Valentine's Day gifts for gardeners

Lexington, NC(Zone 7b)
There are a total of 407 votes:

I'm traditional - a bouquet of flowers or chocolate, please!
(48 votes, 11%)
Red dot

I'd rather have a rose bush than a dozen roses
(147 votes, 36%)
Red dot

A new spading fork or other hand tool says love to me!
(27 votes, 6%)
Red dot

A simple gift wins my heart (a plant, new gloves, or ????)
(120 votes, 29%)
Red dot

(65 votes, 15%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I voted for rosh bush over roses. Handsome Man sends bouquets of flowers to me at work fairly frequently -- but never when I would expect it, so I'm sure there will be none for Valentine's Day. I prefer that he does it his way -- that I'll get flowers sometime out of the blue just because it's Tuesday or something.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm all for a gift certificate especially for someplace I love but wouldn't normally splurge on. Nurseries, seed/plant/bulb catalogs and books would all be winners. I don't really care about holiday shopping for any holiday but more prefer just because or our own personal important dates.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I hinted that I wanted two shop lights....hope cupid took that hint since my seedlings really need them. Valentine's isn't a huge day here since It isn't a holiday that the DH grew up with. He does however try since he knows it's a big deal here in the states...We already have reservations at one of our fav local places to eat for the night, a nice bottle of Dom is hidden ready to be put in the wine fridge before we head out to eat and I got him a 3 pound heart shaped box filled with M&M's with a Itunes gift card so he can download all he wants.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

I voted other. I refuse to celebrate this "Hallmark" holiday and told my hubby when I met him several years ago, that I don't do Valentines; I'm just not into the hype and don't want to be stressed out or have anyone else stressed out over what to buy me.
We celebrate our love all year long in so many ways and that's good enough for me.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I voted for other because if my husband decides to get me anything besides a card I would love to receive some potting soil or garden soil. He never thinks these are appropriate gifts, but I always need dirt. :o)

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I would certainly agree that Hallmark is guilty of hyping every possible day and trying to turn it into a card selling money making holiday, but Valentine's Day has been around for a very long time and is celebrated widely around the world, long before Hallmark made the scene.

Grifton, NC(Zone 7b)

I voted traditional,but really want another HD Springer....

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

I was thinking a gift certificate to a nursery...

I got my wish, sort of - $100 gift certificate to Home Depot!!!

This message was edited Feb 15, 2007 12:43 PM

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I console myself about Hallmark's hype by thinking how they do employ people - and employed people are a very good thing!

Greensboro, AL

Rather have a rose bush . . .. Actually, I went to town yesterday and bought myself a dozen bareroot roses. Happy Valentine's Day to me.

Casselberry, FL(Zone 9b)


I used to love Valentine's Day. The flowers, the candies, a nice dinner. I would feel a little more special that day. Although, I must admit, I had more fun giving Valentines to my mom and dad. Mom looooves chocolate!

However, all of that changed when one year in my young and stupid days, I was working as a waitress at a popular sit-down mexican food chain. I would see the couples coming and going, some were young folks on dates, some were older folks just trying to have a quiet dinner. Then, there was "the couple". They were country folk, and this place was pretty fancy for them. I'm ok with that; we all have our limits. What upset me the most is that you can tell, he was taking her out just because it was Valentine's Day. Not because he regularly adored her, or brought her a nice trinket on a day when it wasnt her birthday, or anniversary or a "hey, I did something bad and you better forgive me" moment. You could see how she was the homemaker who did her best and had to deal with this turd. And, yes, he was a turd. He was loud, obnoxious, rude and condescending. Telling her what she was going to eat and when she had had enough.

It was that night that I realized how many couples go out just because the TV said there was a holiday that needed to be celebrated. Couples going out where the woman is in a dead end relationship and he said they were going out. Over the years, I noticed it ranged across all income levels. From the poor to the affluent. It really breaks my heart.

So, my DH and I do not celebrate V-Day. And are happy that we don't have to. We have our lovey dovey moments, random gifts, and "just because I love you" times through out the year. Besides, if I really wanted something, I just go and buy it and thank him for his perfect gift!

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Roseone: I call it a "Hallmark Holiday" myself not because I think they invented it but I think most companies with a product to sell hype it because of such a holiday. And I don't want to take part in making a purchase just because everyone else is or because the ads tell me I should.

Likewise, I honor Mom/Dad on Mother's Day/Father's Day because they like it but in our house it isn't something we want to raise our kids to save and buy for. I'm the one that chose to be the mother and that is gift enough. Of course I'll take some hugs and the "I love you's" any day of the year!

I'm just not much of a list-maker when it comes to holiday presents. Just the spirit of the holiday is joyful enough for me, especially at Christmas with all the lights, baking, decorations, scent of a real tree, etc.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I would like to be taken out to dinner in a very elegant restaurant and to a movie afterwards. If I were to receive a rose bush, I couldn't plant it for quite a while and would have to worry about keeping it alive. I don't need much in the way of gardening equipment -- some more land and water would be great, but a little out of DH's budget. Flowers would be wonderful. I am not a chocolate freak like many. I could probably go for a trip to Bali right now, also.

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

i'm just not that into Valentine's Day!!!

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

I have to brag on my DH for a bit - he's not one to often send flowers, and sometimes gets me floppers for gifts...BUT, he is the ONLY guy I know who will stand in the Hallmark card aisle for great lengths of time and read EVERY card until he finds the perfect one! The cards that man gives me - they could make up for anything! Funny thing is - I'm just the opposite. I don't have the patience and usually pick the first one I find that's suitable, but it's rarely "perfect". We laugh about that because it's such a role reversal.

