Where's everyone

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Sue you will have to tell us all about it when you have rested!!!
There was some kind of garden thing at the midland dow gardens this weekend
for 60.00 you could have a master gardener tell you about gardening-i passed!!

Today is another gloomy day with snowflakes flying!!
Daylight savings time starts next weekend
I am bored out of my mind!! I should start some crafts or something!
We did get the paint for the kitchen-guess that will be something to do! LOL

well im off to read the forums
stay warm 17 days till spring!!!!!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

There were 5 different speakers....all quite different...and of course some better than others. They saved the best for last - a great speaker that is based here in town. Last year they had great %off coupons for several of my favorite gardens....none this year....a big disappointment. They never had a 'rate this seminar' form like usual either....too bad as I would have pointed this out!!

Sun is out here today!!! But the snow is drifted so high that I can barely see out the slider if I am sitting down....pooobaah..

Total of 6 daylilies sprouted...

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Dem........Dori is correct. I do not use my greenhouse in winter anymore.....cost too much to heat as I have a small propane heater in there. I will probably start my seeds in a few weeks. The greenhouse should be safe by then. It gets pretty warm in there during the day with the sun out.

sarv........I almost signed up for that seminar, but just thought the drive was just too much for me. It looked like some interesting speakers there, plus it would have given me 5 hours of educational for my re-certs for my Master Gardener activation. West Branch is having one in April that I am going to attend, which is only 40 miles from my home.


south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

deann - good thing you didn't sign up - driving would have been horrendous!!! I live right by it and I was on pins and needles the entire drive. Do you start your seeds in the greenhouse or in your house?

Sun has been out the entire day here....it has been glorious...

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello all...CR reporting in.
Don't come here as much as I'd like.
Now that I'm working I don't spend as much time online.
Just placed an order for 8 roses from the Great Lakes Roses here on DG rose co-op.
Looking forward to Spring when I can start hitting the nurseries and get back in the garden.
I have a new incubator and will be hatching out lotsa chicks, ducklings and goslings this year.
Visit my updated website at: http://www.freewebs.com/cottage_rose_birdsnblossoms/
Right now all my flowers are buried under 2 feet of snow.
Only 17 more days til Spring!! Woo-Hoooo!

This message was edited Mar 4, 2007 10:09 PM

Thumbnail by Cottage_Rose
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Hey Vicky glad to see you post here! I only got 4 roses from the co-op, I have no idea where im going to plant them. Maybe have to add a new rose garden area as I think i may need to thin my other rose garden out-I can barely till in between plants without donating a pint of blood! I saw on a garden show this winter to help prevent blackspot, mix skim milk and water and spray on the plants. Im going to give that a try!

Looks like you got lots of snow. We still have spots we 3-4ft drifts but other spots i can see the grass.
They say another cold week here with a start tomorrow of 3 degrees. I really am sick of the cold and wishing hard for some warm air!
Today the sun is coming up over the barn and feels nice on my leg. I may have to wade through the snow out to the GH and enjoy the warmth there! :)

Sarv glad to hear you have more sprouts!!! I was bidding on the LA on seeds but keep getting outbid :(
Trying to save money for the hosta and daylily co-ops that will be coming up soon!

Hope the sunshines in your areas today! :)
16days and counting

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Vicky i went to your site and signed your guest book-love those geese!! to cool!

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Sarv..........I do start my seed mid March in my greenhouse....by then its pretty safe at night and I keep the trays on a regular heating pad....and cover the tops at night with visqueen....during the day the sun is out, and it gets pretty nice in there.....


Thumbnail by deann
Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Dori! :o)
Glad you enjoyed the geese. I wish I had gotten them sooner in life but I always heard geese were mean. Well some are but this breed is so sweet and personable...like puppy-dogs following you around. My favorite girl likes to weed with me. She mutters and mum-murs to me and wants me to hand feed her weeds I pull out. They really are a joy to have around and make mighty fine lawn ornaments.

Ummm, I was a real good girl and only purchased 7 roses last year and 8 via the DG rose co-op. Since 2000 I probably average around15 -20 roses a year, many of which were impulse buys and ended up getting pitched because they were too tender for my rural setting. I'm doing better the last 2 years sticking with with the hardier OGR's and Rugosas but I did buy 4 Bucks roses which can be iffy. I have a weakness for the Buck roses with the strippling.

I ~always~ buy plants I have no planned out spot for and I refuse ro dig up more sod.
Its hard enough keeping up with what I have.
I seem to have more container gardens the last few years out of desperation. LOL
We have quack grass that is a pain in the butt to stay on top of. Anyway I buy stuff and just pop it in the ground where ever...no rhyme or reason around here. Some people call it a "cottage" style garden but really it is just an un-organized garden. ;o)

Buck rose "Freckles"

Thumbnail by Cottage_Rose
Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Sunny here today and with some melting going on.
Hang in there kids...we're on the last leg of winter!
Did you ever think winter is a good thing...gives us a break and gives us something to look forward too?!
BTW next Jan. we will be attending our son's destination wedding in Playa del Carmen, Mexico...just south of Cancun on the Yucatan peninsula.
One week of turquoise blue ocean, white sand beaches and Mayan ruins sounds reeeeally good to me RIGHT NOW!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dea. I may just try that in my greenhouse. I have an extra seed starting mat and I could cover them at night too...good thinking!!!

