Folks Going to Longwood Gardens

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is a list of us that are going to Longwood gardens; Some are makeing it a week end trip others closer will just meet at the Gardens. I will do my best to up date this list.

Date: May 16 to 18, 2008 Visiting Gardens: Sat May 17th.

1. LadyGardener1
2. Wind
3. Rubyw
4. Chantell
5. Bec_No_Va
6. Shirley1md
7. Flowerjen+ mil Jeannette
8. Sallyg
9. Gitagal
10. babbybubbs (Bob and Deb)

This message was edited Feb 28, 2008 7:16 PM

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This message was edited May 15, 2008 9:09 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

it's very tempting...

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here a link to what we may expect to see in bloom during our visit in May.

Here is a link to the Terrace Restaurant at Longwood. They have a cafe and a full service dining room. Perhaps if there is interested we could make a reservation in the dining room or at least plan to meet in the cafe area?

Probably as it gets closer would be a good idea to share cell phone numbers if that is possible.

This message was edited Feb 29, 2008 12:32 PM

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally do you feel your arm being twisted?? Comonnnnn, Pretty Please, with sugar and honey on it!!!!!!!!!!

H. great ideas! Thank goodness we have 2 1/2 months to work on this.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

gosh, how often do I get begged to go somewhere- blush-

Crozet, VA

If Chris hadn't begged you to come Sally, I was going to. I would miss you terribly. especially when some of the other "northern girls" were going to be there. So nice to see Chantell and Becky's names listed. This is not said to discount anyone elses names, it is just that I have already had the pleasure of meeting those two last year.

Gonna be fun, guaranteed. I guess that I will put in an order for two Dave's shirts. Fun, fun!!!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, Did you see that you can have extra printing on the shirt, I was thinking of doing my screen name on the back, I didn't see of there was an additional charge, I had too much fun playing with colors and fonts.
It would be fun to see if we pick up other DGs not in our group just by wearing the shirts.

Crozet, VA

Wouldn't that be cool to meet other folks? I will probably add "rubyw" to my t-shirt also. I think that I know which one I am ordering for myself, but need to ask John if he wants one too.

You took some great pictures at Disney, so you need to bring along your camera to Longwood also. I would like to have a shot of the whole group together. This is going to be such a great day.

Where did you make reservations for lodging? I might get a room at the same place. I did check the mileage though and Longwood is only about 50 miles from where my niece lives. She might be upset if we come up and don't stay with her. I will feel her out and see and reserve a room this week if I need to.

Anyway, you have a good Sunday. Rest and coddle yourself. I am planning to sort through magazines and books and take them to recycling center. I have had it!!!! I am never going to read those unopened magazines, no matter how many times I tell myself that I will someday. I am really serious about organizing my things this time. Making fair progress so far too.

Be good ladybug.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I thought I D-mailed you.

I reserved 2 nights here. Went with Claypa's recommendation, it looks pretty nice and seems a good fit for Paul and I.

I do plan on taking my camera and getting lots of pictures. I bought extra memory cards for Disney and didn't even fill up one. (one card holds about 500 pictures.)

I have been trying to add a Disney picture to my posts, so others can enjoy.

I want to start some seeds today, last night I unwrapped my Sweet potato tubers and put them in water. I'm following Holly's instructions. Would be nice not to buy more SPVines this year, more $ for something else.
Picture in the Yeti museum, to the ride for Expedition Everest.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
somewhere, PA

Put me down as a tentative.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Tammy, I just added your name to the list. I'll Add and Subtract names as we go along.
I't just nice to know who all is planning to go. I know peoples plans change.

Anyone else?

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Tammy, another zone 6b gardener yay :)

as we get closer I'll post homeless plants I'll have available if anyone would be interested?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Wind, I might have some seedlings that will need a home too. Let see Hubby's golf clubs or my plants. What gets to go on the trip?????

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

both :)

somewhere, PA

Hey - I hadn't noticed many folks from NJ here! It seemed more of you
were from MD and VA so I didn't come here often. Maybe we can
get a plant swap going for up north our way, eh?


Crozet, VA

If last year was any indication, I will most likely have some thinning to do of some of my plants too and can bring some things.

Chris, I spoke with my niece yesterday and we plan to stay at her place and commute. I think that the map trek that I looked at said 52 miles. Is 52 miles about right Wind? We will be coming from Mt. Laurel also.

I am excited.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Ruby, I'm not sure. It has been awhile since I've been there too. It is a bit of a drive.

I'm saying this, but please don't get the wrong visual image of me or my husband.... but my husband has a Harley and I really don't like to ride, but we made a deal one time: I would go for a ride, if he would go to Longwood Gardens! So one time I went on the back of his motorcycle :0 and the other more recent time we drove :)

We went with friends for a fire works show with their fountains. It was really nice all set to music and colored lights on the fountains.

