November Daily Weather, Time for a garden nap.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Joey - Next thing you know you're going to see white in place of the colors! I love snow, but I don't think Jeff would ever live where it snows again. :(

It's going to be a picture perfect day!!!

53.1 °F / 11.7 °C
Humidity: 67%
Dew Point: 42 °F / 6 °C
Wind: 1.0 mph / 1.6 km/h / 0.4 m/s from the NW
Wind Gust: 5.4 mph / 8.7 km/h
Pressure: 30.09 in / 1018.8 hPa (Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Clear -

High surf advisory in effect until 10 am EDT this morning...

Sunny. High 73°F. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.


Thumbnail by MySharona
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Very bright, blu skies, 39°(F)

Looks like all the rain produced by the hurricane fell to the east of us :(

Reporting Station: KROA
Relative Humidity: 76%
Wind: 0° (N) at 0mph
Gusts: 0mph
Pressure: 30.09in
Yesterday's Precip: in
Yesterday's Low Temp: 39°F
Yesterday's High Temp: 59°F
Dew Point: 30°
Visibility: 10mi
Ceiling: Unlimited
Heat Index: 37°
Wind Chill: 37°
6hr Precip: in
6hr Low Temp: 31°F
6hr High Temp: 38°F

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Buddy just called, has to work today, there goes the pickup truck needed for the LOWE'S trip. Now what am I going to do all day? Guess I'll caulk windows to try and lesson the escape of warm air but I really wanted to build that wall today, danged hillbilly truck owning buddy.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh gee. I've been over-scheduled the past few days. I pulled up the thread and thought, "Oh good, not too far behind." Then I realized a new thread had been started. Silly me. So I'm waaaay far behind. So I'll just say Hello! ..and then back up and start reading. :)

60F and sunny. It was 44 at 8 this morning - pretty cold from my perspective.
Low tonight, 39F. Looking forward to an extra hour of sleep tonight!
(Sky at sunset through a soon-to-be leafless Crape Myrtle.)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

It was down below 60 again this morning.
I have a new AC/Dehumidifier/Heat Pump.
It is entirely contained in a rolling unit that has 2 hoses going to the window.
It has a remote and heats and cools well.
My problem is I haven't figured out where I want the temp in Celcious(sp?)

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Sid there should be a way to change the reading/setting to Fahrenheit If you can not find it d-mail me the make/model number and I will research it. - Dy and then the rest of the name.

If not I can give you a converter now. - F to C or vise versa thinger.

Is thinger a word? It needs to be.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll give Google a chance, thanks Dyson. Just easier to complain than read the directions. I can, however try to keep a "Wonder about?" list and e-mail to you every AM.
Big Hug

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Speaking of a complaint - I came home from the store, to find 3 danged hillbilly cats on the front porch - they were, of course the same 3 danged hillbilly cats that were on the porch when I left the house 18.543 minutes before, but I figure I should still be able to complain about it. Anyone need one of these beast? (they are good mice'ers as long as not over-fed).

67°(F) under a watch of some sort from the hurricane - but the wx is perfect for outdoors activity.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It was fairly windy earlier today but not now.

Updated: 2:51 PM PDT on November 03, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
86 °F / 30 °C
Humidity: 15%
Dew Point: 33 °F / 1 °C
Wind: 6 mph / 9 km/h / 2.6 m/s from the SE

We went hiking. I'm beat.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

The twisty things are turritella fossils. They wash out of the ground and accumulate on the road in this one spot.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Kelli.........86º and rugged country..........I can see why you're a bit tired from your hike. I had 50º and a steady wind for my bike ride this afternoon. It's just about time to move indoors.

Joey........Are you still employed at the fish place? I went up to Lake Erie this morning to see if the steelhead trout were running. They were! As you know it's considered a world-class fishery and people come from all over the country to fish it. I prefer fishing the bigger streams--It's much more scenic and a lot less crowded but we have not had enough big rains for the fish to swim very far upstream yet.

Here are a few photos.

Once they make it past the fishermen and into Trout Run they are safe--They are in nursery waters and off limits.


