Think Spring! (Chinese) Tea Party & Seed Swap for Feb 23

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Critter...

Dumb Question.. I bought a pack of Chinese lanterns and on the bag it only says "chinese Lanterns". What do you do then?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I hope for a photo... or for germination instructions... LOL

You might be able to figure out which one you have from the descriptions in PlantFiles... do a search, entering "Chinese Lanterns" in the first field.

NORTH CENTRAL, PA(Zone 5a) it herein known that I treated all of my plants with Neem Oil (insecticide, miticide, fungicide) two times five days apart by this coming weekend. it also known any incoming plants shall be held away from our native house plants and treated to catch any surprises that may exist for any reason. has been years since any problem has shown up with this preventive practice in our house. Last rising of mother natures little mitey things was years ago.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Doc, I haven't shared any AVs since I became suspicious of mine, because I try to be really, really careful. I'm sure the downstairs plants at least are "clean," but if you don't want to take chances with them, I won't be offended. I do the same things with neem oil and isolation for new plants, but despite that my AVs had symptoms last year that might have been mites (Extension Service wasn't able to make a definite diagnosis), so I got rid of a lot of plants and treated the rest with Avid. If you'd rather wait until the AVs have all had one more round of treatment with Avid, just to make really certain that they are free of pests, that's fine. Even with my collection in a "rebuilding" phase, I've still got a fair number of different varieties.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, Rick's not going to be able to come after all and I'll be scooting out about 2pm or so. I'm coming mostly to see everyone again or meet them for the first time. I don't think I'll have anything to swap (sorry the trailing torenia didn't make it enough to get seeds from). I also won't be eating the lunch buffet since I have the wedding reception a short time after. Will this be a problem with the restaurant? Will they be expecting a certain amount of money for the head count?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bobbie, as far as I know, the restaurant won't have a problem with it... she's been really flexible and accommodating, so I think that'll be fine. Thanks for letting me know to take you off the head count for the buffet.

I think it was Illoquin who recently posted that the trailing Torenias are usually sterile. !! So, we'll just have to buy new ones if we want them this spring.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

the trailing Torenias are usually sterile. !!

Well that'd 'splain it!

And Happy Birthday Jill!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I know we're getting close to the date, but I wanted to mention... I've still been mentioning this thread every time I bump into a "local" DGer, because I know not everybody checks in over here at the MidAtlantic forum on a regular basis... Feel free to do likewise!

If you know of somebody who's planning to attend and just hasn't found their way over to this thread, PLMK. I'd like to make sure I've got nametags and goodie bags for everybody. :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Jill, add another * to my name :) We were celebrating a friend's birthday last night and while at dinner we were talking about our trip on Saturday and have one more person who wants to come! So make it three - Debbie, Judy and Ann :)

Damascus, MD(Zone 6b)


I'm not going to be able to make it afterall (bummer). DH and I have to go out of town that day. I was so looking forward to meeting everyone and making some new friends. Hopefully next time.

Hope you're feeling better. Have the Docs figured out what's going on?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry, Patti! I was afraid something had come up when you hadn't posted on this thread to confirm. I'll look forward to meeting you another time!

(The docs are still working on it... we'll figure it out! and I'm doing better. :-)

Debbie, glad to hear your friends are coming along! Are they plant/seed people too? Please let me know what sort of seed they might like in their goodie bags (or they'll get "pot luck" LOL).

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Definitely plant people - they follow me everywhere! LOL The trip to DPF before the lunch was all I needed to "twist" their arm :) They don't usually plant any seeds, but maybe if I get them started, who knows?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So, seeds for winter sowing, then? Favorite colors? Sun/shade/butterflies?

Actually, if anybody else would like to tell me general preferences like that rather than requesting specific seeds, that'd be fine. I know you can get seeds from me on Saturday, too... I'm just stuck on this idea of putting something in everybody's bag to start with, along with their name tag and game card... :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think Shirley was supposed to get back from vacation yesterday... hope today's snow shower isn't too much of a shock to her system! I wonder what she brought us from Hawaii, LOL... not that we need anything more than her sun-kissed smile!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi all. Holly & I chatted this evening. I got the directions on mapquest & we're ready to go. I think Holly is driving and we will try out best to get to the plant place first and then meet everybody at Chef Lins at noon. Holly has 14 banana plants, my truly tiny banana, and a couple (forgot what they are but she has them) to deliver to people who ordered, so bring some cash or your checkbook. I am really looking forward to this. First time meeting a bunch of Mid-A DG'ers. Everybody, safe driving & CU Saturday.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

If it's OK--I would like to contribute 2 leaf sections already rooting, in a 4" clay pot, of my Red-blooming Epi. to the Gift table. This is the one that actually bloomed for me last Summer. I got the original leaf-cuttings from Karen in CA....maybe 4-5 years ago. It has grown into a nice HB with long. arching fronds.

