Winters still here, having spring memories! (3)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

LOL,I noticed when Patti was in the hospital for a couple weeks last year,the palm beside the elevator was full of spidermites,so I asked the nurse at the desk,and she told me they hired a company to come in and take care and water them,and when they die this company replaces them,she didn't know how much the monthly charges was.
But 2 years ago,after they did a column in the paper about my tropical garden,I got a call from a lady whose was retired after 30 yrs of running a company like that,except she did it for the very wealthy people here in town,so I got to know here a little and she came over
and took a tour of my gardens,then I hers,she almost had as much as I did,she had a nice greenhouse attached to her home,with a pond in it,big home,well she had been a widow for over 20 yrs,and had been retired for some time as well,and she moved those huge plants in by herself,and she didn't weigh a 100lbs and was 76 yrs old!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

They were probably paying more than what it would cost to just replace it for lack of care! LOL
Amazing what some people can do when they have such a love for something!
Maybe I should start a "Plant Care' Business! LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Do you fall asleep when you sit down in a chair at home ????? LOL....Dave does that!! Do you have sleep apnea? No wonder you don't sleep more than 3-4 hrs a night!
Dave used to fall asleep standing up at work!!! His foreman told him once.. he was the only person he had ever seen that could eat AND sleep at the same time!!! LOL!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Actually, I didn't mean sleep apnea at all...I meant Narcolepsy. Google it.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I thought about that myself,even building a huge greenhouse and offering over winter care and storage of plants.

Yep,I have fallen a sleep welding,I have a 4ft weld I make on the inside,that I have to lean over half way,and reach my arm as far as I can reach,takes about 5 minutes to make this weld,and have fallen a sleep with my eyes wide open!!!!
Yes and sometimes fall asleep at lunch sometimes,if Patty's not there with me,oh this is a different patty that I work with,whos also a welder on my weld line.
And have fallen a sleep at home eating dinner too!
No sleep apnea,but Patti my wife does.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Nope don't have that either!
Just a tired body!!!LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well I see why you drink so much coffee stay awake...LOL!!!
If I drank coffee like that, I would be climbing the walls!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a) garden party! That's too bad! I would have liked to seen it happen!

Hi every ...TM you are just like my hubby two speeds flat out and stop.
You like he are just so worn out from so much work you fall asleep as soon as you stop. All perfectly normal.

Guess I will be a bystander on the big round up ...I hope it all works out for everyone over there ...what a great time it would be.
ok for me now the pain begins is heading into 90's ...I don't do heat well. Too many critters and burn in 5 mins so off to the shadey places this morning for a couple of hours then hide inside drinking litres of ice water. As your snow will pass this too shall pass.
have a lovely day/night/ ? ...8am 10th Jan Sydney time.


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Saw on the news where Nicole Kidman and hubby country singer was eating at a Sidney restaurant,they live in Sidney?
They shes in mothers way!!!

Yes they are here at the moment but Keith owns a ranch somewhere in America ...I don't know where they will settle.I hope Nichole gets out of show biz and settles down to a more gentle life now ...she has been acting since she was a small child and it's time for a rest now. I hope she manages to carry this baby full term and that will be born healthy and happy.
Hope you are enjoying your extra week off mate will be hard for you to back to work now won't it?.It won't be that long before you will be hauling that tropical greenery back out to the garden ...better rest up while you can.
Oops hi to anyone playing in the greenhouses :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Chrissy! Hope you are well!

Hi 77 sorry to be a little quiet ...looking after my almost blind brother at the moment while he aways further surgery ...not enough time to go everywhere in the forums I miss you all!
Hugs chrissy :) ps hope you are having a fine time with GD :)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I hope so too!
Didn't know he had ranch here,hopes his drinking days are behind him now!!!

Yes it will be hard to go back to work,still have 6 more days of Vacation time off before April,will spend some of it the Wichita flower and garden show March 5 thru the 9th.

I tell you months of working 10 days 6 days a week just wore my body plumb out.
Diabetes is tough on the body when you have hard physical labor to do.
Not counting 2 bad heart attacks.
But I'm up and running on all fours now!!!LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sorry Don, I shouldn't have teased you about all that.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey Tman, the 'babysitting greenhouse' sounds like fun, but how on earth would you have time without hiring help?!
Hi everyone! :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

By the way, poor pepper sent me a Dmail and she has a head cold. :(

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

The idea is to be open,like 3 days a week and Saturday,and maybe late one evening thru the week,and the people come take care of there own plants,there just renting space from me.
Most of the greenhouses up here and the nurseries don't keep much in them here they are full of Poinsettias from November to January,After that are empty til spring.

The zoo here will come pick up your tropicals but they keep them to plant out in the zoo grounds come spring,they just ask you to donate them instead of letting them die outside in the wintertime.
I think this would work great if you could get the word out around to people,I know a lot people who are always asking me to keep plants for them.

Marcia you can tease me all you want,we've been together as friends longer than most marriages here!!!LOL

So Does Patti,and has for 2 weeks,I'm afarid I'm going to catch right when I have to go abck to work,she took Tylenol plus cold tablets,but don't seem to be working!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok. :))

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Guess I am a little touchy tonight. I can't figure out what happened to my sound on my computer. Can't hear anything on youtube or even if I put a cd in. I played a cd the other day,and I have 3 different players on here. The one that played was Windows Media player, and it messed up something. Geesh! Makes me mad!!!!!!!!! Now I have to wait on Mike to come and see what I did!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Don, That is a wonderful dream, but I have so much to learn before I would do something like that! And Shaun just brought up the issue of disease and the possibility of wiping out other plants in the green house, and what liability there would be? I don't know enough to realize disease and all the bugs, so I would still have a lot of worries to do something of that nature. :( It is a wonderful dream, though!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow! spent a while playing with worms overin the compost forum and had to spend hours catching up here!

We had snow on the lower mountains but tonights warmer rain will melt it before morning. Temp is 46 f. right now and light but steady rain. It had stopped raining most of the early morning and afternoon so I managed to get my poor couped up pup to the park to run with her friends for an hour or so before I had to come to work.

It is sure nice to be able to come to DG for a nice tropical cyber vacation. Those hibiscus are so pretty I just want to crawl up into one like a bee and hangout for awhile.

Time now to go try and coax the last two ferral cats a little closer to the trap. They are getting braver by the day and I am hoping to have them to the vet by Saturday and their new home by the end of the month when I get them tamed up a little. They look like solid black Persians and were barely weened when they first showed up here but they have been the hardest to tame I have seen in years! I have not even been able to get a good blurry pic of them since they hide in the daylight and run if I breathe.

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