Folks Going to Longwood Gardens

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Actually the rascal scooter company did just this and are now not marketing it, anymore. Can you guess why?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My DG Shirt should be arriving today / tomarrow. Anyone get theirs yet? I also order a travel guide of the area from Chester County it came yesterday but it was the fall & winter version, now what's up with that?

Crozet, VA

Very the catalogue for 2007 or 2008?

Nope, haven't gotten my shirt yet. I ordered a 2X since they said that they run small. It will probably come to my knees.

Won't be too long now before we all get to meet together in a beautiful setting.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, the catalog was for 2007. I guess they don't have the spring ones out just.

My shirt came, very nice I usually get a med, but ordered an X large, I think I'll wash it in cold water and air dry it, don't want it to shrink. Should have ordered one more size up.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby, Longwood is about an hour and fifteen minutes from Mount Laurel, NJ. If you take NJ Route 295 south to the Commodore Barry Bridge( Route 322 ), it will put you on Route 95 in PA. Just take route 202 north (Wilmington Pike) off 95 to the Route 1 (Baltimore Pike) intersection, make a left and Longwood is about 15-20 minutes from there. Don't be tempted to take Rte 322 north, I understand traffic at the 322 and 1 intersection is extremely horrendous since the area has been built up.

I was just talking to my girlfriend who lives near Longwood and she says they have crammed so many stores into that intersection, that a trip that used to take 10 minutes now takes 25 to 45!

If you continue south on Route 1, Kennett Square has a nice restaurant, on the corner of Route 82 and East State St; is their website and they have directions there. Kennett Square bills themselves as the mushroom capitol of the world, and the restaurant serves the greatest mushroom soup!.

If you like mushrooms, stop at one of the growers, Sher-Rockees, website: and you can buy them as fresh as they can be and for much less than the stores. They are further down Rte 1 south at the Rte 896 exit. Make a left at the exit, then a right onto Old Baltimore Pike. Sher-rockees is about a mile or so down the road. Boy do I miss fresh mushrooms! They do close early some days so call and check before you go.

I wish I could join you all, but I am in a holding pattern for the next few months as I may be starting a new job. No time off to go travelling! Have fun everybody!

Crozet, VA

Hello Ladies - My shirt shouldn't be too far behind yours Chris. Fun, fun.

Dragonfly - Thanks for all of the tips. I am just thankful that my hubby will be going so that he can drive, or possibly my niece and her family will decide to go along and since they are familiar with the area, they might drive. Wish that you could go too.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Need to bump !

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

shirley1md, just wanted to mention the salvia victoria seeds I have from you from Suzy's swap are sprouting :) thanks again!

I'm looking forward to going to Longwood.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)


Crozet, VA

Thanks Buttoneer.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

FYI, I am having my T-shirt made in Carlisle, my hometown, because I can save on the postage, and the shirt will not run small.

Crozet, VA

Oh Buttoneer, my hubby is coming to the Carlisle Car Show in a couple of weeks. I remembered that there was someone on here that lived in Carlisle, but had forgotten who.

Not sure what I am doing just yet. I suppose that I could try the shirt on and see how disgusting it looks before I totally poo poo the idea of wearing it. Now, if I can remember where I put it. ha-ha


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, If you are going to the car show that weekend, I could pick you up & take you to Lancaster County on the mennonite nursery trip.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Chiming in here.......I will be going too. Joining Sally and Shirley in Sally's van.

Put me on the list.....


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Glad you're able to join us Gita! I'm looking forward to it.

Crozet, VA

Aaaahhhh......sweet Buttoneer, what a nice offer. But no, I won't be going to the car show. He and a buddy of his usually go together and come home the same day. That is way too much time in a car for me.

I am looking forward to meeting you at Longwood Gardens tour though.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You have been added to the list Gita, with pleasure. Gald you will be joining us!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wind, I was just going back thru this post and noticed your hubby has a Harley, we have 2 of them. I could have talked my hubby into going with me if we could have hooked up with you 2 and rode out together, that would have been GREAT!!!

Crozet, VA

Vrrrrrrooooommmmmm, vrrrrrroooooommmmmm.......and here they come.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

flowerjen, please don't encourage him!....I guess you missed the part where I may have mentioned that I'm not thrilled and don't really like being a passenger on a motorcycle ;) Harry loves riding though. I'll ask him, maybe we will take a ride. He would like that. We would not be able to take or bring home any plants if anyone wanted to swap though...

