Think Spring! Tea Party SWAP Thread, continued

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here's our official Swap Thread for the "Think Spring!" (Chinese) Tea Party in Frederick on Saturday, Feb. 23.

See this thread for party planning details: That's where we'll talk food, drinks, rides, etc. If you haven't posted on that thread about attending, please do so... I'm using the list at the top to know who to Dmail with directions!

This is a continuation of the first swap thread, I've repeated the information in the top post, but check that thread to see what people have mentioned bringing to swap.

It's not necessary to bring seeds to swap. It's certainly not necessary to bring plants -- but I know some people have a few they wanted to trade around. I've got plenty of extra seeds to go around, too (no trade needed). I've listed some, and there may be some party day surprises also. :-)

I'm thinking we may set aside a time to focus on seed swapping, perhaps from 2 to 3. Swaps can certainly happen at any time, and if you want to visit and not swap during that time, that's fine too. But if we don't put it on the agenda, there will be a mad rush to swap seeds just as people are getting ready to leave.

If you want to list what you have so you can see what people are interested in or pre-arrange some trades, this is the place to do it. You might consider posting a seed list and then going back to edit it for availability as people claim items on the list.

You can also just bring what you have along to the party and do your trading on the spot.

It'll really help if you have your seeds in labeled packets... I often use little zip top baggies from the WalMart craft department (100 for 99cents) with a slip of paper inside that has my DG name, the plant name (common and Latin name for easy lookup), and growing information like height, sun requirements, etc. More information makes trading faster and easier.

OK... let's keep swapping seeds! :-)

This message was edited Jan 29, 2008 7:07 AM

This message was edited Feb 20, 2008 8:16 PM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

reserved for any additional details

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

reserved for my swap stuff

This is going to be a long post. I'm hoping people will be enthused and not intimidated... please remember that my own goal is to give away some of my extra seeds, not to do 1 for 1 swapping. I'll try to keep track of requests as we go along, especially of anything that's in limited supply, since I'll be sending seeds out next month also. (The number of packs is total available, not just ones I'm reserving for the swap -- so speak up if you see something you want!) I don't know if we'll have time to make a run through my stash, but I can generally spare a few seeds of most things in there, too.

I'll go back and mark off packs that have been claimed from the previous post by putting asterisks after the entry... when the number of asterisks equals the number of packs, they're gone, but you'll probably be able to talk me or somebody into sharing a few extra seeds so don't panic. :-)

Italian Genovese type -- seeds originally from Italy, my absolute favorite for pesto and sauces 18 packs
Sicilian Basil -- another good culinary variety, without the anise note of the Genovese 8 packs
Cinnamon Basil -- spicy flavor, a nice "edible ornamental" 8 packs
Sprite Mix -- Lemon and Lime Basils, two distinctly different plants but the seeds got mixed, 18 packs
Thai Basil -- nice in stir fry, big purple flower heads, from seeds of 'Siam Queen', 8 packs
‘Minette’ Basil -- tiny leaves, nicely rounded very compact form 8 packs
Purple Basil -- deep purple stems and foliage. Not sure of the variety, poss. 'Red Rubin', 8 packs

Agastache ‘Honey Bee Blue’ (2007) 8 packs,
Agastache, ‘Honey Bee White’ (2007) 8 packs,
Asclepias incarnata white (Swamp Milkweed), 2007, 12 packs
Allium tuberosum, Garlic Chives, 3 packs
Aquelegia(Columbine) Mix, 2007, also assorted older seeds that I can share
PEPPERS – assorted chile peppers, including habaneros & Fish pepper
Capsicum, ‘Pretty Purple Pepper’ (2007) 10 packs
Capsicum ‘Sweet Pickle’ Pepper (2007) 6 packs
Capsicum ‘Fluorescent Purple Pepper’ (2007) 6 packs
Celosia argentea var. spicata ‘Flamingo Flower’ 2005 4 packs
Celosia argentea var. spicata ‘Pink Candles’ 2005 8 packs
Croix lacrima (Job’s Tears) 2006
Echinacea purpurea (Coneflower) 1 pack purple 2006
Echinacea purpurea (Coneflower) 1 pack from swap
Echinacea purpurea (Coneflower) 1 pack mixed 2007
Foeniculum vulgare (Bronze Fennel) 12 packs 2007
Gaillardia, Burgundy (Blanket Flower) 2007, 6 packs
Gomphrenia, lavender (2007), 8 packs
Gomphrenia, purple (2007), 4 packs
Heliopsis Helianthoides var. scabra (False Sunflower) 12 packs
Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Southern Belle’ hybrid (2007, seeds may not come true), 1 pack
Ipomoea (Morning Glory, 2006), 2 Tbsp. mixed, 4 packs “Fence Row Mix”
Ipomoea nil, probably ‘Rose Silk’ JMG, 10 extra seeds
Ipomoea coccinea (Scarlet Star Glory, 2007), 6 packs
Ipomoea, Brazilian MG 5 extra seeds
Knautea macedonea (probably) 1 pack
Leonotis nepetifolia (annual Lion’s Ear) 2006 4 packs *
Nigella (Love in a Mist) 2007, 6 packs, need labels
Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion, magenta) 2006, 1 pack, 2007, 6 packs,
Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion, white/pink) 2007, 4 packs,
Nigella (Love in a Mist) 2007, 6 packs,
Nepeta cataria (Catnip), 2007, 18 packs
Penstemon smallii (2006) 6 packs, pinch of tiny seeds
Rincus communis (2006) Red Castor Bean, dozens of seeds
Rumex sanguineus (Bloody Dock) 2007, 6 packs
Salvia ‘Purple Knockout’ 2007, 6 packs
Tagetes ‘Lemon Gem’ Marigold 2007, 6 packs
Torenia, 'Happy Faces' mixed pink & blue, 2006, 6 packs