This message was edited Nov 3, 2007 7:12 PM

Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

The fishermen are lined up at the mouth of the stream. They were doing quite well today. It was not uncommon to have 3 or 4 fish on at a time.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

This view, taken from a breakwall, shows the shoreline and the fishermen. There was a large school of trout in front of them, afraid to swim past and into the stream.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

A stringer of fish.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Those are huge fish! My cousin went fishing up there a couple weeks ago but didn't catch anything.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Kelli.......Your cousin was probably a bit too early in the season. The fish stay out in the lake until the cool weather and rains come.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)


E_B! What Great Shots! Those are some gorgeous fish! :D No, I don't work at the Trout Lodge anymore...long story. Thanks for the Shots! :D I would rather hit the larger streams, as well...crowds are just not my thing.
Kelli, What are "turritella fossils" ? Are they an ancient sea type fossil? You've peaked my curiosity. I would be beat too if I had hiked in the sun at that temp! I get hot & sweaty goin' in the winter!
Deb, What a beautiful sunset sky! :D
Sharon, Sorry to hear that Jeff is not into snow. I like all the changes in weather & color that are offered. And a guy told me today that he heard that we are supposed to get a rain & snow mix on Tuesday night. I haven't heard it (on tv), but you never know! :D

Good nite!

Thumbnail by music2keep
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

A turritella is a seashell. They still exist, though in warmer water than we have here now. There several species. I don't know if the fossils are of living or extinct species. They are not all that ancient as far as fossils go. They are from the Miocene era.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Dark, 41°(F)

Reporting Station: KROA
Relative Humidity: 52%
Wind: 280° (W) at 8mph
Gusts: 0mph
Pressure: 30.03in
Yesterday's Precip: in
Yesterday's Low Temp: 31°F
Yesterday's High Temp: 67°F
Dew Point: 28°
Visibility: 10mi
Ceiling: Unlimited
Heat Index: 45°
Wind Chill: 41°
6hr Precip: in
6hr Low Temp: 49°F
6hr High Temp: 57°F

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Great pictures everyone. We were out of town yesterday so I haven't caught up with this thread yet, will do so later. DH is up and time to have coffee with him. Took a quick photo of sunrise and mist rising behind the trees. Trees are still green, you will notice.

Current conditions as of 6:53 am CST

Feels Like: 49°
Barometer: 30.21 in and steady
Humidity: 86%
Visibility: 5 mi
Dewpoint: 45°
Wind: WSW 6 mph
Sunrise: 6:31 am
Sunset: 5:11 pm

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 5a)

Good evening!

Great photos everyone! EB - those are some nice looking trout! :-)

It was pretty nice yesterday - not very windy and not wet. Today was windy and wet however. Now it's 26 mph gusting to 46 and 39°F. Sunrise was at 9:20 ans sunset at 5:09.

Have a good evening all :-)


(Zone 3b)

3:pm~~ Weatherwise it's gray, as is most of Nov/Dec/Jan, but it's up to 39* so it's warm out. Sunrise just got earlier w/the time change, for today 8:36 sunrise and sets at 4:48.
rann - glad you had nice day yesterday; sure helps to get one once in awhile :)
Very pretty sunrise, marsue; weather looks pretty good, too.
E_B ~~ nice to take us fishing; looks like a good time there.
kelli~thanks, too, for the armchair hike; the best kind somedays :)
Dyson~ did it ever get light?
DebinSC~~very ambitious undertaking, playing catch-up here, isn't it ?:) I like the way the leaves are barely hanging on in the picture. very pretty.
Taken in July.

Thumbnail by kiska
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

E_B: Liked your trout fishing series. Something I know nothing about, so very interesting!
Kelli: I always enjoy your hikes. :)

51F and totally dark. That extra hour of sleep this morning was nice, but I hate to see that sun setting so early. Kiska and Rann are thinking, "Ha! You don't know what dark is!" LOL. I have to complain, though. Now the wait begins for solstice.

I brought in the rest of my tender tropicals today, since our temps are supposed to dip into the upper 30s overnight for the first time mid-week. 40s tonight, tho. Orchids still out on the porch in bloom at least. :)
NO RAIN. Forecast is for a sunny, dry, and cool week. Sigh.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Great fishing photos, E_B!
Kiska, loved that photo--are those ferns in the background?
Deb--great shot of the geese. We have a flock of geese in our neighborhood. There is a pond just to the north and east of our area where they hang out. They fly over every morning and evening. I would love to see some photos of your orchids. I have 3 orchids but none are blooming right now.

We went for a drive yesterday afternoon. It looks like we won't be getting a whole lot of color in the leaves unless the weather turns cooler soon. I took this shot along one of the country roads. You can see the pine trees and then just a bit of color on beyond them.

Yesterday was a beautiful day--another forecast for today.
Temp on my backporch at 6:47 a.m. is 58*F.

