Kritter update....

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Uploaded a bunch of pix of kritters - nookitty Thor and the rest of the bunch

Life with Thor is definitely interesting - he has made himself at home - gets along with nearly the entire household - except the one that counts the most - my other kitty :) He is even trying to make friends with (or eat) my parrot! :)

Typical kitten - totally full of it :-) Fearless and loving - what more can a kitty mommy want :)

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

HOOORAAAAAY!!!! What a gorgeous biddybaby. Gotta go look at the link. Congrat's!

LOL, I just realized that I was reading "nook itty" ... and thinking that that must be a charming Norway-ism... snort. DUH. Ain't real bright over here.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2008 5:37 AM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Awww, what pretty critters you have, Bec. Thor has the prettiest markings.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Holy Cow Becky! How many "kritters" do you have? Great pictures and Thor is adorable, just a little ball of fluff :) Mentioned getting another cat to Rick last week - NO WAY!! LOL Took me a long time to convince him we needed a cat at the house (already had two at the nursery) and now he's become such a softie :) Of course, I didn't even think of bringing up the subject with our cat, Lucky, I KNOW he'd disapprove! Of course, our new puppy, Phoebe, would probably love one more cat she could torment, the more the merrier :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Becky, Thor is fabulous!

I love his huge, fluffy face!

You're going to be amazed to see how big Eliot is now. I don't think he's going to catch up to Blake, though... just as well, as I think Blake deserves to keep winning those wresting matches when he needs to remind Eliot of who's really in charge. It's an ongoing battle to keep Eliot off places he isn't allowed (like the top of the fish tank... if he managed to get in, he'd drown, so that's a big "no!"), so I'm sure there are days after multiple time-outs in the bathroom when he wishes he'd gone home with you to be your kitty!

Actually, I think Eliot is Jim's kitty. He loves on me, but Jim is "da man." Such a dedicated lap cat! Now, you'd think, 2 cats, 2 laps, we'd each have a lap kitty in the evening... but no, they both end up jockeying for position in Jim's lap, more often than not. LOL!

When he's at work or out of town, though, my lap will do. When I was really sick a couple weeks back and spending most of my day in bed, Eliot kept coming to see me and bringing me his stuffed toys to play with. :-)

Here are the kitty boys -- in Jim's lap, of course!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Awwwwwwwww - what a cutie he is :-) And Blake of course as well - JB is still stand-offish, not very impressed with mommy bringing the new kritter to the fold :-) But, I think over time he will calm down and at least "tolerate" nookitty! Thor "slept" in the bedroom for the first time last nite - or, we slept, he used us and the bed as a jungle gym! He is a total ham - I have never had a kitten that loving before - most of the time they just want to play - he wants to do both - preferably at the same time - even gives kisses - not so cool when you are trying to sleep and wake up to a tiny tongue licking your nose :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Eliot naps all evening in Jim's lap and then parties all night in the bedroom! You already know what a lovebug he is.

Blake isn't quite as dedicated a lap cat now that he's older... I think he just finds it easier to be comfy on the couch nearby. But he'll still sleep in my arms at least some of the night -- especially when Eliot is being pesky, because he knows I will ward off the kitten attacks!

One of Eliot's very favorite things is to be petted while he eats. Blake will tolerate this, but most cats would just as soon be left alone at their food bowl... not Eliot. He'll grab a few bites of kibble on his own, but if you sit down and pet him, he'll purrrrrrrr like rocks in a pepper grinder and polish off the entire bowl. It's like he can't believe two of his favorite things -- food & lovin' -- could be happening at the same time.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sweet boys...all of them
Aunt Chantell

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

OMG! He is TOO CUTE! Thanks for the pics :)

Jill, 2 of the 3 cats (the females) at the MD house also prefer DH's lap to mine... even though I'm the one that takes care of them, food, litterbox etc. They only want my lap if DH isn't home. Go figure, LOL. The 3rd though, well, he is momma's boy through and through so I can't complain too much. ;)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Becky, has Thor been practicing his climbing skillz since his arrival?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - yes, as a matter of fact he has! Amazing skillz - he has met Mr. Waterbottle as well! And, oh my is he FAST!!!! Does not like the word "NO" and "get down from there"
Still trying to "endear" himself to JB - not going so well - JB is holding out strong on the "go away you little creep, I don't like you, I don't wanna play and quit bothering me"!!! Pfzzt, pfzzt - grumble, grumble!!
He was very sleepy all day yesterday - I kept trying to keep him up in between working - but, to no avail - soooooo, he was WIDE awake ALL nite and playing racehorse and "bronco kitty".

