Tropical garden #6

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Ms. Rita I hope to get mine potted up this weekend. I got the greenii variety. Oh yeah, and nice pair! Yours always seem to come in pairs??
Candela, those are so they bloom often?
And Jerry, is that all we get on the colocasia? Please, show me somethin' mista! LOL

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmmm..those leaves are looking familiar....shrimp plant?
LOL..I know what you mean...things appear in my garden I either forgot I planted, or I planted and thought died, or just a plain surprise

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

a little closer.

rjudd, who are you talking to?


Thumbnail by fredrump
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

naaa...the close up view is better..doesn't look like a shrimp plant..but I have something similar to that...I have to go look up the tag

Dallas, TX

Eggshells wild and free as they are supposed to be! NO greenhouse! You need another croton next to the palm on the left. And what no EE'S ? Jerry

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Me? And you are looking for the tops of my palms? Over the tops of the ginger? The trees are pretty tall. One is poking out in the rear of this photo. I have orchid cactus way up there in a tree to the right and a very tall pony tail palm next to the ginger. Let me see if I can find another shot from further away. This is a slightly differet view.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

This whole area will be removed at some time in the future as we expand our outdoor living area and covered lanai with pool. Right now everything there is just growing on its own while I'm pondering how to dig everything up and where to plant it.

But if you want crotons I can oblige. I took a whole bunch of shots today.


Thumbnail by fredrump
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Fred that unknown plant you were inquiring about looks kinda like my Easter Lily Vine-Beaumontia something.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a) your garden! I'm just now getting into palm trees, planted about 4 of them so far. I can't remember the names of the 2 I just planted but they are pretty cold hardy. I was wondering what the name of the one with the criss cross pattern on the far left.

This is what I thought the plant you posted looked like..but the leaves are a bit different
Clerodendrum Minahasse

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

aaah..your right...beaumontia...It was bugging me ...I was just staring at mine right before I went to work wonder it was looking familiar.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

very nice. those look almost like crinum americanum flowers! weird!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

way to go jeri! do you have a picture of yours? where do you keep it?

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Jerri is everywhere and knows everything. Easter Lily Vine-Beaumontia - that sure doesn't sound like anything I ever bought but with my memory, who knows? Let me see what it looks like in plant files.

Well, I'll be ... Beaumontia, Herald's Trumpet, Easter Lily Vine, Nepal Trumpet Flower
Beaumontia grandiflora sure looks exactly like my leaves. I will plant it just where it is sitting which probably was the intent when I was there in another life. This is really weird.

I guess I'm losing it.


Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

every tree you see there is a sabal palm or in local lingo cabbage palm. The one on the right is very old and lost all of it's branch remnants while the cross pattern is younger and shows where the branches were trimmed as they die off. I have cabbage palms by the millions as they seed and grow everywhere.

Last few days have been planting seedlings of other palms along with seeds for the Silver Saw Palmetto. I guess if they all grow I'll have about 75 silver saws to plant around my generator. But they tell me it's take at least three months for them to germinate and I suspect that by then the pots I put them in will be buried in weeds. :-) Weeds grow here as soon as I put dirt outside. The air must be full of the stuff.

Here's my little nursery.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Very nice!
I have so many cuttings seeds, I can't remember them all. I did start using the journal to keep track of some stuff.
How much property do you have? I bet everyones like a kid when they get out in your garden and wants to explore every corner!

Here is my beaumontia...this is the lower now extends to the top of the roof, around the living room windows...and there is one portion of the vine that is nothing but vine -- about 10 feet long. It's a bit erie during the day as the vine follows the sun. One moment the vine is pointed to the right, I'll pull some weeds and look up, and it's pointed to the left!

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This is "one" of the top portions.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I even got your name from the post you made about the Beaumontia grandiflora back in 2006 along with picture in plant files. You say this plant wants full sun. Mine has been sitting under a large live oak and seems to be growing just fine. Doesn't look like a vine though, at least not yet. It may have been my purpose to plant it there so it may climb up the tree. Full sun here in FL can mean death to many plants as the summer heat is quite strong. I have a feeling most plants like the speckled light where they get some protection from direct sunlight. I'll review the location tomorrow. First thing I have a plant to tour with the Naples Botanical Society here in my neighborhood. I want to check on the competition. :-)

Let me see what do I hang on here? How about a nice azalea?

