Think Spring! Tea Party SWAP Thread, continued

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If you just want a couple of seeds of this or that, I'll be glad to mix them together... I do have labels for some of my hot pepper seeds, though, if you want a bigger packet... but it sounds like you want to sow a couple dozen seeds and be surprised by the results... ?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy... here's a thought... I'll just bring my binder with hot pepper seeds, and you can pick out a couple of this and a couple of that from any packet that's got more than a dozen seeds in it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, I don't have any requests noted for you yet... but I'd love to try your "air potatoes" if you have some to share! :-)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll package up a bunch of them. that way, hopefully everybody can get some.

Crozet, VA

Okay now, air potatoes are new one on me. Would someone please advise or point for me with a link. Thanks all.

Buttoneer, I am glad that you will be attending the seed swap. I hope that you will be able to attend a plant swap if one is planned by this group too. I am unable to attend this weekend, but am looking forward to meeting you and some others who were unable to attend the swap at Hart's home last June.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Anybody interested in Datura (Devil's Trumpet), either lilac or double purple?

How about purple Beautyberry? Butterfly Bush? (Buddlea davidii -- I've got it on doccat's list, but the packets are big enough to split, and there's an extra pack of seeds from 'Ruby Red'... other varieties are Lavender and 'Bicolor', not sure if they'll come true from seed but it'll still be a butterfly bush)

I'll bring a pile of seeds along, of course, but I can't reasonably bring my whole stash... so please post requests! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

likewise- if any request from my list pls LMK. I may not bring everylast thing, but if I know you want it, I will and make it easy to find.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, Sally... you've already got me down for Pineapple Tomatillo... and I would *LOVE* some offsets from your Peruvian Daffodil, if you're willing to separate them...


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, got your Pineapple , and will pack up Peruvian. Grew well, but haven't had a flower yet, they say needs water to flower.

Anybody have any regular old larkspur seed saved?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally: Can you grow larkspur? I can't tell you how many times I have planted it, but it never thrives. I've planted it in the fall, in the late winter, in the early spring -- doesn't seem to matter.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh brother, took me forever to go back through the lists, but these are the things I'd be interested in:

Allium 'Purple Sensation'
Celosia 'Flamingo'
Celosia' Pink Candles'
Datura - Gita's offered her yellow and purple double, so anything you have that's different :)
Gaillardia 'Burgundy'
Ricinus communis

Rehmannia elata - had this a few years back and lost it - would love to try it again :)

Also, if anyone has seeds for Zinnia angustifolia - the plain old white - I'd love to have some - This one self sowed in the gardens for a few years but I think I weeded them by mistake last spring and would really like it in the gardens again.

Thumbnail by rcn48
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You got it!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

happy- I have had self sowing larkspur for years in my maple tree bed. I still have a little. Plain lavendar and a few pink or white. I should go find some cheap big ol' packet to beef up my color range. Then I'll save you a bunch of seed to try fall sowing. Hmm, will check tradelists.....

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally: I wish I knew what I was doing wrong with larkspur. I adore it!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Is Larkspur the same as Delphinium?
If it is, I have never had any luck with it either! Don't feel like the Lone Ranger!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

No, not quite the same. The larkspur I want is an annual that supposedly is easy to grow here and reseeds profusely: Consolida ambigua -- The beautiful perennial delphinium that we can't grow here because it is too hot but that is the glory of New England is Delphinium elatum, I am sure there are different species of both, but that'll give you the idea. In our area, I think it is best grown as an annual, if at all, but I haven't even tried. I hope someone who knows more about these lovely plants will chime in.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Happy, I don't have any experience growing Consolida ambiqua but did find information stating they should be sown in the fall for flowering the next spring, but looks like you've tried just about everything!

I really miss the tall beautiful blue Delphiniums that grew in my Maine gardens. I was surprised when I moved to VA to find that they wouldn't be happy here. Rick used to grow them for wholesale but quickly informed me that we wouldn't be planting any in our gardens because they melt away with the first signs of heat :( I was pleased to read several years ago about the breeding of the New Zealand hybrids, specifically bred to be more tolerant of our heat and humidity I found the breeder's site and they show a map of where these Delphiniums "supposedly" perform well. They do state, however, "our New Millennium Delphiniums will perform well where temperatures reach 86degF for an average of no more than 45 days during the summer. I'm willing to try a few if I can find them, although I suspect we will still have to treat them as short-lived perennials :(

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, bummer. I got some "special" Delphinium seeds in Suzy's co-op surprise thing she did with Stoke's (everybody sent in $12 and she split a bunch of seeds between us according to wish lists and preferences; everybody got some things they were expecting plus some surprises)... I think I'd better trade them away... Although, now that I think of it, my friend Theresa has mentioned putting in Delphiniums; maybe I'll ask how hers did.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I think they may do ok, but you'd have to treat them as annuals. Though I have never tried them here.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Guys....

bad news. I won't be able to make it this Saturday. My hubby has to help his brother move and so I have to stay home with the kids. I am very disappointed, but what can you do?

I hope you guys have lots of fun! Thinks of me and eat yummy stuff for me, OK?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

What can you do? You can tell them to do the move on Sunday -- you've had this date on your calendar for weeks! OH, OK... grumble, grumble... LOL, you didn't think I'd take disappointment gracefully, did you? Maybe I just need a hot cup of coffee...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi everybody, I'm back! Fabulous vacation in Hawaii, even during their winter months. Some of their plants such as tropical Hibiscus, Bouganviea (sp?), Trumpet Vine, Jasmine & Poinciana were in bloom daily in their 80 degree temperatures. Ugh, now it's back to reality!

