Coleus Chatters thru Sept 9th!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

New here, but already feel like family. I can easily make you a template. I could create and e-mail to you. As I don't know anything about the flats & such, just give me your measurements and I can create it. Won't be any trouble. It is the least I could do as much as the lovely (and sometime crazy ;)) people have done for me.

Helpful Pupil,

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I had to give my Garnet Robe and Strawberry Drop a haircut, they were threatening to take over the balcony! LOL They were covering up the impatiens. I carted out a whole shopping bag full of cuttings. (I can't overwinter, not enough room inside.)

Thumbnail by revclaus
North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Be still my heart. Rev....a whole shopping bag full of cutting? in thrown away? *Gulp*


Sure is a pretty picture I must say. I'm sad to see the season wind down myself, but kind of relieved in a way too. As soon as I make the big decision on who gets left outside and who lives to see another season, I'll have some free time for other things again. Maybe.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

ditto.......*Gulp #2...... !!!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I still have plenty left. If anyone wants cuttings, let me know. I can send them out in a jiffy.

LalaJane, I know what you mean about the end of the season coming! Every year about February I get so impatient, monitor every little thing that happens in the garden, but by August I'm exhausted! If only I could hire a gardener in August....sigh.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you for the offer. I'd love to have some cuttings Rev. Not that I NEED anymore plants, but I can promise them a good home. Better than the trash can! HAHAHAHA Please let me know how much to send you for postage and I'll paypal you the funds..

My address is in the Addy Exchange.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Rev I'm like Janet. I'm sending out boxes of cuttings 'cause I don't have the room to keep them all myself. Yet I can't bear the thought of yours being thrown away and would offer to *cough* *cough* relieve you of your burdon. If we all think long and hard on that there's a thread of logic in there somewhere......isn't there?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Of course there is logic in there. I am willing to "downsize" my own plants with cuttings to others, rather than toss them in the garbage when they get leggy in the late Fall.

I am always looking for new varieties that I don't have. As I just told Rev in an email, my plans are to overwinter a couple of cuttings from each one in Connie's greenhouse so we both can start with a nice variety next year.

You can never have TOO MANY coleus!!! That's my motto and I'm stickin' to it!!


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

LalaJane, I'm sending cuttings to Janet so they won't go down the trash chute again. Actually, that was the second shopping bag. The first one went down earlier in the summer. Why didn't I think of asking if anyone wanted them?? Silly me. I DO like your logic though! lol When's your first frost date???

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

They're here!! They're here! Beatiful Babies named Coleus!! Lovely Janet has provided my first "fix" and I am delighted. Made the Trip from Texas to Alabama beautifully. They got here faster than my pots did! LOL!! Should be interesting to see what I can find to plant them in. Babies, Babies Everywhere!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Close ups. She also sent some lovely flowers, portulaca, for Teensy to start her first garden with Mommy!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

And more!! I can't contain myself!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Now I'll know how to send them! What a treasure!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Skipping to get the potting soil. I will keep everyone posted. Off to get my hands pleasantly dirty!


Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

They came is Ziplocs with air packaging to protect them. she also has peat moss wrapped around the bases and then paper towels around that. The arrived beautifully!!

Running now.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh no Traci, have the ones I sent not arrived? Dangit I hate that they'll have to sit in the box another 2 days before they reach you (and Miss Teensy).

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

They looks great Traci! I've never actually seen them on the other end of shipping them. That spaghnum moss really seems to help them to stay moist in transit. I bought a BALE of it this spring for $35 and it was one of the best investments I made for my garden this year. Much more for the money than buying it in those little bags at Home Depot. I still have the majority of the bale, which I keep outside in a waybigo sterlite container I bought for $4 at Goodwill. It should last me years! I'm hoping when the weather cools down, to start making some topiaries. That was the main purpose of buying the bale in the first place. I sure have gotten lots of good from it in the meantime though.