TOMATOES – assorted

Extra Packets from Suzy’s Cottage Garden Swap:

Achillea cerise
Asclepias incarnata pink
Alcea ficifolia (figleaf hollyhock) “frilly peachy pink”
Alcea rosea (hollyhock) ‘Peaches ‘n Dreams’
Aquelegia (Columbine) tall yellow
Aquelegia (Columbine ) mix pink white lavender, 2 packs
Aquelegia (Columbine ) ‘Tower Dark Blue’ big pack, enough to share
Alllium ‘Purple Sensation’
Athenis tinctoria (Yellow Chamomile)
Callicarpa Americana (Beautyberry, Purple) shrub, big pack enough to share
Cleome, Purple (5 packs) *
Cheiranthus cheiri, English Wallflower (red, yellow, and red/yellow bicolor)
Dianthus barbatus Sweet William ‘Newport Pink’ (salmony pink)
Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) 2 big packs
Liatris (Blazing Star, 5 ft) 4 packs
Melampodium (big pack)
Mirabilis (4 o’clocks) big pack, enough to share, hot pink
Nicotiana (Woodland Flowering Tobacco, white) 2 big packs
Papaver somniferum, ‘Lauren’s Grape’ 2 packs
Papaver somniferum (poppy) purple, 1 pack
Siberian Iris (blue) 2 packs
Sweet Peas streamer mix
Sweet Peas hot pink
Sweet Pea mix
Verbena hastate (Blue Vervain, 4-6 ft)
Zinnia elegans Profusion coral pink

This message was edited Jan 29, 2008 8:57 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Holy Moly - Jill!!! Mercy!!!
How's the scent on that Nicotiana? (as you know I REALLY liked mine last year - which is why I'm buying more varieties this year - happy to share some of mine w/you as well!!)
If you have enough of the following - I'd love some - please don't let me forget I have seeds (basil, if I remember correctly) to share that I'd rec'd back in fall:
Ipomoea coccinea Scarlet Star Glory (pretty please-don't have this one)
Thai Basil 'Siam Queen'
Purple Basil

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I am popping in to say hi.. Hopefully I will have some stuff... Working on it...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That 'Scarlet Star Glory' is a pretty one! I spotted it by the parking area at Heyser Farms when we went to get apples... tiny little blooms, but very showy! I made the ID through PF, but I'm pretty sure of it. :-)

It's taken me a while to finalize that TGS order since a couple of folks are adding things in with the pepper seeds I wanted. Does anybody else want something from them? Shipping is a flat $4.25 whether you order 1 packet or 30, so if you go in with me you won't have to pay shipping. :-) Also, I'm getting 'Gypsy' pepper seeds and debating between the big pack (probably 200 seeds) and the really big pack probably 400 seeds)... does anybody else want 15 or 30 seeds of those? (I've got Jenn down for a pack of 30, right?)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jill- Must know what flower that is on your first post. a Species tulip? but I see Crocus-y foliage. ? of course I don't need anymore flowers...
Florence fennel
Flat leaf parsley
Radish German Giant, China Rose
aster spider
carnation Giant
Cosmos Daydream
Sunflower Indian Blanket
Trombocino climbing zuke
Gourds- Bushel, swan, birdhouse, spinning top mini, a winged possibly crossed, Luffa cylindrical
Pumpkin- Baby boo, Cushaw(looks like a gourd)
Green bean(bush Top crop)
Lettuce iceberg and romaine
Swiss chard orange-

