Coleus Chatters thru Sept 9th!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

A quick post to say Hi to everyone with a big smile and a wave!!!

I'll be back later to read posts but wanted to tell Sidney to BE CAREFUL! If you weren't sweating and felt that you were borderline sun stroke then you best be really careful. (See a doctor) That concerns me so much and here you are living alone with no help. I hope we hear from you soon! Love ya bunches!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Just passing through, but don't want to exceed my 3-lurk-limit so hello everyone! I'll be working a million hours again this week so don't have time for much else. Love, love, love all the photos.....the ones of flowers and the ones of people too! So nice to put faces (or in some cases bodies, LOL) to the names I see.

More later....La

Stockholm, Sweden

Lala_Jane, I agree with you, I like people photos too!!!! More!

You're so fun Traci - and what a nice plant collection you are creating! I can't wait to see photos of everything in bloom (next year).

Please, Sidney listen to Brinda and be careful.

Yes, I too hope Dale is doing fine, I miss him here. I heard from him last week, he was fairly ok then, but still struggling with his failed operation. I wish him all the best, he's such a nice coleus friend.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Crud, lurking but don't have time to chat. I like to stay out of trouble, so quick hello. Hugs to all and thanks for the cutting on the way. Longer chat later.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Is this Fishnet Stockings, or Gay's Delight? They look so similar and this one came without a tag.

Thumbnail by MerryMary
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

A coppery red Home Depot find, without a name....

Thumbnail by MerryMary
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Similar looking to Kiwi Fern, but much name....

Thumbnail by MerryMary
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

When my Kiwi Fern died and came back, this is what it changed into. Purple and green, but much mor splotchy. I still like the colors and lobed leaves...

Thumbnail by MerryMary
Stockholm, Sweden

I agree with you, it could very well be 'Festive Dance' you have there and not 'Kingswood Torch', they are similar but not quite. Since you have them both and can compare them, then I'm sure you'll find out who is who. They are both beauties!

Here, some coleus I've found in Iceland (a plant shop outside the capital Reykjarvik) year 2004.

Thumbnail by alice_sunn
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Those are so pretty Alice. Love their display of colors.

I went out this morning and took about 30 cuttings. I'm really pleased with the way they have all grown this year. They are all so bushy and bursting with color! The rains this past week have really pumped them up. Yesterday afternoon was the first time I've felt the need to water since the day of the wedding. It's amazing how much they grew this past week with God in charge of the watering. :-)

It may have taken me a while (in gardening years) to learn about the variety and versatility of the coleus family, but doggoneit, I got here as quick as I could! HAHAHAHA Thanks to all of you for sharing your love and experiences with these great plants.

Long Live the Coleus!


You can barely tell this is a truck and trailer any more. I do believe I see a major haircut for this rig. :-)

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Afternoon everyone....I'm doing a quick driveby posting. All the pics look great and it sure sounds like everyone has been busy. I still need to go back and reread everything.

Alice, I'm so sorry about your weather and your coleus.

Sidney....I look forward to hearing from you tonight. I'm praying that you're feeling good and had a good day today.

This has been a crappy week for me. I think I really over did it with the holiday weekend and so many people around. And to top it off....I GOTTA GO TO THE DENTIST! Arrrrgggggg! I just can't believe how nervous a dentist can make me. It makes no sense at all. I've had two kids, both of them natural childbirth and one of them on the side of the road and a stupid dentist makes me nervous! LOL Go figure....

Take care! Love to all.....

Doesn't this make you smile?

Thumbnail by Brinda
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

It sure does! Beautiful!!!

Brinda, does your dentist use gas? Nitrous Oxide Gas? I find that as long as they use the gas on me, they can do just about anything they want. Even the shots don't hurt! It's well worth whatever the extra charge is for it. Afterward, the effects wear off so quickly that I can drive myself home.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Yes Janet, he does use gas. But I just get myself worked up for about 2 weeks before I have to go in. LOL I AM A BABIEEEEE! LOL

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Don't feel bad. My daughter won't even go in without taking Adavan before hand. Someone HAS to go with her because she passes out.


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Been a long day for me. Gave a class on propagating Coleus from cuttings to the Master Gardeners this morning. Took my dog to the beauty shop. That took three hours. Babieeee is going to get gassed. Glad it is not me.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

Brinda, good luck to you at the Dentist! I'm the same way, I can't even sleep the night before....I had natural childbirth with both of my daughters (the 2nd one was 10 1/2 lbs) and happily survived, but the mention of going to get my teeth cleaned leaves me with an ulcer....go figure....

Alice....any of your plants perking back up? Can some be saved? careful in this heat!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Wow Ted, you did have a busy day. When are you coming to OKC for a visit? You need some of these coleus cuttings to winter over for me. LOLOL

I swear Mary, what is with the nervousness? I have always been sceeerd of the dentist and my kids love going to the dentist. They had a fabulous child dentist (what's the name of them?) and I am so pleased that checkups are a breeze with them. And they now have sealants for teeth and that is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Too bad they didn't have that when I was a kid. LOL And I'm a good teeth brusher and oral good-doer and I have cavities all the time. Ugh....must be something I inherited.

OK....I've thought of Sidney all day today. I think I should give her a call.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

News Flash!!!!

I talked to Sidney and things are good with her. It's hot and humid and she's doing everything she can to stay cool and protect herself! PTL...I feel soooo much better now!

We love you Sidney!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Wow what a beautiful picture Brinda.

Hope all are doing fine.

Wanted to show you pictures of my coleus before winter but Dell keeps delaying my order. Guess the computers are being made in Siberia or somewhere now. It will be 3 months since I ordered it the 11th.of Sept.