Old colanders make great planters. Plenty of drainage. :-) I can always find SOMETHING to use for a planter. I may need to drill a hole or five in it though. I love my Ryobi cordless drill!

Good Luck with those babies. You'll be sharing them next year with another DGer that comes along. That's the joy of gardening ... Sharing with others that appreciate it as much as you do.


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

"Old colanders make great planters"

They sure do!!!! The first year I moved here and started gardening, I wasn't sure I could get anything to grow and didn't want to sink a lot of money into pots. I went to the Dollar Store and bought plastic colanders in beautiful jewel colors. Filled them with Miracle Grow Potting Mix and diferent varieties of Coleus. VOILA! They were gorgeous, I was hooked........and the rest is history!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I have only used the metal ones that I've found at garage sales for a quarter. Lordy I am cheap! HAHAHAHA I spray painted them with hammered metal paint and have been tickled pink ever since. :-)

This ornamental millet grew from seeds. :-)

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Quick stop. Lot's more to do. We are setting up basement area to overwinter today too. Here are the first babies in their crib. I found it in the garage, popped some holes in the bottom (love my cordless too), and Presto.Their final beds should be here Monday, but I think they look quite happy in this one for now.

The second round will be here shortly, but I have to run trade some ivy and monkey grass for mulch. I also potted her up a little variety of cuttings from cuttings. Maybe I can turn her to the Dark...I mean, Coleus side. ~evil laughter~ Muuuhwahahaha.

Love the colander idea. Bright colors would go perfect with other "planters" I have, for like Janet, I am very cheap. If it looks halfway decent or I can make it look halfway decent, in the plant goes. LOL.

Lala, never fear for the tiny tots you sent me. Here in Alabama, we all have guns. If one little bitty leaf is damaged by the unscrupulous man we call the mail carrier,he will have a lot of explaining to do. I will make him drive up to Ohio, grovel for your mercy and forgiveness and bring me back wonderful new babies, where he will have to come by everyday and gently wipe off every tiny leaf until next Spring. That will teach him not to mess with COLEUS!!

Running again,

Ted, Haven't forgotten about you. Busier day than I thought. I will send that in a few hours. TaTa.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Janet I almost started screaming when I saw that picture! It's millet! LOLOL!

I pinched some seeds today from a planter in front of Pier1 not having any idea what it was or where to look to find out. That's it! What are the odds that I would solve my mystery a few scant hours after it began?

How old is your plant? Oh I'm sooo excited. I didn't even know if what I pinched was grow-worthy, but seeing your plant all big and grown up has me positively giddy. Giddy I tell ya!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Boy I am just a posting fool today.

I have been galavanting all over Dave's this afternoon and since I seem to be hanging out a good deal here with you colorful folks I'm going to cross-post the story of my name......if you don't really care feel free to pass right over this ;-P

"And as an aside (since I imagine you'll be seeing more of me).....I feel like I should explain my name. Many folks on DG call me Jane (which is perfectly fine) but my nick is a bit deceiving. My name is actually Laura but when nephew #1 was born (holy cow that was almost 20 years ago!) he couldn't pronounce it so I became Auntie Lala. And so I have remained with each subsequent baby although it often gets shortened to Auntie La or just plain La. Both La and Lala were already taken here at Dave's so I threw my middle name in for good measure. And there you have it. Much more than you ever cared to know about Lala (aka Laura) Jane from zone 5 in Ohio. LOL!"

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


I've really had a time with the millet. Last year in the fall, Connie and I each received a "pod" (Don't know the actual name of the seed thingamabob.) She planted half of the seeds in one planter, saving the rest in case those went kaplooey. I planted all of mine in one container (before I heard about Connie's plan). Little shoots began to come up and then the whole thing just died. It was my own fault. I do believe that it was about that time that we put up the plastic and from that point on I didn't water again until Spring.

Fast forward to this year. Connie's plant put out quite a few of the seed pods, so she shared one with me. I went garage saling, found the colander, planted all of the seeds from the pod in it and poked in some coleus to enjoy while I awaited the millet. It didn't take long at all for sprouts to show up and the next thing I knew, it had pods on it also.

