Please Share Pics of your Favorite Containers for 2006!

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

shirley...this is a really bad pic of one..with bitten off leaf from japanese beetle..but you can get the idea. they are really beautiful!

Thumbnail by tobee43
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Tobee, what's the matter with us with our thirst for perfection?? Me too. The beetle damage doesn't take away in the least from the beauty of that canna. It's exquisite!

Gymgirl, I had Angel Wings some years ago, and yes, they bloom. When they got leggy I'd whack 'em off and they'd put up new growth in no time. They're pretty tough, and they're lovely. Check out

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I feel dumb - Never feel dumb! I still feel dumb.

Dale_a, what is that that's in Sarasota? on 08.07.06!

Rev, that flower, that link, how do you grow them in Denver? I find I need to learn about Angel Wing Begonias! Now!

xxxxx, Carrie

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Good Morning,

GG & Carrie, it is crossandra, a great container plant-a real weed in the ground.

Brinda, it is a rhizome type begonia. I am collecting them these days, to use as border plants. They don't flower much, but what great foilage. As they say 'year round interest'.

Tobee, I may have to skip on the coleus cuttings, the collection is getting out of control. It is past 55 plants in ground and I still have not found a place to build my greehouses. Winter may still be 4 months away, but I am starting to worry.

And I have a new afflection, croton's, they are good in containers in more northly areas. Tobee, I am gonna get you hooked on these for you tropical plant collection, just you wait and see.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

good morning all, are SO right! we just need everything so perfect. and we should know darn well that's such a hard this to do! but this year as been the very worse ever with critters and bugs....the count so far is we have trapped 6 groundhogs....and 5 rabbits...but only after they have eaten their tummy's full! japanese beetles i usually don't have a problem with, but this year they were just terrible. i have seen every bug that sucks leaves this season..known to mankind and many that probably are NOT known to mankind! it just KILLS me to see them eating everything!

dale..i hear you. get this. i have to put cuttings into a rented greenhouse for the winter to save anything. although we have a very small make shift gh here at my home, all cuttings are grown and tended elsewhere. what a chore. so i know exactly what you mean.........however........i would still LOVE a cutting of that one with the "red and beige"........k????? are very bad indeed!

i do use crotons! just not in my personal gardens. my gardens consists usually of "leftovers" and stuff i save and store from those leftovers. i will get some pics next week and show you...i LOVE them too. they add such rich bright color and texture to any garden. and much easier to overwinter since they are considered a "house" plant here. i love the pics you posted!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

tobee....That is beautiful!!!!! I do love white cannas so much! Do you know the name?

Take a look at this..... And read the fine print....I had the honor of naming her!

Well, I guess that link didn't work. Look at the white cannas and look at Canna Innosense.

This message was edited Aug 10, 2006 11:49 AM

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I live among STARS! You go Brinda!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Go Brinda go! I actually spent 15 - 20 min. choosing which Canna to buy. I WILL NOT BE BUYING ANY CANNAS! Not even if they perfectly fit my color scheme, or tie it together. I have no greenhouse nor cold frame; I put dahlias in pots; NO DIGGING UP IN THE FALL! you guys, honestly.

xxxxx, Carrie

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I with you Carrie, I just put my canna in pots and get somebody to lift them to the table when it comes time to dig in the fall (less stooping over) and then just store in my basement. But IF I dig a hole in the ground and plant it, it ain't comin out! (just getting too youth-impaired for some stuff)! Brinda, WOW, a celebrity! Congrats.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

What a nice canna, I think it's the first white one I've seen.
And I dont dig either, if they dont make it in the ground... too bad. I take the Darwin survival of the fittist opintion with plants. If they like my yard they will be back next year... ;)
If I really want to keep something over, I put it in a container and store it.

Thumbnail by Vizz8
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm with you on the Darwinian approach, Auntie. Sink or swim, that's what I say. The thing is, I know if I put cannas in the ground up here, they'd never come back.

xxxxx, C

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

good morning all!

about the white canna...i have a few different cultivars: 'new white', white flaccida', 'ermine' and french vanilla (which really is a pale pale pale yellow).
the most "true" to color appears to be the 'ermine'. none of which goes into the ground as they seem to be more "sensitive" than the other colors.

we dig up more than 500 bulbs and rhizomes yearly and that does not include those that stay in their pots for storage. sound crazy!! but they are the wonderful "fillers" one could ask for more. i also love them in my containers to help balance the designs...although some get so darn big!

this is a pic...not good lighting. some last season got over 22 feet high!

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 7:49 AM

Thumbnail by tobee43
groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

holy cow....dave's is "acting" up again!!!

Thumbnail by tobee43
Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

Tobee, I absolutely love your Ombre de Bronze. What color sweet potato vine did you use? And what growing conditions did you have - sunny? shade? I've been noticing that my coleus that are in the sun are doing way better than the shade, and I would love to try a combo like that next year in my two whiskey barrels (but they get pretty harsh afternoon sun). Here's what I tried this year - they have since filled out, but I don't have a recent picture.

Thumbnail by mosc0022
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

tobee - is that too many returns, or 'enter's? Or is it actually Daves? In which case, shame, Dave!

And gorgeous Ombre de Bronze! If I had a container plant 22 ft. high, it would almost be the same height as my house; it might look funny, or at least out of scale! Alice in Wonderland -esque.

xxxxx, Carrie

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

good morning!

carrie, i wasn't sure about the enters or returns?? i just hit the send and it went crazy crazy! go figure. sometimes early in the morning i have had problems posting, i do think dave's requires a few cups of coffee before being able to function properly!

mosc this is what was in the container titled Ombre de Bronze there were 3 cultivars of ipomoea batatas...aka sweet potato vine.

