Look what has happened in couple of weeks!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Morning. Went to bed early last night. My collections are over the top. so much so that I spent a few years as a dealer with a shop in order to clean them out......didn't work. I just sold one group and started on another time after time. I have collection of sock monkeys that are all old. Each one is very different from the other and obviously made with loving hand. Some have an ear off, some a tail, some an eye, various indignities.
I have named each one for a loved one in the family depending on their appearance. Will have to find my pictures. I will take a picture today of my praying hands. They, too, are very unique from each other. You know how it is....you see something that speaks to your heart....and then there is another similiar to it...and then there is the third one and you are on your way to another collection. Kind of dropped off some since I found my love of the garden.....much more gratifying.
Christi Lou

(Zone 1)

Lou ... I soooo understand! But, it seems like too many things "speak" to my heart! I used to collect Owl Figurines and Owl Coffee Mugs years ago and still have two of those large rubbermaid plastic containers full. I haven't found anyone who wants them. Hubby took tons of stuff to our local Hospice Thrift Store to donate awhile back, I may have him take the Owls too. A friend began giving me Precious Moments figurines years ago for awhile, but I never really got into them a lot. Those are in a box somewhere too! I now collect Bird Houses and Angel's. Here's a picture of some of my Birdhouses: I have a lot out in the trees and on posts in the yard, but the decorative ones are on shelves on my deck and hanging in my Florida Room ... and a couple in my Kitchen.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is just a small portion of the praying hands. One might expect them to be all alike but definitely not. I have avoided the bird houses because they are so rich and beautiful. I could see myself with hundreds. Yours are great and I love the way you have them arranged.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

This is a few more but they are actually scattered all over the house.

Thumbnail by LouC
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

These are great!
I have a few similar to these myself.

RG...I *love* the 'family' wall plaque....(but it needs two more (big) kids, for me! LOL!!)

The Spath is looking mighty good, GG!

(Zone 1)

Oh Lou ... I love those Praying Hands! How Unique ... I don't think I've ever seen so many different ones! Nice Collection!

I have Birdhouses everywhere .... that is just one shelf.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Lou, I love your little churches, praying hands and all the rest. Glad you joined us in posting !!!!!

(Zone 1)

Well Miss Gessiegail .... Your thread began with a Beautiful Variegated Peace Lily and ended up with Angels, Praying Hands, Crosses and Churches! I LOVE IT!

Here's a photo of one of my Angels that I forgot! I got three of these Angels from an Avon order a few years ago and made my Sister and my Niece both Terrariums like this with "Silk" Plants, because they aren't into the living kind. Mine of course had to be with live plants! The Angel is sitting and supposed to be for a shelf, but was very precarious sitting on a shelf ... it is porcelain and I just knew if I used her on a shelf, she wouldn't be around for very long! Things on shelves in my house get knocked off quite often! Either by me bumping them, the cats jumping, or hubby bumping them (which just happened recently to one of my angels on a shelf)....but hubby was able to glue it back and you can't even tell!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Maybe I can get a bit of a close up shot:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

oh well ... looks like the same pic .... not very clear, it really looks pretty in person!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I love it!!! Even angels in a jar (LOL)......I am starting to really love these big round bowls with small openings for growing lots of plants....I am thinking that when I get every single gessie member self wicked (that is what I am doing now this week) that I am going to Hobby Lobby and see if my rex begonias would do better in these....

(Zone 1)

I love planting in glass containers! I have quite a few things planted in glass bowls, jars, etc:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

next project after I get caught up potting up!!! I love glass container growing...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Tell me....I need to know......how do you get caught up? lol

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Don't worry Lou....I never get caught up....I just talk this talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My screened in front porch looks like we have had tropical storm winds come through.....at least 50 small plants that have not been potted up in big container gardening....

(Zone 1)

Who ever gets caught up? Seems like I clean my house and the next morning it looks as though a Whirlwind has been through it! And it's only me, hubby and four cats!

......... I'm the neat one, it's hubby and the cats that make the mess! :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

There is not another thing alive in my house but me and plants...........now who do ya think makes the messes!!!!

(Zone 1)

hee hee ..... Gail, plants can be pretty messy ... getting dirt all over the house!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

it really is the plants....my kitchen is a disaster area...turned the dishwasher on with all the used and dirty pots, etc....but I will be back at it again early in the morning doing the same things spilling soil, etc....I don't care...

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

OK, this fern seems to be taking over our house. I love it and don't want to lose it. Can I divide it without killing it, and how?

Thumbnail by seabreezy
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am always hesitant to give advice even though I always have an opinion(LOL)
If she were mine, I would take her out of the pot.....
Then I would take a sharp serrated butcher knife and cut her into 4 pieces....
Lastly plant each piece up just like an individual plant.............you will be shocked to see how fast they each grow again.
Never be reluctant to chop any bad foliage.....it comes back easily

Good luck

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

Thanks Gail. I will divide and conquer :0 Dick on the fern forum said he puts his outside. I think I'll try a couple of the pots outside in the shade and bring them in for the winter. Maybe they won't try to take over my house then.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am impressed that you can even grow them in the house that beautiful.....they usually want more humidity......they love being outside in the shade in warm weather......

(Zone 1)

Is that a Boston/Sword Fern? I love them but they take over down here - very invasive! It took us a few months to get hundreds and hundreds out of the ground in our backyard! We had an area more than 35' long and 6' deep in one area,10' deep in another area .... they were taking over the backyard! I threw all away except two small ones that are now in pots on my deck! Then I saw huge hanging baskets of these ferns for sale at Home Depot and Wal-Mart .... I could have made a fortune had I only known! They have become popular house plants to some folks! They love the humidity down here in the South!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Macho fern is my favorite.....in fact I need one on my porch......got to start looking for one....

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