Think Spring! (Chinese) Tea Party & Seed Swap for Feb 23

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Since I've had some health issues pop up, I've reluctantly decided that we need to switch to a "Plan B" for our get-together next Saturday. Meeting at a local restaurant rather than at home means that our party will be a success regardless of whether I've bounced back by then. I really appreciate all the offers of help that poured forth when I asked... but I think this will be an even easier option. It will let me concentrate on fun things like seeds, and maybe a couple of door prizes...

Hopefully, this new thread will make all the information easier to find.


Saturday, Feb 23, 12 pm, meet at Chef Lin, an Chinese-American buffet that's one of our favorite Frederick restaurants. I said I thought we'd have at least 20 people, and they will let us use their back room. I'll be able to set up a table there so that we can get name tags as we arrive, and we can use a separate table for our seed swapping. They said we can stay and chat and do our thing, no problem. Hooray!

At 2 pm, we'll do a little thing and give away some door prizes. If you have something you'd like to donate as a prize, please Dmail me.

We'll concentrate on seed swapping from 2 to 3 pm. Of course, seeds can be swapped outside of that time, and of course anybody who doesn't want to swap seeds can just keep chatting and visiting.

I'll post directions, but you can also find them via Mapquest or GoogleMaps... Chef Lin Buffet, 417-A South Jefferson St., Frederick. 301-620-0664.

The Saturday lunch buffet price is $7.99 for all you care to eat. Please figure $10 per person with tax/tip. If you order a soda (water and hot tea are included in the fixed price), please add $1. If you want snow crab legs, add another $3.50. I don't want to ask them to run 20 separate tabs for our party, so please give the money for your meal to my husband, Jim, and he'll take care of the accounting. (I know $2 is a generous tax/tip calculation for buffet service, but they are really attentive here, and we'll be staying for several hours, so it seemed fair to me.)

With the sushi, mussels, steamed shrimp, fish, and other seafood on the buffet, I've never felt the need for the snow crab, but it's an available option. The buffet has everything from soups and stir-fries to fried chicken and mozzarella sticks... there's salad, fruit, and an array of desserts, including soft-serve ice cream and hot little fried doughnuts. The selection is remarkable, and even if you don't like Chinese food you'll probably find plenty of possibilities.

I know this is a last minute change of venue, and I know some folks might be on tight budgets. If the cost of the meal might keep you from coming, please Dmail me, and we'll be glad to cover you. I don't want anybody to miss out.

Some folks are planning to come early and go to Dutch Plant Farm before the swap. I can see I need to add a review to the Go Gardening entry, They're located at 151 Baughman's Lane in Frederick... That's just off US-40, behind JoAnn's. Their Saturday hours are 8:30 to 6 pm.

Be sure to catch my article tomorrow (Sunday), with lots of photos of DPF! :-)

I'll copy our sign up list in the next post... If you're a "maybe" or if your plans change, please let me know so I can edit the list and get a head count. I don't want to surprise them by saying 20-30 people and then showing up with 8... or 48. :-)

This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 12:50 AM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

With the change in plans,please let me know if I should move you between this first list and the "maybe" list, or post on this thread to be added to the list. I need an approximate head count, and I need to make sure I have name tags etc.

People planning to come:
Critter & DH * *
Chantell *
Bec_No_Va (Becky) *
Happy_Macomb *
rcn48 (Debbie), DH Rick * *
doccat & DH John * *
HollyAnn *
SallyG *
Gitagal *
Miatablu (not having buffet)
Nutmegnana *
Buttoneer *
JennGroves & Janice (mother) * *
Shirley1MD *
FoxnFirefly *
LastElf *
Docgipe *

VA_Wild_Rose (maybe)
Claypa (maybe)

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 7:25 PM

This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 7:28 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Directions and other details:

Addresses for Chef Lin buffet restaurant and Dutch Plant Farms nursery are in the post above. If anybody needs specific directions (rather than using mapquest or googlemaps), Dmail me and let me know what highway you'll be on coming into Frederick.

Here are directions for getting between DPF and the restaurant.

From Dutch Plant Farms to Chef Lin:

Exit the Dutch Plant Farms parking lot and turn RIGHT onto Baughman's Lane.

At Stoplight with West Patrick Street/US40 turn LEFT from the middle lane.

Immediately enter the freeway by bearing RIGHT onto US 15 Southbound.

At the first exit, bear RIGHT off of the freeway. At the top of the exit ramp, turn LEFT and go over the bridge.

At the first light after the freeway, turn left into Prospect Plaza.

From Chef Lin to Dutch Plant Farms

Exit Shopping Center Lot and turn RIGHT onto Jefferson Street (West).

Immediately turn RIGHT to enter the US 15N Freeway.

At the second exit (West Patrick Street Westbound/ US 40), get off freeway.

At second light, turn RIGHT onto Baughman's Lane (this is the first right turn available).