A Plantscape’s Introduction- Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Dark Starlet’
Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Peter Wonder’
Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Penny’
Ipomoea batatas ‘Carolina Bronze’
Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’
Ipomoea batatas ‘Carolina Purple’
Acalypha ‘Ceylon’
Cordyline australis ‘Red Sensation’

solenostemon scutellarioides (coleus) most can take either sun or shade. however, it does have an effect because many of the color react depending on where you have them. an example is i have had this container at the fairgrounds for one week and the 'penny' which is a bronzy gold color is turning bright green because the greenhouse has it's shade cover on it. many coleus need sun to develop their "true" color. this pot was grown in all day sun.

indeed carrie the one that hit 22 feet was a pain! it kept falling over it was SO heavey and tall!

This message was edited Aug 12, 2006 7:48 AM

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Is this leftover HS French you're using, or do you actually speak French? I'm guessing the former because I'm pretty sure "fleur boite" is just translation.
xxxx, Carrie

groveland, FL(Zone 9b) of my closest friends is from paris...she did the translation...i'm not good with languages at all. although i understand every word in german, i can barely speak it. a few words in a few different languages i actually in about 12 different ones, i can say.." where is the bathroom please" and "may i please have water with no bubbles". hehehe...(the truth)!

i believe she did it so it would be easier to understand? but i'm not knowing for sure ;) she just handed me the sheet of paper. but i do know that "fleur boite" is "flower box"...or container or something that "holds"? yes???? because that's what she said.

Ombre de= Shadow of...and then bronze is the same, i think.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Well, I (she said snootily) did take French in HS and German in college. All of your meanings are perfectly clear, I was just wondering about fleur boite since that literally means flower box and seemed like something that would prefer a prepositon in French. Where we say [this is an awful example] back yard, they might say yard of back or yard in back, where we say daily special they might say soup du jour. Or even, where we would more likely say window box, they say "fleur boite sur une fenêtre" But I digress, or rather, I attempt to show off!
I too can say "where is the bathroom" in many languages, although I do tend to confuse Spanish and Italian. Also "how much does this cost?" is handy everywhere.

I live in the Blue Hills, which is a geographic region of Massachusetts. So when I saw the title of the pic below, I thought it was a local scenery shot. NOT!

xxx, Carrie

Thumbnail by carrielamont
groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

carrie...actually we didn't think anyone would get it anyway....the rest was in i'm certain the judges didn't know that either.

i really don't get why languages were so difficult for mom speaks at least 5 all my brother's and sister's at least we were brought up in a german-english-russian speaking you'd think with those 3 i would have been able to pick up more than one. shoot...i'm not even good with english!!!!!!!!!!

i LOVE that pic so blue!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

tobee43 and everybody else, lovely stuff.

Tobee, questions: you said you don't put your white cannas inground because them seem more "sensitive" than other colors. What do you mean by that? I just bought an ermine which I planted inground, full sun. Growing, but not blooming for me yet.

Also, do you overwinter Ipomea Carolina Bronze? This is the only ipomea that does not return for me and it s nearly impossible to find at nurseries. Of course, the one I can't get is my absolute favorite, grrrrr

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Vossner, try overwintering it again in a protected area. Mine game back, so maybe you just had a bad experience. It didn't freeze.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Most of the Ipomoea make tubers, I look for them below the mainstem or should I say right below the spot where you first planted. If you can find one, dig it up, keep it cool and dry for the winter and start it in late Feb in a sunny window. I have done it with a left over sweet potato tuber from the holiday season. Last fall, when I was changing over one of the containers I work on, I found one that was 8 pounds, it was as big a my head (or is that ego?) and several smaller ones. If your ground stays wet in the winter, when it is cool, they tend to rot.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thanks. I will do as recommended.

Pearl River, LA

I have not done much this year.. too hot too dry and too much chaos around here but this is my favorite container for the year so far...shirley

Thumbnail by shirleyt
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

mY SWEET POTATO VINEs will make potatoes under the soil? Cool!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

I love containers

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

dale I love them both, but especially the hearts.

note to self: copy dale's "hearts" planting idea.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Vossner, not my idea, it's in the public domain.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

well then

Modified note to self: copy heart idea in public domain

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I have an orange tree on the corner of my house with shallow roots so I can't plant anything too deep so opted for a row of large pots. There are 4 large pots here with a few smaller ones tucked in between.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Another view.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Here's a closer view of one of the pots. A palm-leafed thiemei begonia, Peter's Wonder coleus and a few other mixed coleus and a hidden fucshia and trailers mixed in.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

This is an unknown (to me anyways) coleus with begonia richmondis and a favorite lime green lavender blooming bacopa. Hidden is a heuchera.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I planted this about a month ago. An unknown black-plum coleus, unknown rex begonia, silver dichondra and a coral fucshia.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I planted this on back in May.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

And here it is this morning. The bronze heuchera obviously needs more sun as it lost it's bronze coloring and is quite dark. I give up on the zinnias. While they do last a while, they eventually die for me.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

But those sweet potatoes sure are happy.

I wanted to take more shots this morning, nice and overcast so good for the lighting but my battery went dead.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I have a collection of pots around the poles of our patio arbour.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue

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