Plant swap - lunch list

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I have a nice big grill so if everyone can bring something - hamburgers, buns, paper plates and plastic silverware, covered dishes, chips, desserts - we could have a nice lunch the day of the swap.

If you all could post here what you could bring it would help.


This is the list of who is coming that I made in the setting a date thread. Please let me know if you're not on the list.

Susan51 and hubby - chicken salad
Critterologist - pasta dish, sweet pickled peppers, mint
happy-macomb - sodas, tea, ice
rubyw and hubby - napkins, chips, burgers
Chantell - burgers, sheet cake, sodas
sallyg - burgers, ice, lettuce, tomato, onions
HollyAnnS and hubby - deviled eggs, teriyaki chicken skewers
Bec-No-Va - plates, glasses, silverware
VA-Wild-Rose and hubby - 2 desserts, 2 gals sweet tea
Brent-in-NoVa and 3 children
Bseward - cheese slices
larlienda - what's needed (condiments?)
Gitagal - dill/garlic pickles, potato salad
Joyce - buns, cole slaw
Diane - corn pudding or scalloped potatoes, cake, burgers
Miatablu - hummus dip, chicken wings

This message was edited Jun 7, 2007 12:57 AM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'll be the first to volunteer ~ I can bring all the plates, glasses and silverwear ~ and anything late minute that is needed! Just let me know for aprox how many! :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okey dokey, Becky. I'll get a tally later of how many.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'll even get pretty colored ones - I detest the white ones :) Any specific color wishes? LOL

Crozet, VA

I will bring paper napkins and several bags of chips. Hart, how will we be handling the meats for the grill? I can donate something towards the cost of that too. I am open to pretty much of anything. As we get closer we can do a final check to make sure that everything is covered.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart can you set up a table with an electrical power strip for hot dishes or would you rather keep it simple with just cold dishes.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll bring a dessert for sure and at least one other covered dish. How 'bout a couple gallons of sweet tea?


Two dessert dishes
Sweet Tea
(will continue to edit when I think of what else to bring)

This message was edited May 5, 2007 12:33 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Whatever color you prefer, Becky. LOL

I'm assuming some people will volunteer to bring hamburger patties and buns, Ruby. Or people could bring chicken from KFC. I know a lot of you work all week and it's sensible to bring prepared foods.

No power strip, Holly. I have found if I wrap hot dishes in bath towels, they will stay warm for a long time.

Tea sounds good, Karen.

Crozet, VA

Question for you Hart Lady. How far is the nearest grocery store to you? I ask in case any of us want to stop near your place to pick up meats at the grocery. There won't be a problem with making some patties and keeping them in a cooler, but thought I would ask about the grocery anyway.

I second that on the sweet ice tea. That is some great stuff. Looking forward to it.

Later ya'll.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, I think I will stick with a cold dish, no need to heat it up when I get there. I'll bring deviled eggs and about 3 of lbs. of chicken to throw on the grill.
I'll slice it up an make a lot of skewers ahead of time with a homemade Teriyaki sauce that should feed a few people. Gee chicken and eggs a Mother and Child reunion. No offense to your little fuzzy cuties.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sounds really good, Holly. LOL on the chicken and eggs.

Ruby, it's probably a lot easier and cheaper to just buy the frozen, already made patties. All the grocery stores are about 20-25 miles away. Here's where they are along the way.

Coming west on 66 from northern Virginia, etc.:

There are groceries in Front Royal but all on the opposite side of town. It's probably easier to take the Marshall exit and go to the Food Lion there. Just take the first Marshall exit, follow the ramp off to the right. Go past the gas station and take the next right into the Food Lion shopping center.

If you want to stop in Front Royal, take the Linden exit, drive 5 miles into town, Food Lion is in the first shopping center on the right as you enter town, Martins is in the second shopping center on the left. To get to my house from there, keep going up South Street, the street where the shopping centers are, until it Ts into Royal Avenue. Turn left at that light and go a couple of miles and turn right onto Route 619. Stay on 619 until it Ts into Fort Valley Road and turn left onto Fort Valley Road.

