VA Get Together/Plant Swap Trade Lists

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

ruby, the pineapple mint sounds great. It can go in the 'mint barrel' I'm creating. I already have spearmint in there and I just ordered candy mint and apple mint to go along with it. Pineapple mint would be a perfect addition! The bee balm was from my list-- I'll get some dug for you this weekend. I would love to have some of your rose campion.

bonjon, I think I fried your Hakuro-nishiki cuttings. I was out of town and they dried out and look pretty pathetic right now. It looks like I may have to nurse them back to health and send them to you later this summer.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I have chocolate mint and could take some cuttings this weekend if you want some.

I have got to get my plants marked this weekend! Jody, if you see this, put "Diana Remembered" back on the trade list, I forgot I ordered it from Hallson's this year, and got a fine large division. I'll update my list this weekend too. I maybe will have a couple of other named hostas.


Crozet, VA

Alright Kubi, have you down as wanting pineapple mint and rose campion. A lot of the Rose Campion bloomed this week. I just love those flowers. I didn't remember where I got the original plant from and was reminded last week as I turned in to the driveway of my deceased parents former home. It came from my mom and so that truly does make it extra special for me. It has spread very nicely for me and the seeds are very easy to gather for next year. It is truly one of my favorite plants.

Still looking for more takers.


Raleigh, NC

added to my list

Crozet, VA

Oh my gosh, Bonnie, we bad. Are you usually up this early, or this late, whatever the case may be? I drifted off very early last evening so about 2 AM I was done with sleeping. I only worry that as I attend my granddaughters birthday party later today that I will be pooped out. Oh, I won't be carrying on too much to begin with. I am dealing with a pretty bad chest cold. I went to doctor yesterday and she said to watch it a bit longer before beginning the antibiotic that she prescribed. I guess that I will see how the weekend goes and if not on road to recovery, I will start antibiotic on Monday. I surely want to be better by June 7th.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hope you're feeling better quick ruby! (())

Ok Laura, mom has a scrapbooking freind she would like to give some hosta to so I'll let her have it :) I still haven't dug up hirao majesty... maybe we can do it while you're here. I did get your ringtail potted up. It will need a bigger pot or a home in the ground soon though, it has pretty long roots on it.

bonjon looking forward to seeing what coloc and xanth you have :) I've some too that maybe you'll be interested in.

Kubi, hart didn't give me any moss rose cuttings... and I compeltely forgot to ask her about it. I do have some moss rose seedlings I sowed that you are welcome to but they are still small.

I've got most everything listed potted up and ready, also have several plants that I just haven't taken the time to list. So... nobody is leaving with an empty vehicle, LOLOL! j/k though I really do not want to replant anything ;)

Crozet, VA

Jody - I scanned your HAVE list, but it was a few days ago. I read somewhere that you were digging up Day Lilies. John would probably be interested in getting some of those from you, if it is things that he doesn't already have.

I just saw the most gorgeous blue Iris and would love to have one/some if anyone has extras. Okay, so far I have listed my wants as: Bee Balm from Kubi and blue Iris if anyone has one. Oh my gosh, my yarden is going to be so cool.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I've got several different named daylilies divided and potted for him to choose from :) Hopefully there will be something he doesn't already have.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Jody, thanks! Ringtail (happy dance) is one of my favs. Getting excited!

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)


I have blue iris. The flower is huge. Not sure how many bulbs there are but I will share. I won't dig them up till late summer. If you can remember, and D-mail me, I'll share my bulbs.

Crozet, VA

Wonderful Qwilter!!! I just finished reading your post on The Mid Atlantic Roll Call thread. Very interesting about living in Hawaii. I visited there in the early 1970's when my brother was serving in Viet Nam and came to Hawaii on his R & R. I loved the place and always thought that I would like to go back and visit. I kind of lost sight of that dream, but it is getting stirred up again. ha-ha No telling when I show up on here and tell you all that I just bought my airline ticket to Hawaii. I girl can dream can't she?


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)


I never realized Crozet, VA was a real place. I've read the murder mysteries set there.
If you do buy that ticket, go to either Maui or the Big Island (Hawaii). They are far less conjested that Oahu and the Orchid & Tropicals farms are on the Big Island.

Crozet, VA

Are you speaking of Rita Mae Brown's books? Yep, I believe that she still lives nearby. She was guest speaker at my older son's high school graduation about ten years ago. I have never read the books, but know a lot of other people are surprised to know that Crozet is indeed a real place. Crozet is named after a french engineer who was involved in building the railroad through here. It is pronounced Cro (long O) za (long A.) Cro-za.

I have lived here my entire life. Many of our families are still in the area. I have loads of cousins who still live nearby. My mother too spent her entire life here. Must be something about the place that keeps people here. It is growing so fast the past few years. Nothing at all like the sleepy little town that it used to be. I am lucky to live on a two acre tract that adjoins about a 50 acre tract that belongs to my brother.

