Think Spring! Tea Party SWAP Thread, continued

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Can I be counted in for Coleus cuttings? Pleeeeeaaaaaase???

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you all see that really funky colored on over in the Coleus forum? OMG it is so pretty



This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 8:53 AM

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill, I'm barely hanging on to the ones you gave me. I'm down to one burgundy cutting in a glass of water. Good roots but I'm 'fraid to plant it since the others all died. Have one of the scalloped ones hanging on at home. Funny enough, that one was on it's way to work with me when I had the accident in the miata. I scooped it back into it's pot but left it in the car. When I got the tags off the car almost a week later, it was still hanging in there so I took it home where I'm still nursing it. 'Fraid to take a cuttting from it right now, but if I manage not to kill it and it gets bigger, I'll take a few for you. I don't understand, but I've killed almost all the coleus I had brought in for the winter.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - I feel like that about my bananas :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Juanita welcome to the Mid-Atlantic group. I would like to have some of your cuttings. Would you by any chance have one something like this? It was a little more pink in the summer.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jenn, I'm delighted that your mom will be joining us! Maybe she and my MIL will persuade each other to join DG. :-)
I'll bet you could head over to the coleus forum and find out a ton about growing it from seed, etc... and then you'd have a wish list a mile long of varieties you want to plant in your newly expanding front beds!

Miata, keep nursing those cuttings! LOL... somebody will succeed in overwintering them! If worse comes to worse, maybe I'll be able to find them again at the nursery. I originally got them at the same place I got your Ghost Fern, and I'd remember the name if I'd had coffee... :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, Jenn, I went to edit the guest list -- and your mom is already on it! So she may have confirmed, but you've been working on getting her to come for a while. Good! :-)

My in-laws confirmed their plans the other night, too. Actually they tried to cancel... Mom said they were thinking that it might be too much pressure for me to have company and throw a party all at the same time. !? No way! See, if she were a member, she'd be reading along on this thread, and she'd know how excited I am about their coming up. And she'd know this is a pretty relaxed crowd, so I'm not stressing out about party prep. :-)

I'm glad I moved the party date, though... it is taking me a looong time to get my stamina back! I'm doing better this week, for certain, but I have to go to the clinic for yet another chest xray this morning because I've started this coughing/wheezing thing. The doc put me on a steroid inhaler -- odd little fllying saucer looking contraption. We'll see how that goes.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)


I have one of the plants in your picture. It is Inky Fingers and I just took about 20 cuttings yesterday. Still have more to get. It is really hardy and vigorous and likes the sun too. I have some other trailers I can bring, but not exactly the ones you had.


Yours is Alabama Sunset and I have a bunch of that also. One of DH's favorites. It gets so pink in the summer. Right now they don't have great color under the lights, but I'll bring some along.

All of the named varieties of coleus come from cuttings. The ones grown from seed are the old varieties of Wizard and Rainbow that were basically designed for the shade. The newer ones don't come true from seed and it takes FOREVER for them to get going.

The picture is Alabama Sunset

Looking forward to meeting you all,

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Juanita, thanks so much! I really love the trailers (and sun tolerant is almost a must for me)... they make such nice borders and fillers in the summer, and in winter I tuck cuttings into all my hanging baskets. I overwintered those 3 cultivars for, hmm, 4 years at least, so I was bummed about losing them this year. I'm still not quite sure how I managed it! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh great, nice to know what it is. I have just a small piece and really like it very much.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey critter,

he doc put me on a steroid inhaler -- odd little fllying saucer looking contraption.
Is that by any chance and advair inhaler? And did the doctor tell you to be sure and rinse your mouth out with water or mouth wash after use? It can give you thrush because of the steriods. I use one too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes that's it exactly. The doc didn't tell me about the rinsing -- but I read the directions, and I've been doing the swish & spit. I didn't know why, though, so thanks for the caution... it'll make me more likely to keep following the directions!

Our TGS order came!

OK, this is where everybody who wants pepper seeds needs to speak up. We've got 'Gypsy' (hybrid wedge-shaped pepper, smaller than a red bell but similarly sweet), 'Bounty' (hybrid big banana pepper), and 'Carmen' (hybrid red Italian bull's horn pepper). I think Jenn wanted to try all 3, but I'm not sure. I've got Sally down for 'Bounty' but don't know about the other varieties. And I could swear I had another request or two, but maybe they're buried in my Dmail or in other threads -- so please, post here and remind me! And if you didn't ask before, go ahead and ask now.

I'm *not* making money on these seeds -- this is like a mini co-op, and I bought 'Bounty' and 'Gypsy' in bulk. Sampler packs are $1 for 11 seeds of 'Carmen', 12 seeds of 'Bounty', and 15 seeds of 'Gypsy'. 'Carmen' is in the shortest supply, so I may not be able to fill all requests. I did my best to count the seeds, but if my eyes crossed and I came up short by one, please note that packs of 30 seeds go for over $3 plus shipping and cut me slack. :-)

I have pretty poor luck with bell peppers in my garden, but 'Gypsy' and 'Carmen' are my main crop sweet peppers. I've grown Burpee's 'Bananarama' hybrid in the past, but I expect similar size and performance from 'Bounty'.

6 packs Carmen: Irene, Jenn, Cat
9 packs Bounty: Sally, Jenn
10+ packs Gypsy: Jenn

This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 5:05 PM

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I'd like to try the Carmen, if you have the seed, critter

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You've got it!

