Tropical Island

london England, United Kingdom

I hope everyone is safe.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

terri, go to 'tis the season.....John started this earlier this week. Cayman Island are right in the eye of Dean.

london England, United Kingdom

I have been following all the news updates, I hope everyone is safe, my Island seems so trivial with what's going on in the real world. Thanks LouC

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

terri, wherever and whatever we is our real world. There are no trivialities with any of us......just different concerns. Right now we are all focused on an event of nature that is uncontrollable and that is hard for we humans to accept. Still praying that John and Kate's preparations will be enough.....and for all the others without any place to hide.

london England, United Kingdom

Red roses

Thumbnail by terriculture
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

That's beautiful Terri! Love that rich red color!

Ooooh those red one does roses like you lot ....ha ha ha...I have about 15 David Austen ones....they are so nicely behaved in England....but turn triffid in this area ...I am forever hacking them back.....but I do love them so very much...perfume and colours to die for.....what are those red ones of yours? just lovely :)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful. They appear to be "long stem" such as one can get at the florist.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sorry to be late to the party.

That scary yellow thing in your arrangement is a Rattlesnake Ginger. Around the holidays they cut them, dry them, turn them into a circle and put candles in the center. The colorful leaves in the back are Ti .... (Cordyline fruticosa to be exact).

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

So lovely! Say, have you guys been reading the daily articles on the home page? Today's was especially nice...a lovely wander down memory lane.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, and welcome AlohaHoya! Rattlesnake ginger! that's funny, it looks like a snake too! Thanks for the
info on Ti also . I wondered what Ti was, when I read other people's posts.

Sorry, but I don't know the same of the red rose but it doe's smell lovely. I have got a nice yellow one,don't know the name of that either! This one is really scented.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tropical Paradise!

Thumbnail by terriculture
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Looks great!!

Very nice.... I see rosemary? a gladdy?...are those nice green ..long strands from a corn husk?

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou both, It is a type of fabric from the floristry shop Chrissy!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Awesome Job Terri!!!!! So many textures that it's really tropical! I'm hearing Congos in the background and lifting a Margarita to ya!


london England, United Kingdom

Cheers Janet !

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Put de lime in de coconut....

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Guys, i've been making chairs for you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

and a cake!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

and a fushia tree!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Babe, you haven't lost your touch.....if anything.....gettin better and better....

very pretty :)

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks LouC and chrissy.

Happy Funflowers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

pnk roses in baby gouds on moss bowls!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Root vase

Thumbnail by terriculture

Oh how pretty!....have you ever grown gourds....great fun...very easy.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Actually, Terri, if you have ever discussed a garden I missed it. You speak of some of the bouquets starting from the supermarket florist. Do you have a garden or are you in a flat without the opportunity? You know we are a nosey bunch so don't be offended by such questions.

Havin a great day.


london England, United Kingdom

I have never grown gouds Chrissy, sounds like fun can you get seeds easily for gouds?

LouC I put a few pictures of my garden on the first Tropical Island thread I did. I love my garden,I grow quite alot from
seeds in my greenhouse. I also have an allotment where I grow more flowers and vegetables. I am not offended by such
questions LouC. Visions of swinging chicken heads offends me much more!!! haha

Oh I bet you have a lovely you have a cutting garden just for cutting ? .....I always start cutting gardens... and then when the flowers bloom I can't bear to cut more than one or Charles Austen Roses....are so beautiful I only put one or two in the vase usually alone but sometimes with a bit of twisted willow (I love twisted willow don't you?....the florists go mad for it and pay 5.00 just for a few tiny pieces ....I like to grow big pieces for indoor decoration (when it is leafless of course).my favourite rose just for the way it makes you smile for joy is "Golden Celebration"....the perfume is just heavenly grows so large that 1 bloom is enough.....what are your favourite flowers in your garden and which ones do you like to decorate with?

london England, United Kingdom

Gosh Chrissy, what a question! My fav flowers, I love them all. I think the best thing about my garden is having a variety
of plants so that there is always something to look at and smell (hopefully).
The flowering plants seem to take turns on my fav list, whatever looks good that day is my fav!
Love the sweet peas and had a really good show this year, gorgeous scent. roses,hollyhocks,sunflowers,jasmine,carnations,lilies ,lavendar,rosemary come to think of it I do seem to grow stuff that has a scent scent.
The thing I hate most is the florists flowers that don't have any perfume.
I tend to only pick a couple of flowers from each plant when I use them in arrangements, I like to keep the garden
looking colourful if I can. I don't really use the flimsy stem stuff like sweet scabious or aquillega for cutting, they don't
last long.

Yes I know I would love your sweet peas! ...the perfume is just yummy and smells of Spring....My sister in law does flowers for Weddings and such and because some folk order those fragile types of things she has to resort to wiring some things that won't hold their heads up and even using hairspray to hold delicate petals in place...etc...very stressful work which she still does at the age of 71.....amazing but she knows every trick in the book and believe me Italian stuff is always "big"
she loves it though and thinks nothing of working 24 hrs straight to get stuff ready. You were saying you have a share type garden (like the one in Eastenders?) I think all city folk should have access to that don't you?what do you grow there food? or more flowers? I grow indoor decoration
(my twisted willow) but apart from that use a lot of foliage in vases to bring in the cool look of the tropics on our hot of my favourites is great long branches of ginger ....really lush and stunning when in flower too. Will post some pics later.

london England, United Kingdom

Aloha Islanders!
Just thought I'd call in to say hello and look around your beautiful gardens and waters.
I came across this strange thing......

Thumbnail by terriculture
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, terri, long time, no see. I don't know where everyone is hiding. I have seen you in the artisans cafe. Nice drinks there and I especially like the wallpaper. haha


london England, United Kingdom

Hi Louc, I brought you a sweet pea cocktail, cheers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Terri, your flower sculptures are beautiful!
Do you make mango flavored cocktails too?
Going to look in the Artisan's Cafe!
Thanks for sharing, Cathy

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou svplantingfool...good name!
That is a really good idea, I get to work on a mango cocktail, I Knew I would get some good ideas over here!
You are a friendly bunch, thankyou.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Nothing says tropical like a mango! Well, maybe a pineapple. Or a coconut. Or maybe a mango-pina-colada!
I'll be watching!

london England, United Kingdom

Well, I can make you a pineapple cocktail, while I'm waiting on the ingredients for your mango cocktail.
Drink it slowly!

Thumbnail by terriculture
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

I can taste that right down to the tips of my toes! Absolutely lovely, I adore the combination of that vermiliion orange and electric purple. Smashing!

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