Peruvian daffodil yellow bulb offsets
Mother of thousands babies from edge of leaf
Common pink milkweed,
Cleome regular pink-white
Moonflower vine
Grandpa Otts morning glory (or look alike)
Nicotiana Only the Lonely
Amaranth- a really red one from Jill, red foliage and flower head.
Columbine nice purple-blue one

Some other odds and ends that may be 2005

Giving Jill Pineapple tomatillo, want from her Bronze Fennel, OK, twist my arm, and any Nigella (except Lawson, LOL)
Asking Gita for self sowing ageratum and yellow Datura

This message was edited Feb 1, 2008 10:45 PM

This message was edited Feb 3, 2008 8:51 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's 'Little Beauty', a species-type tulip. The foliage does look rather crocus-y. It's one of my favorites! Sorry about not knowing the species after all on that tall burgundy amaranthus... it's a neat one, though... very different from the 'Love-Lies-Bleeding' types... this one is all about the foliage! And thank you for the pineapple tomatillo! I took it off my TGS order, and I'll share a couple of seedlings in spring if you want them, assuming I have good luck.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill is there any eggplant seeds you want to try???? I will split something with you.. Just yell. Like I said I am just bringing you my paycheck! :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... Thanks, but I've about given up on eggplant... I'm not attentive enough to keep up with the flea beatles that get after them. DH isn't fond of them, so the farmer's market supplies enough to keep me happy! Somebody else might be interested, though. I'm always intrigued by how beautiful eggplants are... I think they're pretty enough to tuck into landscape beds and flower borders. (And you haven't run up that much of a bill with those seed orders! LOL)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

If there is something new you want to try I will split it with you... LMAO My poor family... HAHAHAHA

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm ordering a pack of 'Bounty', a giant hybrid sweet banana pepper (because my 'Bananarama' from Burpee finally ran out). If anybody else wants to try them, it'll save us some $ to bump up to the next size pack (I don't mind extra seeds -- they last several years, and somebody always asks for a few to try). Looks like it'll be about 10 seeds for $1 (as opposed to $3.40 for 30 in the small pack).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

heck, I could try Bounty with ya. I think my dad likes banana peppers. Anything that says giant- I figure that gives me leeway to get at least regular size out of them, despite my lack of skills. LOL . I am not good with regular green pepers though. I might need tips from you. sometime, not now. trying not to go off track

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter. I'm coming if I am well enough. So for now count me in on the list of people to send directions to! We'll have to wear nametags with our DG names and our real names under them so that we all know who we are! :o)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Excellent! Nametags for sure... I'll mention it over in the organization thread... and I'll try to remember to add you to the list on that thread, too. I thin jsxtiger also posted on this thread (but not the other yet) that she was coming... I'm trying my best to keep track! :-)

Sally, I'll go ahead and order the bigger pack of 'Bounty'. I'm sure I'll find enough takers. You might like to try a few seeds of 'Carmen', also. Bell peppers generally hate my garden, also...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! I better make a list here of what i have as not everyone wants to go to the Trades place. Here goes:

4 O'Clocks--"Limelight"--annual
4 O'Clocks--"Broken Colors"--annual
Tall, Blue, self-seeding Ageratum--Biennial
Lantana--(self-harvested, very few)--annual
Rudbeckia "Goldstrum"--perennial
Grandpa Otts Morning Glory--annual
Red Cardinal Climber vine--annual
Tall, Perennial Hibiscus (white and red)-blooms ONLY after 3 years!
Double Purple and white Datura Metel--annual
Double yellow Datura--annual
Asst. common Holyhocks--annual
Rose Campion--biennial
Brent's blue perennial Salvia--I took some seeds from it (few)
Blue Angelonia--I took some seeds from it (few)
Northern Sea Oats--Perennial
Pregnant Onion seeds (will probably have a slew of "baby onions" available too.
Hyacynth Bean

Very limited amounts of:
Garlic Chives seeds
A few Brandywine Tomato seeds (partial packet)
Yellow Pear Tomato (mini--partial packet)
Cherokee Purple Tomato seeds (from Jill last year)--not too many

Less common seeds:

Wintersweet Bush (Chimanthus praecox)--lots
Southern Magnolia tree--a few

Some of the ones I have only a few of are not listed in my "haves". Not enough to share with the general membership.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Anyone wanting garlic chives can probably still scrounge some off the dried flowers by the front door... or better yet, see if you can pull up some rogue bulbs!