It always amazes me that in a car everyone gets all buckled up for safety and on a motorcycle, you can just hop on and basically hold on with your bare hands to a leather jacket! In PA they don't even have to wear helmets anymore. It probably is better if you have your own motorcycle then you are holding firmly to something and can see better. But I can tell you, that is NOT on my wish list lol :))))))))

...I never did get our t-shirts ordered!!!!! I've been trying to keep up with all the seedling transplants around here.

We are looking forward to going on this trip :)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I lieu of T shirt- I think I will be sportin' a floppy hat I saw at Target with maybe a DG logo stuck on it. Just waiting an extra week or so for it to go on sale and save a buck or three. Doesn't everything go on sale at some point?
Took Mom to the dermatologist so now I'm ~~skin-aware ~~!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey gang, I picked up a white t-shirt locally, had the place put the Davesgarden logo on the back & Buttoneer on the front. Now I have to wash it & get the DH to shorten it. Pretty cool.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey---I am going to be the usual rebel.......NOT wearing a T-shirt of any kind! Maybe a nice Summery top.....
I have drawers full of T-shirts with logos on them! By now I hate all those shirts! I have, kind of, outgrown the whole "logo thing".......I suppose I have no need nowadays to make any kind of "statements" or to declare my "affiliation" with any kind of group or organization by wearing a T-shirt.

BUT--I am looking forward to going to Longwood gardens and being in all your company!!!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, You had me do a double take here! "NOT wearing a T-shirt of any kind! " WOW!
I was just wondering how many visiting Longwood not in our group will be DG members. I also want to wear the shirt if I go to Bluestone to buy plants.
I am sure looking forward to this trip, sort of a mini vacation for me.

Button, can't wait to see your shirt, and Sally with your hat.

This message was edited Apr 20, 2008 2:57 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I don't know how to exactly explain to you (and anyone else) WHY I don't want to wear a T-shirt with DG, or any other logo, on it.....I am afraid that people would not understand.....But i will try--and please just accept what i say and how I feel....we are all different.....

First of all, I seldom go "out" anywhere, and when I do, I want to look "nice"....
Wearing a T-shirt, to me, is just too "casual" for a day "out"--ANYWHERE!
In all my 71 years that I have lived, I no longer feel the need to "proclaim" any affiliation I have with any Group or Organization by spending $$$ to buy a T-Shirt with their logo on it that i will never wear again.
WHO is going to look at me and say: "WOW!!!!! There's a Daves Garden person!!!"....
No one cares......

Believe me--I promote DG to anyone that sits still enough to listen--just because I love the site and I believe that other people will benefit hugely by joining it......BUT--I do not want to own another T-Shirt that I will never use again!!! I have a dressed half-full of T-shirts that fit in that category.........Too "sentimental" to chuck, and too useless to keep! But I keep them anyway--as they represent factions of my life when it was just SOOOO "cool" to have a T-Shirt to proclaim "whatever".......I hold on to them for the memories of my "previous" life. The fun we all had.....The crazy lieves we all led.....The whole "PARTY" atmosphere we all lived by--breathed it--dreamed it--etc.....
They have no room (nor do they fit) in my current life. How I wish I could "morph" back to those days! But if I did--there would be a whole new generation of people looking at me and saying--"WHO does she think she is????"

Basically--I am NOT a "Groupie"-----whatever you want to interpret that to mean.
I, pretty much, march to my own drummer in my life--as I see it.....and it has been pretty liberating, if you want to know!

I enjoy DG for the camaraderie and the common interests we all share. I LOVE it and I promote it! Me wearing a DG T-shirt that cost me $20+ is not going to promote it in any way that I can see.....I would just be one of the multitudes of people that went to a beautiful place wearing a T-Shirt......and there would be a multitude of people gawking at us all and saying something like---"Hmmm.....must be a tour from a Senior Center--or something...."..................

I just choose NOT to be identified as "one" of "anything"........I AM "one" of who I choose to be "ONE of"! I LOVE Daves Garden and I feel, very much, identified with it! AND--people know it by the topics and Forums I choose to post on.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Gita-it sounded like you weren' t going to be wearing a shirt, at all(never mind a tee).

