Today's Weather in Your Garden - 14

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear that, Robin.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh Robin! Such sad news about your friend.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Perfect day for the first daylight savings day. Absolutely clear sky here so we'll get every last second of light.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Lucky you. Our skies are beginning to cloud over again. Enjoy the last of the brilliant rays for me, would ya, Victor?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sure will!

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Sunny here too, but I'll really be messed up after just coming home from a 2+3 hour time difference and DST.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I just watched the news and feel very bad for Ohio. They got up to 24" in some places and this is their 3rd major storm in 12 days. Oh! And POOR TEXAS! A foot of snow, the poor prickly pear catus were just covered in snow!! That has to cause some damage to their plant-life.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Robin - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That's terrible! Every day I feel better and stronger with only the nagging cough hanging on.

Candyce - how is everyone in your house feeling today? It's so good to see you posting again.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 33.2°, Wind NW 14.0 mph, slight haze. ☺

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Don't you always have a slight haze?

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

It depends if the wind is blowing away or toward the city. ☺

... or whether I have one or two cups of coffee!

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 7:44 AM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

22 and sunny here. No haze.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

16 and sunny here, should make it to 32 today!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Sunny, no haze unless I fail to clean my magnifying glasses, sunny but cool. Just 28 now and only going to 40. Why is that there are no high winds on the cool days when I'm more reluctant to go outside and clean up?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

A bit chilly at 24 degrees and the steady breeze makes it seem even colder. The sunny cloudless bright blue sky helps a little, at least when looking out from a warm house.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

8 this morning which has now doubled to16!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

28 right now and sunny - supposed to hit 40. We are still trying to dry out! The seepage in the basement seems to have stopped but the sump pump continues to cycle. Went outside to shack the squirrels away from the feeders and it's quite icy. I hope we don't get any rain for a good while!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks for asking, Louise. Like you, I seem to still have the nasty cough that hangs on, but I'm getting better every day. DSIL is going back to the clinic after work this evening because he hasn't felt any better, even after being out of work for one week, and then going back to work on a limited basis for the next week. He's really been the one hit hard with it.

Oh yeah ~ the weather ....

It's up to 25°, yippee!!!! And the sun is shining brightly, and the birds are twitter-pating and the breeze is just so very slight. It almost feels like Spring.

North Augusta, ON

The birds were talking this am here too!!

Except for the 3 feet of snow I coulda swore it was spring.

Cold, cold here but the sun is shining. Can't look out the window for more than a few seconds or I look away snow blind...found that out the hard way, still seeing spots!!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Yep! Me too! Snow blind!

Thomaston, CT

Glad you are both better, Donnie & Candyce--the cough does last--over 2 months for me, & my brother is in his 6th week of coughing! Someone messed up the flu vaccine this year! Very cold this morn, but 40 today--cloudy now, & expecting some flurries or showers.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

My doc told me that adults should now get vaccinated again for whooping cough - it can last 3 months(the cough). You get the vaccine once as an adult - I got it earlier this year.

North Augusta, ON

And all this time I've been thinking it was my bronchitis causing the cough to last for months every time I get a cold. maybe it's been whooping cough all along!!

32 degrees and the sun is STILL out. TY TY TY. All the sticks have disappeared! Into the snow.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Donniebrook and all the rest of you that are still coughing, I am so sorry for you. I couldn't risk getting sick before helping my friend, so I had to avoid you while in FL, and we had more obligations than I expected. But my DH came down with a cold and cough one the plane back, so I sent him back to Nantucket to avoid giving it to my friend.

Robin, best to your friend. That is a tough one.

I had a great time in Fl then up to Boston to take care of my friend while she was at Mass Gen. then to Maine to take care of her while she recovered. All went well. Now I am home. Here are some pics taken in FL. Mostly birds. Too many pictures, but I love the birds. I think we will spend all of Nov there next year as we have a free house to use and we can take the dogs. That means I will have to plant a lot fewer bulbs or do them in Dec. Patti

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Patti - I am sorry we couldn't get together, but there will be other times - especially if you will be down here the whole month of November (my favorite time of the year here). Your slideshow photos are fantastic. I can't wait to show them to my DH. Did you take all of them yourself?? They are exquisite!! How is your friend doing now?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, I did not take all of them, DH took many more than I, and my niece took a few as well. We sort of pass the camera duty around. I hate being glued constantly to a lens when I am birding as I tend to miss the big picture. But we are still trying to figure out the new camera I got DH for Xmas. Too many bells and whistles to keep sorted out.

My friend's surgery went very well and she will be flying back to Fl (east coast) on Weds, so she is back to work (on computer) and driving again already. I had far less to do than we expected to help her out. But her DH died last year, so it was also about just the support and making sure she didn't over do it. I had to drive her back to Boston for a post op, so it was mostly a lot of driving and cooking. No nursing duties, thank goodness.