Gita -- my Pregnant Onion is making babies! I may have missed the seeds from its bloom, but there are undeniable little baby sprouts all around it now, and at least one much larger sprout also. What a fun plant! Thanks for sharing it with me!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's my list. Sorry it is so long -- especially since some of it isn't available (some of the seeds I'll need all of -- among them the impatiens, larkspur and forget-me-nots) and some of it is pretty old. And I won't be able to bag it up before the swap, despite Critter's entreaties, but I'll bring envelopes. I'm not looking for anything in exchange, so if you want something, please don't feel you need to bring me something to swap.

Bean, Early Bush Bean
Bean, Green Snap Bush: Burpee's Stringless Green Pod
Bean, Masia
Beans, Yellow, Pencil Pod Wax Bush
Cucumber, Parks Fancipak Hybrid commercial
Cucumber, Tasty King Hybrid
Cucumber, Straight Eight
Cucumber, Spacemaster
Cucumber, Hybrid Sweet Success
Cucumber, Hybrid Sweet Success
Lettuce, 'Red Sails' loose leaf
Melon Plum Granny or Pocket Melon
Basil, Italian blistered lettuce leaf ('Basilicoa Foglia di Lattuga Bollosa')
Parsley, Moss Curl
Peas, Super Sugar Snap, Pole
Pepper, Anaheim Chili
Pepper, Sweet, Wonder 300
Pepper, Sweet Banana
Pepper, Fajita Bell Hybrid hot pepper
Pepper, Hungarian Yellow Wax
Pepper, Habanero
Pepper, Jalapeno, Early, Parks #5856
Phaseolus coccineus Scarlet Runner Bean
Pumpkin 'Jack Be Little'
Squash, Sweet Meat Winter Keeper
Squash, Burpee's Butter
Squash, Burpee's Hybrid Zucchini
Squash, Carnival
Squash, Vegetable Spaghetti
Strawverries, Chandler
Swiss Chard, Fordhook
Swiss Chard, Burpee's Rhubarb Chard
Tomatillo, Mexican Strain
Tomato, Mortgage Lifter
Tomato, Brandywine
Tomato, Costoluto Genovese
Tomato, Salad Mix
Tomato, Burpee's Big Boy
Tomato, Patio
Tomato, Yellow Pear
Tomato, Taxi
Tomato, Ace
Tomato, Napoli, Roma type
Tomato, Yellow Pear
Tomato, heirloom assortment
Zucchini, Hybrid Bush

Basil, Dwarf Bush
Basil, Sweet Genovese
Basil, Siam Queen
Basil, Siam Queen
Basil, Sweet
Basil, Italian Sweet
Basil mix
Basil, lemon
Basil, lemon
Basil, lemon
Basil, lime
Basil, licorice
Basil, fine verde
Basil, sweet large leaf italian
Basil, cinnamon
Chives, common
Chives, common
Chives, common
Dill, Long Island Mammoth
Origanum marjorana Sweet Marjoram annual
Sage, Broadleaf
Rumex acetosa French Sorrel
Summer Savory
Thyme, common
Thyme, creeping

