Canna #1

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't watch Heroes either, wanted to , but now I've feel like I've missed too much. I'm dying for new Lost and the Office. Okay, Trop - there is talk of a Big Brother 9 starting in February due to the writers strike.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

...get, that would be cool, I'm waiting for Lost, too. You should catch up on Heroes and start watching it...if for no other reason than the newest male it's a great show. If you like Lost, you'd definitely enjoy it

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I'll look for it to rent, ... I remember we missed the first season of Lost, then rented it - got so hooked we watched the whole darn season in 2 nights.... lol love that show. Does Heroes already have one season on DVD ? That movie Waitress came out on DVD today, I want to see that too. Perhaps a trip to Blockbuster today!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I don't know if it's on dvd or not, worth looking into for sure. NBC also has some past episodes, but not the most recent...I tried to watch what I missed last night but it wasn't up yet

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Late start this morning, due to.......snow. It is supposed to snow this weekend, and I'll try and get some pics for 'ya. Save the cheerleader, save the world!!! Gotta run, just got called in to work.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! LUCKY BOY

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

okay, bad karma - I called my mom a bad driver a ways back. And today, I rear-ended a pick-up. I feel terrible, he stopped for a pedestrian, and I braked - but slid quit a ways on wet pavement. No damage to his vehicle, but the pedestrian (OLD BITTY) crossed the street and walked over to him giving him her information (as a witness) I'm fine with that, but she kept smiling this big fat huge grin - WT* ! I was taking my son to preschool, if he hadn't been in the car I would've asked her what the blankety blank she kept smiling about. I'm flip-flopping between being furious with her stupid old smiling face and angry at myself.


seriously, what could she have been so happy about?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Red, I'm sorry to hear that, it's so unnerving to have that happen. I rear-ended a Volvo SUV last summer in really bad traffic with my daughter in the was no big deal at all to the Volvo, but my whole front end was caved in.

It's stressful, I'm sorry, we are human and make mistakes

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh thank you Trop - you are right, DH was very nice about the whole thing, just glad we were fine. I wasn't being careless (not even singing as usual) and yes, my front is cracked -just the bender-

I have got to move on and quit thinking about the grinning idiot tho, she really makes me mad!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I've had lots of problems withother people but that was the one time I was responsible...I felt awful even though no one was hurt...luckily, I'm over it

but the time in the snow the guy spun out in front of me and barely yelled "are you ok?" as he was taking off kinda bothered me too.....generally I love humanity, but some people really just have a poor attitude...

it'll be ok, your insurance will pay whatever, you won't need witnesses anyway so that lady can grin all day....

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

RTP, sorry to hear about your accident. Driving around in my mixer truck all day, plus my car, I can tell you the biggest pinhead drivers are white males, in their 50's. Must be some 'king' complex. You should see how often I get clipped off by these idiots. 70,000 lb truck vs little car= no contest/ dead people! And the old bitty was probably just jealous that she isn't as young as you.

Sun came out, and the wind cranked up, so most snow is melted. We'll see what happens this weekend.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We are supposed to get snow this weekend too. My dad heard freezing rain too. I hope not. Gotta run to the city on Sunday, then to Kansas that night for our staff party. Just FYI, I say KS but it is right on the other side of the line. :~)

Don't feel bad Red. I once front ended a truck when I was trying to get out of a semi's way. He was turning onto the bridge and I stopped where you normally would when they are turning into their lane. A ways back but not halfway. Well, he was coming in my lane to get into his and I freaked and didn't realize that there was someone behind me and backed into him. This was less than a year after my wreck which is why I freaked. Luckily I knew the guy and I paid for the new bumper on his truck and all was good. He had done the same thing before and also knew that it hadn't been long since the last time.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm jealous of ya'll getting snow, it's been freezing nearly every night, but I kind of doubt we'll get snow this year...I can always hope though. Vadap, I was sending telepathic messages to your OH to peg you with a few good snowballs for us...did it work? lol

If any of ya'll are bulb junkies, Brent and Becky's discounted their stuff half off today...sorry to be an enabler, but I got some things I've been sizing up for awhile

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Nope, didn't work! In fact, she was off yesterday and made beef/veg stew for dinner. How about them apples! LOL Bulbs?!?! The ground is starting to freeze in some parts of the yards (Night temps in the 20's and teens will do that I guess) and I still heve bulbs to put in. I'm to much the procrastinator.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

well, she's no fun

I'm putting things up in the GH, it's not that cold yet here, but still too cold for planting

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh man, I thought I already got my last order from Brent & Becky's - lol. Our stupid weathermen said possible snow last night - it's like 40 this morning, they always predict snow when there is none, and never predict when there is !

Thanks for all your car stories - I'm feeling much better today. --- Also, the grinning idiot being jealous of my youngness - how funny.

Have fun in KS for your staff party? Do you spend the night?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nope, not spending the night. It's less than an hour from my house. Less than an hour from my friend's house too. There is a slim chance I might crash at her place but only if it is snowing hard enough that I will have a hard time seeing. That most likely won't happen since last I heard it was only gonna snow that morning. I will have a better idea tomorrow.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Good it's close - We are even supposed to get snow tonight !! whoo hoo, but quickly melt off. The sleds are ready just in case we get an hour to play.