I think the leaf sections have already rooted, as when i tug on them, there is definite resistance.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I think that would make a lovely prize! Thank you very much!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

We may not make it to the DPF part. Hubby want to wait till closer to time to make that decision based on the incoming weather. Later in the day would probably be smarter depending on what happens. Just going to wait and see at this point.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

The weather does not look good. UGH

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

According to for my area, the last drop of rain/snow/freezing rain will have fallen before 3am on Saturday, so we should be fine!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes that "rain or snow shower" in Saturday's forecast doesn't bother me... as long as we get Friday's "sleet or freezing rain" over by then, I think we'll be OK. My fingers are crossed -- toes, too!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I am still having nightmares of getting stuck on the ramp from 50 to 3 for 3 hours... UGH

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It just won't happen. It just won't happen. It just won't happen!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Let's not borrow trouble... If everybody starts posting icy road horror stories, we'll all stay home with our garage door shut until April! ;-)

DPF will be open until 6, so browsing there before you head home is also a possibility. I'm planning to call them this afternoon to see about setting up a holding area for us, so we can buy plants in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. I'll also be able to find out if the FL truck has arrived... :-)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I am sure the weather will be fine.. I just have a phobia now. lmao

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

No, Jenn. This is not about a weather phobia.

Baltimore County has a weather guru. He and the brief from below can be found here:

This guy is really interesting. He's an earth science teacher in Baltimore County, and knows his stuff. He nails school closings so well that we all go to his site to find out what tomorrow will bring. I'm planning to stay home tomorrow. :) Here's what he has to say about the next few days. Note his nasty recommendation for Saturday. I think that we're all just going to need to make careful decisions about travel.


THU 6:00 AM. While today's weather will be tranquil as High pressure settles into place over the Mid-Atlantic, I'm sure the speculation bantering about in countless schools, offices and homes will be fierce and on-going. The Winter Storm Watch now in effect for Central and Western Maryland, Northern Virginia and the West Virginia panhandle probably comes as no surprise to those of you who have been following the development of this storm since last Friday. There are no changes to the forecast, because the truth is about to arrive: A high impact winter storm will affect the entire Northeast region Friday into Saturday, and not a soul on Earth can stop it. View the NWS spread of warnings and advisories to understand the extent of this storm already.

STORM SUMMARY AND IMPACTS: Most of the I-95 corridor from Washington to New York City will experience over 24 hours of sleet and freezing rain beginning early tomorrow morning. Interior sections from Pennsylvania to New England will see widespread snow possibly exceeding 6 inches. By Friday afternoon, areas affected by ice may come to a virtual standstill, even hampering the ability of emergency and utility workers to reach residents in need. If you have something important to do, get it done on Thursday, because travel on Friday for most of you will be limited to your living room, TV room and the nearest refrigerator (assuming there's power to keep it working!)

SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, OFFICES: Most schools throughout central and western Maryland, northern Virginia, West Virgina will be closed, in addition to a number of colleges as well as many county, state and federal offices. Any activities, meetings or special events planned for Saturday will have to be rescheduled, so make necessary arrangements now. Those who attempt to open or hold an event will face a travel and logistical nightmare. However, conditions will improve behind the storm on Sunday, allowing roads to dry out in time for a regular school day on Monday.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I'm still going to hope that we're OK for Saturday. Ice around here can go as quickly as it comes, and they're still talking about above-freezing temps on Saturday. We'll see.

I certainly don't want people to take chances on the road, but I'm also not sure it's time to wave a red flag. Weather predictions for the next few days have been in a state of flux all week... a degree or two either way will make a big difference.

The only option I could see would be to hedge our bet by moving to Sunday... but I don't know how many people would be available Sunday on short notice, and we may not be able to get the back room at the restaurant (she said it's almost always open on Saturday but very popular on Sunday). So, I think we might have to stick with this plan and cross our fingers. Whoever is able to come, can do so... and we'll hope to see everybody else at the next event!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Yup. I'm not into red flags, either Critter.