Aconitum napellus Monkshood
* Actaea simplex 'Elstead Variety'
Agastache anisata
Agastache foeniculum Anise hyssop 2006
Agastache rupestris
Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller' Lady's Mantle
Alyogyne huegelii 'Swan River'
Allium roseum Rosy Garlic
Alyssum montanum Mountain Gold 2006
* Anemone hupehensis
Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii Perennial Snapdragon
Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii pink Perennial Snapdragon
Aquilegia alpina Alpine Columbine
Aquilegia caerulea Columbine
Aquilegia caerulea Rocky Mountain Columbine 2006
Aquilegia x cultorum 'Danish Dwarf' Columbine
Aquilegia 'Music Harmony Blend' hybrid
Aquilegia flabellata 'Cameo Mix' Columbine
Aquilegia hybrida 'Music Red and Gold' Columbine hybrid
Aquilegia hybrida 'Origami Blue and White' Columbine hybrid
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Ruby Port' Columbine
Aquilegia Pink & White Columbine 2006
Aquilegia mix 2006
Aquilegia 'Scott Elliott Mixed Colors' 2006
* Aquilegia 'Black Barlow'
Asclepias curassavica Butterfly weed 2006
* Asclepias curassavica red and yellow Butterfly weed 2006
Asclepias curassavica Silky Red Milkweed or Scarlet Milkweed 2006
Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed
Aster tataricus Tatarian Aster
Arabis caucasica 'Snowcap' Wall Rockcress
Aurinia saxatile 'Golden Queen' Gold Alyssum
Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry lily
Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry lily
Bergenia 'Red Start'
Calceolaria biflora Topa Topa
Campanula glomerata 'Acaulis' Clustered Acaulis Bellflower
* Campanula carpatica 'Deep Blue Clips'
Canna 'Indiana Shot' red or orange flowers
Canna mix
Centranthus ruber 'Coccineus' Jupiter's Beard
Cerastium tomentosum 'Silver Carpet' Snow-in-Summer
Chamaemelum nobile Roman Chamomile
Chrysanthemum maximum 'Snow Lady' Shasta Daisy
Chrysanthemum maximum 'Snow Lady' Shasta Daisy
Chrysanthemum maximum 'Silver Princess' Shasta Daisy
Chelone lyonii OR obliqua 2006
Cyclamen coum 'Lily Pad White'
Cyclamen coum 'Lily Pad Pink'
Delphinium consolida 'Giant Imperial Mix'
Dianthus deltoides 'Arctic Fire'
Dianthus amurensis 'Siberian Blues'
Digitalis 'Foxy' Foxglove
Digitalis grandiflora Carillon Dwarf Yellow Foxglove
Digitalis grandiflora Large Yellow Foxglove
Digitalis meronensis Strawberry Foxglove
Digitalis White Foxglove
Digitalis 'Excelsior Hybrid mixed colors' hybrid
Digitalis 'Camelot Rose F1 Hybrid' hybrid
Digitalis foxglove mix
Echinacea purpurea 'Lustre Hybrids' mixed colors Cone Flower
Echinacea purpurea Eastern purple coneflower
Echinacea purpurea Purple coneflower
Echinops ritro medium blue Globe Thistle
Euphorbia marginata 'Kilimanjaro' Spurge
Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum' Bronze Fennel
Gaillardia aristata 'Arizona Sun' 2006
Gaillardia aristata 'Goblin' Blanket Flower
Gaillardia aristata 'Goblin' Blanket Flower 2006
Gaillardia pulchella 'Red Plume' Blanket Flower
Gaillardia 'Burgundy' Blanket Flower 2006
Gaillardia yellow/maroon 2006
Gaillardia Mix: Burdundy, Sundance and Red Plume
Gypsophila paniculata 'Early Snowball -- double flowered' Baby's Breath Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet Gilia
Helenium autumnale 'Autumn Lollipops'
Hesperis matronalis Dames Rocket
Heuchera sanguinea Splendens' Firefly Coral Bells
Heuchera sanguinea Coral Bells - Red
Hibiscus 'Disco Belle' pink
Hibiscus 'Disco Belle' white
Hibiscus Dinner Plate White 2006
Hibiscus moscheutos mixed colors Rose Mallow
Hosta 'Anonymous'
Hosta seeds from Elegans 2006
Hypoestes 'Confetti Mix' Polka Dot Plant
Impatiens New Guinea 'Java Jungle' Mix
Ipomoea 'Scarlet Star" Morning Glory
Ipomoea 'Early Call' Mixed Morning Glory
Ipomoea blue & purple Morning Glory
Kniphofia uvaria "Torch Lily" or "Red Hot Poker"
Lathyrus grandiflora 'Miss Wilmott' Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus 'Perfumed Delight' Sweet Pea
Iris siribica mix Siberian Iris
Iris sibirica Siberian Iris 2006
Iris mix for naturalizing 2006
Iris pseudacorus 2006
Leucanthemum x superbum 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy 2006
* Ligularia dentata 'Othello' 2006
Lily mix 2006
* Lobelia Blue
Lobularia maritima 'Avalanche'
Lychnis coroniaria Rose Campion
Lychnis coroniaria Rose Campion 2006
Lychnis coroniaria alba Rose Campion
Lychnis flos-jovis nana Peggy Flower-of-Jupiter
Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'
Myosotis sylvatica Forget-me-not
Myosotis sylvatica compacta 'Victoria Blue' Forget-me-not
Myosotis 'Royal Blue Improved' Forget-me-not
Myosotis 'Blue Ball'
Mariessii Balloon Flower
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Mixture Crystalline Ice Plant
Myosotis sylvatica 'Rosylva' Forget-me-not
Pardacanda norissa Candy Lily
Passiflora incarnata Passionflower or Maypop
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Purple fountain grass
Penstemon speciosus Beautiful Beard-tongue, Royal Penstemon
* Penstemon smallii
* Rehmannia elata Chinese Forget-me-not
Rudbeckia goldsturm
Rudbeckia fulgida Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia speciosa conspicua Black-eyed Susan
Rumex sanguineus Red-Veined Dock
Sagina subulata Pearlwort
Salvia coccinea Hummingbird Sage; Scarlet Sage
Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire' Hummingbird Sage; Scarlet Sage
Salvia farinacea 'Blue Bedder' Mealy Cup Sage
* Salvia forsskaolii
Scabiosa 'Ace of Spades
Scabiosa columbaria lavendar color
Sedum 'Rosy Glow' 2006
Sisyrinchium striatum Yellow Eyed Grass; Satin Flower
Stokesia laevis Stoke's Aster
Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jellito’ 2006
Viola 'Freckles'
Viola labradorica
Viola tricolor Johnny-Jump-Up
X Pardancanda norrisii Candy Lily
Yucca filamentosa Adam's Needle
Zephyranthes ? Rain Lily
Zantedeschia ? mixed colors Calla Lily

