Plant swap - lunch list

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The "well" in the back of my CR-V isn't just covered by a plastic lid -- Honda cleverly fashioned it into a folding table! I thought that was so cool when I first saw it. It's about the size of a card table. I may see about fitting an additional table in (I have a larger folding one in an upstairs room), but I'm not sure I'll have the space, since plants will probably fit better without folding the seats down.... maybe DH will let me bring the "good" card table also, LOL. We'll make do, regardless.

Happy, I just got some lemons and limes (on sale this week at Giant), so I could make some lemonade (CountryTime mix, but better with the addition of sliced limes)... I have an insulated drink dispenser that I think holds about a gallon...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Brent, Critter is bringing a pasta dish. Of course there's no reason why we can't have two but you know what you could bring if you can find them? Corn on the cob. I looked yesterday and they were 48 cents per ear. No way. If you can find some at a reasonable price I'll be happy to cook it. Just make sure you don't shuck it. I cook it with the shucks on.

Or if you'd rather bring pasta, I can get Joyce to check this week and see if she can find it at a more reasonable price.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a table that I use to put my plumerias on and I can wash the top and we will be good to go ok? Just let me know.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


I am planing to bring 2-3 gallons of sweet tea, so don't worry about that part.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, nobody ever makes the same kind of pasta! I think I'll be bringing pasta with roasted marinara sauce (Bluekat's recipe, good at any temperature) and either Greek Pasta salad (with corn, black beans, feta cheese, and lots of fresh oregano) or pesto pasta salad.

I sent 2 pots of oregano back with my nephew today... but not to worry, I think there's still plenty to go around. We also made up a big planter (3 gallons) for him with his 5 favorite mints plus some violas (edible flowers, yum).

The guys just drove off... I miss them both! We did have busy days, and as the middle child I think it was especially novel to him to be able to do just what he wanted to do (well, most of the time, LOL) and to have our activities entirely centered on him. He was a little bit homesick the first day, but he really, really didn't want to leave today. But we managed to have a little more fun this morning -- and it was finally less breezey so they could fly their remote control foam airplanes together. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

What a clever thing for Honda to do, Critter! Any extra tables will be greatly appreciated.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! I've got a bowl of Greek Pasta Salad and another of pasta twists with "Roastie Sauce" and Italian cheese. We sampled both for dinner -- had to make sure they were acceptable, LOL. (and they are)

If Wrightie or anyone is looking for something easy to add, if somebody will pick up bread (something along the lines of a couple of baguettes) and a little tub of Can't Believe It Ain't Butter (or buttery spread of your choice), I will bring along a couple of cubes of red pesto and/or green pesto (red has sundried tomatoes, green is made with cashews) to make a tasty spread. Just let me know! :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Knew I forgot something...are we good on drinks or should I pick up some more soda? Got the burgers and DD's finishing the sheet cake.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll get bread & bring butter & margarine (I hope whatever is in our fridge is ok -- I don't know the brand). I'm going to stop by Costco or the grocery store on the way, so let me know if there is anything else -- is Costco bread ok?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm bringing soda/water. I'm planning on a lot of water/fizzy water/diet pepsi. Some regular pepsi. Diet and regular sprite (or the like). Maybe Propel (my current drink of choice). Any requests? I'm easy.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

how much ice???? I am hoping to bring my medium cooler with 8 lbs or more, 16 if it fits. Will there be a lot of ice around what with everybody bringing their cold food???

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I had ice on my list too. Can't be too much on a hot day!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Costo bread should be fine... something firm like a baguette is easier to cut and spread, but just about anything would work. I'll make a note to bring the pesto along! Any kind of "buttery spread" -- or real butter, which would have plenty of time to soften -- would work fine with the pesto. In fact, that's not a bad notion... I don't have any spread, but I've got butter in the freezer... You bring the bread, I'll bring the pesto butter!

It sounds like we might be fine for drinks without the lemonade I mentioned earlier... what do you think? It'd be pretty quick to mix up tonight, so if you think I should bring it, just say the word. I can bring a lemon or two regardless, in case anybody wants some in their iced tea.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, so between me & Happy, we'll sort out the bread. *If* I've got enough tomatoes(?) I'll make a bruschetta topping as well.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, I hope everyone bringing cold food that needs to be kept cold will be able to keep it in their coolers. I don't think I would begin to have enough room in my refrigerator.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll have the frozen hamburgers double bagged in a coolor with ice....once the hamburgers are out it will be avail should anyone need it.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wrightie: I have a lot of good tomatoes at home if that'll help.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I should be able to get some fresh basil pinched off my plantlets.... Wrightie, do you want it for your bruschetta?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I don't have enough tomatoes! If I can steal Happy's tomatoes and if there's a way for me to whip it up on site, then by all means, I'll pinch some basil from you and anyone else offering it up. I'd better go whip up the vinaigrette right now while I'm thinking of it. Yikes - this is very chaotic... um, for a Virgo. =0

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, I have the vinaigrette for bruschetta... now all I need are key ingredients of good tomatoes and basil. Heh heh. I'll sort that out somewhere between here and there.

Also, I have a butter cake in the oven, and I cut up a pineapple.

My cuttings are still sitting in a bucket of water!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wrightie: DON'T HURRY!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

HURRAY! I'm running late! I'm hurrying anyway though! Will call when I leave the house!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry, running out of time here... we'll have to make do with what basil we can pinch from the flat that I put into the car... pesto butter turned out fine, though! :-)

Skipped the lemonade in favor of taking time to dig up a great bunch of mint... I think we'll have plenty of drinks... I did put in some lemon slices for tea.

Can't wait to see everyone!!!

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