I am working on the no scratching furniture - not very interested in the post we bought - he does not use claws on us - but, the furniture is another matter - I might go the "soft paws" route - doesn't bite too much - just a nibble here and there - since the whole house is a playground and everything in it is a toy, he is pretty careful with hands - the breeder did a good job on that part - I flick his nose gently - not that he likes it - but, he knows what it means :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

New pix uploaded :-) Kritters album :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

ADORABLE -- I like the sleepy on the back o the chair shot. ;>)

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Looks like you have several beautiful babies....

But this little guy has stolen by heart ;) He's grown a lot. Is he as big as he looks or is it all "fluff"?

Thanks for the pic fix! :)

As for scratching.... I've got a 7 month old kitty here that will use anything, chairs, curtains etc. She's got several different scratch post, boards, cardboards through the house that she does use, just not all the time. :( I just bought a spray called No Scratch at petsmart last weekend. It seems to be working so far...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Not just fluff - he was 4.10 lbs last week and the way he keeps eating he'll be HUGE before we know it :-)

We did get some disturbing news about his health - vet detected a grade III murmur - so he goes to the cardiologist next month :-( I am being optimistic no matter what :-)

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh No! Sure hope all turns out well for the little, er, big LOL guy. I've got one that weights 30lbs and he's just a plain ole orange tabby. Please let us know what you find out at the cardiologist.

Gosh he is just so precious... I look at his pic everytime I come to the forum :) and I LOVE his name too.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, Becky! I'm sorry to hear little Thor has to go to the cardiologist... that should not happen to such a cutie pie!

I think Blake's murmur (first detected last year at 17) was graded as a 3, and that's still what it was at his vet check a couple weeks ago. We were worried at the time, but the report from the cardiologist turned out to be about the best possible news (well, unless the doc had said "murmur? what murmur? there must have been a mistake")... it all depends on which valve is "leaky" and why, so there's no reason to be overly alarmed until you know. Be ready for a little sticker shock if he's getting an echocardiogram though... Are you going to Dr. Tyrrell at CVCA? Lots of vets seem to refer to him, and he's wonderful!

Actually, the vet thought Blake's heart rate was down a bit and his general physical condition had improved (despite a little weight gain, within acceptable bounds, from sneaking kitten chow)... adding Eliot to our household has been a good thing for the Big Cat!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hiya - yes, that is the clinic I am taking him to - in Springfield

I am not worried yet - looking at him storming through the house all I can see is a healthy 4 month old (today), rambunctious kitten - who has the world by his paws and parents who are totally gaga over him! (His "siblings" ain't quite as enamored - he does torment them any chance he gets!)
He woke me up at 5.15 AM by licking my face and nibbling on my nose - still has them sharp little kitten teeth :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


Sending healing vibes his way!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

4.5 months old, clocking in at a whopping 5.3 lbs

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Getting ready with a right hook!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Not long before he catches up in size :-)

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Love the pictures! The "right hook" reminds me of Lucky and Phoebe - although when Lucky's had enough, he tackles Phoebe with both "hooks" and next thing I know Phoebe's running in circles dragging the cat who won't let go! When Rick hears me trying to break them up, he hollers - "Are the kids at it again?" LOL I really need to get some pictures, the two of them are very entertaining :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL! Eliot is so sure that one of these days, he'll be able to "take" Blake, who can still smack him to the floor with one paw. They do their share of wrestling... I pointed out to Jim that although neither of us do the "mommy/daddy/furkids" stuff with respect to our pets (don't mind people who do, but it's just not our thing), we'd taken to calling Blake & Eliot "the boys." He said that with all the wrestling they do, he'd probably call them "the boys" even if one or both were girls!

Thanks for the update photos, Becky! Keep us posted on Thor... let me know if he's been to the cardiologist and how that went... he's such a cutie-pie!

