Tropical Garden #3

Red Oak, TX

Rj, The fuzzy plant in the basket is a Chenille Plant (red hot cattail). I used to have a big fern like yours but someone told me to put epsom salt on it, and like a fool I did. I also killed a 6ft aeae banana, I cried.
Your pond is very pretty, it looks so inviting.
ps, thanks for the tip on trimming the rangoon creeper.

Thumbnail by prita
Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I tried to grow tree ferns... like a dumb guy I saw a co-op for liners and bought 3 2 something each... they never made it to have a second leaf. I was crushed... Saving my money now for a real one like that.

Red Oak, TX

texasbigleaves, Sorry I do not know the name of the rose, but it will come to me sooner or later.

Thumbnail by prita
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks re the Chenele plant...does it put out a lot of seeds? I'd like to try growing it again.
Re the tree ferns..I tell ya..they are very tricky the first couple of years, but it seems if you can get them to live 3 years...then they become less particular, can deal with more light, less water etc etc. I have two others that are the same age, one is 3 times as big as the other, and I've relocated them several times..the one that's still small is back in the green house to gain it's strength back.. I'm going to try my luck with a Tasmanian tree fern this's in the green house doing fairly nicely.

When I look at how much it's grown, and how fast...I have to rub my eyes to believe it.
I'm very particular about putting anything on it fertilzer wise- foliar or anything else..

Red Oak, TX

Mitch, bought mine at Lowes for $25. and was looking very good, I was a little allergic to it, but kept it anyway because it was a cool plant.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Mitch , so sorry wrong picture.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Wow! Just got back here and had some lookin' to do.
Placenciarita - I overdid the SP vine last season, but it makes such a great bright filler! Your plants looks very lush and happy.
Jeri - I do like your patio oasis, and that little frog is so funny!
SVPF - thanks. That walkway is part of only my 2nd season trying tropicals. But it's progressing nicely I think.
Candela_wonderful "garden room".
RJ-You know I love your tree fern and WOW has it grown! Mine is dead, I'm afraid. I learned alot about it and I'm working up the nerve to try again.

Here's my fave C. Black Magic pic from summer.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

$25 - I need to shop Lowes with you - the cheap one I found was at Calloways and oh 90 something

Dallas, TX

Placenciarita, My how you have changed. How long has it been ? you keep getting younger every day! Hint ( 4th. of ) ( farmers- ) Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

My Variegated Alocasia

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Texas: My favorite plant that I don't have yet! (Getting one from a friend in a few weeks!)

Red Oak, TX

Rj, I will have to take cuttings from the chenille plant if it survives the winter.
I will have to look up Tasmanian tree fern, sounds Australian. rita

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Deb, I have the SP everywhere, they come in so many different colors.
Hanging basket from last summer.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

deb stunning the color purple in that ee.
and the varigated ee and monstera look like they were painted.
not sure of the name of this placenciarita. this picture is alittle better. it is some type of succulent. in the sun it gets a deeper red.

Thumbnail by candela
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry you lost your fern Deb, like I said..they are tricky the first few years.

Love those varigations! believe it or not my varigated philo is doing well outside under the pear tree! LOL, I'm so blonde I'm grey..oh wait ..I'm both! I knew your name, wrote on an envelope..aye aye goodness...I'm turning 49 in 6 months and it's starting to show!

Red Oak, TX

texasbigleaves, sorry about the picture. The rose is the 4th of July and it came from the Dallas Farmers Market.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

i love this firespike. i have a lavendar,red and this fuscia

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is my praying hands banana it has yet to produce any fruit but hopefully soon it is getting tall.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is the underside of i think a calathea. i love the wine color.

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

Candela, That is so pretty, I have a red firespike and did not know that they came in other colors. Now something new to look for. I want all of them, they are so easy to grow and they are a hummingbird and butterfly magnet.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

these are some of the big crown of thorns in with a madagascar palm.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this voodoo lily was in my neighbors back yard and he was going to throw it away. so i saved it. i put rain lilies at the bottom

Thumbnail by candela
Dallas, TX

Placenciarita, Forgot to tell you i got to eat one of Raymond H.'s banana's from his tree. It was a Plantain. Jerry

Red Oak, TX

Rj. The variegated my picture is from Texasbigleaves garden.
Fantastic pictures from Florida. Thanks candela.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

i thought this was an ornamental banana but i guess it is a heliconia.
placenciarita just let me know if you want some firespike

Thumbnail by candela
Dallas, TX

candela, Lucky you, what a great plant and for free. Recycling at its best! Jerry

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

that firespike looks it the picture or is it fairly big!? I have small red ones.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

last picture for the night. (have to wake up at 500am for work)

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

the plant gets about 4ft high and the spike maybe 6in.

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

candela, I would love to have a start of your firespike.
Your pictures woke me up. I was getting very sleepy, Thank you for sharing them with us.

Thumbnail by prita
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

me too...
actually you could offer me some tips ..obviously I must have mine in too much shade or something..

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's a double red hibiscus that bloomed in my make shift green house a couple of weeks ago!

Love all of the different photos shown! They are great!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Red Oak, TX

Texasgal77, that is a very healthy, beautiful red hibiscus. You seem to be doing everything right. Mine are covered with bugs. I am out there almost every day spraying with neem and picking off yellow leaves.
Here is a double orange I took before all the bugs.

Thumbnail by prita
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

mine are full of ants too.
candela, i love that hanging basket! no idea of what it is??

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I have a double orange peach also...just not in bloom right now. I had several doubles last year, but didn't have them in a GH, so lost several. This year they are in a makeshift's an old canopy frame covered with the canvas top and several layers of clear plastic shower curtains all the way around! So far so good.

We did get some leaf spot on our hardy hibiscus, and the leaves turned yellow. I pulled them all off, and cut them back. They seem to be doing better now.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

woo hoo..those are beautiful! I have a double red, but not the peach.

I'm going to take the ants, bugs and spots as a sure sign that spring is a breath away around the corner!!

Red Oak, TX

Texasgal77, my first greeenhouse was a old bar turned upside down, with shrink-wrap around it, duck tape, carpet on the top, and a light bulb for heat. I had hibiscus blooming in that thing in the middle of winter.
And of course, I have a picture of it.

Thumbnail by prita
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

RJ, I propose that one of your vacation weeks, say March or April you come here and you, Mitch and I will visit all these folks just down the road in Red Oak.
I count 3 but there could be more that I haven't come across yet. I have been to Randy's paradise and it is truly that. Magic, magic is all I can say. Summer of 06 I purchased an Australian Fern at HD for $18.00, 5 gal. size. Turned out I was extremely allergic to it and was broken out in a rash everytime I got within 2-3 feet away from it. Had the yard crew take it away. They probably dumped it.
Another large and unusual plant I got from HD is Bear's Breeches. After I planted it, learned it can get as big as a VW Bug. Moved it and sunk metal edging into the ground to try and contain it. It has come up again 4 times in the spot where it lived for only 2 weeks. It is going great guns..freeze or not.

Red Oak, TX

Can anyone tell me the name of this plant? The picture was taken on a little caye in the caribbean.

Thumbnail by prita
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Texasga: Those are beee-uutifu hibiscus!
RJ: Well, I feel better. My "greenhouse" is a free-standing set of shelves covered with plastic, a string of C9 Christmas lights and black water bottlles for warmth, and a towel on top for shade. It IS ugly!
...and very few of my plants fit in it now.
Like this one, my A. my spare bedroom...putting out new growth! Yay.

Thumbnail by DebinSC

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