Did you hear the coldest air mass ever in March is headed this way....someone please get rid of this junk!!

Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

This weather is supose to last thru wednesday night and then get around 40 . Rain for friday. I have 108 in my greenhouse.Good thing nothing is started.
We have to buy a couple of automatic vents,so I can grow all winter.
I`m resting from a weekend of a 3 yr old grandson. I keep forgetting what energy they have. He was up at 6 and didn`t quit till 10. Oh to have half that energy..
Still, thinking SPRING.. We got a real good deal on oak firewood for next year.A fella was hurting for money and we got 16 pulp cord for $900. Oak is going for $55 a face cord. We figure we have about 40 face cord when we get it cut and split.We are now set for the next 2 years...The house and greenhouse will really be warm now..Aleta

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Quote Sarv: "Did you hear the coldest air mass ever in March is headed this way"
Gee, like I wanted to hear that. AaaaaaaaaaaaaHHH!!!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

AF - what a deal on the wood. We just bought a truck load a couple of weeks ago for a hundred bucks. We usually cut our own, but DH did a number on his knee and I doubt that he will be cutting anymore. We used to buy a huge log-semi trailer of 8ft logs and cut it up ourselves. It was fun when the kids were home, but I'm not sure I'd want to tackle it now!! There is nothing like a wood fire to warm the tootsies.

Our temps have been heading south all day long...(whispering....freezing rain Fri night too...)

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Vicky, I enjoyed your web site. I grew up with regular chicken, geese, and a few ducks. We had rabbits too, oh, and of course the dogs and cats too. :o) And for a couple years, Dad had 2 turkeys.

Can't say I'm a chicken person, but I enjoyed the ducks and the geese. Although, the geese were mean, by the time I had become a teenager, I knew how to keep that gander in line and really enjoyed the different personalities of the birds.

I have never seen the Sebastopol geese before ... what a beautiful graceful bird. I had my teenagers look at your pictures. DD fell in love with them!


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)


Thanks for posting your website. I really enjoyed it!

The temperatures got down to 4 below zero at my house last night. WHERE IS SPRING? I'm done already with this frigid stuff.

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

It's darn cold this morning! I didn't hear any of my cardinals. :( My son was trying to break the ice in the driveway/lake before school (because he's a boy and he thought there was mud underneath...and he was clean) and was SORELY disappointed because it was frozen solid. I think I was frozen solid.

I'm so happy...my first foray into seed starting has been successful thus far! I have LOTS of morning glories that have sprouted...now to pot them up and see if they actually grow. Woo hoo!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

2 degrees here but the sun is glorious!!! Overnight 3 pots of wave petunias sprouted. That gave me so much pleasure that I potted up 4 more pots of seeds!! I am starting seeds really late this year. Seems like last year I started a ton early, but many of them ended up croaking.

Today I'm going to take a walk out to the greenhouse and see what the temps are in there. I probably could squeeze a chair in there and sit for awhile!! Anything for warmth!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

The sun is out but its not warm! -13 it says right now! 40s by the weekend :) I sure hope this is the
end of this cold cold stuff! I filled the birdfeeders after I took dayme to skool and my hands hurt within minutes
of being out there!

Michelle we have a small ice pond in the yard and the boys have to go out and slide and try to break the ice here too. Jackets not zipped no gloves no hats-just run and slide and BAM!!! BOYZ!!!
Your Mglories will be blooming before the snow melts i bet! :)

I have watered all my seedlings with water and peroxide to fight the fungus gnats and it seems to be working!!
Today Im going to start painting the kitchen-got it all washed down and sanded yesterday.

off to check the forums!!!!!

may have to wade out to the gh this afternoon for a nice warm break!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)


Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

It's been snowing since about 7:30 that I know of....I'm at work and the cars are starting to slide off the roads.... Oh well, only 7 and one half hours to go :)


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

It was snowing here too Dori & Diana, but we only got maybe an inch if that. Hard to say what morning will bring...

You all have a good night, I am off to beddy by.

nite nite


Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Snowing here too.........................but I still love living in Michigan.....Dori & Diana go have a Margarita..then you'll quit crying!!!

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

More snow overnight and they are saying the roads are a sheet of ice. News is on and three semi's just smashed into each other...yikes!! I'm staying inside today and looking at my seeds. Can't wait to see if anaything sprouted overnight.

I'll believe 40's when I see them....promises...promises..

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

We were supposed to get a dusting here.............but I think someone goofed!!!hmmmm wonder who???

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well when I went to bed last night, we had just about an inch, got up this morning and well there was more :( I took this picture thru the window, wasn't about to step out side, so it may be a little blurry thru the window and screen.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

they are saying 49 for Monday! hallelujah i cant wait
Id say we got 1-2in here and its glistening the sun is up too!

I painted the first coat of paint on the kitchen yesterday and have to
apply the second one today!! It looks really nice so far

off to read the forums

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm with you Dori!
I am SO ready for Spring!
I feel so much better when I get out in the sun and diggin' in the dirt!
49 whoppin' degrees?!? Oh gosh I hope so!

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