Garden pics

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Sylvain!
Welcome home! Hope your trip was great, can't wait to see pictures of your adventures. Did you survive Senor Frogs? I especially want to see a picture of that!
A hui hou.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Welcome back Sylvain! Although the pic is technically waaaay cool, did you not get your "right" and "left:" confused? I could swear the guy on the left looks more like you than the guy on the right. Or did I misread that post? Either way, good to see you! Like the others, I am looking forward to stories and pictures.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

OOOPPPSS! You have a good point there, Shari. I am indeed on the left-hand side of that picture. I guess this morning's coffee was decaf. Treason, I say... Heads will roll.

Thanks for pointing that out. I am indeed on the left. Gail concurs. I am processing my trip's pictures. I'll post some later on this week.

Take care, all.

Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

What a wonderful photo, what is the name of the plant

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha ilge, and welome to TG!
Not sure which plant you are talking about, several of us posted pictures..

Sylvain, waiting for photos (especially of your evening at Senor Frogs). Hope all is well with you.

The little Tabernaemontana has just had it's first bloom. It has the most glorious smell, no wonder Carol was going to do air layering! IMO it is the best smelling flower in the garden, bar none, and I go in for sweet smelling plants! Also, as Carol says, the plant file pictures of Tab. don't look like my flower either.

Well, dawn is just breaking here, from my desk I can see the boats setting sail out on the ocean, going to be a gorgeous day.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, BHM... the idea of dawn breaking over Kihei with boats setting sail out on the ocean. You have a way with words, darling. You set me a-daydreaming for a bit there. You describe it well. One of these days, I'll hop on a plane and go stand on a street corner in Kihei with a sign saying: Looking for BHM! What can I say, I was smitten by the islands.

As far as Senor Frog is concerned, we went, we conquered and we left. If the place got any rowdier, it would a bawdy house. I'm too old for that crowd: teenagers doing lascivious dancing with the waiters, New Year's countown every hour on the hour and overly sweet drinks being poured directly into your mouth. I'm a diabetic, for Montezuma's sake! We had quite a few Coronas, danced with the girls from our ship, joined a conga line and returned to the ship where we smoked a cigar on the fantail with a few too many gins & tonic. Ain't cruising fun?

The pictures are almost ready. I'll start posting them soon.
Aloha, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, how about sometime between Feb. 13 and 20?


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry, LouC... Gail and I are sailing on the Norwegian Sun between Feb. 9 to Feb. 16. We're going to Cozumel, Honduras, Belize and the company's private island in the Bahamas.

It's very tempting, though. Can you imagine? We wouldn't want to overwhelm our dear BHM, either. Say Hi to the whales for me.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you! I know that you both will have a great time.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Sylvain, so you found Senor Frogs a tad too much huh? One day, my polar bear, I just know you are going to blow into town - with bells on!
Looking forward to those pics!
Hope you and Gail have a wonderful trip in February, private island huh? Not bad work if you can get it!
Warmest Aloha.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, the cruise lines rent islands for 50 or 100 years from the government of the Bahamas. Essentially, they are beaches. They build showers, bathrooms, picnic tables, bring in beach chairs, umbrellas. Nobody lives there. The ship's staff bring everything ashore they'll need for the day: drinks, food, sports equipment, etc. A day at the private island is basically a day at the beach. It's fun but in the Bahamas, you often get jellyfish. Once stung by a jellyfish, you learn quickly to not go anywhere near water when they are reported. One had better find a palm tree's shade, order a couple beers and watch the wildlife parading by.

Here I am at Senor frog's.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I am busy processing my cruise pictures. Here is one that I didn't remember taking. As we were returning from the submarine in Georgetown, Grand Cayman, I saw a building being built. Here is a sign that was put on by one of the contractors. Uncanny, isn't it?


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

How fun!!!! I just love it when serendipitous things like that happen!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Obviously, that is a superior contractor, doing sublime work for their esteemed clients. These people will enjoy problem-free air conditionning for years to come because if there's one thing polar bears know, it's keeping cool.