I've also got some hot peppers (some listed on my long post near the top, some not yet bagged & tagged), and I'm just bagging up 'Sweet Pickle' pepper seeds, so those are available also (swap/trade/whatever).

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, The Mother Banana always dies after producing pups. Buttoneer

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, I think the mother banana doesn't die until it fruits. At least, my big plants have produced several pups each, and they still seem to be going strong. ?

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)


What is the smallest amounts of seeds I can bring if someone wants to try something.. I may have 5 to 10 seeds of some stuff but I do not want to offend anyone

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If you're arranging a trade, just check ahead of time to be sure that they know you only have a few seeds to trade. Otherwise, at least speaking for myself, I'd rather have 3 seeds of something so I can try it than zero seeds... :-)

I'm pretty much going to let everybody make their own rules about what sort of swaps make them happy. Labels make me happy -- especially labels that include your DG name, because I figure then I can get you to help me figure out anything I need to know about the seed you gave me, if I know where it came from!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

No, I was just bringing seeds just incase someone wanted to try something i might have. Nothing is anything I have grown. Just things I have bought or were bought for me..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Right... but still, if the label says "green pepper from JennGroves" I can Dmail you to see if you know anything more about it... like, if it's a really great pepper in my garden, I'll want to know if it's a hybrid and what variety so I can find seeds for next year.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay when I stick things together I will make sure that I label well!

Oh does anyone want any catnip?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OMG, no! Seriously, I've got 75 packs bagged and tagged and still have plenty... will be doing a serious SASBE thing with it over in the Pet forum, I think!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry, didn't mean to be so vehement when you were being generous with your offer...

Catnip is like mint, I think... Once you've got it established, you've really got it!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Really? I didn't know that! I've not done well with it. I might sneak a pinch from your yard when you're not looking. My cats would thank you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oh gosh, just yank one up from anywhere this spring... take 6... I'm not good about deadheading, so I get lots of volunteers!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, that would be me; take plant by the neck and yank. Yup.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

When we're talking catnip, you'd be doing the garden a favor by doing just that! LOL You're much too restrained. You didn't yank up my mint properly, either, as I recall... :-)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I just did not have any use for the catnip and just thought someone might want it...

It was a freebie with something I bought and I thought I would share.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... somebody might want it! Hey, it's probably a different strain than mine... gourmet kitties could have a selection to choose from!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

And oh yes, my cats are so discriminating! Ha ha! I already have some seed, but thank you for your kind offer Jenn.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill: Thanks so much for your generous offer of seeds. Can you please send me a d-mail with what you are offering me. It's getting buried in this thread. I'm leaving on vacation and won't be back until Feb. 19th. I can't make any decisions right now as I'm concentrating on doing laundry & packing. If you don't mind, I'll get back to you.

Also, I'll be posting my available seeds here upon my return.

Plus, I'll post my pictures from Hawaii when I get back. Aloha everyone!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Shirley, sorry, but if I start trying to do this with Dmail also, I will get completely lost. My main list is in the 3rd post on this thread -- not all that buried. Get your dibs in on the basils if there are ones you especially want, as some are in relatively short supply. Hybrid pepper seeds that I'm willing to split from my TGS order are here,

Have a great time in Hawaii! :-)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, I found it.

I would be interested in:

Sicilian Basil
Cinnamon Basil
Thai Basil
Purple Basil
"Red Robin" Basil

Thanks for your good wishes!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

As usual ... I am tentative at best (seems that there may be a wrench in the spokes of our plans to be away over the Swap Wknd).

With that said, am I correct in thinking that I can just show up with my seeds on the day and deal with swap details after I get there? I do not want to get caught up in posting haves/wants only to not be able to make it, etc. etc.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

of course! but if you see anything my lists that you want, PLMK... if you don't make it, we'll work it out later... I'm not a real 1 for 1 trader, anyway! :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Critter, I need to compare your basil, tomatoes, and peppers against what I've got as those are the things that I think I'm getting low on.

I have been collecting different clematis seeds among other things. Of course they may not come true, but I don't mind that as I like to experiment and for those that feel the same way, I will have those to offer.

Even if we are away that weekend, I bet I could run my seeds over to Happy-House and let her deliver them to the Festivus for me, eh?

Will try to come up with some sort of a list this week.

As for all that talk about catnip? Well I grow catnip, but neither of my two Furballs have ever had any interest in catnip whatsoever. Are they weird, or what?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Just in case we haven't had enough discussion about pots... There's a co-op taking place right now that's got me really intrigued... COW POTS! Check them out here,

The co-op organizers are in the process of organizing deals for larger quantities shipped directly. He's already offered us a reduced price on lots of 100, so I'll probably give either the 3 or 4 inch pots a try (3 inch pots sound on the small side, somebody is getting some delivered tomorrow and will check for me to see how many fit in a flat). On the website, if you order a case, it ships free... somebody is calling on Monday to see if he's willing to give a further DG price break on a case.

Once I know what the deal is, I'll post what the price would be per 25 pots, and you can tell me if you want any.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wrightie: I'd be happy to be the seed-conveyor.

Critter: Never heard of cowpots before -- great idea!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome Juanita! As all will tell you I have no pride when it comes to plants. If that beautifully colored plant in your pics likes sun I would love any cuttings you had to spare.
Jill - so glad you're doing this...those pots seem great!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jill - the cowpots are an excellent idea - manure without the smell :-) I am definitely interested :-)

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