Flowers in the garden.

london England, United Kingdom

Join me in sharing your garden plants and flowers! What did you have blooming in your garden last year?

Here are some of my flowers that I have not cut for flowers arrangements! Some garden flower stems are
too flimsy to use with floral foam and sometimes they just look so happy where they I can't bring myself to cut them off!

I have quite a few containers, including a couple of old chimney pots which are empty,but come in handy to display whatever is looking good at the time.

This message was edited Jan 8, 2008 12:38 PM
eddited to invite you to show your flowers!!!!!!

This message was edited Jan 8, 2008 12:39 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Bellis daisy in stone container

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Day lily

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Flowering sage

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

My only Gladioli so far this year!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Morning glory

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Coffee pots with garden flowers

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Lovely Terri, did you plant some of them from seeds?

london England, United Kingdom

I have planted quite a few bulbs, perrenials,which I split every couple of years,and seeds. The morning glory is from
seeds I germinated also sweet peas, wallflowers, forgetmenots,marigolds,rose campion, cosmos,sunflowers.
I didn't have much room for flower seeds, my veg took up most of the space this year!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Flowering today, Day lily

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

pink rose

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

chinese lantern

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

sweet peas

Thumbnail by terriculture
Inverness, CA(Zone 10a)

This has been the only bloom on this hydrangea this year.
It's SO pretty!

Thumbnail by reboobala
Inverness, CA(Zone 10a)

We have a bijillion of these!!
They are great in arrangements.

Thumbnail by reboobala
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful blue on your hydrangea. The only time I get that blue is when I first bring it home from the garden center. The next year always bring pink hydrangeas, but then I never amend the soil ph, so I can't complain.

london England, United Kingdom

reboobala, Thanks for showing you blue Hydrangea it's stunning. I don't have the right soil either Karma! Think I might get one to grow in a big pot next year,they look lovely in arrangements.

london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

vase of garden flowers

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

'Flower Art'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

This rose has a beautiful scent, but I don't know the name of it.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

This yellow one smell lovely too!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I know this one is called 'Blue Moon' because I planted it last year! It has grown over 6tf now.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Possibly the last bunch of sweet peas this year.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

sweet peas, veronica and fern

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

watering can

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

My tall vase

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

More pretty flowers. Thought you'd like some company in here.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Pentas above.

Plumbago below

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Part of my garden

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma,
Thanks for showing me some of your flower's. I don't know 'Pentas' is it native to your area? I don't think I have ever
seen it!. Is it from a bulb?

I thought this thread would encourage people to show their flower's that they didn't want to cut for arrangement's!
I know we have some Dahlia and Canna grower's here and it would be lovely to see their flower's.

Lovely little statue you have there! It's nice to see your garden feature's. Thankyou for sharing!

london England, United Kingdom

Sunflower arrangement in the garden.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Roses with wire frame collar.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

moss bowls with roses in baby gouds.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

fried eggs!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

How you come up with these ideas is beyond me. Very cool!

london England, United Kingdom

I just look at things and say what I see!

Thumbnail by terriculture

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