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

My DH and I feel that you don't need a special day to celebrate love...our 25th wedding anniversary is this year.
If you love someone, you should try to show it in little ways everyday instead. Just my opinion...

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)

I'm really not all that "traditional", but I just can't resist that box of chocolates! (Besides, if I got a rosebush, the poor thing would be doomed!)

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

I voted "any lil thing"...
Someone mentioned " not needing chocolate" HOLYCOW!! .. Nobody *needs* them, we just WANT them! LOL Dark choclolate yummmmmmmmmmm
I myself will go for any holiday (Hallmark or not) for which teh giving of that luscious chocolate goodness is considered positive. heck, onmy new diet I cant even have chocolate and I'd still horde it for lil snicky snacks later!

My hubby 'n I recognize the commercial aspects of Valentine's Day- but its nice . We say I love you several times every day to each other, and VDay just makes a good excuse to pamper each other alil extra.

Now if I could just think of what to do for him This year.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I voted other. My other is... nothing. We don't feel the need to get gifts since we've made it this far together. I'll take a good laugh with him as my gift.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Anything that was truly thought out, not just snagged at the last minute, makes me really happy. I'd be thrilled with a coupon to have my hair brushed, or my truck windows washed, or even a phone call to specifically express the thought. It's not about the money or size of the gift, it's about the thought and caring behind it.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

4paws, love the hair brushing! I always say I'd PAY someone to do that!!!

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I'd be really happy with a few yards of soil, mulch...or "compost".

Hubby says this way HE comes out smelling like a rose.


This message was edited Feb 13, 2007 7:10 PM

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Anything my sweet DH wants to buy me is treasured as it comes from his heart.

I have already received my Valentines gift today because he couldn't wait to give it to me. He was so excited about finding me something I would really like. He got me a book on growing in a Greenhouse. I just put up my new GH this week and have a lot to learn.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I voted for the rosebush, but ya know, I really love Lindt white chocolates. Mmmmm...

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I picked rose bush, and thats exactly what he bought me! Of course it won't be shipped until spring, but it gives me something to look forward to, along with the 40-50 DL's that are coming. (grin)

Hebron, KY

I voted 'other'......

DH and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We know we are each other's sweethearts every day of the year and have been for over 10 wonderful years so far!

Sometimes I'll buy a sweet, chocolate dessert to celebrate. I love chocolate!

One year, while DH was in another city on a long 'overnight' (he's an Airline Pilot), it was just before Valentine's Day and while he was killing time in a mall, he got me a pair of diamond/ruby/gold earrings! What a wonderful surprise! ♥


My DH spoils me all year long but never misses a chance or holiday. He's always been that kind of guy, and we've been married 32 years. He surprised me with 3 EB's this year. That works for me! LOL

Hebron, KY


What are EB's?


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Finally! After a quarter century of Valentine's Day Florist Flowers - delivered to the door (lovely, but short lived) I finally got some flowers to grow instead! Calla lily bulbs -- from the DG Coop! LOL!


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I voted 'rose bush'. I expected my new rose garden to be my Christmas/b'day/valentines/mothersday/whatever gift this year. but my very sweet DH asked me to go out and pick out a new orchid for myself for Valentine's (he's disabled and can't shop and it's just too cold to ship one). HIS first choice is chocolate so that's what I got him (but he's willing to share). When we were dating (in the 60's) he was in the Air Force and sent me 21 Valentine cards that year, so I told him he's off the hook for life on that LOL (and I kind of agree I'd just as soon not feed the Hallmark machine)

Thumbnail by grampapa
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

How about simple poetry for your sweetie?

for your kids:

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Poetry, oh I like that!

My honey is a warm-hearted, kind man. He brings me hot coffee in the morning, after work he cooks dinner then cleans the kitchen so I can study, he's good to my family and does all the heavy lifting around the house. I waited a long time for him, now we've been together over 11 years. He is my Valentine every day.

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

For me there is nothing like fresh flowers on my table and a box of elegant chocolates with a loving card.
Plants and shrubs I can get myself any time

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

A rare tropical plant makes me feel Grrrrreat!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

The simple gift suits me...I'm easy to please!

My sweet DH has done well the past few birthdays and Valentine days....he buys me a plant, and when he goes into the local shop the owner says right away " wanna know if I have anything for sale that your wife doesn't have?" LOL!
So far, the last 5 or 6 times he's managed to get something I don't have!

He came home with a plant last night, even after we agreed not to get eachother anything. (Ü)
So..... I had a single red rose delivered to him at work.

As a Florist, in a very successful Midwestern florist Shop, I am surrounded by literally thousands of fresh cut roses, around Valentines Day- so my husband seldom buys me any.
But, on the rare occasion that he does, I am just as tickled and pleased as I can be!

When he does send them to me, he puts a lot of thought into it, and has them arranged in a much sought after collectors vase, that I can treasure long after the fresh roses have faded.

I. too, prefer to purchase all my garden plants, and my own garden tools.
Chocolate is always welcome!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I went out to the school with the traditional flowers but I got to sing a Mitch Miller (follow the bouncing ball) song over the school intercom to her. KKKKaren beautiful Karen, YYYYYour the OOOOOOnly One that I adore.... She was quite impressed or was it embarassed I forgot.

Greensboro, AL

Soferdig: You make me laugh more than anyone else on Dave's. No one else would do that! (Would they?) One in 200,000 or whatever the DG membership is now.

Correction: You are one in 272,813.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2007 10:28 AM

New Caney, TX(Zone 8b)

Roses are magnets for Black Spot here, but any other plant is my favorite Valentine's Day gift. ...Or a kitten..
but we already have enough cats..


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