If indeed I do get to go back to Hawaii, I will have to find a travel buddy. My husband will not fly and especially a long trip like that would be. At the moment I have too much other stuff going on to even give it much thought. During the long cold winter is when I usually think of visiting islands.

Thanks for the travel tips. If I decide to ever to this, I will give you a holler for some more tips.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Updated my list today too, please let me know if I missed something that you asked for! I'm marking plants today for people.

Bonjon, what is a "TB"? I'm a total newbie to iris.


This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 9:57 AM

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

For some reason, I can't edit my thread, I've hit a limit on edits on my have/want list, lol!

So adding here;

Lemon Basil

Couple Extra pepper seedlings for Jabanero, Red Chili, Carribean Red

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

laura I dug up your hirao majesty today. I hated to do it... it was looking so good this year, LOL.

TB = Tall Bearded

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Jody, I'll treat it really well, promise! Check my hosta list and make sure there isn't anything else you wanted, I just finished updating it.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I updated my list above...

Laura I'd love one of the cane begonias. Mom loves them and would be thrilled! :)

Raleigh, NC

have all colors of blue ruby, some available now and some available later. dmailed you

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Done, Jody! They are some I've overwintered indoors for two years from cuttings, but I'm getting tired, so I'll save one or both for your mom. They are a bit ragged at the moment, but with a bit of TLC, they will be really pretty in a few weeks.

Jody, If you have any dwarf iris left, I'd like one of each. I just bought "Smart" from Hallsons and he had to cut it back to send it. They are so cute!

Kubileya, one lemon cucumber if you still have one, and a bee balm.

Bonjon, from your iris list (and plantfiles Iris list was very helpful [])

- Beyond
- Cherry Smoke
- Cloud Ballet
- Dream Affair
- Geniality
- Impressionist
- Lady Friend
- Lorilee
- Titan's Glory


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

jody, that's so nice of you to offer your moss rose seedlings. If you really don't mind, I'd love to have them.

Laura, I just d-mailed you about the cinnamon ferns & brunnera. I'll set aside some bee balm (popular stuff, it seems!) and a lemon cuke if I have it. They may have been in the pots that got washed out in yesterday's rain. I was too depressed when I saw what had happened to do a full inventory. :-(

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I've got al my things Now to get some boxes to haul everything in. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have to tow my kayak trailer with me, lol!

Got your dmail, Kubileya, thanks much. Hope you didn't get washed out! I've never heard of lemon cukes, sounds so interesting! Hubby likes to put up cucumber pickles and thought they might work nicely. No worries on my part, though I hope you did not lose much.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Kub, I don't mind at all on the portaluca. They are still small (even though they were sowed the beginning of March) and can't say what color(s) you'll get.

laura still plenty of both dwarf iris listed.

A trailer might not be a bad idea, LOL. Though we can bare root everything and wrap it good if needed. Can save lots of space that way. Thats how I moved all moms hosta/plants down here. Bare root, stuffed in the front of the pick up with me. Couldn't see anything but leaves on all three trips to ME to get them, LOL.

Raleigh, NC

ruby - up late, not early. if I consume caffeine after noon, I get like that.

Largosmom -
Bearded Iris come in all sizes, from miniature Dwarf at under 9", to the king of irises - the Tall Bearded, at over 28.5 inches, up to 48" - that's the stalk height, by the way, the "sword" leaves are usually around half that.

All bearded iris culture is pretty much the same. The origin is from a few desert plants, although rebloomers can take a lot more nitrogen and water than spring-blooming only iris can. In general, the smaller, the earlier the bloomtime with the dwarves blooming in late winter to early spring, and rebloomers blooming a second and sometimes a third season, either in summer, early fall, or late fall to early winter. Too much water causes them to rot.

Beardless irises tend to all have similar culture, too, and all adore water, some living in the water. They are more late spring to summer blooming.

Tall Bearded are called the king of irises because one of the original natural TBs was the flower from which the Fleur de Lis was created as the symbol of the kings of France.

You've asked for a few that I may have to unpot before I come - they are looking unhappy and I need to inspect them. It's probably they are just crowded - they get that way sometimes. Otherwise, these are in one gal pots. LOL - so make sure you have the carspace!! LOL

Raleigh, NC

I cannot bring as many irises as are on my list. If anyone wants a particular iris, or a particular color of iris, please let me know so I can many certain those get in the car.

Crozet, VA

I cannot wait!!!!! I will make hotel reservations tomorrow afternoon as soon as I get a commitment from my dog setter. John and I are sitting her discussing when to dig the plants that we are bringing. Last weekend we dug the day before the swap and put the plants in pots. Many of them look wretched on swap day. We are trying to decide whether two or three days in a pot will make them look better or whether to just dig on Friday morning before we head out and know from experience that they will be looking poorly.

I have only had two people ask for things so far. Would it be a good idea to maybe dig more than people are asking for now and hope that people will change their minds and take them home on Saturday? Jody, are you up to being Mama to some extra things if no one takes them home?

