Valentine's Day gifts for gardeners

Midland, WA(Zone 8a)
There are a total of 407 votes:

I'm traditional - a bouquet of flowers or chocolate, please!
(48 votes, 11%)
Red dot

I'd rather have a rose bush than a dozen roses
(147 votes, 36%)
Red dot

A new spading fork or other hand tool says love to me!
(27 votes, 6%)
Red dot

A simple gift wins my heart (a plant, new gloves, or ????)
(120 votes, 29%)
Red dot

(65 votes, 15%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Newville, PA

Here's a radical thought; how about a gift for a loved one because they inspired the desire in you. That sound's much more romantic to me than the silly forced consumerism that has become Valentine's Day.
But if you are asking me what my favorite gift is, I'd have to say I'm always a sucker for a new orchic.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

_nancy - what is an orchic?

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I love receiving plants and gardening tools! I won't turn down chocolate or anything that sparkles! Diamonds, gold, etc....!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I forgot to add my wife got me a "girl" shovel. We are always fighting over her small pointed shovel when we get back from the nursery. So she bought me one for myself. Nice Woman my Wife.

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

I'll do anything for chocolate. Don't believe me? Show up with a box of Godivas..................!!

I usually get something nice, with a lot of thought put into it, so I'm just glad he remembers...sometimes I'm not sure he knows I'm here unless dinner is late. He has many redeeming qualities though and agrees with me that there is no such thing as too many cats, so we are pretty harmonious. This year he got me a cascading fountain for the yard, and I got him a cell phone w/ minutes to spare. Oh, yeah, and he got two big bags of Hershey's kisses....

Newmarket, ON(Zone 5a)

Valentine's gifts don't have to be expensive or overly consummeristic...traditionally V cards were handmade and the poem or message inside (even if taken from a source like one of Shakespeare's Sonnets) well thought out. One of the best gifts I ever heard of was of a nice picture frame with a nicely printed poem (I think it was a Browning) for a girlfriend's dresser.

I'm all for a day for celebrating Love; a very worthy subject. It's a day I always remember to wear pink on.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

princessnonie: so I should just give up on having a rose garden huh? mine are always black spotted!

Southern, NH(Zone 5b)

I voted other, we celebrate on the 15th - when everything is half off!

DH came home last night with quite a lot of chocolate - after all chocolate fixes everything

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I voted rose bushes over roses, but I'm not getting any presents for any holiday for a long, long time - but it's OK, because about a year ago DH bought me (well it was originally for US, but it's become mine, Mine, MINE!) a lovely 29HP blue New Holland tractor beauty with a tree-planting auger (I'm lusting after a backhoe for it, but for now, we can still use it for forestation of our bit of desert and other assorted tasks).

Dyson, I'm glad you got over scientifically precise.

Htop, I always need more dirt. I've got 4.77 acres of sand at least 10 ft down if anyone wants to trade some dirt? I can load it for you, but the catch is, you have to bring your own dirt hauler...

MariaJose - I waited a long time to find my honey, too, but he sure was worth it! We're going on 19 years this year. He's my Valentine every day.

MeezersFive and all chocoholics - Shop the Godiva after Valentine's day sale. One of my DDs is a late Feb baby - and her favorite bday present is the Godiva chocolate from that sale. Mmmmm, hazelnut truffles...

Hope all had a wonderful day, no matter how you did/did not celebrate it. May you always have dirt under your fingernails and something green to play with your whole life long!

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

My husband bought me John F. Kennedy and Ingrid Bergman for Valentine's Day. He's is so cool! Now where should I put them.....?

Champaign, IL(Zone 5b)

No gifts this year, other then digging the cars and house out of 3 feet of snow.. not that we could have gone anywhere. Actually my wife is getting 45 new raspberries from Nourse, and 20 Rugosa Roses. Just had planned on a evening out on Valentine's Day, but that didn't work out.

Algonac, MI

10 CDs FROM THE 1950'S AND 60'S.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

wow I have to have roses and chocolates, because my rose bushes ar not blooming at valentines day. It reminds what my bushes will give my I give them extra love right now. Plus I can not turn away chocolate

Salina, KS(Zone 6a)

I prefer something useful. Last year when DH was looking at the Sunday ads of chocolates, jewelry, etc. Told him really didn't want any of those. What I really would like to have was running boards for my pickup. He went down & ordered nice running boards & do I enjoy them.

Thomson, GA

DH has given me wonderful V-Day gifts over the 30 years, ranging from salt & pepper shakers to 1 ct. diamond rings, so I won't say that I don't care for the holiday. But it's the thoughtfulness of the gifts over the years that means so much to me. This year when he asked me what I wanted, I told him I really wanted a wheelbarrow. I had asked for one for Christmas but no one, not my children or my hubby, took me seriously. We will go next weekend to pick it out. I can't think of a better gift for a woman that has over 200 new bulbs and plants on order for spring.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Our anniversary is the 15th, so we usually focus more on that than V-day but I do usually get a card for both :) I think it's more of a hallmark day too, we should be loving every day not just on Vday ;)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I voted for the rose bush but I received the cut ones because I pointed out some really cool pale green roses in the store and mentioned they were neat. So my husband translated that into wanting them. If my hubby would surprise me with little things thru-out the year I wouldn't mind if I got anything for v-day. So at least I get something.

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