If people don't mind, I'm just going to bring my seeds (flowers, veggies, herbs, vines, shrubs) that I'm trading in a big basket and let eveyone choose what they want. I just don't have the time right now to set up individual trades, since the seed swap is this Saturday. I hope that will be all right. I'll also try to remember to bring plastic pots that some people wanted. I'll be bringing some tasty tropical treats from Hawaii to munch on as we chat & trade.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Shirley, that'll be fine. It's not necessary to set up trades ahead of time! The only reason I've been trying to get an idea of what folks are looking for is so I can drop a couple of packets into their goodie bags...

Please note that we have changed locations for this swap and gone to a plan B. See the new planning thread for details,

Can't wait to see everybody!

I just painted a coffee mug (especially for this event!) to add to the door prize table... had to finish the painting today so I could fire it in the oven tomorrow. :-)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Are there any extra banana pups for trade or sale by chance? If so I' m interested, don't know if I can grow one, but I'm intrigued and want to give it a try. A coffee cup in the oven, critter? What kind of material are you using?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cat, I hadn't mentioned them lately because I didn't think anybody had asked for sure... and I didn't want to bring them to DPF if unwanted... but I do have some smaller pups (larger than the TC babies we just ordered from Wellspring, but small enough to fit in the car readily). I'll be happy to bring you one, although I'm afraid they've lost their labels and I'm not sure if you'll be getting an Ice Cream banana or an Apple Banana (other than the fruit, they look pretty similar). I don't think any of the pups upstairs came from my larger unknown variety.

I'm using Porcelaine brand paints. They fire in the oven at 300'F to become permanent (dishwasher proof and everything, although it's possible to scratch them with a knife, especially if you've applied them thinly as a color wash). I use paint "pens" for the lettering and outlines, then fill in with color. I hope the mug is not the last prize to be picked... maybe I'd better add crocus bulbs to it... LOL

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I will certainly be thrilled to have a pup, variety doesn't matter. And we are coming in a truck so I will have room. I'm bring extra boxes to pack plants as well as coolers just in case. I'm very interested in that technique as I did ceramics and porcelain for many years. I'm now allergic to the slip dust so I can't deal with it anymore, serious bummer :( But I could probably do something like that. Where do you get your supplies?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think Michael's carries the Porcelaine line, but a good online source is Dick Blick Art Supplies.

Brand does matter... a lot of similar looking ceramic paints have to be sealed rather than oven fired, and then they aren't considered food safe. DH has a coffee cup I painted for him over 10 years ago... it goes through the dishwasher regularly and still looks fine.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks critter, I'll check it out. Are you working on straight ceramic bisque or has it been glazed and fired? I'm a little confused

This message was edited Feb 21, 2008 4:24 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Try this thread for more info...
Any glass or ceramic surface that can go into the oven at 325'F (inexplicably, my pens say 300', paint pots say 325') can be painted with these paints. I generally work with plain white glazed ceramic.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Please check out this thread. I would be happy to share any seed I might get from y'all with this gentleman. I looked at his website, they were very lucky no one was killed. Maybe we could set up a Ray bag?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

? what thread?

Sounds like we've got a gardener in need, though... Doccat, if you want to be his "proxy" at the swap and set up a BE for him, that would be great.

Speaking of which...

We have 4 other honorary attendees by proxy -- Hart, Wrightie, LadyGardener, and Newbie. I've asked Sally to get in touch with Ladygardener and take charge of putting a few selections in a bag for her. I need somebody to do the same please for Hart, for Wrightie, and for Newbie. So I need volunteers, please!

Hart, Newbie, Wrightie, and Ladygardener... please post and let us know what sort of seeds you're looking for.

Newbie, I've got some tomato seeds for you. If Newbie's proxy will please give me her bag at the end of the day, I'll add the tomato seeds and get everything mailed off to her. Actually, I'll be happy to take charge of all the BE's, as I might be able to add a few things before sending them along... :-)


This message was edited Feb 22, 2008 11:48 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll take care of Hart and Wrightie. Be deee-lighted to.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

By the way, I had thought I could bring some ajuga and maybe some strawberry runners, but given the weather, I don't think that can happen! So I'm sorry for those who may have been looking forward to it, and I'll bring them to the next swap! (Actually, I need to see if there are any runners yet -- it may just be a fall thing.)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... yeah, same for any who were thinking I might be able to dig up some mint... that'll have to wait! :-)

That's just as well... I know folks are bringing bagged cuttings and some potted house plants, but we'd be testing limits at the restaurant if we started dragging in perennial divisions... LOL

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Well that was a major senior moment. I would be happy to be the "bag lady" I've had a lot of practice. Here's the site, sigh

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Happy, LOL Last week with some rain and a slight warm spell. Just over freezing I went out and dug up two Ajuga for you and popped them in pots and let them sit in the warm. Boy do they look bad. not sure if I should even bring them. Although you never know when a plant is really dead!!!!! I will have some more for you at spring plant swap when ever we get that put together.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

HollyAnn -- it is really hard to kill the plain green ajuga, but the cultivars are a little fussier. I bet it is fine, though. It you want me to take over custody now, by all means bring it; if you want to wait, that makes sense too. I'll bring yours at the next swap. I should have dug it up when the weather was warm, but it was so much easier to procrastinate - now look where that got me!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I have stuck a few dead plants in a corner and forgot all about them, only to have a few green shoots pop up. And then there was the tree that I never got around to pulling out and the next year it bloomed beautifully.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm sorry, Critter. I'm disappointed too. My husband has a bad habit of forgetting plans I make. Unfortunately, he can't back out because they have to be out of their home so the new owners can move in. They finally sold the house.

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