R U Ready for Spring?

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Couple of swans. (they swim so fast, one is behind the tree)

Thumbnail by cpartschick
Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

What a wonderful picture!! I just love swans :) We have some pretty FAT squirrels that we see here in BC. We throw out all the seeds that the big bird does not eat. Yesterday I did see a big robin sitting in the neighbors tree. I can't wait to see the ducks swimming in the lagoon :) I have fed them bread for a few years now, so when I call them, HERE MY PRETTIES, they look like they are running on the water, hee hee

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

That is really nice.
We heard a robin but didn't see it.
Every night the past couple night, the redwing blackbirds flock together and sit in the tops of the trees around the house and sing. There are anywhere from 50 to last night 500 or more. It was really great to hear that singing.

I didn't have my camera with me this morning coming back from walking the dog in the woods. By the basement door, out in the water were 2 geese with ice all around like they were frozen in. It would have made a nice picture. There were 2 swans there when I left and must have made holes for them to sit into. I ran upstairs for the camera, but they had left. (and didn't take the lake with them)

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

The ground was white this morning but the sun came out and melted the smattering of snow we got last night. As long as the sun is shining I'm OK. My hired help didn't show up today to finish picking up the apple tree trimmings. I knew I shouldn't have paid that guy yet. ha ha ha You'd think I'd learn wouldn't you. Hubby got out there and spent three hours picking it all up so it was good exercise for him. He was too pooped to spray the trees though so we'll do that maybe tomorrow depending on the weather. I don't think there is a chance they'll be budding out in this cold. It got down to 8 degrees here last night!! Now, that's cold I think for this time of year but maybe I'm wrong.

On Easter when we were outside I saw a flock of robins. There must have been ten or twelve of them out in the fields hunting themselves some worms. It was a welcome sight. My two packages of phlox arrived today. I wasn't sure what to do with them since the ground is still frozen. No way can I fit all of those in my refrigerator. I wound up opening up the bags and leaving them in there and setting the opened bags inside a cardboard box and set it on top of the freezer in the basement where it's dark. It stays pretty cold down there so I think they'll be OK don't you? If you don't think so tell me what I should do with them. I really don't want to pot them up but if I must I will. I have some coffee cups I can use for pots and I have trays to put them in. I'd rather they just stay asleep though for three or four more weeks.

What did everyone else do with their phlox?

Here is a good pic of the baby with the Easter bunny.

Thumbnail by Loon
south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I put my phlox in the basement where it is cool and dark....didn't even open the plastic. Yikes..do you think I should? I would rather just plant them out, but with this crazy weather, it may be June before the ground thaws.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I opened the plastic so they'd get some air ciculation. I wouldn't want them to rot inside the plastic ???? I don't really know though. I wish they wouldn't have mailed them out till next month. I hate babysitting plants.

Any more advice? Dori?


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh NO! look outside.
In like a lamb out like a Lion?

Blowing, snowing, winter, crap, curse!!! I refuse to let it snow.
(the weather is not listening)

Looks like high in the 40's all week. That should help.

With the just above freezing temps, we have had no flooding here. The snow is just melting a little at a time. This has been very good. (but there is still plenty of snow to go)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

The wind is blowing and its cold! the main part of the snow is suppose to miss us-hope they are right!

My Phlox and Lilies are all potted in the UNheated GH, i checked them yesterday and they were all fine, put some more dirt on the any growth i seen trying to poke up!

I would open the bags so they dont rot if you cant pot them up!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I have to get more pots !!! Its blowing and spitting snow here also Today they are fixing the wall in my bed room OH MAN THE DRY WALL DUST I'll be glade when its done then on to the metal roof (sigh) so many things to do
have a great day

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

What kind of pots are you getting? Some of us local girls drive out to munger area where there is a old barn(warehouse)that is a GH supply company. they are out of capac michigan! He has good deals its called Hortmark-they have s undeveloped site if you google it!