Sadly, this very morning, when I was maneuvering plants around the back yard, I noticed that the very plant we are discussing had turned hideous brown and even the leaves were disgusting. While I was on the phone for 45 minutes with an old co-worker, (she talks a lot!) I went around all the plants trimming off the ickies.

Now that you know my own experience with it... Here is a link to the plant files that I just found.
Ornamental Millet, Black Leaf Millet, Pearl Millet
Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty'

I will try it again, because we were told by the oriental lady that gave us the pods that the hummingbirds and butterflies love it. I'll get seeds from Connie next year to start me another batch. This was the first year that I used grasses at all. I just love the purple fountain grass but have heard that the seeds on them are sterile.

By the way, I like knowing the story of your name. I've often wondered how in the world someone came up with Lala! HAHAHAHA Nice to meet you Laura!


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

So Lala-Jane, what would you like to be called??

I love the red pennisetum. I have a pot of Overdam switch grass too which I love. I can't get a decent picture of it because the only background is the sky which is too light for a good pic. But here's one of the Ruby pennisetum.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Ted, you have D-mail.

Janet, so exhausted I couldn't post last pics. I left my camera in the car and I don't want to go get it. LOL. Will send tomorrow. They are beautiful. I am about to research the flowering plants. They seem like succulents. I am going to take pics everyday.

My mother's name is Dida. Not her real name. My Teensy is named after her real name. Her brother could not say Sister, which is what everyone called her, so he said Dida. It stuck and to this day no one knows her real name. Good thing is there are not many Dida's around, so when we would go shopping with her as kids, I didn't yell Mommy because every parent would turn around. Dida, not a head turned. Everyone has started calling DD, Teensy. She tells people she is Teensy. Wonder if it is going to stick. I love the south, no one goes by their real name. Everyone who knows me calls me Traci Joe (not my middle name) or Lil T. I can't think of one friend who calls me simply Traci. At one point I had an Aunt Cat, Aunt Bird and Uncle Nub. Could never figure out Nub, as he had all figures. Come to think of it, Bird and Cat is unusal too. LOL.

I have a few of my lights up in the basement. I am going to go seed crazy this spring. Lala, it will probably be worst than your overwintering. With all the morning glories, tall flowers, etc. we will be lucky to find house.

My columbine seeds are germinating, so off I go to take care of them.

Feeling Deadly Sin #4 coming on, Sloth.

Protecting my soul,

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OK ladies I think we should start a thread of pictures of the ones we have.
That way we can share and not mail out things the others already have.
While I am saying that I hope to have a new computer soon so I can post pictures It has been delayed till 9/22 if Dell does not shipped by that date I am cancelling the order and going with another type computer from another company. almost 3 moths is not exceptable in my opinion.


This message was edited Sep 10, 2007 5:51 AM

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

What in heaven's name did you order from Dell. I am on my third and have had mine within a few days. Or should I ask, what is going on with Dell?

Dell is now sold at Wally World, I have been told.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Lavina, my mom said the reason hers was taking so long was because she ordered a big screen to go with it. She said she's just as happy with the not quite so big screen one that she got the same day at Walmart. I thought it ironic that it was delivered from DELL the day AFTER she bought the one from Walmart. Even after she's cancelled the order, they still charged it on her credit card, so watch your bill if you do cancel it.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

This is my 3rd one from Dell and I just ordered a lap top. Nothing special. I have alway gotten things about 3 days after I have ordered it but this time its turnong into 3 months. I wish I knew what was going on.


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

We ordered through Dell, but it was through my company discount. It came very quickly, and had many bells & whistles because my hubby is a computer gamer. However, my mother ordered her's about 1 1/2 months ago, through her company discount. She is having the same problem. She still has not received it.

