Flowers in the garden.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh, I have so much blooming right now. Of course, most of it is what was already here, but it is new to me :^) Some I actually overwintered and managed not to kill. They are blooming!!!

Will take pics tomorrow. I LOVE SPRING (well, what would normally be spring, but like Lily said, it skipped straight to summer).

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri, I have that pinkish stuff and always called it Jupiter's Beard and I love it in arrangements, lasts forever.

Your cottage garden is lovely as I imagined, feeling a big need to go and get more stuff this year! Not much in bloom here except my helleborus, will try to get a pic when the rain stops, if it ever stops?

Karma, looks like you have a jump on the season as well. Lovely beginnings, can't wait to see more.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have flowering in your garden!

Candee, Thanks for the link. Funny I haven't heard of Jupiter's Beard, sounds better than Red Valerian when it's not red but pink!!!
Keep your garden pics coming everyone! I'm still waiting for some more colour to burst open here in sunny London(joke)! it was nice today though.

london England, United Kingdom

I'm clearing this flowerbed today!

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london England, United Kingdom

The forget me nots are back!!!!!!!

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terri, ditto on what Karma said about the cottage feel. Somehow, that is exactly how I imagined your garden would grow and I LOVE IT!

Karma, congrats on the seedlings. I LOVE the Pat Austin and had to go look them up. They too have a cottage look to them. many plants in pots can one person move?!?

Ok, here are some of mine. PLEASE note, I have NO idea what most are, but they are lovely none the wiser.

First up, my lantana I kept as a house plant is very happy to be in the full sun outside and is doing great. Horray, first spring playing with plants and I made something bloom. There is hope for me yet!!

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

The other one I managed to overwinter is this NOID hibiscus I bought last summer. She starts out with a lovely peach tipped color. Some of the blooms have stayed that way and others have turned this dark yellow. I love the color.

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I couldn't resist buying this rose bush a week ago. The fragrance is wonderful and the picture is not worthy of her true color. There are purples to yellows to light and hot pinks, always changing everyday. I forgot her name, however and will have to find the marker for it.

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Last one, as I have to get back to bed (snuck out to catch up a bit). More tomorrow!!

My lenten rose has SEEDS!! This is the same flower I posted a picture of about a month ago. I read somewhere, can't remember where, that you can float these in a bowl and they will last up to THREE weeks!! The petals are so thick, they are almost like leaves. So, Terri, get out those snippers!!

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Beautiful Traci. Never heard that of the lenten rose, but mine are the only things blooming right now so may try floating a few when I get home today. I love your rose, I've never had any luck with roses so will just sit back and enjoy yours.
Do you leave your hibiscus out all year down there? I really like the yellow it has a nice softness to it.
I love the cottage look at everyone else's homes but when I had it at mine it just looked too wild, now having seen yours Terri, perhaps if I do a bit more weeding I could achieve a better look. Your's looks very lucious.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful Traci. That rose and hibiscus are gorgeous! Thanks for letting us take a look into your garden. More please! I just found out lenten rose is a hellabore! And about the pots. . .mine seem to be multiplying. . .I know I will eventually move, but I can't help myself.

Candee, do you have any signs of spring yet?

Terri, my veronica is showing some signs of germination! I hope it's the same as yours. . .I got them in a trade labeled veronica speedwell. Been raining the last few days, I want to go out and take pictures. Some of my tropicals are starting to bloom! I hope Kim will show you more pictures of her awesome garden.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

A couple more. Here is a close up of the larger blooms on the shrubs. Karma, I think you are close, but I believe these may be Rhododendrom. Look at the link below and see what you think. REMEMBER, I don't know diddley!!

The blooms are huge, cupped hand size, and have numerous buds on a branch.

Oops, we were discussing this in the cafe'. Hope you remember what I am talking about LOL!!

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)


Sue, no, I can't leave them outdoors. I overwintered it in the basement. I can't BELIEVE I did it!! I was so excited!!

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Karma, good call on the bridal veil. A close up...

I love the way it drapes when cut!!

That's it for now...more later!!

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london England, United Kingdom

Wow! lovely to see your gardens starting to bloom. Love lantana.
Karma, speedwell rings a bell, so it might be that one.
Electricity is being turned off now, back later!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Traci, I love that bridal veil. I am going to have to look for some of that.

I have helleborus in bloom and some daffs and hyacinths. I also took a picture of my Dracuncula Vulgaris popping up and I have one fritillaria imperialis that survived the winter with buds and will take a pic of those later today if it doesn't well you know Rain again!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Finally, I have time to post some more pics!!

Walking Iris. It is in a pot, so please excuse the concrete! The blooms only last a day, but several emerge from the same leaf, one after another. Now, if I could get it in the ground I might have babies. UGH!!

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

A beauty to behold and the lilac isn't bad either. At least it looks like a lilac. ☺

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

The most amazing blue I have ever seen.....

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Another Bachelor?

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Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Horribly unkempt, but OH so lovely!!

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london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci, your Iris is beautiful, mine have gone! I keep meaning to buy some new ones.
I haven't heard cornflowers called bachelors before! You garden is looking lovely, wish I knew what your lovely white 'unkempt' was called, it's very pretty.
I didn't go outside today, rain rain go away.....................!

london England, United Kingdom

Would you believe it, woke up to snow on the ground in April!

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london England, United Kingdom

all my pots are covered in snow

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london England, United Kingdom


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london England, United Kingdom

The wallflowers are covered!

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh no snow???????? What is going on, don't worry all will survive.
Traci, that is a gorgeous lily and I too would like to know what the white flower is, looks real nice next to the forsythias. We call them bachelor buttons here and they are quite invasive, I think I got rid of most of mine and now that I see yours, I hope I get a few back as I will let them florish. And you have lilacs in bloom, oh I can smell them from here.

I finally have a bit of blooms.

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

A few daffs

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

more daffs

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)


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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

More helleborus

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

New purchase Carolina Jasmine

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

New purchase have you ever heard of this? Cavatine Pieris? Looked pretty at Lowes.

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Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dracuncula Vulgaris is popping up all over

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london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, lovely Hyacinths, I can just imagine they smell wonderful.
I have grown Pieris in a pot. They have beautiful leaves that change colour when the flowers have faded. They need erecacious soil so don't do well in here.
Love your Hellebore, I think I will invest in a few more of those, they are so easy to look after and evergreen!

Keep your garden pics coming ,it's lovely to see everyone's gardens blooming.
I'm going to investigate any snow damage!!!!!........

london England, United Kingdom

I can't remember the name of this one, I call it yellow balls!

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london England, United Kingdom

Honesty has started to flower....

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london England, United Kingdom

Geum is making new growth......

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london England, United Kingdom

Peony has popped up.....

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london England, United Kingdom

wallflowers survived the snow......

Thumbnail by terriculture

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