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

DH and I just adopted a Siamese a month ago. She's Meiko and her age is estimated at 2-3 years. We were told of her "door darter" tendencies and suspect that she was previously allowed outdoors (not allowed under the adoption agreement). That was an understatement to say the least. She's very smart and can tell when we're leaving or coming in, so she'll hunker down and run like heck to the door when she hears the handle turn. She cannot be left alone to roam the house when we're out or at night because she gets up on any piece of furniture or a shelf and uses her feet to push something off, even though it may be heavier than she is. We get down on the floor to share playtime with her, which she seems to enjoy and runs around like crazy until she's tired. Then naps until rejuvinated for the next round. This is our fifth Siamese, but since our last was with us for 18 years, we were unprepared for the energy of a two year old. She wants to explore everything, doesn't want to be told NO, acts like she doesn't hear you when she doesn't feel like it, cries when she doesn't get her way. In spite of all the carping I've done here, we really love her. She's sweet when she wants to be, rolls on her back to get you to rub her belly, looks up and demands quite loudly for DH or me to make a lap for her to sit on, and is pretty as can be with her blue points and blue eyes. Please remind me that with time, patience, and love she will become more relaxed. Another kitty to keep her company is out of the question. I must run now because she left the room about ten minutes ago and I realize I haven't heard a peep. That generally means trouble.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Great pictures, Bec! That's one Handsome Family you've got there.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Enjoying the photos and stories.
Pam- my sister and BIL had a Tonkinese they adored great personality. And my current older kitty has points plus tabby and other stuff, is abit more vocal than the minimum, and a good social personality, for a cat LOL. I think they Siamese points genes give them that. Then again, my younger is half-or full (different litter) bro to the first, all the same markings but has none of the social personality, until the food bowl is empty or he wants to go out.
Wanted to keep them inside, but with unruly kids going in and out, once they got a taste, it would have been a major battle to keep them in. Maybe that's how we escaped some of that wild kitten behavior.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ROTFLOL - Love those shots with funny is that..I get what you mean now when you say they're rolling on the floor

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

OMG! TOO Cute! I don't know how, but I love him more every time I see a new pic! Sorry to say that I covet your kitty! :) ;)

Thanks for the update/pics... keep them coming :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

When those two get to wrestling, you must be hard pressed to tell who's who under all the flying fur! Leave it to you to get color-matched pets... You're a Very Organized Person! ;-)

Pam, we need to see a photo of your little terror sweet kitten!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I am with Jody: covet Thor big time! and you are so close by.... Does he put up with snorgling?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bluekat, did that fluffy little sweetie you rescued find her "forever home" with you or with somebody else? Thor could have a playmate...

Snorgling! Oh, yes. Eliot has learned to be very tolerant... :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

We have invented a new game - run like crazy - jump up to the birdcage - hang on for our dear life with front paws/claws and nearly drag cage on floor before "that person" gets her hands on the waterbottle! Then jump like a bronco sideways - in gleeeeeeee

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

lol! (poor tweetie)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhh I twat I taw a puddy tat...I DID - I DID

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Well it sounds funny - but not to the bird I am sure! More pics of loverboy Thor please.

Critter, one of my classmates took her; she is the princess of their house and I get regular updates!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm glad she found a good home, even if it wasn't yours! She sounded like such a sweetie... :-)

(Kim, it was wonderful to "play seeds" with you yesterday... we do need to find a time to get together that's not a school night or farmer's market etc... so we can really catch up!)

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Got any new updates on that handsome terror? Did you go to the cardiologists yet?

I think we need some new pics ;)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Get some video of him swinging from the birdcage! I'm sorry now we didn't get some shots of the way Eliot used to leap up repeatedly to bat at the fish in the tank... it was too cute, and he's nearly stopped that behavior now.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hiya - haven't loaded pix of handsome terror yet, been recuperating from pneumonia - and my life has been on hold for 2 weeks - slowly feeling better - but, DH came down with a cold now so I hafta play nursemaid - he took care of me - now it's my turn :-)

Thor is doing great - cardiologist appt on Monday - he has been particularly active the last few days - no slowing down for! Perpetual "Thor Mode - TM" - I did wake up around 4 AM with him licking my face :-)

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