We have 100 mph wind warnings for Sunday/Monday, going to go to Costco today for batteries in case the power goes out. My DH is using this excuse not to put up the rest of the Christmas lights on Sunday, can you believe that? He doesn't want to go up on a ladder in the wind, jeez! plus, there is a flood warning..... nice extreme weather weekend, the local news loves that!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Red, have to agree with your hubby on this one, the lights will blow away sounds pretty intense, so far it's been cold but nothing spectacular with the weather like you guys have

I wish it would snow 'll never grow up but I want to sled soooo bad...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No snow coming now. Just freezing rain then rain. :~(

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

no snow here yet either - should be getting rain/snow mix today (and we're going to get our tree lol)

Trop - I really wasn't going to send James out in the wind to put up the lights ha ha ha , just like to give him a bad time. (he puts out a ton of lights! - I'll snap a picture when it is done)

I did get plenty of provisions from Costco for our wind storm (if we get one?) everything is still right now, just foggy.... batteries plus plenty of chips and salsa (and some Sam Adams)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

IT'S SNOWING !!!!!!!!!! big fat beautiful flakes - we are off to get the tree !

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

at least I can trust Red to throw'm so jealous

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No mix here. We got lucky and just got the rain. The mix went north. *whew*

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

OH, I would have sooo thrown those snowballs, unfortunately the snow stopped by the time we got back - but it did make for a beautiful scene to cut the tree down.

I have pitch all over my hands, but the tree is decked out!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I LIVE for snowball fights in the winter!! But we only get one good snowfall a season anymore it seems. So they don't happen very often.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Pepper you are such a rascal ! : )

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

hehehe. You bet I am!!!!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I wonder if you guys from places that get snow regularly actually have playing in the snow injury stories. My BIL did end up having to have surgery when a friend pegged him in the jaw with a dirty snowball...sounds crazy but true

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I can't believe that - was there a rock in it?

I don't bounce as well as I did when younger, I would ride on a saucer -on my stomach- down our driveway when it would freeze.... I tried this as an adult and it was terrible - it really hurt!

We are still having alot of wind and rain here - some flooding and the coast is a mess. I might paint my bathroom today.... if I can decide on a color.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No injuries here. Unless you count bruised stomachs from landing after going off ramps on sleds. lol

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

There was a rock in the snowball, right in the jaw.....ouch

This is gonna sound so Appalachian, but my favorite sled (tubes coming inn a very close second) experience was in a kayak down a mountain, it was awesome cause you could steer with the paddle. But inner tubes are fun too, you fly...all this snow talk is making me want coffee

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I like the regular long sleds. Saucers make me dizzy and if I am going backwards I am garanteed to hit something. lol

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

saucers are way too "spinny" We have major flooding here in Oregon, thank goodness we are on a hill.... a major highway was closed last night, DH had to go thru Sherwood to get home from work.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Glad Robin Hood didn't rob him! (drums please) Storms to the left of me, and storms to the right.... Got a little snow Sunday morning, which remained cold and dreary, and was suppossed to have been on Sat. So, spent a few hours in the garage cleaning. I can actually walk around now, and my plants to winter over can now be watered inside. We are having a heat wave this week, with highs in the upper 50s and 60s. Has been a bit windy, catching RTPs storm. I keep telling my OH that I want to move up to Washington, and the flooding in spring and this recent storm aren't helping! I keep telling her that at least they know what rain is, and it rarely goes much below freezing(she hates the cold).
When I was about 7-8, I had just gotten out of the hospital with pneumonia, and my older brother pegged me right in the eye. And I wore glasses back then, so it was packed in around the glasses. Couple of days later, riding double on best friends sled. We would shoot down this trail at the bottom of the hill, and go over this narrow grate/bridge over a creek. Well, he fish tailed and dumped me in the creek. Neither of our mothers was very happy. Oh yeah, that was when I lived outside Richmond, VA in Chesterfield.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

There is a 20 mile stretch of I-5 closed that might open tomorrow but they aren't counting on it. Saw it on the news today.

Rain comin on Thurs and again this weekend. We are crossing fingers and toes that it does't happen this weekend cause we have a luminary walk at work. Candles won't stay lit unless we have dry weather.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

cool story vadap, are you still planting? I got bulbs in ...brilliant I tell ya cause now I don't know if I should dig or pot them, a martagon lily and some trumpets.

ya'll have rough weather, it's pretty cold here in the 40's but nothing interesting like y'all have

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ohhhh, dumped in the creek ! and after pnuemonia, I sympathize with your mom.

still areas in Washington that have flooded I-5; don't tell your OH. My DH is currently looking at other jobs .... most we'd have to move from Oregon SOB !!!!! and leave my garden, ouch - that is going to hurt! I won't be able to see so many plants mature. I told him I would require time to dig up at the very least 300 most special bulbs.

Not to mention the kids changing schools - they go to the neighborhood school at the moment, which is rated exceptional. We'll see what happens.

Pepper hope those luminaries will light. Trop, did you get all your bulbs in ?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Aww, Red, wow, that would be intense to move, hope it all works out well for you. I got my bulbs in as in they came here, but didn't get them all settled...I spoiled myself, went shopping. Bought a pair of jeans which is a big deal to me cause I can never find anything I like that fits, I know this is riveting stuff Plus I haven't decided to store or plant the lilies and iphieon (never grown it before), if anyone knows about such things....

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

no, I always ask you when I am interested in new bulbs... lol. My daffodils are starting to come up, but they'll be fine.

I don't want to move, and I don't think we will unless the job is just right.... he's frustrated at work right now. sigh, so who knows, I'm trying to not over think it at this point.

And a good pair of jeans is a big deal to me, too.... and thank god low rise is finally not the only thing available !!!!

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