VA Get Together/Plant Swap Trade Lists

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I am not a "one for one" trader, don't be shy! If you see something you'd like just post it.

Hosta, named and unnamed all colors, shapes and sizes ;) - bonjon, Laura
Lycoris/Surprise Lily pink
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum Autumn Joy
Various hybrid sedums
Various hybrid named daylilies
Iris crestata/crested iris - bonjon
Iris pseudacorus/Yellow Flag
Convallaria majalis/Lily of the valley - pam, bonjon
Lysmachia/Creeping Jenny
Vinca minor/Periwinkle
Nandina shrubs, various sizes from seedlings to 1' or so high
Euonymous, Emerald N Gold, creeping will root cuttings
Various hybrid/unnamed bearded iris
Eupatorium/Chocolate Joe Pye Weed
Eucomis/Pineapple Lily
Artemesia/oriental Limelite (very aggresive/plant at your own risk ;) )
Sempervivum/Hens & Chicks
yarrow mix pink, white
Helleborus/Christmas Rose mix colors - noneebee
petasites, variegated, can be very aggressive but sure is beautiful
Amorphophallus 'Konjac' - kubileya
dwarf iris 'Jewel Baby' - noneebee, bonjon, laura
dwarf iris 'Smell the Roses - laura
Oriental lily (montenegro?)
Asiatic Lily 'Cancun'
Purple Majesty Ornamental Millet
Colocasia esculanta
Colocasia Stingray - laura
Colocasia Coffe Cups
Portaluca seedlings - kubileya
ornamental grass - medium green color, about 2'-2 1/2' high
1 dahlia, huge yellow flower
2 small Peegee Hydranga starts
Canna musifolia
Canna Scarlets Rib
Canna unknown peach flowers
2 hardy hibiscus, not sure of color(s)

Can take some cuttings from a Pink Butterfly Bush, but have to know by Tuesday since they are in MD - ruby, kubileya, bonjon

For the Pond
Parrots Feather
Striped Reed Grass

I would love to have some more woodland and shade plants for the gardens in VA if anyone has some.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 5:05 AM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I've added a few things...

and today dug and divided dwarf iris "jewel baby" if anyone is interested before I get them all replanted I can pot a few up.

Princess Anne, MD(Zone 7b)

If it's not too late, I'd love some of the dwarf irises and helleborus.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

gotcha, will pot a few with your name on them

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I don't have many tropical plants left to the collection I once had, but I do have:

2 baby Alocasia 'Sting Ray' that I can seperate from the mother and pot up.

Also have a few Colocasia 'Coffee Cups'.

May have a few other tropical treasures as I dump out dead stuff from the greenhouse and find what may still be living ;)

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

I found some amorphophallus Konjac bulbs in the gh yesterday.

They can be grown in the ground in z7 maybe even 6b but you may not get flowers. But the foliage on these plants are awsome. My large one gets 5'-6' tall and is just gorgeous. My large one lives in a pot, but I planted some smaller ones it he ground last year, still waiting to see them.

Raleigh, NC

have too many too list, more than on list.

*****ADDED 5/31

creeping vinca - vinca minor? blueviolet bloom groundcover
Sedum Kamtschatka - groundcover, fuzzy yellow bloom
colocasia and alocasia and xanth.
average everyday species hosta plantegiana
Nikko Blue Hydrangea - cuttings
Camellia, 15'+ red splashed white bloom -cuttings

Requests - general, paint pens and loop plant labels

VAwildflower/Cindy - Lady Friend

Kubileya - yellow iris (see Pamspace list), red iris (see ruby's list), 2 climbing red roses

Jody - Alice Goodman, pink noID SDB-IB, any dwarf iris (maybe, not promising yet), Stuttgart canna, iris in colors other than dp purp,purp/whit, and white - chose best of the following: Eagles' Flight, Geniality, Honky Tonk Hussy BB, Ming Rose, Orinoco Flow, Creme de Creme, Lavalier, Joyce Terry, Glazed Gold, Glory Story, Codicil, Breakers, Bonita's Blue, MapleTreat, Ginger Swirl, Copatonic, Fiery Temper, Interpol. check for: Magharee, Incantation, Navy Chant, either Orange Slices or Orange Star, Sunny Disposition and Before the Storm increases.