Go about 250 yards and then turn LEFT into the Dutch Plant Farms parking lot.

This message was edited Feb 21, 2008 1:59 PM

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I may be a little late... Just an FYI.. I (my two-year old) have dance class on Saturday's..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, but be sure you're there before 2... I have something fun planned for 2 pm, sharp!


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)


I don't think I will be able to make it after all. We have been having some repair work done on our house inside and it has gone on way longer than expected. I have lost the whole week to this project. Since I have my own landscaping and property management business things are piling up there that need to be tended to. I can't get into the commercial properties except on the weekend and I lost today and tomorrow. Hopefully we'll all be able to do something like this again. I was looking forward to meeting everyone. I hate when life gets in the way. :-)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Juanita, I'm so sorry to hear that! When you posted recently about the delays you'd encountered with your projects this past week, I was hoping that wouldn't affect your being able to come. :-( If you get caught up, or if you decide you just need a break, you can certainly change your mind and join us.

In fact, that's something I should mention... although I need to tell them we'll have a certain minimum number of people to make it worth their while to let us have the back room, extra people aren't a problem (at least, not unless we suddenly get 50-some people coming). So please don't think you can't come just because you didn't tell me you were coming at the beginning of the week.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounds good to me! I cleaned some amaranth seed today, and made two packs of seeds from not-chocolate-daisy.....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool! I'll have seed available from that one too... and thanks to your tireless efforts, Sally, I now have the correct ID on the label! :-)

I'm doing my best to set aside seeds that people requested, and I'm also planning to put a couple of packets into everybody's "goodie bags" for the swap, just to help things get started... if you don't want your randomly selected seeds, you can swap them or give them away. :-)

I picked up name tags today, too.

Did I mention door prizes? I've got a couple of items... and if anybody has something they'd like to contribute, just drop me a Dmail. That's what the "fun" at 2 pm will be about. :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll be there!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Critter,
I will be around on the 23rd, however, my son has a basketball game at 3 pm so there is a conflict. My DH will not be coming due to the ball game, so I will have to find another way. Else, I will just try for the next one.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

FnFF -- Are you near a Metro? I'd be happy to pick up up from a Metro stop -- maybe Friendship Heights -- on the way.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Oohhh oooohhhh ooooohhhh!

My schdedule just opened up!

I'd love to come!

Gita! Would you like to travel together? We could meet at the Home Depot at Golden Ring.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray! I'd been hoping your schedule etc. might allow you to join us... :-)

I think Sally, Gita, and Newbie (hopefully) are planning to ride together, and I'll bet they could scootch over and fit you in... they'll just have to exercise a little restraint at Dutch Plant Farm, LOL.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We would love to work you in Lastelf!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Happy--I'm near the Orange LIne--can get to Friendship Heights if that's the closeststation to you. Let me know what time you want to leave the Metro and I will try to time it to arrive by then. I think that stop is on the Red Line going to Shady Grove, correct?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Perfect -- I'll dmail you details.


Don't know how I missed this in the making. I just got a late invitation. I will accept that invitation! I will have a few seed to trade. Namely: Papaver Sonmiferum, Purple Millet and Long Gourd seed from a nationally appraised and ranked gourd. Just for fun I will have one natural apple gourd bird house to share as a door prize.

I need no further support except to know the planned arrival time at the greenhouse.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh way cool! docgipe is coming, looking forward to meeting you in person!! :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


So... what time are people thinking of meeting at DPF? 10? 11? You might consider browsing there in the morning and picking up plants in the afternoon... I can call them and see if they'd be willing to set up a "holding area" for us (they've held plants for me before, no problem, I just pay & pick them up later so they don't sit in a cold car while I run other errands).


The opening hour or time of arrival needs only to be anounced. Suggested departure time would provide time to move from DPF to the restrurant. How large is this establishment and how much time can a gardener brouse in said greenhouses? Do they have a restroom? That's important data for sure. ]:o)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

You are my kinda guy, doc.....restroom location is prime info. LOL I'll do these out on map quest so I get a better idea of our time frame. I do know where Frederick is, LOL. People are always getting your town and mine mixed up.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

DPF has a restroom, although the facilities are a bit dingy and cramped. I think the gents' might be better... the ladies' room is actually a little drafty, could use a bit of chinking in the wall, LOL. If anybody has mobility issues, I'm not sure the DPF restroom could be said to be handicapped accessible.

I don't have any trouble at all spending an hour there, and I'm pretty familiar with it, so I can browse quickly. If you like all sorts of different plants, and if you also want to take a look at containers, bird feeders, etc... I'd say you wouldn't have much trouble filling 2 hours. My DH would go out of his mind trying to spend 2 hours there, but he is not really a plant person. Does that help?