Alcea Rosea Powderpuff' Mixed Colors Hollyhock
Alcea Rosea Powderpuff' Mixed Colors Hollyhock
Alcea Rosea Pink Hollyhock
Lunaria Silver Dollar Plant' or 'Honesty'
Lunaria Money Plant
Oenothera biennis Evening Primrose

List Annual
Alyssum maritima procumbens Apricot Shades 2006
Abelmoschus manihot Sweet Hibiscus (edible)
Abelmoschus manihot Sweet Hibiscus (edible)
Abelmoschus manihot Sweet Hibiscus (edible)
Ageratum houstonianum 'Leilani Blue'
Amaranthus paniculatus Marvel Bronze'
Amaranthus cruentus Giant Purple Amaranth
Calendula officianalis Pot Marigold
Callistephus chinensis 'Powderpuff Mix' Aster
Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Boy'
Centaurea cyanoides 'Blue Carpet'
* Ceratotheca triloba South African foxglove
Cerinthe major Honeywort; Blue wax flower
Chrysanthemum carinatum Painted Daisy Mix
Cleome mixed
Cleome dwarf white
Cleome 'Heavenscent' Purple
Cleome light pink
Cleome mixed
Cleome shades of purple
Consolida Orientalis Giant Imperial, Mixed Colors Larkspur 2006
Consolida ambigua 'Shades of Blue' Larkspur 2006
Coreopsis tinctoria 'Mahogany Midget'
Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos 'Sensation'
Dianthus Annual Pinks, Mixed Colors 2006
Dimorphotheca sinuata African Daisy
Dimorphotheca sinuata African Daisy
Eschscholzia californica alba White California Poppy
Cynoglossum amabile 'Firmament' Chinese Forget Me Not 2006
Gaillardia pulchella 2006
Gaillardia pulchella
Gomphrena haageana 'Strawberry Fields'
Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden' Baby's Breath 2006
Helianthus annuus 'Sparky' Sunflower
Helianthus annuus 'Mammoth'
Helianthus annuus 'Russian Mammoth'
Impatiens balsamina 'Camellia Spotted Black Trifle' Blackberry Trifle
Impatiens New Guinea 'Java Jungle' Mix
Impatiens walleriana Dwarf special, mixed colors
Impatiens walleriana Flavours Hybrid, Strawberry
Impatiens walleriana burdundy hybrid
Ipomoea 'Scarlet Star" Morning Glory
Ipomoea 'Early Call' Mixed Morning Glory
Ipomoea Morning Glory
Ipomoea Milky Way' Morning Glory
Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Ott's' Morning Glory
Lathyrus grandiflora 'Miss Wilmott' Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus Sweet Pea
Lathyrus odoratus Royal, mixed colors Sweet Pea 2006
Linum lewisii Blue Flax
Lobularia maritima 'Carpet of Snow' Alyssum
Lobularia maritima 'Carpet of Snow' Alyssum
Lobularia maritima 'Pastel'
Lobularia maritima procumbens 'Apricot'
Mirabilis jalapa yellow Four O'Clocks
Mirabilis jalapa white Four O'Clocks
Mirabilis probably yellow Four O'Clocks
MIrabilis jalapa yellow? Four O'Clocks
MIrabilis jalapa pink Four O'Clocks
Mirabilis jalapa 'Alba' Four O'Clocks
MIrabilis jalapa yellow Four O'Clocks
Mirabilis jalapa pink Four O'Clocks
Nicotiana sylvestris 'Only the Lonely' Woodland Tobacco
Nicotiana Flowering Tobacco
Nicotiana red
Papaver rhoeas 'Diane's mix' Shirley Poppies
Papaver rhoeas Single mix Shirley Poppies
Papaver rhoeas Mixed colors Shirley Poppies 2006
Papaver rhoeas Red Shirley Poppies
Papaver rhoeas Shirley Poppies; also known as Flanders Field poppies
Papaver somniferum Breadseed Poppies
Papaver rhoeas Mix Corn Poppies
Rudbeckia x hirta hybrida 'Cherokee Sunset' Cone Flower hybrid
Rudbeckia x hirta 'Autumn Colors' Cone Flower
Rudbeckia x hirta Indian Summer' Cone Flower
Rudbeckia x hirta Gloriosa Daisy 2006
Rudbeckia 'Becky Cinnamon Bicolor'
Salvia coccinea 'Lady in Red'
Tagetes tenuifolia 'Lemon Gem' marigolds
Tagetes 'Golden Guardian'
Tithonia tall orange
Tithonia Mexican Sunflower (orange)
Tropaeolum minus 'Jewel Mix' Nasturtium
Venidium fastuosum 'Jaffa Ice' Cape Daiy
Zinnia elegans
Zinnia Large Flowered Zinnias
Zinnia elegans 'Green Envy'
Zinnia 'Giant Cactus Mix'
Zinnia 'Candy Stripe'
Zinnia 'Lilliput Mixed'
Zinnia bitone and lavendar
Zinnia 'California Giant Mixed'
Zinnia 'Cut and Come Again' 2006
Laegerstroemia 'Tuskegee' Crepe Myrtle
Red Barberry 2006