Thumbnail by fredrump
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

candela, that succulent you posted in post #4683605 at 5:58 is sooo cool! i love it!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

aah yes..
At first they don't look like vines..matter of fact that first photo..I wouldn't have thought it was a's just a giant vine!
Your right..same here...alot of things dont' survive our full sun in summer. That is why I planted it next to the house...It will get full sun winter and spring, but when the sun shifts to summer position, it's directly over head -and it gets alot of mabe not full sun all year. I've since added a Beaumontia Murtonii in the back garden which looks pretty much the same, but it is suppose to flower all year instead of just once a year. I think the vine might be mature enough this year to bloom...we'll see.!

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I have 7.5 acres. I bought 5 acres next to me in February so except for brush clearing on the 2.5 acres next to me not much has happened over there. I just moved some Cape Honeysuckle away from my driveway into this new territory as it was scratching up my coach everytime we leave the house. I also added a Mexican Flame and a regular Flame vine at each end of the new trellis I just built for them.

I basically bought the property to preserve my privacy but 2.5 acres would have been enough and the far end we'll probable sell if the market ever returns. Right now everything and your mother's uncle is for sale without buyers.

Here the trellis.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow...incredible..look at the palm trees down the road...I would be in heaven!

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

your beaumontia reminds me of some of my other vines. They seem to have enormous strength going horizontal searching for a place to grown on. I like vines as long as I can control their invasive habits. They seem to want to take over everything.

Speaking of growing out on a limb ... look at this tillandsia hanging onto a live oak branch. I was going to cut the branch off but didn't have the heart to disturb this plant.

I have various tillandsia, all wild growing here and there.


Thumbnail by fredrump
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

diehard, FYI: I just happened to get a promotional email from logees and they had Stapelia gettleffii (that's the cool starfish blooming succulent) on sale.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

WOW have quite a project going on...looks wonderful and will be spectacular when finished (does that day ever come? hehe)


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That is cool.. I'd like to get a few to grow around my garden like that. How cold can they stand it?

I've never been to logees, I think I'm going to take a peak

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I'll call you next time my 360 palm trees need cleaning out. That's just on my original 2.5 acres. It's a lot of work which I tried doing myself one year but it takes forever. This used to be FL Everglades land which was drained in the 60s with lots of canals and now they are trying to give the southern half back to nature by filling in the canals. The whole development was bigger then the state of RI.

and here's the last picture of the night - here's looking at you kid.

This is a silk floss tree with gecko.

Thumbnail by fredrump
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I've never ordered from them, but managed to get on their mailing list somehow. They seem to have a little bit of everything. I know it's pathetic, but I hate ordering 2" pots. When am I going to get this patience gardeners speak of??

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Ok, now for something to eat. Cut them today to let them ripe off the tree.

Thumbnail by fredrump
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, I'll bring my thick leather better way to learn about palm trees than cleaning and trimmin!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

thanks for the source. I'll check it out, buri can't buy anything yet cuz I have to save it for a trip..... For now i can only dream......

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I must admit that when I got plants from Kartuz I was a bit dismayed at the size, but honestly the plants were very good specimens, and two years later they are enormous. I bought Iochromas and Solanums

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Fred, you may have reinvented Maui on your own property. Except the high country is quite different.
Guess when I get the yen for a little Maui will just have to come to Florida.


Randy, you can go with me.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah, Fred is going to put me to work cleanin and trimmin 100 palm trees

Red Oak, TX

I'm Back! My garden is still coming back from the dead so no pictures for now! everyone's gardens look great though.

Dallas, TX

Truetropical77, Good news and GOOD to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jerry

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

hooray! glad to see you back!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Yay!! your back :)
Glad things are growing again.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

fredrump wow your yard is so huge. i would never leave the yard. it is nice to see some more floridians in here.

jerry 14 ft. alpinia how do you put the green house top back on

Thumbnail by candela
Dallas, TX

candela, It's hard. I have to cut back alot of plants. The gingers just bend over. I use two of layers of 6mil 40x60ft. plastic. But not a windy day. It takes me and one helper to put put the cover on. Can't wait to to take it off for summer. Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves

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