Pamspace - yellow irises - chose from Fission increases?, Duraglow increases? Highness increases? Joyce Terry, Bridal Crown, check for a pink canna

ruby - ruby/cherry red iris, of course! chose from Cherry Smoke, Gloring Rubies, Honky Tonk Hussy, Harlem Hussy, Marauder, Lady Friend, Garnet Velvet

This message was edited Jun 6, 2008 9:44 AM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey bonjon! Glad you found the thread :)

Any chance you have some dwarf iris? Don't care what name/color. I have the "Jewel Baby" and just love em! They're blooming right now :)

I'll check out your list this afternoon/evening :) My mom lives here with me and she adores iris'

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd love some blue/yellow iris. I have tons (literally) of naturalized daylilies . . any takers? Would love some lily of the valley. I just can't wait!!!!!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Pam I've got tons of LoV! They are blooming now and smell sooo good. I'll pot up a big pot full for ya ;)

Raleigh, NC

editted out chatter -

jody, I don't have any crested iris, and somewhere I read they like a bit of shade. And I'm interested in any larger hostas - I have a lot of shade.

have a green/white variegated canna, Stuttgart canna - maybe 2
maybe a minihosta - just one or two - came from PDN - will have to locate photo or invoice, have lost tag

This message was edited May 7, 2008 11:21 AM

Raleigh, NC

these are TB irises. If you don't find photos on DG, let me know.
they were potted in 1 gal pots last fall. (one each unless listed)

alice goodman
cable car
Beyond -love this one!
blue chip pink
beverly sills
cherry smoke - Historic
classic edition
cloud ballet
dream affair - Historic
eagle's fllight
frisco follies
Glass Slippers
glory story
Honey Mocha
honky tonk hussy - Border Bearded
(2) interpol - Historic
(2-3) Lady Friend
Lavalier - Border Bearded
Lemon Fever
Modern Story
money - Historic
Pink Froth
Pink Magnolia - flat, blooms like a japanese iris, Historic
Titan's Glory
(3) Sky Search - very TALL
Landscaping irises: theses are excellent registered irises that have lost their labels.
white TB (3)
soft mid to baby blue TB (2)
soft light mauvy pink (its either a tall SDB or a short IB) (2)
May have more

companion plants to irises such as =
non-invasive poppies
jasmine vine

shade perennials - coral bells, HOSTAs, toad lilies, woodland gingers, etc. I don't know many of the names, yet.

bulbs - species tulip
garden amaryllis

LA, sib, JI, crested, species, species-x, even PAC irises always welcome

This message was edited May 11, 2008 6:11 PM

Raleigh, NC

forgot to add - would like some LoV

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

yes, crested iris can take a bit of shade. They are just the cutest! They spread nicely but not aggresively, at least in my experience. They make a great ground cover. You will love them.

I'll have a variety of hosta potted up for folks to pick from.

I think the only TB colors we have are deep purple and a purple/white bitone. I think I have an all white at the MD house too. So what ever you have will be great! :)

Oh and if you have a piece of the stuttgart I would LOVE it. I had one, even shared it with bellie last year but it didn't survive the winter :(

Raleigh, NC

sturtgart = can anyone tell me how to divide a canna? I've never done it

hmmm - you have purple, huh? well, I'm most interested in any larger growing hostas other than the basic species. Have plenty of that. I'm probably going to put in the car just about anything still potted on the iris.

print up later
for jody - something to go with purple and white TBs,
Sturtgart came from PDN
for pamspace - make sure to bring several blue and several yellow TB/BB/IB
print up photos of any I bring *they won't be in bloom that late*

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jody: Do you keep your crested iris relatively dry? Mine died out -- I put it in several places in my yard because I really wanted it to make it. But it got the regular watering that the whole yard did.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

No they don't really stay dry at all but moist. They are growing in loam over rocks, so never "wet" but moist and well drained. The bed they are in gets all afternoon sun but they are shaded by taller plants all around them in summer.

I have seen references to them being drought tolerant and indeed they did survive our drought last year with no additional watering but they have been in the ground in that spot for several years. I think they are quite tough and tolerant of lots of growing conditions once they are established well. They are a native plant found in woods, stream banks etc. I read that they are actually endangered here in MD :(

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I thought they were supposed to be tough -- that is why I am clueless why mine died. Oh well.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Well I'd be happy to share some with ya if you want to try again :) My personal plant rule: if you kill it try again until you've killed it at least 3 times before you take pity on the poor things and stop being a plant murderer. ;) (sometimes I'll even go for a fourth try if it is something I really covet, LOL)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jody -- when is the swap? I can't find the thread for it. I doubt I can make it, though I'd love to.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

At my place in VA it is June 7...

are you going to Becky's? I'm pretty sure I'll be there.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I will miss yours -- I have a class that gets out at 1:20, and then it is probably at least a 2 - 3 hour drive from me to you, so I wouldn't get there until late afternoon.