I stopped at the the flower show on the way back to Nantucket. More gifts than gardens. But I did get a few ideas. I bought two hand blown red glass hummingbird feeders from a NH glass blower. I need some hummingbirds. I now have to figure out how to download the pictures from my cell. Never done that before. Patti

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Temp 34.5°, Wind WNW 0.0, partly cloudy. ☺

Thumbnail by WaterCan2
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Ha ha ha! Love the picture!!!!!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Welcome home, Patti!! Missed you. I bought an italian button accordion to amuse myself while you were away. I am just learning and feel like an idiot but it has a wonderful sound!! Your pics are amazing. And it's my camera! Gotta go birding somewhere.

Port Matilda, PA(Zone 6a)

Patti, those are much more interesting birds than I see at the beach in Cape Elizabeth, Maine! We do get snowy egrets occasionally, though, and they're pretty cool! Can't wait to see the ocean again this summer when I visit my DM-I'm a transplant to PA, hence the name: ME to PA, metopa! Oh yeah, 36 degrees and partly cloudy! Sue

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Welcome home Patti. Those are tremendous wildlife shots. I like the pic of what looks like eggs in the seed pods. The owl is one of my favs too and all the birds really. Sorry you had to come back to winter still.
The weather here today is cold, temp 20 degrees but not much wind today. Sunny bright blue cloudless skies have returned again today.
WC2 that squirrel shot is too cute. Who was more surprised? :)

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

heehee - frosty the squirrel!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, all. That Barred Owl was too cool. We could not get a direct head shot, but I had never seen one before, so I was just happy to see it so clearly. It seemed rather awake for mid day. Very busy preening, Huge, so perhaps a female? It was cool the day we went to Corkscrew Swamp. Loved the place. We did go to Ding Darling which is always great. But the best treat was a trip out in a boat to poke about in the bay. My favorite bird to watch is the Reddish egret. The Osprey are nesting in front of the house we stay at, so it is a all day show.

metopa, I was just in Maine just off the Black Point Road (up the road from Cape Elizabeth). It was too windy to see many birds, but did see a herd of deer. I hate them in my garden, but always love seeing them in the wild. Great area.
Lobster one night and then a thin crust, whole wheat Pat's Pizza another. Went into Portland to a great show at the Maine College of Art of the work of Arthur Ganson, MACHINES CONTEMPLATING TIME. I need to see more of his work. I will go to MIT to see more as soon I am next in Cambridge. Mesmerized by it.

Boojum, what ever inspired you to take up an accordion? Should I bring ear plugs when I next visit you? I always wanted a shinny red pearl plastic one when I was a kid. Not to play, as I am decidedly not musical, but just to look at.

Ngam, I loved the pale blue color of the seeds inside. I think it is a vine called Gray nicker . Caesalpinia bonduc . I need to take a book next time. Dah. But I looked on DG PlantFiles, funny how good that site is, and it seems to be a match.

But TODAY. Sunny and 42 degrees. I am starting my seeds or at least some of them today. Norway has a mega seed bank, and I think I seem to be starting my own. I couldn't start them before as I would have been away from the darlings birth. I bought a big heat mat (4 tray) to get them going better, I hope, and 2 tall clear domes to try out this year. I will put them in the living room as our greenhouse's temperatures fluctuates wildly on a big blue plastic tarp on the floor. It seems to be the tray trendy thing to do with my seedlings. (couldn't resist the pun) Patti

Thomaston, CT

Great photos, Patti--thanks for bringing me back to FL--the pileated pic was super--they are so wary---the only thing I didn't recognize was the small hawk--any idea? Good luck with the seeds--most of my flats have germinated completely--some partially. Thanks for the comments on my friend with lung cancer--he now also has a spot on liver--but he is in his own home with 24/7 nursing--much better than hospital or nursing home.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Robin, A Red-shouldered Hawk. Charming and very cooperative guy. The Pileated was a treat. We kept hearing him off in the distance and finally he showed himself but just for a few min. We watched him for a bit, but had a hard time getting to a place to get a clear shot and then he was gone. The other picture of him even more a blurr. Patti

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Great pictures Patti, I love seeing the different kinds of birds. Thanks for sharing with us!!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Pixie, I feel guilty for being a one week snow bird while you are still buried with the stuff. I couldn't believe the snow piles just near Portland last week. Hopefully you will see the ground, sometime soon. Patti

The trees are not even started to bud yet. The farmers are sapping though.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I was wondering if the sap was running yet. It sure has been the right kind of weather for it lately.

Right now ... it's a wonderful, sunny, 29°. A small patch of ground is bare near the house foundation - south side - and there's something GREEN there! Neither Anna nor I remember planting anything there last season, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. And no. It's not grass!

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