Think Spring! (Chinese) Tea Party & Seed Swap for Feb 23

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If we put it off, it'll end up being the end of March (after Easter), as the next few weekends don't look good for me. That's getting to be a little late for seed swapping, I think. I'm not sure delaying until Sunday will work in terms of getting the back room at Chef Lin, although I can ask... and I doubt many people would be able to juggle their weekend schedule to make that work.

It's not that I didn't consider we might need an alternative date... The problem is that I really already used my "rain date" when I had to cancel the first date (Feb 2) due to illness.

I think we'll just have to wait and see how things look on the day. If the roads are bad everywhere, we may just cancel. Otherwise, it'll just be a matter of who can make it (safely!), as I'm guessing this may not hit the same all over.

I know Feb. weather is a dice roll... When I had the Sweetheart's Tea in honor of Howie & Gardenwife 2 years ago, we also had a storm hit... some people made it, some opted out, but those who came still had a great time.

We'll just cross our fingers and see what happens. I'm not in favor of anybody having an accident trying to get here, either... but just a little shift in the weather could make a big difference. I'm going to be optimistic!

I appreciate the door prize offers... we're in pretty good shape for door prizes, actually. I've been putting some things together, and several other people have offered prizes also. Not that a prize table can be too full, LOL! I love the generosity of this group. Thank you, all! :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I'm crossing my fingers XXXXXXXXXX - all of them! It's slippery out there, but I'm still planning to travel if the temps rise before morning :)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

will watch the weather closely all day today & into this evening. I am sure the road crews will be busy all day (and probably all night tonight) cindering & salting the roads. Holly & I will be on a 4-lane divided highway so I am optimistic that will be well-fixed. Time will tell. I am praying that we can all get together safely & have a wonderful time. I;m bringing my digital camera.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

We're also watching the weather on my end. If we leave later in the morning we should be ok. We'll probably come up the "back" way which should also be cleared and it's a bit shorter for us. I put the vase on my take it with you list. :)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Just popping in to say that I hope that the roads end up being perfectly fine for the swap tomorrow. It does seem like the temp's in this area may be warmer than originally expected(?), so maybe it will all work out. Safe Travels to all!

I myself am monitoring the roads as we're supposed to be driving to New England today. Sheesh.


I am in Hagerstown. Nothing weatherwise here that would scare me. Yet! The antiques shops are open and people are moving about. Hopefully will see you all tomorrow. South Mountain may be iced up but the salt shakers will take care of that. I will end up in Greencastle or Waynesboro today. Free bed and breakfast in Waynesboro....They do not know that yet but one of them will soon. :) I can get my oxygen tanks refilled in Waynesboro.

Meanwhile back at the ranch (Williamsport, Pa.) they only have an inch of snow as of this hour. Actually I do enjoy the white stuff up to a point called impossible.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Been checking the online weather & according to that, the rain & snow will let up tonight and only scattered snow showers tomorrow. I am sure the state will be salting & cindering the roads all night, so it sounds like it's a "go" tomorrow.


Buttoneer................I've been on and off Rt 81 Chambersburg to Virginia line since early AM today. Have had no really bad roads to deal with. Salt shakers are doing themselves proud.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Not sure if it helps - but since I'm south of everyone, just wanted you to know that the thin coat of ice had melted by 10 AM and the sun is trying to pop out! Local weather station indicates we're receiving light rain??? After looking at the radar, we may be in for a few sprinkles overnight but I'm thinking this weather pattern is basically out of here! The forecast for tomorrow and Sunday has changed radically in the last 24 hours. They're now predicting much higher temps (almost 50) for tomorrow with the cloudy, possibly rainy weather hanging around until Sunday, but no snow - this morning they showed sunny skies for Sunday, now they've pushed the sun into Monday??? Although I don't see much change in the forecast for the Frederick area, you will probably see some changes by nightfall. Unless weather takes a change for the worse, I'm definitely coming!!!

Jill, I will only be bringing one friend, Judy - Ann had a change in plans and won't be able to join us :(

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm back. New computer up and running old computer being cleaned and rehabbed in preparation for a new home. I've been out running all over this morning and the roads look good up here right now. We had snow this morning and then sleet. But the roads are surprising good and unless we get some serious freezing rain and sleet in the morning we will be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Critter, I will be bringing something for the gift table not sure exactly what, guess I had better get my butt moving.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Maybe I missed it but what time are you getting together at DPF?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I may not be there, but I think folks are planning to be at DPF as early as 10 am since I'm sure it's possible to spend a good 2 hours browsing! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Critter, I remembered you saying that you could spend about 2 hrs there. But I didn't remember anyone saying more than that.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure anybody did say for sure when they were planning to be there...



Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Depending on road conditions, we'll probably skip the DFP and come straight to the restaurant. I've got things pretty well set up on this end already. Just make some minor adjustments and load up in the morning.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

DPF is open until 6, so you can always swing by there afterwards... I called a couple of times today to make sure they were ready for a bunch of folks asking them to hold plants for afternoon pickup, but they didn't seem to be answering their phone. I'll call them in the morning, just to give them a heads-up. :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita and I are still coming to rFrederick, and we would do DPF after lunch, if we do it

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Don't forget Elf! I am picking her up here. So, there will be 3 of us.....

