VA Get Together/Plant Swap Trade Lists

Raleigh, NC

editted to remove chatter from tradelist thread - sorry again

This message was edited May 7, 2008 11:15 AM

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)


Does Parrot feather take over a pond? Would it sirvive in a large pond (2 acres)?

I'll take some Iris if you have any left over to spare. My daughter lost a lot of her plants from the tornado, well actually from the crews dragging the remains of tornado damage through them. She had such a peaceful spot, now almost all of her big trees are gone or ready to fall over in the next big storm.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Here is the PF link to parrots feather:

It is listed as invasive for VA as well as many other states, so I wouldn't put it in a natural pond. I've got it at both MD and VA but it is not capable of leaving my little ponds. The hotter the weather the more it grows. I do love it, love the looks of it and it makes a great cover for the fish.

I just let it float on top, have never planted it in anything. Sometimes the winter in MD is a bit harsh for it and lots of it is killed off but never completely. This winter was very mild and it is already covering the entire pond ;)

bonjon, congrats on the show!!! How awsome for you! I have never been to an iris show but have been showing in (and have even chaired a few) hosta shows. They are so much fun.

dragonfly, that is so sad about your daughters plants and trees :( I haven't dug em all up yet but I should have more iris for her too.

Ok, out the door and on my way to the VA house. Will check in tonight or in the a.m. tomorrow.

Raleigh, NC

Hmm - let me rethink the feathers, then, as I won't have space for but a teeny pond.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I have been on vacation and am now back...time to get digging. OMG I have so many oak seedlings in my yard...need any Jody? LOL!

I don't know what I'll bring, but probably some Cannas (I have two types), some hostas, some lilies, and who knows what else.


Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)


I won't be able to come to the swap, so please don't dig up any plants for me but thank you anyway!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey Laura! :) Are there any hosta you or bellie are looking for that I have? I know you want a piece of hirajo majesty... anything else? I haven't dug/divided too many hosta. I've got starts of potomac pride (of course! one of my faves), sweet home chicago, emerald carpet, diana remembered and cinamon sticks and maybe another one already divided and potted.

Terri, so sorry to hear that. dmail me your addy and after things settle down just a little bit here I'd be happy to send you a box of goodies for you and your daughter.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

If you have a division of Ringtail, that's the one I don't have that I'm drooling over! I'll bring you something special, hopefully something you don't already have...but haven't decided what yet, lol! I have to see what I have that grew an extra eye or two of this year.

I did dig up an offshoot of my Colocasia Coffee Cups for you today. They are finally coming up this spring.

I looked around and should have some Pineapple Lily, a whole bunch of greenie seedling hostas for anyone who would like unnamed ones to fill in someplace, probably some Hosta Lemon Lime, Wolverine, and at least one Sagae. I am low on divisions of named hostas, I cleaned out pretty well last year, though I haven't taken a good inventory this spring. I've not been home much for the last month and the same is true for the next week. Decisions, decisions...divide hostas or pull up the thousands of oak seedlings that sprouted while I was away.

Does anyone need oak seedlings!?

Raleigh, NC

LOL - NO! Not me. have 200-300 yr old oaks - have nearly done splits on layers of acorns, seedlings showing up in my in my iris pots!

anyone what pine seedlings - don't know which kind but chances are they are loblollys.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I got a big coffee cups this spring, with lots of little babies :) I potted up two for the swap. I also got alocasia sting ray... want a pup? I've got a Ringtail as a center piece in a trough. You can take him home with you, no "digging" involved :) I was trying to get rid of most of the pots of hosta sitting around so did several troughs with small and mini hosta.

No oak or pines for me thanks ;) I've got a forest of both. The tree I hate is the sweetgum with all it's little "bombs" it drops, talk about doing splits! I have several trees marked to come out this winter when the plants are dormant, that awaful sweetgum and a couple of maples.

Raleigh, NC

Folks at southern app RU are telling me these irises are 2-4 in the gallon pots now! Cant believe they increased that much in six months considering limited space.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

My iris are finally blooming, I have colors other than dark purple, woo hoo! They were a gift from a friend about 10 years ago and I divided them some last year and they get more sun...or something. Anyway, I love iris but don't know a whole lot about them other than they multiply. :-)

Jody, oh boy! Do you have Foxfire Irish Moon? Do you collect unnamed streaky hostas?

I'll have to look up the alocasia, I'm a real newb to these plants. I have the Colocasia Coffee Cups, 'Illustris' elephant ear, and another one from Brent and Becky's bulbs called 'Rhubarb' that I'm not sure is coming up yet.