I know we will be heading there soon and i need some gallon pots and DIRT!!!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

snowing and blowing and downright nasty here....I'm going shopping and getting a dozen white tee shirts (my daily outfit!)

Dori...you put your stuff in an unheated greenhouse....wont' they freeze??????

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

sue Bert told me to do it with the lilies and so far no froozen lilies-they are growing
I put the phlox out there and it was down to that night and the next day they were showing growth too-heck stuff is growing under the snow out there!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok....I'll do mine that way too. What size pots did you end up using?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

this size(last yrs pic)

Thumbnail by notmartha
Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Beautiful flower. The greenhouse should be ok. It is above freezing, it is just that wind that makes it bitter cold. And all that white stuff. UGH.
I like snow, but didn't I say I was done with it for the year?

Still up to my knees in the woods on the level. Walking on trail packed snow of 10". It will be middle of May before it is all gone in the woods.

I had about a hundred finches in my bird feeder, but could not take a picture as the window is covered with snow and ice.
Spring? ha!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Well, it's back to winter here again. It was snowing to beat the band all morning. I'd say we have at least 3 or 4 inches of snow! It's heavy snow too.........very wet snow. This sucks. I'm so tired of it all. The ground is all white again and the snow was almost gone in my immediate yard around the house. I have a feeling we won't be able to do much gardening till end of May I bet. When I get out to Walmart I'll pick up some potting soil and pot up all these plox I bought. I'll just put them into styrofoam cups with a drainage hole punched into the bottom. I'll have hubby put together that little greenhouse on wheels I bought and put the trays of potted up phlox out in the garage inside of it and just open the garage door for light during the day. That will have to do till I can plant them in the garden. I sure hope the roses from the co-op don't come till the ground is thawed out. I don't want to have to babysit those for a month or more.

I have a crabapple tree outside my kitchen window and I looked out today and there were robins all over it eating the crabapples. I didn't even know robins like crabapples. There were about 8 of them. Big and fat and happy to find something to eat. I'm glad I bought five more crabapple trees to provide food for the little birds in winter.

My Chirstmas cactus is blooming agin. It bloomed for Christmas and Easter this year. It is a white one and very big and beautiful. I keep it on a plant stand right in front of an south window.

Glad I don't have to get out on the roads or go anywhere today. I guess since I can't play in the dirt I'll do putter in the kitchen. I have chicken thawed out and trying to decide what I want to do with it. :)

Back to hibernation mode.


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

My Mom has a C Catus that blooms at Christmas and the other one blooms at Easter. They are so pretty.

We got 3". I went out and measured before cleaning the steps and walk. I was cursing under my breath.

At one time I could not see out my front windows, as they were covered with snow.

My mom called and said she was eating snow icecream, then hung up. Trying to make the best of the situation I guess.
I hope I am as crazy at 84.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

When I was young my mom used to make snow ice cream for me too! I haven't thought about that in decades. :) Thanks for the memory. I used to just love that stuff.

Hubby is out clearing the snow with his tractor. It has quit snowing. Hope for good!


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Im sick of the whole winter thing it can go away anytime now.... We got 13 inches the other day!!!! Today the sun was out and melted several of the inches.. Was really pretty nice when I got out of work a t7:30pm took the dog for a long walk and he was so muddy... Not fun having a light cream colored dog... Oh well you gotta love him... Have a great one Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Man it snowed today got the bed room wall done
Is any one going to Gladwin home and garden show this Friday??? lots of good stuff going on I'm taking 1/2 day off work to go if you want info dmail me

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Here is a picture from yesterday, taken looking out my front window. I call it "Michigan spring"

Thumbnail by cpartschick
Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, notmartha just told me it is going to be snowing MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :( Well, the upside is I have just been planting sees in the gallon milk containers, so now they will have a freeze :)

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

gardenlady123, just saw your question. My sister really lives in Vicksburg, I just say Kalamazoo so people know I'm talking about Michigan and not the South. LOL

Hamtramck, MI(Zone 6a)

You all seem to be much further from me and I only just saw a squirrel for the first time yesterday. I m in need of some planting advice, so can anyone recommend a forum in here for my questions?