How many folks are attending as far as we know now? Sorry for all the questions. Are you all sure that I can't interest some of you in some things?


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm excited too ruby!

I don't think it matters when you dig. Plants never like to be uprooted so they are going to sulk for a little while no matter what. Dig when it's easiest for you :)

As far as wants from you... I just discovered the other day that my mom likes Rose Campion. So I would gladly take some of that :)

Well I don't know that any extras left behind will be planted in the yarden, but I can certainly be a "mama" for them. I'm thinking I can bring them to a fall swap or maybe have another swap next spring. There should be some "new to gardening" folks here that would probably enjoy them though.

I'm not really sure how many to expect... I know definately 15-20, but some will be staggered times. But... there could be some local folks that show up and no idea how many. Small towns... and word gets out... LOL. I know at least 2 of the ladies at the bank will be coming by at some time.

Just overlook the weeds everyone! We got 6" of rain Sat night and another inch last night!!! I almost needed a boat out there yesterday, I can't really walk in any of the beds until they dry out at least somewhat and I know the the weeds are going to sprout and grow like jacks beanstalks.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Jody, I promise I NEVER see weeds (you would understand if you could see my beds...heheheh). I can't keep up with them here, though I do try. Last year I lost the battle and I have some sections covered in grass, and I'll have to dig some out and use some sort of grass killer on other parts. I pulled some last weekend, but it's a never-ending battle.

BonJon, I may have too many hostas set aside for you, if return space is an issue, lol! You'll have to pick and choose when we see each other. What ever you can fit in, I can carry back though. I have a pickup and even with three of us, potentially riding over, I think I'll be able to handle whatever you can bring. But, don't move things that shouldn't be, I'd be happy with just one really pretty one! I am worried about space to put everything as it is. I know how hard it was to say "no" last year to things.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and learning more about my plants.


Crozet, VA

Okie Doke. I have your name down as wanting Rose Campion, Jody. I love it too. It is in pretty much full bloom this past week and I am really enjoying them.

I know that I heard you mention that you are going to have a lot of day lilies to get rid of. John wants to know is you would like to have a Stella D'Oro? Count your self lucky that he is offering. He has become rather chintzy this year with his day lilies. He will most likely do better next year with giving them away because they should all be marked by then and he will know exactly what he has already.

Largo, in another thread you said that you would see me Sunday. Is that a typo? Isn't the swap on Saturday the 7th?

Well, off to read more forums. Take care all.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks ruby! :) I'm good on stella d'oro, have plenty, but please thank john bunches for the offer. All the ones I have potted for the swap are named, unless I get to digging in MD today some of the ones that lost there tags in the flood ;)

Yes, swap is Sat the 7th.

Does anyone want cuttings from the pink butterfly bush? Got to know today/tonight since the shrub is here in MD. I cut it waaayy back this spring but it is already a monster :)

Crozet, VA

Hmmm.......butterfly bush sounds awfully tempting. Aaahhh......go ahead and get a cutting for me. ha-ha


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Saturday, doh! I've had this trouble a lot in the last week...especially when working late on the 'net. Laura

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

Does anyone need good ole growbytheroad Virginia Daylilies? I can grab some on the way to the swap, from my driveway (not stealing!) Pam

Raleigh, NC

are they like the orange ones here in NC? I'm good on both those and Stella d'oro, no more needed.

Have a couple daylilies that need cutting up - but have long since lost their names, and dont' even know which is which. Maybe next year. One is very tall scape and neon lemon.

I'm pulling irises now to go.

This message was edited Jun 3, 2008 1:14 PM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oooh, pink butterfly bush sounds lovely. Okay, twist my arm. :-)

ruby, I saw a huge patch of rose campion in full bloom in front of an abandoned house on my way to work this weekend. If I didn't already know I'd be getting some from you, I may have stopped to 'borrow' some and probably been arrested for trespassing. You may have saved me from jail! LOL

I still have to get out and do some more digging once my son goes to bed (hard to get things done while he's running around the yard like a madman).

Raleigh, NC

ok, ok - if I'm not down for one rose campion, then see if there's one left for me, too, ruby. have never seen them bloom, though.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Here's my "staging area", I'm bringing most everything on the ground in front of and to the right of the picnic table, and the items on the front-most bench.


Thumbnail by largosmom
MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Are you going to have room for passengers? LOL

I've got a 3 shelf rack that I usually use for seedlings; it's full of plants for the swap and the area around is full. It's a good thing I don't have to try to pack them in a vehicle.

Crozet, VA

The Rose Campions are putting on a spectacular show this year. They are definitely one of my very favorites. I am going to attempt to transplant them to a few other spots in the near future.


Raleigh, NC

Masada blooming in its pot in the iris overflow "pot" bed - the equivalent of my "staging" area ROTFL

Thumbnail by bonjon

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