My hosta 'Spilt Milk' might finally be blooming. I don't remember it ever doing it before. Yay.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, talking about woods, but you DO have some sun too...bring sun screen and/or bug spray! I'm a mosquito magnet and always have to use it around here in the summer time.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

The only Foxfire I have is bambam and it's tiny! Most of came up all green again. I don't collect unnamed streakys per se but do have a few that are fun to grow seeds from.

I love EE's! I used to have a pretty good collection of them but let them all go, just have't had the time to care for them the last couple of years. But, on top of coffe cups and sting ray I got a bunch from the co op.

bonjon is our iris expert :) I've grown them for years and years but usually just plant and forget until I see blooms, then forget again,LOL.

Yes, bugspray is a good idea. I treated the yard for fleas/ticks, bugs but with all the woods around that won't get em all. I did pick up a couple of cans of bugspray just the other day to have on hand. Haven't had many mosquitos :) but it's been a fairly dry spring. Hope that isn't going to be the trend for the year. I wouldn't think so with the rain we got last night and are getting right now though :)

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Good, then I know what to bring you if I have an extra division. I have Bamm Bamm too but it's still only two divisions. All of my pots are still in the raised garden from last fall, so I have to spread them out some so that the big ones aren't shading the little ones until I get the new bed in. I'm tired already!

I only have the three EEs so far, and love the Coffee Cups due to its height and coloring. I put it in a fairly narrow strip to sheild my grill from the neighbors. I would love to try a Stingray, I suspect the 'Rhubarb' isn't coming back so have a spot for another one and read it gets tall enough to help screen that area. I'll have to see what else I can pot up on Saturday or this evening if I get a break in the rain. I have tons of seedling hostas that I hate to compost, so those are going into soil this weekend (finally)!

Raleigh, NC

y'all have reminded me to go check my "Ruffles" colo for pups. It's very hardy here, made it through two icestorms that killed all others. Had some new replacements coming from the co-op, though they have arrived withered.

edited 6/6 to add - no pups this year - it's come back 1/3 the size it's been in years past - guess the drought got to it because we had almost no winter.

This message was edited Jun 6, 2008 10:30 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It looks like I have a little more than I thought I would. I have:

Voodoo lily (Sauromatum guttatum venosum) seedlings
White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) seedlings
Liatris divisions- jody
Aster divisions- bonjon
Passiflora citrina rooted cuttings
Sea Kale (Crambe maritima) seedlings
Cinnamon ferns- bonjon

That's about it. We just moved into this house last year, so I haven't had much time to get the garden established.

Oh, and if anyone's interested, I have some larger houseplants that desperately need homes. I cut back and divided a bunch last year and rooted the cuttings. Now I have twice as many plants as before! I have a Ficus benjamina, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans, and a Chinese Fan Palm. Plus, I have an Adenium obesum that I just don't get along with, so if anyone wants to give it a good home, let me know.

This message was edited May 9, 2008 12:31 PM

This message was edited May 16, 2008 9:29 PM

This message was edited May 17, 2008 9:22 PM

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Other suggested items to bring are plant tags and sharpie pens!

Let me know if there is something on the list you want me to save for you. If anyone has a clean clump of Gold Standard that they can share a division of, I'd like to get one for Plant Mover to replace her HVX infected one. I have some I received in trade last year, but consider it in quarantine for the first year or two to be safe. Unfortunately, some of those I hoped to get an extra division or two from did not yet multiply. I may divide some more hostas next weekend so I'll update the list later, probably.

Have list edited 1 June (again in the afternoon):

Hosta Sunshine Glory (1)
Hosta Fragrant Blue (3)--large blue leaves, needs shade (Bonjon)
Hosta Irish Moon -- (1) (Jody)
Hosta Red Cadet (3) very cute little hosta (Jody)
Hosta Lemon Lime (4) (Bonjon)
Hosta Lancifolia (1)--multiplies fast
Hosta Wolverine- (2) -- can take some sun, multiplies fast

NO ID hostas
- Blue "Krossa Regal" type,(though short) (2) (Bonjon)
- Gold (1) (Bonjon)
- Small Blue (1) (Bonjon)
- Green/Gold (1) (Bonjon)
- Green w/red petioles possibly 'Red October' (1)

Seedling hostas, all open pollinated (OP), probably adding more from last year's batch.
Seedlings are not true to parent, but usually show some of the parent's characteristics, including size. These are all "greenies"
- Green Piecrust - (5) (should get large eventually, likely will have rippled edges)
- Plantaginea - (6) (usually same as "mom", should get fragrant flowers, does well in heat and some sun)
- Bill Brinka (5) - not sure about the parent
- Sea Octopus (1) - has wavy green leaves
- Split Decision (lg pot of about 10 seedlings)
- Korean Snow (3 in one pot) should stay small
- Lakeside Surfrider (1 lg pot of about 9 seedlings, 1 of about 3) not sure about the parent