Everyone show me your pictures of icky fingers, I need a good coleus fix.


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Good Morning everyone!

Here ya go Lavina.....

Thumbnail by Brinda
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Now, which one is Icky Fingers?

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hey Traci, The bottom left is "Inky Fingers" but Lavina calls it Icky Fingers! LOL I think it's cute!

Here is a great link for you to bookmark

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


My mom ordered a computer from Dell early this summer. She waited and waited and after a couple of months, she said to heck with it and canceled the order. She got the same computer from WalMart for MUCH less. YESTERDAY, they tried to deliver the computer from Dell. She refused the shipment. She's had the one from WalMart for about a week and a half now. It was something about the size of the monitor that she wanted that caused the big delays. Just thought I'd share her story with you.

Just getting my eyes opened here. Will chat with you folks later on.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Oh Janet
I am getting mine thru our company so I got a deal I couldn't pass up. May be wishing I had if it takes much longer.


Stockholm, Sweden

sorry, but no coleus in my outer beds can be saved, frost and hail storms are devastating to coleus. But I have taken cuttings of all of them before frost (to my great luck I heard the weather forecast in advance), so next year I'll try to plant them again.....

A few coleus close to the house are still "alive" - but very ugly looking.

Now it's kinda suddenly summer again here, but I don't care. Well, if I'm in the mood for it I can take some photos tomorrow and show the disaster, but I'm not sure if you want to see...... it's a coleus churchyard out there now.


Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

School has started and I am so not in the mood to go back. Wish I could just take TA's Coleus class! Do you have that on video:-) One more year and I will have the degree I started over 20 years ago, before life got in the way.

Brinda-- I too hate the dentist although mine is rather handsome:-) I hate the needles more than anything and so I always ask if I can skip the needles and would he just be careful of the nerves. With little cavities and such he will agree and will stop when I raise my hand if it gets to be too much. Recently I had a crown put on and he said "Not this time Joyce, you wouldnt be able to stand it". Oh the agony, I was no good for two days. I think pain in the head is worst than anywhere else on the body. I'd go with the gas too.

"Icky Fingers"

Thumbnail by jadajoy
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Thanks ladies for Icky

My uncle lives in New port.Jada forgot the name of the church he goes to.


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

I need some smarts. LOL
I tried for the first time to use Excel to make a spread sheet of 5 X 10 blocks to match a tray of coleus, so I could write down the names on a standard sheet of paper.
Think I will get my ruler. LOL
I could not figure how to change the sheet
Figured out how to use word and PowerPoint, but excel has me stumped.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Sorry, I dont use Excel . Could you just use some graph paper? Or maybe use the Excel tutorial in the help menu??? I only use word for school, hope they dont ask me to do a spreadsheet., I'd fail :-)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Excel is a bear Ted. I have trouble with it oo. Everytime I learn something I forget it by the time I need it again. This getting old thing is the pits. :0)


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

I'm with you Juanita! LOL Getting old my youngest might say!

Ted....I'd use the graph paper or get the ruler. LOL I used Excel about 2 months ago and I wasted the better part of the day messing with it. And still wasn't happy!

Juanita...have loads of fun on your vacation. Kick back and have a few and get lots or rest and relaxation! You deserve it for sure.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Ted, I have had a LITTLE experience with Ex....what are you really trying to do?

Did you know that there is a computer forum on Dave's?

If not, I will try to help you.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

My suggestion. Take photos of the coleus bed in sections. Print them on 8 x 10 sheets of regular paper at 'proof' strength. Then write on each one all the info. Put in clear sleeves and a notebook. I am going to attempt to do this my self this week-end.
Might even grab a slew of un-needed stuff and have impromptu yard sale.
Need to get many ready for RU the 15th.
Lavina have a great time at your RU Maybe I can make it next year.
I was so tickled to hear from Brinda. I have that Eleanor, but the one we had the tizzy about is defineately Relious Radish.
Janet your picture may be Pastel Wizard. I have a very full, but woody one that's about 20 months old. It could also be Festive Dancer as that is one FICKLE Coleus. I noticed mine try on a new purple hue today.
I do think one 6 pack I got looked very much like yours. I'll try to get pictures saturday.
My work the last 2 days has been at least in the shade. I appreciate all your concern.
Alice how miserable that your garden has been destroyed by hail. That is a real heartbreaker for sure.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Arg!!! I just lost a long post!!!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Good Friday morning everyone!!!

Let's see if I can remember just a bit of what I typed earlier! LOL

Sidney, that's a great coleus....what is it? I'm so happy that you're feeling better. You scared the snot out of me!!!

Janet, I think that Sidney is right about your coleus being Pastel Wizard. At first I thought it was Festive Dance also, but my FD has much more of a wave/crinkle to the leaf. Here's a pic of FD.

Well great! I just lost the post again. I guess DG isn't letting us post pics this morning? Hmmmmmm??? I'll post it later.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

None of us are awake except you and me. Why are you up so early?


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

LOL Lavina, I'm normally up way before 6:00 every morning. My eyes pop open because I'm afraid I might miss a bloom or something. Gotta run outside to see what's going on.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Well how strange! I can't post pics using IE or Firefox....but I log on to AOL and I can post pics! Hmmmm? Tooooo weird!

Janet, here is Festive Dance.

Thumbnail by Brinda
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi, gotta run. Watching for cuttings guys. Can't wait, Bye.


Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Happy I was trying to do something simple I thought. LOL
Take a 8x10 printout divided into 5 x 10 blocks.
Then type in the names of the coleus planted in each one.
That way I would not have to make small plant markers for the flat.

Same way on the 3 x 6 flats. could same the project and add or remove names.

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