Coming south on 81 from the north through Strasburg, there's a Food Lion on the left on Route 11 between the Route 81 off ramp and town just past Hupp's Hill Battlefield site on the right.

Coming north on 81 from the south, there's a Food Lion in Mt. Jackson. Turn right off the exit and stay straight - you'll drive right into the Food Lion shopping center. There aren't any groceries in Edinburg. There's a large Superwalmart in Woodstock, which is about five miles north of Edinburg. Take the Woodstock exit, turn left, go about a block and turn left into the WalMart shopping center. You'll see the WalMart from 81.

There's also a little country store right up the street from me that carries a few groceries but they're pretty expensive and don't carry much in the way of meat and often sell out on weekends of things like bread.

Shenandoah Valley, VA


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Bumping this again for Gita. I know we have plenty of time for people to sign up for food, but could I please ask that at least some offer to bring packages of frozen hamburger patties? We'll also need buns.

I'd like to make a big batch of corn on the cob provided I can find it, which shouldn't be a problem by June. I thought I'd also make some scalloped potatoes and a cake. I'll try to get to Costco to get one of their big packages of hamburger patties and if I have time the day before, I'll make a big batch of my apple coleslaw, which everybody but me loves.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, when your figuring what you need in the way of meat remember that I will have plenty of chicken skewers for everyone too. That way we will have 2 meat items burgers and chicken. Unless you think grill space will be a problem, then I would bring something else. Holly

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's a pretty big grill, Holly. I have a smoker that has two levels and can be used as a grill too.

You know, I really don't know how many people are coming and that would probably help a lot for planning. Maybe I should ask everyone who hasn't posted in the swap date thread to do that so I can get a rough count.

If you all would rather just do chicken, that's fine too. I'd rather we have too much than not enough, though. Everyone can always take home the leftovers.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I will bring a double batch of my home made, refrigerator dill/garlic pickles. Everyone that has had then loves them! CRUNCHY!

I will also bring a bowl of home made Potato salad--lots!

That should keep me busy in the couple of days before the Swap!


This message was edited May 6, 2007 2:28 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I like having both burgers and chicken as long as there is room to cook them both. That way people have some choices.

Crozet, VA

Hi Hart and All - Tell you what little lady.......Instead of me having to be concerned about buying incorrectly and transporting meat, would you please buy what ever Costco has and I will either reimburse, or half reimburse you? Does that sound okay?

I need to go back and look at what I signed up to bring. ha-ha Forgot already but will write self a note this time.

So, let me know about the ground beef.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

Hart...i can fill in as needed since i'm closer...will think of some goodies too :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, I'll dmail you rather than go into all the ins and outs of having no car here most days.

Crozet, VA

Yes maam, I got your dmail and responded. I am sure that we won't go hungry that day.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Looks like at least fifteen plan to come.

Put me down for a box of burgers (it's 12 or 15?) . Cooler with ice, and lettuce, tomato, (don't think it'll be homegrown, sorry) red onion for the buggers. Ooops, burgers! I'm flexible
Planning extra food is good in case of last minute cancellations. hart, wonder if you'd like to make one post to list donations offered, to help the remainder decide what is still needed? maybe another burger person, drink choice, condiments..? Sounds like a good meal already!
edited- removed the buns as it sounds like somebody else is on bun duty

This message was edited May 19, 2007 9:13 AM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I counted about 20 and I know I missed several people. I'm also planning to invite my friend Joyce and if any of you have friends who would like to attend, be sure to tell them. If they're not members, just add them to the list in the Setting the Swap Date thread yourself. I'm going to figure we will probably have about 30-35 in the final tally.

If each of the three of us brought 12-15 patties, I think that would be enough unless people want more than one burger. Good idea to bring the buns too.

A lot of people haven't signed up for anything yet. I'll start a tally list at the top here soon and then can make a list of what's still needed.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Do you need more burgers - hotdogs? Things have been a tad hectic since the "arrival" - I'm happy to bring anything that can be bought...but would be willing to "make" something if need be - i.e. a desert or two? Matter a fact if you thing there would be interest in cake I can have my DD make a 1/2 sheet cake for the special day. Soda?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Burgers would be good. Do we need hot dogs too? How about burgers and buns. A dessert would be good too. So far I'm the only one making a dessert.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Since sally has offered to bring lettuce, tomatoes and onions for the burgers, maybe me bringing a big bowl of fresh greens salad would be redundant. What do you think?
Maybe I could make a big bowl of potato salad. What's a picnic without potato salad??? If you prefer the potato salad, I will edit my post and remove the tossed salad.

