Tropical Island

london England, United Kingdom

close up of the beautiful flowers and foliage...

Thumbnail by terriculture
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank You, Terri! I bet that they are Yum-my! And you're creations are Oh SO Pretty as usual!!!!!

london England, United Kingdom

I just want to say a big THANKYOU to all the tropical Island folk for the warm welcome and for the wonderful friendships all of you have shown me. Thankyou for allowing me to have my fantasy Island in the sunny tropics (even if you think I'm the crazy woman from England)!!!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We don't think you're crazy.....not any crazier than the rest of us over here! I might live in the USA, but my DNA is from England! So you fit right in!!! It's been great having you! Always a special treat! Keep up the good work!!!!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Terri, you blend right in around here! Your creations are so inspiring and gorgeous, and I love the feathers!
Can't wait to see what you come up with next, it's like Christmas every day!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Merry Christmas, Terri. Thank you for being one of my friends. You can't have the title of "crazy"..that's my description. hahahah


Move over then t and LouC ...t thankyou so much for all of your efforts mate ... Merry Christmas from Down under and from all the tropic dreamers and doers, and may 2008 bring us great garden adventures, good health and love
chrissy x x x

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou so much Texasgal,Cathy, LouC and Chrissy, all your kind words and good wishes are so lovely.
I've made a fresh brew, I'm sure you all need a break from your Christmas preparations!

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, I would love a cup of holiday brew! Thought I was almost done, but I always seem to come up with some last minute stuff to do, I guess that's just the fun of the holidays.
Went to a bromeliad nursery this morning and picked out a cool one for my plant buddy for Christmas, as well as a couple for me!
Terri, you would have a blast in this nursery, there are leaves of every size, shape and color imaginable. I bet your creative mind would be thrilled!
Ahhh, that tea hit the spot. Off to do a couple more little chores!

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Cathy, I bet Terri would have had a Great time! She is just sooooo creative! I sure could use a cuppa hot brew also! We had our family Christmas Celebration this afternoon, and I am beat! Tea sounds just perfect! Hit the spot!

Terri, Lovely arrangement! I love Tea Pots! Just Loverly!!!!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

T77, the diversity of bromeliads was just astonishing, so much color, diversity in leave size and shape- my goodness. I could just see Terri harvesting a leaf here or there, or even popping a whole bromeliad into an arrangement with fabulous results! Hope you had a great time with your family!

Think I'll have another spot o' tea!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll join you! mmmmmmm what delicious tea! Terri, this tea is yummy, you must tell me where you get it. We also like our Market Spice Tea from Washington state USA. It is yummy too!

SV, I love bromeliads! That must have been a blast!

We had a great time! Everyone was very happy with all of their gifts! Food was good and pumpkin pie with whipped topping!!!!!! I think I'll go get a piece of pie to go with my tea....want some?

london England, United Kingdom

Greetings !

Hi Cathy, Lucky you! I would have loved that nursery, you're right. I haven't seen one of those with the spotty leaves before, so lovely and unusual! Thankyou for showing me, I hope in the new year to see a lot more of your flowers and plants!!!!!! Oh,, don't tire youself out with the chores.. deligate!!

Hi Texasgal, I'm so glad you enjoyed the tea. I don't think it's available in the shops!!! It is one of my own homebrews!!!! Thankyou for the pumpkin pie, I have never tried it before! Is it pastry? I wish I had some more teapots for arrangements, I don't even drink the stuff myself!!!!!

I have been out shopping, and found some last minute flower bargains!! I got a tropical bunch for 50p, such an adorable litttle pineapple!

Thumbnail by terriculture

How cute ...any tea in that pot of yours? Christmas eve morning here and I am tired about a nice cup of "English Breakfast" tea that always puts some zing in the day!
Cheers everyone!

Thumbnail by
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Chrissy, There is always tea in the pot for you! That is a pretty flower, what is the name of it?

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Terri, Ooohhhh, that little pineapple is adorable! And those lilies, how luscious!

Merry Christmas Chrissy! I just had a cup of Irish Breakfast tea, now I am ready to wrap a few more gifts!


Going offline now everyone ... t the little pink plant is an airplant like the old man's whiskers hanging above it ...really cute similar to a brom really
I just wanted to say thanks again for all your wonderful efforts ...I am not artistic in that way and it's lovely to watch someone who is.
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone ...for now over and out :)
hugs all around
chrissy x

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Merry Christmas to Everyone! Happy Holidays!

Enjoy the times with families and all of the good food! Be Safe!

london England, United Kingdom

Merry Christmas everyone! and thankyou all so much.

Hotch potch wreath with all the leftovers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

See you all soon, Take care!

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Terri that wreath is lovely, I'd like to use it as a life preserver and float down a serene jungle stream! Whoa, fell into your beautiful flower fantasy land there for a moment!

Merry Christmas to all!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

check this out...

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Terri, thanks for the invitation. Everything looks great in here. I will need about 2 hrs to go over this thread! Sorry I don't have anything tropical to bring you. . .but I've enjoyed all the neat designs you've made.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Terri is just so creative! So many "pretties"!

london England, United Kingdom

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful year with your plants and flowers!

Hi Karma, nice to see you over here, and thanks for the compliments!

Hi Cathy, I hadn't thought of that, but wouldn't it be fun to float down a stream of flowers!!

Hi Texasgal, Thankyou! I am going to start some more pineapple tops this year, I hope they work this time!!

I was thinking, this thread might be too long to upload, let me know if it is and I will start a new one.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good morning, Terri. Somewhere, and I have no idea where, it was suggested that another thread be started when the posts get between 175-200 in order to help those on dial-up. That would be a good idea. I am on dsl but sure don't want it to be inconvenient for anyone. You are a love.


london England, United Kingdom

Good afternoon (here) Christi, Thankyou for the advice, You are a love!

I'm just writng the time 2.30pm, because I want to check what time it said I posted. Usually it isn't the time I am .

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

On my pc, your post says 8:32 AM. Which is my time now. Wednesday, Jan. 2

london England, United Kingdom

ah ha 1 hour ahead. I don't seem to be able to fix it. Oh well , what's an hour amongst friends!

This message was edited Jan 2, 2008 3:39 PM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

terri, I'm thinking it is 6 hours. You are mid afternoon, right? it is morning here.

london England, United Kingdom

On my pc your time says 3.35pm!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Apparently, the time is adjusted for wherever you are. Another miracle of Dave's programming ability.

london England, United Kingdom

Snap, posting at the same time. Yes it's the afternoon here a 2.45pm, and guess what ? the sun is actually shining today. We are forcast snow for tomorrow. I think I'll just stay indoors for a while!

london England, United Kingdom

Aloha everyone.
Happy Valentines Day!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Rose tea.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Valentine platter with strawberries.

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Ooooohhh! I've been missing your wondrous delights Terri! Your Valentines treats are as gorgeous as ever! I'm helping myself to a nice cup of rose tea...any one else care for some?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Cathy,
I've been missing you too! Hope everyone is ok?

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

LouC is enjoying Hawaii right now, on her dream trip, I bet she is having a blast!

The rose tea is so yummy, I think I'll have another cup before work....

london England, United Kingdom

I saw the photo of them arriving at the airport, I'm SURE they will be having a blast!
Have a good day a work, it's friday yay!

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