Here's a picture of me with Senor Frog.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Sylvain!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, with your command of the language and eloquent way of putting things, you should be writing articles. You certainly have a wealth of knowledge to share.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

...and great sense of humour...
I second and third that Christi!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

You ladies are just plain too kind. Mahalo, mahalo nui loa.

Christi, have you started counting the days yet? I have a friend who starts counting about 3 weeks before a cruise. She goes to bed early and gets up late so the time will seem to go by quicker. She's nuts, I tell you.

We're leaving again on a cruise on February 9th, from Miami. I'm glad we're going but I can't say that I'm as excited as when we started cruising. This will be our 3rd trip on that particular ship (Norwegian Sun). Needless to say, we love that ship.

I know I have said this before but I truly AM itching to get back to Hawai'i. I feel like I have left a part of me out there last May. What can I say, I want to buy more Israel Kamakamiwo'ole CDs. I figure early in 2009, Gail and I could swing by for at least 2 back-to-back cruises and have a bit of a stay on the islands before facing the 12-hour airplane trip back. That's the part Gail dreads: the airplane trip. We're facing the same ordeal when we return from Rome in May. We'll survive.

Take care, all.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I was playing around with an orchid spray's picture this morning. Here's what came of it.

A great big Aloha to all of you.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good morning, Sylvain. The orchid is exquisite. I'm getting all jittery now. All of a sudden the time is flying. Leaving on the 13th. Considering moving bedtime up a little because the 5 hours difference would put me sleepy at all the wrong times. Can't imagine becoming jaded about a cruise. However, we do have a 35' motorhome sitting beside the house because I no longer am interested in that style of travel after over 40 years of rv one way or another. Hope you both enjoy yourselves and enjoy that business of being "waited on".


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


Guess what... we are in the process of buying another cruise in March because Gail's sister will fly down from Montreal and she is dying to go on a cruise. We have already secured a wheelchair-accessible cabin for that voyage. We just need her approval to go on and book it. This is so exciting. The ship's name: Navigator of the Seas, 5 days from Fort Lauderdale March 6th to 11th.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you! If I should ever go on a cruise, I know who to call for all recommendations on where and when and who.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Top of the morning to all!

Lovely picture Sylvain, you can see the vein markings so clearly, very cool! Where is the proposed cruise going to? I hope you and Gail and SIL have a wonderful time - although I think you always do!

Well Christi, soon be time to board! I wonder if Carol is back from her trip to Borneo yet? What exciting things she is going to be able to tell us about...

Off to work, it's Superbowl Sunday - the guys at work are all so excited, I think this may well be the highlight of their year. Going to have a couple of them around this morning but I am on my own this afternoon, heaven help the poor visitors! Frank is planning to watch too, in peace and quiet with me safely at work.

Have a lovely day everyone, and I hope your team wins whichever it may be!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey, if you should ever decide to go the Big Blue Way, I'll give you the benefit of my many years experience. Hey, I might even join you. We are not squeamish when it comes to buying cruises. Last night at 10PM, we weren't going anywhere and this morning, we're going on a cruise.

Submitted for your approval: this picture of the Navigator of the Seas in Ocho Rios (Jamaica) last September. It wasn't sunny but a cloudy day on a cruise is worth 5 sunny days at home.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

This next cruise is just a 5-day job. We leave Fort Lauderdale, go to Cozumel (Mexico) and return to Fort Lauderdale. If Gail's sister were not going, Gail would never even consider doing an itinerary of less than 7 days. To her, consider her mobility difficulties, it's more trouble than it's worth.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

She is a brave lady. And fortunate to have you as her partner.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I think it's wonderful the way you take so much enjoyment out of life despite Gails painful condition. Way to go! Ship is beautiful!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Christi - getting jittery huh? I can't wait for your reaction to the islands! You are going to have the BEST time ever...Sylvain may love his cruises (and someday I will go on one as well!), but nothing compares to the is a whole other world! And with Jenny as your tour guide and those gorgeous dogs as your travel gosh!

I don't remember how long Carol was going to be gone, has anyone heard from her?