Thumbnail by marsue
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning! I was at a church women's retreat this weekend, so I'm just catching up. :-) The weather was gorgeous all weekend and is continuing today. Tonight the clouds are moving in and there is a 20% chance of rain and tomorrow the high is only going to be in the 60s. We're flirting with fall, but it hasn't REALLY moved in yet. LOL

This picture is of the camp I was at, though I took it at another retreat 3 years ago. I didn't bring the camera this year.

Observation for Houston, TX (KSGR) as of 7:38am CST (13 min ago)
Temperature 63 °F 17 °C
Dew Point 60 °F 16 °C
Humidity 94%
Pressure 30.12 in 1020 mb
Wind Speed Calm Calm
Wind Dir - -
Ceiling Unlimited Unlimited
Visibility 3 mi 4.8 km
Current Conditions Mist
6 hour min temperature ending 5:53am CST : 62.1°F / 16.7°C

Thumbnail by Marylyn_TX
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Bright sunny blu skies, 52°(F)

Reporting Station: KROA
Relative Humidity: 54%
Wind: 240° (WSW) at 3mph
Gusts: 0mph
Pressure: 30.12in
Yesterday's Precip: in
Yesterday's Low Temp: 42°F
Yesterday's High Temp: 62°F
Dew Point: 30°
Visibility: 10mi
Ceiling: Unlimited
Heat Index: 46°
Wind Chill: 46°
6hr Precip: in
6hr Low Temp: 34°F
6hr High Temp: 44°F

(Zone 3b)

7:30am, dark but still warm at 35*. Sunrise at 8:39 Sets at 4:45.
Last year at this time there was a lot of snow here at the house, now we have to go about 10 miles up the road to snow.
DebinSC - the geese are very pretty in that setting. Dark is dark and you can "complain" all you want :)
marsue~ that's a nice looking drive; there are ferns in the photo. They grow very large in the woods; lots of rain during the summer and long daylight have a lot to do with it, I'm sure.
Marylyn_TX~~looks as if you were in a gorgeous setting; I like your use of the phrase, "flirting w/fall"...very descriptive.
Saturday~Lazy Mt. (from our driveway). DH took this one.

Thumbnail by kiska
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Kiska,that is amasing!
E_B, thanks for showing us Lake Erie and the fishing ...the fish are so many!Doyou take the fish back into the lake after you catch it?
Deb, beautiful sunset!
Kelli,great pics !
Pepper,love that lake,great pic !
Marsue,wonderful trees!
Forecast says it's getting cooler and expecting snow tonight,only 40!

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I have had a nice 3 day weekend! Traded a day with a co-worker, Jeff took Justin to Rockport to see DFIL and I had the house to myself - for 3 days. Ladies you know what I'm talking about! I got to c-l-e-a-n house! Made the Goodwill run this morning. No one will know anything is gone for at least 4 months! LOL!!!
Sidney – We were in the upper 40’s last night. I am lovin’ it!!
Dyson – I believe “thinger” can be a word. It’s related to “thingy”! Keep those hillbilly cats! You get rid of them you’ll have mice out the wazoo!
Kelli – The pics are great! I had to look up turritella shells. We have a zillion of live turritellas here. I find the shells all the time on the beach.
E_B – Those fishermen are cheating! LOL!! Great picture series! How is your Jeff?
Joey – Jeff was raised in Beaver County, PA, which is why he can’t stand long snowy winters anymore. I was raised mainly in the South (except for several years overseas) which explains why I love any cool/cold weather I can get! I love all seasons, but have never really had to “tough it out” as an adult in real “winter”! Therefore, per Jeff, I “just don’t know how hard it really is”! LOL!
Marsue – I love the misty morning picture!
Deb – I feel your pain. I hate that it gets dark so early now. Makes for a very long evening. Your geese are pretty!

58.5 °F / 14.7 °C
Humidity: 49%
Dew Point: 39 °F / 4 °C
Wind: Calm
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h
Pressure: 30.12 in / 1019.9 hPa (Rising)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16

Mostly clear. Patchy fog after midnight. Low 48 coast. East winds 5 mph shifting to the west after midnight.

I took Prissy to the beach yesterday to look for sharks teeth after the recent Nor'easter. No such luck. Look at this shore line!
Marylyn – Where was the retreat held? Beautiful lake!
Kiska – I love the Lazy Mt. picture! It’s gorgeous and saved as background! Be sure to tell DH “Great job”!
Adina – Looks like Fall is almost over in your area. How is your mom doing?