I'll be at Becky's for sure (arriving probably around 2). I need to get together a swap list!!! I'd love some of your iris (if you can bear giving a piece to someone who will kill it!).

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

bonjon -

I have some large hostas, as well. I will make every effort to get those babies in the car for the trip.! I don't have much shade (yet) at my place. Soon, Pam

Raleigh, NC

thanks pam - and if you don't have shade, most irises love full sun - you have a color you'd like in trade?

photo from April 2007, front bed

Thumbnail by bonjon
Raleigh, NC

here's one from my trip last year to Mid American Gardens in Salem Oregon - so, what color do you like?

Thumbnail by bonjon
MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

gotcha covered happy...

oohh, bonjon that is beautiful!!

On the canna... I have divided a many of them, and I would say that if it is growing already either you should wait until fall or be very careful. Once you get it out of the soil and can see the tubers it's very easy and almost obvious where you can divide them. As long as each tuber has at least 2-3 "eyes" growing tips you're good. It's much easier in the fall when they are going/gone dormant and you don't have to worry about breaking any growing tips though and since my cannas in the ground have already sprouted I'm guessing yours are growing too. We can trade later, in the fall or earlier next spring, if you don't wanna mess with them.

and speaking of cannas... I popped out a couple of tubers while working this week of Scarletts Rib that I will have potted up and available at the swap. May have a couple of others as well before I'm finished in this bed.

Raleigh, NC

good to know on the cannas. Darn, I've got a few tips showing, too. - but they are spreading well.

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

bonjon -

The only iris I have are a very pretty medium yellow. They were planted at our camper on Chincoteague Island when we bought it, and when we sold it a couple of years ago, of course the iris came with. And before anyone says, how neat - a camper on Chincoteague Island - we lived in that camper for 2.5 years while we were getting our 4 acres prepped and it was only 7 ft X 30 ft. I can bring a few iris if you like, although I don't have tons yet. They have only bloomed where they are for what will be 3 years.


Raleigh, NC

editted -

LOL - an old friend of mine dropped by today. I'm buying his mini-tiller for my husband. I borrowed it two years ago! DH is jealous of him but sure likes his tiller!! This friend bought a motorcycle and had a big wreck. He can't hardly walk still. He wants to know if I know how to thin cannas, his need it and he can't. we arranged for me to do it this fall and take all I want! Yippee! thank y'all for telling me how!! typical - he hasn't a clue what they are!!

This message was edited May 7, 2008 11:24 AM

Raleigh, NC


This message was edited Apr 17, 2008 8:42 PM

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

You can dig/divide his now if you want to. Just be careful of the tips showing and try not to break any. It won't kill them if you do, just won't be so pretty this year. Just dig up a clump, try to spray off the soil with the hose so you can see the rhizomes and cut away ;) Just leave at least 2-3 growing tips per rhizome. Replant and you're good :)

Some canna, like the Scarletts Rib I mentioned above make rhizomes that are humongous! I have to saw through some of them with a big knife. Others are much smaller and easier rhizomes to work with.

If you try it out on his now, then you'll know exactly what you're doing when it's time for yours this fall ;)

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd love some pink cannas. Anyone have any?


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Pam, I'm not sure what I've got out there yet. I let a lot of them die in the drought last year *blush*. I'll keep an eye for any pink though.

Raleigh, NC

This message was edited May 7, 2008 11:25 AM

Raleigh, NC

hmmmmmm this was supposed to be tradelists but it became tradetalk as well didn't it? think I started that - so sorry

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

No problem at all :)

edited to add: I dug and divided a bunch of daylilies yesterday and a ton more to go. Some have names, some lost there tags... I'll add the named ones to the list when I get a chance to jot em down.

This message was edited Apr 28, 2008 4:31 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jody: Are you ok after the tornados? Were they close to you?

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, everything ok here, thanks for asking! They weren't too close, but man, talk about scary huh? I feel so bad for all thos folks!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm glad you are safe.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Does anyone have a pond and want any parrots feather? I'm going to compost loads of it this week if no one wants any.

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