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ok Critter, one more change in plans! Judy has backed out as well :( So......Rick and Phoebe are coming with me!!! We've just returned from the nursery and got the van loaded with pots, cellpacks, flats, 3 gal pots, etc. - dug up several clumps of Euphorbia amygdaloides var. purpurea (one for Sally and Chantell?) and the rest are up for grabs. Also brought along a flat of Tiarella 'Dark Star' - hoping there will be enough for everyone! Will check back in the morning to make sure no change in plans - but otherwise ready and raring to travel :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Debbie... What will Phoebe do while you and Rick are in the restaurant and the nursery? That's a long time for her to sit in the car... (Phoebe is your dog, right? If not, I'm really embarrassed.)

I've saved your Episcia stolons until last to cut, so they'll be nice and fresh. The Tiarella sounds luscious, and you know I'm going to be ogling anything called "purpurea" LOL...

Thanks for bringing all those pots, etc.!!


I'm going to DPF at or about 10 AM. I'm using that stop as a buffer zone to assure my numb skull has time to find the restrurant. I talked my wife out of her toy car for the trip. If it will make it up and over South Mountain without me pushing I'm in good shape. Last leg of my tour....Waynesboro, Pa. to Fredrick should be cush and pretty in the AM. I had fun skidding about Martinsburg and Hagerstown and Waynesboro snooping in the antiques shops today.
....Just kidding.....well a little anyway. Looks like a mile and a half plus or minus from DPF to the restrurant.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

BTW, everybody should've rec'd a Dmail from me this evening with my cell phone number, just in case there's anything that needs coordinating. If you didn't get it, Dmail me!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Docgipe, I'm very sorry that I'm not going to be able to meet you tomorrow. You are my kind of guy.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Debbie: Did you say Euphorbia amygdaloides var. purpurea? And Tiarella 'Dark Star?' Heart be still.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I wasn't sure how many people were going to be there, so I made up 12 packages of each.

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 10:24 PM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is what I am bringing tomorrow for the swap:


Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba)
Hardy Air Potato (Cinnamon vine)
Wine Red Columbine
Cassia hebecarpa
Cassia marilandica
Chinese Lantern
Lapyrousia cruenta “Joan Evans”
Baptisia australis (False indigo)
Solanum mammosum (Cows udder plant)


Madeira vine
Drimopsis mucronata
Rick Rack Cactus
Bryophyllum crenatum
Bryophyllum tubiflorum

Door prizes:
Hawaiian spider plant
2 rooting jars
2 wind chimes
and anything else I can find for gardeners.

Links for pix of what I am bringing: Madeira vine Solanum mammosum Cassia hebecarpa Cassia marilandica Lapyrousia cruenta “Joan Evans” Brown eyed susan Brown Eyed Susan (hardy air potato/cinnamon vine) Bryophyllum crenatum Bryophyllum tubiflorum Rick Rack Cactus

Looking forward to meeting everybody.
Safe driving................................

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 10:52 PM

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 10:52 PM

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 10:54 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wow! I've been busy putting together a few little things for door prizes this week, and I've had some folks Dmail me earlier about donations... but I think our number of prizes may have doubled with the posts and Dmails I've received today!

What a wonderful, generous group!

This is going to be fun! We'll play our game, and the order in which people call out "Bingo!" will be the order in which they get to pick prizes... we'll just go down the list, and after you've picked your prize, just tell the next person on the list it's their turn. When we get to the end of the list, the last winner will make another pick from the table, and then we'll just work our way up the list in reverse.

I think that will be fair... people who get early picks in the first round will get late picks in the second round. If you win one of the first few prizes, you may not get a chance to choose another prize, but since you had your pick of the table the first time, I think that'll still work out fine.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Not to worry about Phoebe, she's a "seasoned" traveler and loves the car! Wherever her car goes, she goes :) We always make sure to check on her every hour or so to let her "take care of business" and get a little exercise.

So...Sally, you'll get to meet the "pesky" Miss Phoebe in person :)

We're leaving extra early and stop for breakfast on the way. Hopefully we should arrive at DPF around 10:00 - see everyone soon!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I am happy to report, DH and I are coming! We'll come to the restaurant.

Cathy aka doccat5

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Phoebe !! yay!! she reminds me of my beloved Hunny I had ohh, 35 yrs ago....yes as a very tiny baby I was.. hee hee
Buttoneer- I'd like an air potato- for the novelty, and Cassia marilandica for the name, please?
I hope I have something worthy of trading. I finalized last night.
Ice has been melting here overnight

(Cathy!! I'll be asking you in person, are you sure I can grow potatos above the dirt? !)

This message was edited Feb 23, 2008 8:04 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Those air potatoes are going to be fun! The fresia looks like something you might be able to tuck into a bigger pot with something else that has to come in for the winter...

I'm looking forward to meeting little miss Phoebe!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill: Is there a final list somewhere of who is coming?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been trying to edit that list at the top as we went along... Did I miss somebody?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks - I didn't realize you had updated it, but of course you would!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

can we go here?

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