Not interested in the Superbowl this year...both my teams got knocked out last week...gonna do brunch, and some library training and make chile verde for the horde...have a wonderful day everyone!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Part of the joy is having so many who are going with me. Such a great group of friends, now that would be the real trip, for us all to go somewhere together. Someday. Christi's Garden Party.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My team hasn't made the Super Bowl since Joe Montana days. I miss those days. :~(

But my next favorite team right now is the Giants and one of my favorite movies used to be Little Giants. lol. So I have to cheer them on.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pep, I was a Joe Montana fan when he was a 49er. But my fave Chief was Lenny Dawson...I know, I'm showing my age. So what!?

Yep, Christi - we will all do that someday. But we are all going with you on this trip - at least vicariously!!

Happy Monday everyone!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

hey... i'v been a lurker on here, so now i'm officially unlurkified! ok so yeah... hey!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Shari, just opened our package from Rainbow. heyheyheyhey. We are Hawaiian for sure! 9 days!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hope you like the stuff! And now presenting ...Queen Kalikina! Island goddess and princess of all she surveys! Yeayyyyyyy!

Aloha diehrd! Welcome to the Tropical Gardening Forum!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

thanks shari!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm feeling more like a Princess all the time. hhhhuuuuummmm

Almost Heaven, la la lala

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

You should post a picture of your outfit....I would love to see it. What color is it...pattern? Model it for us, please!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Diehrd, glad you are unlurkified! I join Shari and everyone in welcoming you to TG.

Yes, Christi, model it for us! My SIL has set Christi and Mike up with a computer in their bedroom so she can give you all day by day updates, if she wishes. He thought it would help with the zillions of photos she might take...Might be fun for everyone. With the new outfit she might just get up on stage at the luau and show us all how to Hula - Gosh, she might even get the part of the princess that comes in on the outrigger at the start of the feast!



Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Words to live by from Braddah Iz.

Almost Heaven, West Makaha,
High-ridge mountain, crystal-clear blue water.
All my friends there hanging on da beach,
Young and old among them,
Feel the ocean breeze.

Christi, you have just got to get us a picture of your outfit before you go. But be warned: you will leave a tiny part of yourself there somewhere in the islands. It will call your name and beckon you back relentlessly after you return to the mainland.

Polar Bear travel tips for Hawai'i:
A) If you ever get lost on any of the islands, just take highway/road/boulevard Kamehameha and you'll be back on track in no time. Actually, if you stop the car and open a map, someone will come knock on your car's window and ask if you need help. That happened to me in Waimanalo and again in Nawiliwili.

B) You can't swing a pineapple in Hawai'i without hitting a botanical garden. In the end, that poor pineapple was pretty beat up but we saw such wonders, it was worth the heavily bruised fruit. Enjoy the bountiful nature and ultra-favorable growing conditions: Almost Heaven...

C) Enjoy the wonderful people over there. Hawai'i has got to be the friendliest place on earth. You'll have such a wonderful time.

That little part of me that was left behind keeps calling me back. Gail is the same. We are aiming to return to Hawai'i in 2009 IF Gail can make the trip. A small word like "if" can make such a huge difference in our lives. Carpe diem: seize the day. Lost time is not given back, alas.

I send you a grey hibiscus for your hair.
Take care.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The group anticipation has made this dream even more amazing. Jen's invitation is still making my heart beat faster. We have many friends who have been to Hawaii, some more than once. They are very blasaie (sp) as in "no big deal". It is a HUGE DEAL to Mike and I. We live in a so-called cosmopolitan city and are exposed to culture of all kinds, much of which we take advantage. This is so different to us. It is, as Sylvain so eloquently describes, the joy of the people. That starts with all of you who are so gracious and excited for us. Of course, Jenny, Frank and her Mum are already considered family. Then Carol, going out of her way to join us for several days. The ISLAND AND ITS PEOPLE. We shall look just like the tourist that we are costumed in such a way to look local making us look even more out of place. Not to worry, part of the anticipation. Jen is so thoughtful about everything, even a pc hookup. Well, don't look for me too much that week. I shall be living the adventure and will chronicle it for later. Now, close your eyes as we touch cheeks...Aloha Kakou


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