Doronicum Magnificum : Leopardbane Have you grown this?

Crozet, VA

Hmmmmm........not sure what these birdies were doing that day, but it was so odd to see so many of them gathered together.

We have really enjoyed the birds who come to eat at the two bird feeders that we have on our deck directly in front of our living room bay window. Every once in a while I will hear John laugh out loud at something and will ask what he is laughing at. A lot of times he is laughing at some of the antics of the birds. He was commenting last night on how terribly the doves treat each other. I thought they were supposed to be birds symbolizing peace, but evidently not the ones who live near us. ha-ha

One of the funniest sights that I have ever seen was couple of years ago during an especially windy storm we were having. There was a small bird, sorry I don't know many by name, who decided to face the storm by sitting on the deck railing for the duration. He had his feathers all ruffled and his chest poofed out and the wind was whipping all around him. What a courageous little soul he was.


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