I will check with them mid-week... there's a chance the big truck from FL might come in this week, in which case they're going to be wall to wall with gorgeous big plants. I got my Key Lime and Meyer Lemon there a couple of years ago... had to ask them to find me a Key Lime, but I think last year I noticed they had a couple again, so they may have added it to their regular list now. :-)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Way cool, critter, the DPF is about an hour and half drive for us, depending on what time we leave and how heavy the traffic is. I haven't mentioned the little side trip to DH just yet, :). I'm sure he and your DH can find something to talk about......LOL I dearly love the man, but there are times when I could just "smack" him when I'm shopping. sigh...It must be testosterone related. The boys are the same way.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

What does your DH like? Maybe we could send them to Best Buy or Borders while we're at DPF... otherwise, Jim might have to bring a book to read... LOL! Actually, I'm not positive I'll make it over there pre-party, depends on how things go that morning, but I'm sure I won't be able to resist a quick stop afterwards, maybe look around while people are picking up their plants.. :-)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Well, he's not much of a reader, but might coax him to go to Best Buy. Or he can follow me around and whine....LOL Been there, done that, got the T-shirt....LOL Hopefully, we can follow someone from the DPF to the restaurant. I know where Frederick is and have been it thru it many times on my lovely trips to Mechanicsburg, PA when I was working for the Navy. But don't know the in roads, so to speak.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jim (my DH, who is much better than I at giving directions) has promised to write a short description of the best way to get from DPF to the restaurant. I'll post it near the top of this thread, where I left a spot for "directions and details." Neither the restaurant nor DPF are hard to find, I promise -- and I have zero sense of direction, LOL.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

docgipe- we could talk gourds! I don't have a tall enough trellis for what you got though! I am on the other end of the spectrum, growing tiny spinning top gourds this year. I have grown and made birdhouse gourds.
Can I tell you how many times I looked at your 'name' and my brain said 'dog pipe?' LOL

I am suspicious that you didn't chime in until after the move to All You Can Eat Buffet

Now ladies- remember your anthropology class Women do the gathering, men do the hunting. My hubby will be hunting his TopFlite in the sandtrap while I am gathering seeds.....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL! Actually, I'm really pleased to say that my DG article that I got on the schedule this past Sunday caught docgipe's attention... he posted to grouse that all the nurseries around him were closed... I told him he should just come on down!


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

It's going to be so much fun, I'm so excited!! Thanks critter, I can't wait to meet everyone.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm pretty excited, too!

I've been getting some "goodie bags" together with nametags and seeds... PLEASE go over to the "SWAP" thread and post to let me know either specifically or generally what type of seeds you're interested in. Otherwise, you'll just get a couple of random selections in your bag... and that will work, since you can either swap them or give them away if you don't want them. :-)

I've had a couple of people offer additional doorprizes, so our little event at 2 pm is shaping up to be even more exciting!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Jill, I had hoped to bring a "surprise" guest with me but it's not going to work out :( So instead I've asked a friend to ride with me. Not definite yet, but you might want to add one more to the list :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I'll put another " * " next to your name...


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Guess who is having a birthday!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

hmmmmmm I know.. :)

I did not spill the beans either! LMAO

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm very good at spilling the

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL. I haven't yet decided whether my birthday treat will be fish shopping for the aquarium or plant shopping for the violet stand... I don't have a "thing" about getting older (much better than the alternative! besides, my life just keeps getting better), but I'm pretty low key about celebrating my birthday.


Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

buy both it is your birthday...

Happy Birthday... BTW


Wow! I don't skim or scroll well. However it was the anouncement to fat and sassy food place that caught my eye as well as reading the newly written articles on DG. The actual fine point was our host inviting me.

Secondly the weekend just opened up to make it possible. My grandson's wrestling just ended as his apendix was removed by a surgen....not another wrestler.

I will have one blooming single purple African Violet to trade. If some one should have anything different than single pink or purple even leaf cuttings I would dance a jig for a trade. I know how to make them grow. My plant is healthy enough to stand the loss of a half dozen leaves.

In addition I shall bring a nice sized red and white Christmas Cactus. If no trades are available both plants may be just for the asking or made into a door prize.

Honestly.........I do not write or speak many scientific names so please do not ask. I failed Latin I and Latin II both times I retook those courses. Would it sound better if I said I had four years of Latin? I swore off of even trying to remember scientific terms ever since. At my ripe old age I presently see nothing missed. No major hollow spots in my life or whatever. ]:o)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Doc, I'll put some hot pink CC cuttings into your bag. I want to treat the remaining african violets on the upstairs stand one more time before declaring them officially free of the cyclamen mites that they may or may not actually have had last year (hate to take chances, and sure don't want to pass along a pest), but I've got some plants downstairs that I trust... I'll see if I can't get at least a few leaf cuttings bagged & labeled for you... If I run out of time on that, just Dmail me and I'll send a box up to you when I'm back up to speed on propagating them. I like a lot of different types of AVs... :-)

Latin names come into play when there are different plants known by the same common name (like "butterfly weed" or "chinese lanterns")... I don't think your purple millet seeds will cause much confusion. :-)

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