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, Sorry you took me the wrong way. I don't care what we wear, or if anyone wants to make a day or a weekend out of this trip. I just want to meet as many DG folks as I can and for all to have a good time.
Life is to short to worry about material things! I am going for comfort and tee shirts are great for me, I dress for work during the week and the weekend is mine to do and wear what I want and everyone has the right to do the same.
Please folks don't let this become an issue. Just come and enjoy the day , the company and the gardens.

Crozet, VA

I am with you on the excitement of the day Chris. Can't wait. I most likely will choose the morning of the tour what I will wear. I will be living out of a suitcase at that point. We plan to stay at my niece's in New Jersey for three nights. My niece Angela is going to come along if her hubby is available to babysit that day. She said that she visited Longwood a few years ago and thought it was beautiful.

I understood your joke honey. Have a great day.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm with you Chris! I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and putting names & faces together! It will be so much fun!

Regardless what you wear, bring a hat to protect your face from the sun & bring along some sunscreen too. Wear comfortable shoes! We'll be doing a lot of walking.

Don't forget your cameras! "A picture is worth 1,000 words"!

PLEASE NOTE: Sally, Gita & I may not arrive exactly at 9:00am. So, we need to exchange cell phone numbers so that we can meet up with the rest of the group.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Did I miss something LOL, probably as usual.
Have we picked a meeting place and time?
I am sure if I don't make the meeting time, we will find you all somewhere in the gardens.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Candee: Do you realize how BIG Longwood Gardens is??? It's acres & acres, which are divided into many "rooms". That's why I suggested a cell phone number exchange.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

So far I have Buttoneer, Wind, Jen's & Sallyg's cell phone #'s. It would be a good idea if cell phone #'s were exchanged with someone so we can at least find each other.
I will be staying at Staybridge Suites over night, I guess it is 7 miles away. My DH will be dropping me off and doing his own thing for the day, he is not into gardens. I am usually an early bird and Longwood opens at 9:00am so let me know who is an early bird too so we can meet up, maybe hang out about a half hour waiting for some more of the group, possibly just inside the entrance, pass the ticket sales. Then at 9:30 whoever is there, start the tour. And the rest could catch up later.
Anyother ideas, I'm open for any suggestions.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2008 9:52 PM

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

ladyg...are you sure you can't talk your husband into going? mine isn't crazy about going either, he is just going because I want to go :)

also, I was thinking today about what everyone is doing for dinner...did we want to try and plan a dinner somewhere too or are those of you staying up there going to buzz back to your hotel and then go out for dinner?

when Harry and I went last time we stayed so late it became dinner time then we didn't know what to do go home or stay around there...I think we found a place around there and ate and then drove home.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Wind, no hubby and I had this talk and he knows there will be several men going too but I just can't talk him into it, believe me I tried. Any ways we will have another person with us and they plan to scout out a golf course for the day.
We have a room for both Friday and Saturday night so we will have to find some place for dinner both nights. Might be a spare of the moment decision. Don't know what is in the area, never been there before.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I realized and forgot about the golf interest ...thought about it after I made the post :)
golfing will be fun for them :) I told Harry I said that and he got defensive and said he does want to go, which I'm glad, because I sure am looking forward to it too.

I'm not that familiar with the area either and can't even remember what restaurant we did end up eating dinner at the last time.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve and I are staying at the Brandywine and dinner is included for one night and we have checked on a few other places for dinner the second night. We are going on Friday afternoon and visit the winery that late afternoon so not sure which evening we will have the included dinner.

We are early birds as well and since breakfast is included we will likely indulge as well. Believe we are just a few minutes from the gardens so will likely be there before 10am.

This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 7:32 AM

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here are some of the events going on during our visit. I personally want to go in the Nature Castle treehouses! and of course pick up a few things at the Dahlia tuber sale and see the fountain show with the music!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I also want to check out the Dahlia tuber sale. I was looking at the Longwood site the other day and the spring pictures and the fountain pictures are really impressive. I can see where I can spend the whole day there.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just got and D-mail to add babybubbs and wife Deb to our group.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

It's getting closer.... I can't wait.

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