Colocasia Coffee Cups (4) --tall elephant ear with dark maroon stems and upward cupping leaves (very pretty!)
Pineapple Lily, Eucomis Comosa, 2 of the white ones (kubileya)
Purple coneflower (1)
Creeping rosemary (purchasd this spring, bought too many) (4) (Jody)
Cane Begonia, red with pink spots, 'Cracklin Rosie' (2) (Jody's Mom)
Tiger lily seedlings (6), should bloom next year--don't place with other lilies or tulip bulbs as it can carry a virus which makes them look streaky. LIkes sun.
Datura (2) white fragrant flowers, heard it an be invasive
Sedum "Neon" (3 clumps)
Pepper seedlings: Jabanero (3), Chili (2 or 3 can't remember!)

Sweet Pepper Bush/Summer sweet: flowering shrub (3) new cuttings
Hardy hibiscus 2007 seedlings, red/dark pink flowers, (3), may be similar to "Lord Baltimore"
Oakleaf Hydrangea (1) little runner off my parent plant

Iris: Bonjon (I'll look at your list later today)
Hostas: Ringtail, Hirao Majesty (Jody)
EE 'Stingray (Jody)
Shade perennials

Lemon Basil if anyone has any


This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 2:02 PM

This message was edited Jun 3, 2008 7:24 AM

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

not sure how I managed a double post, but did somehow...editing it out.


This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 10:00 AM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Kubileya I would love a bit of liatris. :)

I would love the houseplants too but I stopped heating the greenhouse last year and have no place for them through winter :(

Laura I'll put your name on a DR. How do you like Red Cadet? Do I need one? LOL

I would love to have a start of the rosemary.

I started digging/dividing daylilies yesterday. I hope ya'll are going to want some. I've got a lot more to go. They are all hybrids, from dwarfs up to 30". A few of them are having an identity crisis and have lost there names.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Jody, you definitely need the red cadet, lol! It was one of my favorite purchases last year. It's short, red petioles, and a tinge of blue to the leaves, very "neat" structure.

I have four little 4" pots of rosemary, it's the "prostrate" type, by the way. As long as they don't dry out before June, one is yours.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Jody, I got some liatris divided and potted up for you-- and just in time! Last night, my husband ran over it with the lawnmower. In his defense, he was cutting the grass right before sunset, and the foliage does kind of look like grass, but it had flower spikes coming up. :( If your Amorphophallus is still unspoken for, I'd love one.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in vegetable seedlings? I could bring Violetto artichoke, Lemon cukes, A&C pickling cukes, painted serpent cukes, Black Beauty Eggplant, Turkish Orange Eggplant, maybe some Trombocino squash, and Delicata squash.

Raleigh, NC

Kube - would the artichoke become a perennial? I was under the impression they produced year after year -if so, I wouldn't mind one or two. Lemon cukes sound yummy. are they for fresh eating?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

The lemon cukes are great for fresh eating-- one of my very favorite varieties.

The artichokes are supposed to be perennial. I've seen some sources that say they're not very hardy, but last year's overwintered just fine in my garden with a good layer of straw over them. I'll put some aside for you.

Raleigh, NC

great - let me know if you'd like some irises or something

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks! LOL @ DH I think we've all been there. ;)

Plenty of Amorph

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I would love some pineapple lily if no one's claimed it yet.

Anyone want some 'Pink Grapefruit' Yarrow or Variegated willow (Hakuro-nishiki) cuttings?

Raleigh, NC

I'm SO glad I'm still up - have been wanting a Hakuro-nishiki - can you show me how to start them? I'm not good at cuttings - loL - haven't achieved a good take yet.

Crozet, VA

Hello, hello. On my walk about yesterday I saw two more things to offer. I have loads of Pineapple Sage and also Spreading Thyme.

So if anyone is interested in these, let me know.

John said that thought each of you should get some wire grass from our yard. If you don't have any, you should get some. If you already have some, you need more. This is his philosophy for the week. ha-ha


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I definitely have some pineapple lily. I've got to print the list out and mark some things this weekend!

Warning on the pineapple sage, I planted a tiny slip last spring and it filled up a 5' space, but it was oh so lovely in the fall when everything else was done blooming and lasted until the good first hard freeze. I'm pinching mine hard this spring in hopes of keeping it tamed back a bit. I was surprised it overwintered, but we did have a mild one.