But at least we're thinking of a back-up!



I'm on a tour as we speak. Therefore the Fredrick hour of arrival remains on schedule about nine thirty Satruday. If the worst comes to pass I shall grab a motel and sit out the weather. Depending on the teaking and a couple of military school class mates along the way I shall be approaching our DG Saturday Spring activity from just about any direction. If you see anything kinda cute and red sticking head first in a snow bank stop..............

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Weather won't stop me, but I realize those of us south of Critter may have it easier than those to the North. It still sounds to me as if travel on Saturday will be ok -- that it is primarily Friday that will be affected.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's my hope, also. We'll play it by ear, and I'll send a group Dmail out by Friday with my cell phone number... if you're not sure we're still "Go" or you just want to check in, please give me a call. If you're planning to come and decide not to, please post on this thread... otherwise, I'll have visions of you stuck in some ditch. Thanks!

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm hoping your weather will be favorable for your tea. Please SOMEBODY TAKE PICTURES to post for those of us who can't make it this time. I know you'll have a wonderful time.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

photos, definitely. :-)

Note directions between DPF and restaurant have been added to the third post on this thread.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill: Thanks so much for letting me know about "Plan B"! I'm still planning on coming and hoping that the weather won't be a factor. It should have cleared up by noon on Saturday....keeping my fingers crossed!!

Should I still bring plastic pots with me in addition to seeds?

I'll still be more than happy to provide some tasty Hawaiian treats for dessert.

I might be bringing another DG'er from MD (nikki_conway) with me, if she can make. I checked with Bluespiral several weeks ago, but unfortunately she had a prior committment.

Looking forward to seeing everybody real soon!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pots would be good! I think we'll probably do a little plastic pot swapping in the parking lot... I think Debbie (rcn48) is planning to bring a bunch of spare/recycled pots also!

There are a lot of dessert items on the buffet, but I don't think they'd mind if you brought something special like that to pass around -- but just a taste is probably plenty. :-) If you have something you'd be willing to give as a door prize, that would be great also... just Dmail me.

Please keep me posted on whether you think Nikki can make it... I want to be sure I have enough goodie bags and name tags and so forth... I'll bring a couple of extras, of course! Let her know there's already a bag with her name on it, not that I'm trying to twist her arm or anything, LOL.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, does anybody have a 4 inch ceramic pot that could be donated for a prize? Nothing fancy... but I have a couple of special windowsill seedlings that are in 2 inch pots now but will need a 4 inch pot in a few weeks... I'm going to scrounge around and see what I have here, too. :-)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Critter, I have a bright blue 4 inch ceramic pot, and would be happy to bring it with. It has no drain holes, just so you know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Doccat, that would be perfect! I'll add a 4 inch plastic pot (standard round one, with drain holes) that with any luck will fit inside so your pot will work as a cache pot. Thank you!

I have an adenium that I grew from seed, and I'm debating whether or not to include it as a (minor) prize... It should flower this year, but it's currently dormant, so it just looks like a stick with a swollen base and a couple of sad little leaves! What do you think... will people be able to visualize its future, or will it stand sadly on one side like the kid who was always picked last for kickball teams?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Critter - I like that idea - I have a "small" (100 ++ plants) collection of caudiciforms :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Critter. The weather situation for tomorrow looks absolutely horrible for our area in Central Pa with it continuing into Saturday morning. We are supposed to have 1-6" of snow followed by 1/4" of freezing rain & ice. I am waiting til tomorrow night to talk to Holly to see if we're still going. I would love to go but DH is scared to death for me in that nor'easter heading our way. I have a couple of wind chimes for door prizes and maybe might scrounge other things up. I haven't packed my seeds yet. I am waiting for tomorrow to see how bad things get. I tried all evening to get my computering over with but it was constant interruptions with DH, phonecalls, etc so I will wait til tomorrow nite to watch the weather & hopefully pack up seed. I sure wish you guys would have had an inclement weather date later on. You know February is a really nasty month for travel and it would be absolutely awful of some of us had an accident just trying to get there. It would make me feel much better about this if you were to put this off a couple weeks. Just a suggestion from someone who is very careful. Thanks.

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