Flowers in the garden.

london England, United Kingdom

something mysterious about to flower! any ideas what it's called?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

another view

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I have no idea what that is, but it's cool looking. Perfect for a winter arrangement.

london England, United Kingdom

Are you drying any flowers? I have chinese lantern's hanging up in the greenhouse at the moment.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I don't have any dried flowers. Bad feng shui. Just kidding. . .I don't practice it. Although, I refuse to have my front door align with my back door. Anyway, I love your chinese lanterns. I bought a pack of seeds to try and grow it. Did you grow yours from seed? If so, how easy is it to germinate?

london England, United Kingdom

Easy peesy to germinate, and once established, they spread everywhere, so beware!

Fushia's still flowering.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Pretty fushia, I have to get that plant.

london England, United Kingdom

My nasturtiun leaves have gone crazy!

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london England, United Kingdom

Finally, they flower!

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london England, United Kingdom

covering the arch.

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london England, United Kingdom

The last Hollyhock for this year.

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london England, United Kingdom

My giant Kong sunflower has seen better days!

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New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

What is that gorgeous red vine growing over your arch?

london England, United Kingdom

It's climbing nastutiun (sp?) They seed themselves and come back every year, flowering at this time which is nice because the Jasmine over the arch has more or less stopped flowering now.

Here's a couple of winter hanging baskets I made with Hebe,Heathers, winter pansies and Ivy,

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Those are some GORGEOUS containers. I can see the floral arrangement in it too. My fave is the hebe. . .i have not seen it ever before. Beautiful flowers. . .beautifully put together. They will last through the winter? And then what will happen when it gets warmer? Sorry, newbie question. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm in love with those.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma!
I love Hebes, they are evergreen and they flower! The basket will last all year round.
In the early summer I will take the hebes, heathers,and winter pansies out and put them in the garden to carry on with their flowering days! I will keep the evergreen Ivy in the basket and add some summer plants.
Hebes do get big and are a shrub for the garden, but if you buy baby plants and have them in your hanging baskets or window boxes for the winter, they don't grow much at this time of year.
I made 10 0f these for a local pub!

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london England, United Kingdom

some of the plants

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New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the pics. The plants are really gorgeous.

london England, United Kingdom

fake poppies!

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london England, United Kingdom

my candlestand

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london England, United Kingdom

Did you think they were real?

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london England, United Kingdom

Happy New Year to everyone!

It's freezing cold and rainy here today. I'm taking a look back at my flowers from last year, remembering warmer sunny days, when the perfume was everywhere in the garden! Join me and let's see what we grew, or add something you can recommend to grow for cutting!
A new flower bed I designed using evergreens and winter pansies, they flowered all year!

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london England, United Kingdom

close up, when just planted!

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Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Very pretty!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I second that!!! What ya all got in there?

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Adele and Star,
I planted all evergreens, heathers, hebes, winter pansies and the plant in the centre, can't remember the name of it but something like a Yukka maybe!
Have you got any flower pictures from last year?

Poppies in late spring

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london England, United Kingdom

late spring flowers

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Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Tada! I've found you! ((((((Terri))))))))

There isn't much going on here as far as outdoor gardening, the garden is fast asleep during the winter. In my makeshift gh, however, my cuttings are putting out flower. The BSV.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
london England, United Kingdom

popies and roses

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london England, United Kingdom

Hi Kim, so glad you found me!!!
That is a pretty flower, what is BSV?
I know what you mean about the garden mine is fast asleep too! Quite bare really....sad...
I just thought it might be nice to remember what colour we HAD last year!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I can relate to that Terri, your poppy is lovely. The Blue Sky Vine, remember? A relentless vine which goes on and flower while being rooted.

I've noticed you've had Chinese lantern in your garden, I've alway wanted to plant them, which I'll next spring. I've got some seed. How is their culture?

Here is a tropical Hibiscus that's blooming while being kept indoor.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
london England, United Kingdom

Oh yes, of course, blue sky vine! amaising how it's flowering being rooted.
I'm sure you'll get the chinese lantern to germinate, no problem when the weather warms up. They are very invasive, so be careful where you plant them or in a few years they will be everywhere!
I love hibiscus, that one is a beauty. This is my one and only hardy hibiscus.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I like that one, I don't know how truth is the color via our computer's screen. From here it appears orchid-pink.

london England, United Kingdom

Orchid pink, that is a good description, I guess it is.
I don't mean to be rude Kim, but I must go to bed! Had a busy week and it's 2.20am here!
Please come back again won't you? I know you have a fabulous garden!!!

Aquillega or old ladies bonnets as we say!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Rest well, Terri, catch up with you later.

london England, United Kingdom

In the springtime with daffodils.

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london England, United Kingdom


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london England, United Kingdom

Mahonia (not sure of spelling)

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london England, United Kingdom


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london England, United Kingdom


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