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 9:27 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy... Are you taking requests? :-) If you have a pinch to spare, I'd love to try

Aquilegia hybrida 'Origami Blue and White' Columbine hybrid
Dianthus deltoides 'Arctic Fire'
Lobularia maritima 'Avalanche'
* Salvia forsskaolii

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy, I'll take one of everything ;) But really, can you save me some Coreopsis tinctoria 'Mahogany Midget' and Aconitum napellus Monkshood? I'm afraid I'm coming quite empty handed this time though.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Here I go! Said I did not want any flowers......

I would like some: NOT a lot of anything...just a bit.

Gaillardia mix--preferably the shorter variety
Digitalis mix--These won't bloom the first year--will they?
Giant, purple Amaranth. Is this really purple? I like the red more....
Mixed Cleome
Rudbeckia Hirta Gloriosa Daisy--are these mixed colors? I'd like a mix, please.
Cosmos Bipinatos--what color is that?

Thanks! Gita

This message was edited Jan 29, 2008 10:59 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy - good golly now THAT'S list!! Did I miss it or what do the * indicate? As with what Jill said - whatever you have to spare if worries.

* Aquilegia 'Black Barlow'
Asclepias curassavica Butterfly weed 2006
* Asclepias curassavica red and yellow Butterfly weed 2006
Asclepias curassavica Silky Red Milkweed or Scarlet Milkweed 2006
Rudbeckia 'Becky Cinnamon Bicolor'
Nicotiana red
Salvia coccinea 'Lady in Red'
either of:
Rudbeckia x hirta hybrida 'Cherokee Sunset' Cone Flower hybrid
Rudbeckia x hirta 'Autumn Colors' Cone Flower

I've got to get my seeds organized...sheesh, been saying that for months....grrrr

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I didn't indicate what the "*" were for -- no, you didn't miss anything. I think those are the seeds I really wanted to be especially sure to plant . . . last year. But didn't. So I guess they are still high on my list for this year. Some plants (like arabis) I'll probably plant every seed I have because I adore that plant. But others I am sure I have way more than I need.

My working assumption is that I'll be able to cover all seed requests -- but if you need to know sooner (for example, because you'd otherwise buy the seed), let me know and I'll check the contents of the packets I have.

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 11:27 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've just finished going through my tomato stash and getting it more organized. Gita, I discovered 4 Sungold seeds in there after all, from 2004, so I can probably get a plant from them -- I'm good. I even found a few Black Cherry seeds in a little packet I'd overlooked.

I can post the whole list if people are curious, but for anybody thinking they might like to try a couple of different tomatoes this year... I seem to have about 60 varieties in there now, including about 20 different cherry tomatoes. As long as you leave me at least 10 seeds of any OP variety and 15 of any hybrid, you may have a few seeds of anything in there to try (and there are packets available of varieties I've saved seeds from)... I think there might be 15 varieties out of the 80 that are off limits under that general guideline.