Your thoughts?


Crozet, VA

Sure sounds yummy!!!


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I made a post further up that I would bring two desserts...


Shenandoah Valley, VA

You sure did, Karen. I forgot.

Gita, I assume Ruby's comment is a vote for potato salad. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd vote for it too. So, Potato salad it will be--home made, of course!


Crozet, VA

I was saying yummy to each and every thing. Never met a food I didn't like. ha-ha


P.S. Just thought on cheese dressing is for the birds. ha-ha

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just bumping this up.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll check with you right before hand, assuming I can come, and I'll bring whatever you feel you are short on.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't see any pasta above, so I'll bring a pasta dish, something that can be served at room temperature... not sure if it'll be pesto or roasted marinara or greek pasta salad (if I have enough fresh oregano in the garden)... I'll see what sort of mood I'm in at the time, LOL.

Tea sounds great -- I'll bring along a vase of assorted mint cuttings in case anybody wants a sprig (what we don't put in tea, people can take home to root, LOL). I might see about making up a jug of unsweetened tea in case there's any of them thar yankee types who take their tea straight... I just picked up a dispenser/cooler at a garage sale that looks to hold at least a gallon. ;-)

I will also bring sweet pickled peppers (from last summer's garden)... they'll be a great contrast to Gita's garlic dill pickles!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just bumping up so it won't get lost.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Not 100% sure we are coming yet but we are tring really hard to get there... So what can I bring? We have a store that makes really good chicken salad ??? Or you just tell me and I will bring... Would be hubby and I coming...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Susan, you can bring whatever you want. If you'd like, I can put you on the will bring what's needed list. I need to compile a list of who's bringing what so we have some idea of what is coming.

Maybe I can get that done today.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okay, I'm going to try to match up who's bringing what.

Burger people - there are four of us bringing burger patties so I think if everyone brings around 12 patties, that should be enough. I'm going to try to get one of those big packages of 20. I'm going to get Joyce to bring buns so don't worry about getting those.

Since so many of you are bringing cold dishes, instead of cole slaw I think I'll make something hot. Corn pudding maybe or scalloped potatoes, maybe both.

Larlienda, could you bring condiments?

Can anyone think of something we'll need that isn't taken care of?

This is the list of who is coming that I made in the setting a date thread. Please let me know if you're not on the list.

Susan51 and hubby - chicken salad
Critterologist - pasta dish, sweet pickled peppers, mint
happy-macomb - what's needed
rubyw and hubby - napkins, chips, burgers
Chantell - burgers, sheet cake, sodas
sallyg - burgers, ice, lettuce, tomato, onions
HollyAnnS and hubby - deviled eggs, teriyaki chicken skewers
Bec-No-Va - plates, glasses, silverware
VA-Wild-Rose and hubby - 2 desserts, 2 gals sweet tea
Brent-in-NoVa and 3 children
Bseward - cheese slices
larlienda - condiments, salt and pepper
Gitagal - dill/garlic pickles, potato salad
Joyce - buns
Diane - corn on cob, corn pudding or scalloped potatoes, cake, burgers
Miatablu - hummus dip, chicken wings

This message was edited Jun 7, 2007 12:58 AM

Crozet, VA

I will probably pick up a few 2 liter bottles of soda and ice too. Someone please bring ketchup, mustard and onions for the burgers. Possibly lettuce and tomato also. And please don't forget salt and pepper.

Getting hungry thinking about it.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally is bringing lettuce, tomato and onion for the burgers. I asked Larlienda to bring condiments - ketchup, mustard, mayonaise. Anything I'm forgetting in the way of condiments? I have plenty of salt and the best black pepper.

I know what I forgot. Cheese slices. Anyone want to bring those? I'm sure some will want cheese on their burgers.

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