Maybe you and your DH can come over and we can all go together? this way my DH won't get the motorcycle idea!! I don't need to be stressed out and have helmet hair meeting everyone for the first time lol...or we could just follow each other in separate cars in case we leave at diff times.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby & Wind Looks like you will be going right past the Hotel I will be staying at. I'll be about 7 miles East of Longwood.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'd say take the Harley ride, - after all "wind" is your DG name! If I could get there on a Harley, believe me I would be doing it. Besides LOL, you haven't seen my hair yet!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Please note: new discussion on going to Lancaster County nurseries:

Crozet, VA

Ha-ha, Wind I was wondering what was coming after - "don't get wrong visual image of hubby." How funny!!! I know that all types of people ride Harley's. I am with you on the the riding of any motorcycle. I do not like it either. Thanks for the offer of riding with you, but most likely we would be taking our car for the reason you gave as well as both John and I are smokers.

My niece and her family might decide that they want to go, or my niece and I, instead of John and I. Will play it by ear. She has a baby who was born a few days before Christmas, so I am not sure is she or they will be up for the drive and trip or not.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry that I can not attend. I would so love to meet you in person Chris and I haven't seen Ruby since last year. Not to mention spending more time with some other DG friends at such a beautiful garden. We will be traveling going for 3 weeks the end of May.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I am sorry too, Holly. Well, I am sure there will be another time!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

As the time gets closer for this trip, we can decide on the time to meet. As for the meeting place, I have never been there, so need people who have to suggest a spot, might be nice to get out tickets and then meet so as not to create a long line at the ticket booth.
Also the idea of exchanging cell phone #'s with at least a few in the group would be nice sort of a buddy system.
I to need to order my DG shirt. Maybe this weekend.

The date for this gathering is May 17th.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I believe there is a restaurant and snack area there from what I have read. Won't be wearing DG shirts, but believe that I'll be able to spot the group wherever you choose to meet.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

When we go to Longwood, we don't eat at the eating places in the gardens because they are overpriced. We usually stop at a fast food place, but if you are going to eat in the gardens shop, I'll bring a sandwich.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I just thought of it as a place to meet that might be central in the park.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I remember they have a nice gift shop located to the left of the main entrance as soon as you check in. That might work as a spot to look for each other at the designated time. (There are rest rooms avail. in the large hallway just outside the gift shop)

The restaurant is nice, but I think you have to get going in the gardens to locate it. My husband and I will probably want to grab a bite in the restaurant, I dought we will brown bag lunch. I guess it depends on what time we want to meet. Buttoneer, do you stop for lunch before you go?

cell phone # is a good idea too. ladygardener, I'll dmail you with mine :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Wind that sounds like a good idea, near the gift shop, restrooms, and the entrance is near. I looked to see if I could find a map of the gardens on an Internet site, but no luck.

The gardens open at 9:00 am, I am usually up and ready to go early so I see no problem with me at 9:00, but I will be only 7 miles away.

Haven't though of food yet, I hate carrying a lot of stuff with me, I go light, fanny pack, cell phone, water bottle and camera. Typical tourist look. LOL

Crozet, VA

Hi to everyone - I am still excited. John must be thinking of the trip too. He is borrowing a wheel chair for me. I guess that I could feel the way I did about some of the other health problems that I have had the past couple of years, but so far haven't been depressed over the fact that I won't be able to walk along with everyone else. I walked a bit of a distance on Monday at the hospital and my lower back and calves are still paying for it. It will be the first admission of "I ain't the same person that I used to be." I will be able to get up and walk around, but when things are of any distance I will have to ride. ha-ha Actually sounding like a bonus as I think about it. ha-ha

Anyway, I will make a note now to order us a couple of T-shirts. Fun, fun ya'll.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

good morning Ruby :)

if I recall the pathways at Longwood Gardens are very wide and paved and should be no problem for wheelchair accessibility

I'm going to try and order our t-shirts too, hopefully later today!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, You need to get yourself a scooter.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

If you have a group of fifteen (I think) or more, Longwood has a place for you to meet in the entrance building.
I wouldn't hesitate to use one of their scooters if you think you might need it.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Longwood has scooters, too but I think you have to rent them & it's well worth the price. I know where the gift shop is (right past the ticket office on the left & I will be in there nosing around. They have such gorgeous stuff in there.

Crozet, VA

Oops, lost message again. The scooters sound interesting. Are they hard to ride?

Buttoneer, you said the wrong word to me - Gift Shop. I always feel as though I must buy things when I visits places. ha-ha Maybe I won't see anything that I want. Nah!!!

Okay, off to order a T-shirt.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, scooters are very easy to ride. My husband has one & he has built a seat on it for me. (See attached) If you need lessons on how to drive one , let me know & I can show you how easy it is to drive it. You can rent one at Longwood gardens to get around in.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2008 2:51 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Crozet, VA

Oh, how cute!!! Will you all be taking this on the 17th? And if I decide upon a scooter, maybe you can show me how to operate. Or maybe I ought to visit a dealership nearby if I can find one, and see if they will show me how they are operated. Anyway, I am going on this trip whatever accomedations I have to make. There.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'll bet you could market that - how ingenious!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

We have been asked to market it, but the liability insurance would be absolutely horrendous. If an elderly person bought one from us & fell off, we would be sued & sued & sued, so we only have the one that DH Bob built for me. I have a little sign on behind my seat that says: Back Seat Driver" and this summer, I want to have a little sign put on the front that says "Student Driver."

somewhere, PA

Maybe you could patent it and sell the idea to a scooter company?

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