Janet, it is ironic they told your mother the same thing they told mine. They offer a lot of free upgrades on screen sizes, if you order a particular one, as an incentive. I wonder if they over sold themselves. I don't know if ya'll know this, I didn't, but Dell doesn't make the computers till the order is made. They keep an inventory and order parts as they need them. Wonder if maybe they didn't have enough of their incentive screens and ran out and the supplier could not meet the demand? Just a little conspiracy theory. :^o

So far the babies look great and happy in their new beds. I hope to provide them with all the love and care thier first Mother gave them!

Going to frolic in the garden,

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Mom told us that they were going to have to build hers to her specifications. She didn't mind spending the extra on the bigger screen. I think you are right though that they just plain oversold themselves and then couldn't meet the demands.

I'm glad the babies are doing good. Usually when I take cuttings and poke them in the ground, they are quite droopy for a day or so. Then they just throw up their arms (leaves) and shout halelluijah (sp.?) and seem content.

Enjoy the day frolicing. It's a good thing to be doing on this beautiful day.


Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

One quick question. At what temp should I start bringing them in? It is still very hot in the day and around 75 to 80 at night.

Thanks All!

Finally about to Frolic,

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

My goodness, you all have been really busy! I've been away from the computer for a couple of days and now have tons of reading to do.

Traci....your babies look great. You're going to have sooooo much fun with them.

Janet, your dragonfly picture is outstanding!

Love to all....

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks Brinda, One day in the soil and they are standing at full attention! They are So Pretty. The colors are even more amazing than I thought.

Here's a little bit of a coincidence, Janet. I took this pick about a week ago when I was taking pics of my yard. I cannot figure my camera out, however, as it is my work camera and no instructions. There are a million different settings and formats. Here it is, as good as I could get. Oh, in case you can't tell it is a dragonfly and his face was bright blue. lol.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Learning to use a camera is something that everyone should do. Read your manual (I haven't read mine yet). They really ARE full of instructions for what EACH of the features do.

I spent all last spring and summer taking photos of my yard, the critters in it, and my grandbabies. I have THOUSANDS, make that TENS OF THOUSANDS of photos, from me learning, trying different settings, using that little wheel to adjust the brightness on some of the settings. Just basically trying out different things. For some reason, when I got the camera, it took incredible close up shots, even zoomed close up shots. Evidently in my learning lessons, I changed something because now, if I want a GOOD close up, I have to unzoom completely and hold the camera within inches of my subject. If I'd get that darn book out, I am sure I could figure out what setting to put back.

One thing that my daughters have a really hard time doing, when using my camera, is holding the button half way down to focus, and THEN pushing it all the way down. Last year all of my christmas photos looked like a 2 year old took them. Both daughters took the photos while I enjoyed myself. It's usually ME behind the camera and then it's like I'm not even there when I go back to look. Surely I didn't look THAT fuzzy in real life!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Brinda, that little dragonfly was a great subject. I got several shots of him, but not a single shot that captured the entire thing. I didn't have my glasses on and though my LCD screen is 2.5" big, I didn't realize it until I downloaded the photos.

The wonderful thing about shooting digital is that there is NO FILM WASTED! I'd be ashamed to tell you all how much money I have wasted on film and developing over the years. I finally just quit taking photos.

Traci, I am so glad that the babies are perking up for you. I was just out back watering and noticed that one of my plants had most of the stems broken. Evidently the dogs ran through the island, uncaring what they trampled in their path. I do believe I will put a booby trap in there and maybe that will prevent them from doing it again. Anyhow, I found a bare spot of earth and poked the broken stems into the ground. I hope in the morning they will be OK. If not, I have plenty more of that plant. I was really proud of the fact that I put a small cutting into the planter and it was doing beautifully.

Just got the word that the steaks are coming off the grill. I'd best go get the table set.

Lots of love to everyone! see y'all manana,


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

New thread over here

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Traci fixed me up with a template and it works fine. This is the first tray and what I have planted in it.

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

How neat Ted!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Sugar, I can e-mail it to you if ya want it. I am actually using it myself. Pretty good idea Ted had there!

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