Thanks! Elizabeth

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

what kind of question

I heard a killdeer yesterday!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

gloomy, cloudy day here....44 outside. I went out in the greenhouse to check the temps (just put a thermometer out there yesterday) and it was 72...with no sun! Yahoo...

piles of snow are still on the gardens though....

Hamtramck, MI(Zone 6a)

Well - I am trying to figure out where to keep some plants that should be arriving tomorrow in the mail from Michigan Bulb. I am in a new house, and I am fairly sure the ground will freeze again, so I don't want to run out and plant everything like I did the first year I lived in MI...


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Elizabeth why are they delivering so early ?? I'v never gotten any thing from them untill at least the end of April first of May ???

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes its is a little early for the deliveries to MI. Toofew my brother lives in Vicksburg.... And a really good friend of mine. Sarv are you going to the Bahamas in your own back yard... Maybe a little sunscreen and an umbrella huh? Sounds great to me. My daughter is leaving for Florida on Wed. evening so jealous!!!! No she deserves it she works very hard and is straight A full time college student.... So Im happy I guess. Have a great evening everyone... Ronna

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I would like to help, but being a person who plants too early and then is dissapointed I shouldn't.
Reading other threads here, some have planted their early plants in large 20 oz cups to transplant when real spring gets here. Hopefully, it won't be much longer wait.

We did have much warmer weather the last few years in the spring, but last year we did then have all the april snow showers. Now we can do without that!

Raining like crazy out. Hope this thaws the ground a little. Spring will raise her muddy head soon.

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Its raining like crazy here in NC for the last few days. cold too! Cant wait to get back to MI for the summer. Im gonna work all week at my job then be a weekend warrrior in my garden. I keep buying plants and im not even back there yet.

Good news! My bf and i have found some houses that we are very interested in. No acreage but huge yards!!!! perfect for lots of pretty plants! We are going with our realetor on sunday to see them. Fingers are crossed. House shopping is not easy, especailly on a budget!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Good for you! Hope you get something nice.
Raining heavy here too.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

pouring rain here has been all day !! but now I know where I need to fillin the back yard at LOL HAY is that thunder I hear !!!!!
cparts missed you on friday!!! was sorry I dident get to meet you

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes, me too. We were all ready to go when we got unexpected company.
How was the show?

Yes, that is thunder.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

the show was not to bad not what I exspected I thought that it would be more informative but she had some nice pics of the work shes done at her home she moves a lot of rocks we diden't stay long I diden't feel well and my bil had to take his gd to soft ball practice we realy need to hook up and meet LOL

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I have never been to the lily place (cottage gardens). I know you have been there. It is not far from my house. Maybe we could meet there after they are open and if you plan on going back there.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

that would be great and I most definitly am going back I love that place I'm not sure when they open I need to find out

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes rain , rain go away! Little Ronna wants to go into the yard.... My daffys are coming up and pretty good today with the rain wow... I see little green tops of plants all over the yard. :):):) Stay under until its safe little ones.. haha, Ronna

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

I just looked again outside in the yard and I see daylilies comming up and crazy onions, but the onions are already tall and green stems! Guess thats why they are called CRAZY! I have a rose bush, altho it's the girth of a string bean! I grew it from just a small green stick, 2" long, put it under a glass jar, and darn thing grew, maybe get a flower bud this summer?The wind is blowing so bad today, thought my hair was gonna fly off my head!

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Aw, well today here..in the south..fo Michigan...it rained snowed..yep..and the wind was really bad...cold but..dear me ..the wind blew the ice out of the lake....
guess what I see water..real water...yeppy...now spring will come..even though it is cold..I can see the white caps..again..wowow...so excited..lol...and the sun is peaking out..on and off..maybe...maybe..yes maybe..it is time for spring..hope so anyway..

happy night all...smiles. Diana

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