Raleigh, NC

oh yummy, spices! Love it!

For the irises I'm going to bring, I'll see about bringing along a list with the colors, approximate stalk height, and bloom seasons. Photos if I have them. That way anyone trading with me can see what they might be getting. Don't have many medians, but have several shorter TBs on the list, I think.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ruby, you tell John that I'll trade him some wire grass for my multiflora rose. Ha! That beast is currently trying to take over my backyard. Kidding aside, I love pinapple sage! I don't even think I'd mind if it took over the whole garden.

bonjon, if it ever stops raining I'll go ahead and get some cuttings started for you. Willows are normally super easy to root. You just put them in a good, free-draining medium and don't let them dry out. They're not nearly as finicky as some plants. The one I have has been growing like a weed. I bought it as a one gallon plant last year about this time, and now it's about 4 feet high. Do you have some yellow iris? I think I already asked for some red, but I might like some yellow, too.

These guys are still up for grabs and if no one claims them I don't think I'll be bringing them (they're so small):
Voodoo lily-- 4 small seedlings
Horehound-- 3 seedlings
Sea Kale-- 2 small seedlings
Miniature passionflower-- 2 rooted cuttings

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

How big does the willow get?

I saw some of it as a standard and it was very pretty!


Raleigh, NC

the ones I saw were at Schreiners gardens. They had a trunk about 3 to 4 inches thick and were halfway between weeping and being trained as dwarf trees about six to seven feet. The colors are just fabulous- the white, pink and soft pale green of my first wedding - the match didn't take, but the wedding was lovely!, like a soft pink rose after a rain.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

They are certainly pretty! I'll have to do a bit more research on them. I'm careful about new shrubs and trees!


Crozet, VA

Kubi, John laughed about the roses. He said he would take them even though we have some already. ha-ha He also said that we are over run with black berries too.

When I posted yesterday about the sage and thyme, I realized after sending that I had posted at the wrong place. I am not certain that I will be coming. There was another poster who contacted me about the pineapple sage and thyme also. I will be mailing some to her.

So Kobi, if you are in the address exchange and want me to, I will package up some and get it in the mail to you. I was fascinated with its aroma which is very much like a pineapple.

Let me know. I will be mailing it out next Tuesday after the holiday.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ruby, I'll d-mail you about the pineapple sage.

bonjon, I got your Hakuro-nishiki stuck in a pot today. Hopefully it will take pretty quickly.

I keep walking around my yard and finding new things that I could bring. And I thought I'd have nothing at all! I'm gonna post an updated list here so I can keep it all straight in my head (there are a couple new items on here):

Cinnamon ferns - bonjon, largosmom
Liatris - jody, rubyw
Aster - bonjon
Achillea 'Pink Grapefruit'
**Brunnera 'Jack Frost' - largosmom
Violetto Artichoke - bonjon
Lemon Cucumber - bonjon, largosmom
**Tulip poplar seedlings
Sauromatum seedlings
Sea Kale seedlings
Passiflora citrina
White horehound seedlings
Hakuro nishiki willow cuttings -- bonjon
**Daffodil bulbs - plain yellow
**Caldwell Pink rose cuttings
**Clove basil seedlings
**Sweet Basil seedlings
**Cinnamon basil seedlings
**Bee Balm -- rubyw, jody, largosmom
Ficus benjamina
Dracaena marginata
Dracaena fragrans
Adenium obesum

Moss rose cuttings -- jody from hart
Amorphophallus Konjak -- jody
Iris-yellow & red -- bonjon
Pineapple sage -- rubyw
Pineapple lily -- largosmom
Herbs & shade plants for the woods

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 6:46 PM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I'd love some beebalm! The hummers love it and I have lots of hummers here :)

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Got you down for some bee balm, Jody.

Crozet, VA

Okay, I am going to start afresh. As far as planned, John and I will be at Jody's on the 7th. I just found out after last weeks swap that the Pineapple Sage that I was offering people is actually Pineapple Mint. I will list the things that I have to offer and then type out what two of you have already asked for.

I have to offer:

Pineapple Mint
Rose Campion
Wild Blackberry Plants
Wild Raspberry Plants
Castor Bean Seedlings
Mixed Coleus
Lamb's Ear

Bonjon - I will email you again and update the list of things that you wanted. Kubileya, are you interested in having Pineapple Mint? Not the Sage that I offered before. So sorry about that.

Not sure who had it, but I saw that Jody asked for Bee Balm. I would love to have some of it also.

Alright folks, let me know what I can bring for you.


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