did though. Our place is really alive with color too from the hundreds of day lilies that he has planted on our hillside.

Jody, if you are reading of the sweet little hostas that you gave us is blooming today. It must be very happy in its new home.

Hello to all my fellow swappers. I hope that everyone is having a good holiday.


Raleigh, NC

Happy July 4th to everyone! pull up a chair - Randall just brought home some glorious ribeyes and I have zuccini and peppers all sliced up to go onthe grill, too. Have a dip in the pool and cool off - 97 here today and skies are clear for the fun tonight!

Crozet, VA

Everything sounds yummy, even the dip in the pool.

I asked John and it wasn't us who was so generous with the Day Lilies. Might have been Jody and her mom.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I had a bunch of different day lilies out there bonjon... are those the only 2 you got? I can bring you more in Sept ;)

The double sounds like Double PomPom. I love doubles too :)

My beebalm from Joya is blooming and it is the most gorgeous pink!!! My hummers will be sooo happy! I picked up a couple of pots of some others on my trip to ME. I've got the dwarf ones planted and am in the process of making a bed for the others.

If we have a swap here next spring ya'll will see lots of new beds and plants! I added a path of shell the length of the yard in L shape, along the driveway where bonjon had her plants set up and turn right along the front of the bridge/hosta gardens. I'm making a sun bed on the other side the bridge part and the long strech along the pines will of course be more hosta.

Then there will be the new iris bed... which is still only in planning stages but I hope will be done in time to plant all the iris by fall.

ruby, I'm glad your hosta are happy in their new home :)

Crozet, VA

Jody, I was wondering where you get the shell from in such quantities? I found your paths to be very interesting. I bet that things are really lovely there now. A swap in the spring sounds wonderful. Let's just hope it isn't as hot for the next one.

I hope that everyone else is having good success with the swaps they made. I have been very happy with all the goodies that I took home with me.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Mother Nature had her own idea for fireworks last night-- thunder and lightning like crazy right at dusk. That's been typical weather here this summer. But, at least we're getting enough rain, unlike last year's dry summer!

The bee balm is blooming in my yard, too, but I have yet to see a single hummer this year. I really think it has something to do with the crop dusters that dump chemical poisons on the fields by our house. I don't think we see nearly as much wildlife here as we should considering that we live out in the country with acres and acres of woods right behind our house. Anyway, I'm thinking of buying a bright red tropical hibiscus next time I'm at the nursery-- maybe that will lure the hummingbirds into my yard.

My roses from Bonita are putting out new growth like crazy now. I was a little worried the first couple of weeks, but they seem to have recovered from the shock of transplanting and are happy in their new home.

I still have a couple of shade plants that need to go in the ground. Getting the beds prepared out back has been a real chore with digging out the existing ferns and weeds. I've got them about half done. Hopefully I'll have those last plants planted by the time the next swap rolls around! :-)

Raleigh, NC

Kubi - I'm so tickled the roses are enjoying their new homes! I've got azaleas and hostas, daylilies and ferns where they were.

we had natural fireworks, too! we thought someone was having major fireworks - turns out they were cancelled until tonight. Great - we were late anyway = now I'm being called into work tonight and cant go - enough.

Things are really getting weird here. I'm giving notice at my job. I'm too stressed out to do that work anymore. This week I got chewed out too darn many times, and I've been catching heck ever since I went to the RU because of that phone call I ignored - knew the problem was handled.

Randall says we can manage until I catch my breath. but he doesn't have any extra for plants. This economy is something else, isn't it?

I was also wondering about the shells - I'd love some for around my pool! think they'd make a great edging for the irises - they adore calcium! don't know anyone here that sells em.

This message was edited Jul 5, 2008 1:35 PM

Crozet, VA

Sorry about the job Bonnie. Can't blame you for moving on though. There comes a time in our lives when getting chewed out is not what we want on the day's menu. I am sure that something better will come along and you will be good at it.

Let us know how it goes.

Kubi, I bet that your place looks great. You seem the type where everything would be in pretty good order. So glad that the roses are doing well. The Monarda that you gave me is blooming also. Fun, fun.


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