Thumbnail by MySharona
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I love all seasons, but have never really had to “tough it out” as an adult in real “winter”! Therefore, per Jeff, I “just don’t know how hard it really is”!

I do "know how hard it really is" - and I don't miss it in the slightest either!!! LOL

The retreat was at Crier Creek (, a non-denominational Christian campground about 80 miles west of here... Just far enough away from Houston to be able to see the stars clearly at night. :-) Our church has held its yearly women's retreats there for the past 4 years or so, and it is fantastic - gorgeous scenery, great friends, good speakers, excellent cabins, and oh, the food!!! (drooling at the memory...) I'm already looking forward to next November! :-)

Thumbnail by Marylyn_TX
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

It is raining, the first since the October deluges. Grass is green and glowing as are other perennials. It is rough cooking for 2 people after spending years cooking for 8. I made 3 meatloaves yesterday and a big roaster full of stuffed red peppers. Most will get froze for later meals.

Today I was loafing, my body is used to working and running the wheelbarrow. I need to get out tomorrow and DO something. LOL
Currently 54 deg.low tonight 48 Deg.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Marylyn - The last time I lived in a "hard winter area" was when I was a 16 - 18 y/o in England. I didn't have to deal with the day to day winter life, I just enjoyed it! The adults dealt with the snow, ice, etc!!

Priss did not enjoy the shells!

Thumbnail by MySharona
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Today was in the high 50s and really, really windy. Not a real nice day. Tomorrow only in the 40s. Brrr!!

Here is another pic from where I work. This is facing another direction and that is the arbor there in the back on the right.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Pepper - You work in a very pretty area. The arbor is huge!

46.2 °F / 7.9 °C
Humidity: 87%
Dew Point: 43 °F / 6 °C
Wind: Calm
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h
Pressure: 30.09 in / 1018.8 hPa (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16

Sunny until late afternoon then becoming partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 70s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Dark, 50°(F)

Reporting Station: KROA
Relative Humidity: 71%
Wind: 260° (W) at 6mph
Gusts: 18mph
Pressure: 29.88in
Yesterday's Precip: in
Yesterday's Low Temp: 34°F
Yesterday's High Temp: 66°F
Dew Point: 40°
Visibility: 10mi
Ceiling: 3600ft
Heat Index: 49°
Wind Chill: 46°
6hr Precip: 0in
6hr Low Temp: 52°F
6hr High Temp: 58°F

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

We had a light shower earlier, not enough to matter w/the ground-water level, I do not think it will even show on the gauge, but it may have helped the thirsty plants some.

Thumbnail by Dyson
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Everybody! Sorry I took so long to get back. It took me forever to do the voting! :D Decisions, decisions! So Many Gorgeous pics to choose from! :D

Everybody here has gorgeous pics!, but I need to go back & do the reading.

The weather? We had some rain yesterday & last night ~ about a 1/4 of an inch. The high today will be in the lower 40's, with some light snow this evening! :D

Some trivia for the day...
The Sun is the source of most of our heat here on Earth. How hot [in degrees Fahrenheit] is the surface of the Sun?
a) 10,000
b) 50,000
c) 100,000
d) 500,000

Have a Great Day! All!

Thumbnail by music2keep
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The wind is blowing fairly hard and the leaves are falling like snowfall, I'm still cleaning windows, which makes it easier to watch the leaves fall.

47°(F) - windy

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Joey, I have a cactus just like that and mine is blooming now, too.

Something a little different here this morning.

Updated: 7:51 AM PST on November 06, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
51 °F / 11 °C
Humidity: 100%
Dew Point: 51 °F / 11 °C
Wind: Calm

The National Weather Service in Los Angeles/Oxnard has issued a
dense fog advisory... which is in effect until 10 am PST this

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Current conditions as of 10:55 am CST

Feels Like: 54°
Barometer: 30.42 in and falling
Humidity: 30%
Visibility: 7 mi
Dewpoint: 23°
Wind: N 8 mph
Sunrise: 6:33 am
Sunset: 5:09 pm
It is forecast to get down to 33*F in our area tonight. That is a first for the season and we may experience our first real frost. Brrrr! I can't really complain, though, because we have had some gorgeous autumn weather this past month.

Pepper, you have a great view from where you work!
Sharon, is that a fin sticking up out of the water in your photo? A shark, maybe? Yikes! LOL
Love, that cactus, Joey. I have a white one but it is not blooming yet. Can't complain as it bloomed three times this past year!
Dyson, neat charts! I can't say that I knew what I was looking at though! LOL except the temp and dewpoint.

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