And that doesn't count what might be added this year if the tomato RR lands at my house before the party. Actually, now that I've been through my stash and started considering my grow-out list for this year, I'm considering dropping my name from that round robin... but curiosity might win out, LOL.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

An interesting Post on "General Discussion and Chat" today re different postage rates and how they determine what postage is needed for what kind of envelope. .
Might be good to know for those of us sending seeds to others.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll have to check I rule (unless sending a lot) I use the smallest bubble mailers with the .58 stamps...seems to work well. I think Walmart had the smaller mailers the cheapest. Then again - another DGer gave me the great idea of reusing the mailers so - I've been putting ones aside I receive if they're in good shape.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, I found packs of 10 bubble mailers at Walmart for a little under $4. That works well, because with a SASBE offer, if somebody doesn't want to send a BE, they can just send me an extra stamp. Reusing them is fine, but I try to remove or cover any labels or postage meter stickers that could confuse the sorting machines.

You mean nobody wants to see my list of tomatoes? LOL... you know you'll get a chance to browse through them next month.

Gita, I'm pretty sure Digitalis (Foxglove) won't bloom the first year... for sure not if they're winter sowed.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

critter, I'm going to have to make some time to go to your WallyWorld, since this giant one we have doesn't have jack like you're talking about. I had to go to Michaels to get the little seed envelope. Walmart gal had no clue as to what I was talking about and they have little in the way of a craft section. sigh. Since they moved and opened this super center I just hate to shop there; Service is almost none existent and the ones you do stop and ask are basically clueless and have no desire to help you find out. Just burns my biscuit. grrrrrrrrrrr

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Doc - the Garrisonville Walmart and Dumfries has both the tiny zip locks and the small bubble mailers - I know that means coming north...but thought you might want to know. The zip locks are normally by the beading stuff in Crafts and the mailers - with the rest in stationary/office supply section

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Chantell, thanks for info, I have to go to Stafford mid Feb for a MG deal. I can hit the one in Garrisonville. Appreciate it :)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Wallgreens also has periodic sales on Bubble Mailers. Like----any size, 3/$1. That is when I stock up. Look at all their coupons in their circular when you get it. Don't just tyhrow it in the trash!
I am always amazed at the assortment of goods Wallgreens carries!! Like--they hardly have space for 10 of anything on their shelves, BUT--they sure have an assortment of stuff!
As an example--WHERE else can you still buy the brass angel chimes with the little candles below that makes them spin and 'tinklle"? Wallgreens always has them over the Holidays. $1.99 each!
Where else can you still get the "20 questions" amazing game? You think of a word and then play 20 questions with this Yo-Yo sized, computerized gizmo. They ask you questions that you can answer with a "yes"--"no" or "maybe". About 80% of the time they will guess what you are thinking about. GREAT game to play by yourself.....

And--if you still wear knee-high nylons--Wallmart has them on sale (now and then) for 39 cents a package. They are good too-with comfort bands and an assortment of colors.

NO! I DO NOT work for Wallmart!!!! Just wanted to pass all these ideas along....


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - you are TOO funny!!! I did work for Wally World...back in the (ok...about 9 yrs ago)...and I still like them!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a) I went from talking about Wallgreens and then "morphed" into Wallmart!
All that i wrote about was about Wallgreens--NOT Wallmart.

This old brain playing tricks on me.....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We are putting in a small order for Bananas. Which I will bring to the swap. If your interested check out this thread.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

And don't forget I have a couple extra potted pups of non-dwarf bananas (which I don't think anybody has made a definite claim on), plus the bananas in the basement have pups that can probably be removed at planting out time.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, let's see what I will be bringing. Lapyrousia cruenta "Joan Evans," Cassia marilandica, Cassia hebecarpa (cassias are hardy), Opuntia humifusa, Sweet Rocket, Hardy Air Potatoes, (if they haven't molded), some plants, etc. I'll try to make something that is a surprise. All this weather permitting. Let's all pray for a sunny dry day.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I just got about ten seeds out of a Meyer lemon. Will they gow? I guess if it can make full size fruit with fat seeds inside, it's all ready to grow new lemons. I will keep some but can share a couple.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I had some sprouted seeds inside a Meyer lemon once, so I planted them... got a stunted little plant that never did much, but I admit it didn't get any special attention, just got plopped into a tray under lights with my African violets.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill please remind me that I need some removing banana pups 101 from you. My little gal - had pups last year - I removed them and almost lost her...God knows if the pups survived in their new homes. She's producing pups again and I'd love to share but gracious, I don't want to kill the mother plant just to get them - ya know?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, did you see the step by step photos in my "Go Bananas!" article? What kind of banana do you have? If you and Becky are coming up earlier in the morning, you could bring her along, and we could repot her and do a pup-ectomy, LOL, but we probably don't want to get into that sort of project later in the afternoon... and if she's a big plant, it's probably best for you to tackle her at home. :-)

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