Post-Op Bariatric Proceedure III

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Of course it is! When you 'zero' it, that's just zero for you, with your crooked floor and your barometric pressure etc. And was the other scale commuting? Is the new one? That, too, could screw up your readings. Unless you weigh yourself on the same scale wearing the same clothes at the same time of day after using the bathroom and making whatever you possibly can control be exactly the same each time, your readings have a largish margin of error, I would imagine. Read the instructions that came with your new scale! It's like every measurement, the more detail you use, the less accurate individual measurement. Have you been measuring every 0.5 lb.? Maybe you should have been using kilograms all along? As long as you progress overall is in the right direction, don't sweat the details!!!! Read your post of 10.20.06!

xxxxxxxxxx, Carrie

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I need to get a new scale...this one we have that is broken doesn't allow you to reset the weight. (you know with a 5lb bag of flour etc) so if it's wrong it's wrong and nothing you can do about it. Was thinking about running it over with the car since it said I gained 11 pounds in 6 days...but DH said I was taking it to personally

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I know Carrie. Just funnin about it! LOL Just no ice cream of any kind no matter what is said about it.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Tplant can you chew gum? Some very good sugar free gums that help me tons if I just want to munch. and I love to make my own ice with lemon and splenda and then put it in the blender for a slushie.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Nope! Wear dentures and gum sticks to them. No problem though as I can really do without ice cream or anything else that may harm me.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

You've done really well, T.
Keep up the good work.

Are you going to start an exercise program?
Maybe the doctor can prescribe one.
It can make such a huge difference in stamina and everything.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I already started a supervised therapy program and have eighteen more lessons to go. All paid for by my insurance.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Grrrrrrrrr. Social Security = Medicare wouldn't pay for that much unless I were 'improving', and since you don't actually 'improve' once you have Multiple Sclerosis.... I go through this cycle of being discharged from PT and then going home to rot, then 6mos - a year later, come back for 15 - 20 treatments, during which I 'improve', then I stop 'improving', get discharged, go home to rot, etc. T-, what kind of insurance do you have??? You're old enough for Medicare...

xxx, Carrie (jealous of T-plant's insurance)

Yeah Medicare is a joke!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It is a supplement as part of my retirement package.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

My mom just purchased a medicare supplement plan. I don't know how fantastic it is, but it covers quite a few things medicare doesn't and it covers a lot of the co-pays. She pays about $150 a month, which is a lot for her, but it will save her more than that in her prescriptions alone. She takes several and most of them aren't generic, so what medicare covers is very little!

It is worth looking into,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Fear not, Melissa, I am a dual-eligible. Means I get both medicare and medicaid. Medicaid pays the fee for my Medicare part D so they don't have to cover my meds, and believe me, they got the better deal. My meds run $2000 a month!


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

We pay about $950 a month for insurance. Seems like a TON, but our daughter got a new $27,000. wheelchair last year, and that was just the beginning of our year. They sure didn't make any money off us!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

One more day to my weigh-in. Don't seem any lighter but I feel lighter. Actually feel slim and my clothes show it. I was wandering the threads and stopped at Healthy Living and read that a lot of people are weight challenged and can certainly sympathize with their reasoning. So many diets, so many times, so many loses, so many years, so many more weight gains after losing a few pounds to only gain it back plus a few more pounds. Remembering depriving myself of some type of a treat only to stuff myself later when no on was around. I'm 69 years old now and have been at peace with myself since March 10 of this year whereas I have lost an average weight of two pounds per week because of my wonderful bariatric surgery. I started to become obese in my late twenties and progressed right up the ladder. From a solid frame of 185 to 330. A constant horrible continous gain through out the years bringing the onset of ulcers and arthritis and who knows what else? I was lucky to escape diabetes although I do have post polio syndrome which is similiar to diabetes as far as leg numbness is concerned. How I wish that those that can afford the surgery, which is less severe than having your tonsils out, do have the surgery and enjoy the life that we were meant to live. I found it very late in life and wasted a good many years but you don't have to make the same mistake that I made by procastinating and thinking or trying to fool myself into thinking that I could do it on my own. Please take no offence from this as I have been there perhaps not with you but I've been there and I speak only for myself and not for you. I ask your forgiveness if I have offended any of you in any way as this was not my intention. I only mean to enlighten....

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)


I can't imagine anyone could possibly be offended by your opinion, especially on your own thread!

Keep up the great work,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

rah, rah, siss boom bah! yaaaaaaaaaay Tplant!

xxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Kind of late with my weigh-in today but I had to get my flu shot and forgot to check-in. However my scale says 251lbs and that is down 2lbs and right back on target. What a wonderful feeling to see the weight loss on a weekly basis. I can really feel the difference when I walk and bend. Doctor said I can really eat anything I want but junk food such as ice cream and candy with moderation. Surprisingly enough after my bout of last week with zero weight loss because of ice cream abuse, I don't want any! When I see the scale showing a steady two pounds per week weight loss it gives me the extra encouragement to avoid the so called "goodies." Saw an old freind today and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw me. The last time was November of 05 prior to my surgery and he said that I looked like I did twenty-five years ago. He was truly impressed. Fifty more pounds to go and I'll be back to my early twenties weight minus the solid frame of course. I keep looking back at those early pictures and if you will excuse my saying so "I looked real handsome." In my early years I was often mistaken for Sonny Tufts if some of you can recall him?
The weather, rain, has eased off and it seems that I'll be able to puter in my garden tomorrow. My tomatos are doing very well and I'm looking forwarde to getting back out there.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

T ~ WAY TO GO !!

I totally agree with you - I am so glad that I had the surgery, too - and have not been sorry about it for even one second. I only wish I had done it when I was younger, too. I was 54 when I had it done 4 years ago. I can do more physically now that I could for the previous 20 years - it's a huge blessing!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

just a quick note, T-, a comment on your post of 11/2. Diabetes - the disease process has to do with incorrect metabolism of sugar, which can lead to loss of sensation or lack of circulation in lower limbs. Post polio syndrome works directly on your nervous system itself, and more typically would cause a loss of function in the lower limbs. Either one can be really tough to live with.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the info Carrie. I am very concerned about my future. My legs seem to be getting weaker but ever so slowly and my good leg which has been doing most of the work through out my life is weaker then my polio (right) leg. This after effect disease is very cruel as it becomes active in our golden years when life is to be enjoyed. However I've learned that God will never give me more than I can handle.
Meanwhile I'm stuck inside today as our weather is cloudy but very windy up to 35mph and that makes it to difficult for me to do some gardening. I hate days like this as I'm an outdoors man. In my younger days this would never stop me but now....

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I wonder if you'd like to be in touch with my very good friend who has PPS, she's had it for a while, uses a WC, adapted van, etc. She lives in Indiana.

And, T-, any chronic, progressive disease is cruel, in fact, growing old is cruel period! I was fine up until age 25, when I was dxd with multiple sclerosis, since then it's been cane, 2 canes, canadian crutches, scooter, wheelchair. I've learned that enjoying life cannot depend on external factors, like the condition of my body, but on internal qualities, like the condition of my mind. Sadly, MS affects that, too, not so you'd notice, but my husband can tell.

xxxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Tried to enter earlier but couldn't? It's as if DG had a brain freeze. I weighed-in at 249lbs today and that is down two more pounds. I broke through another milestone today by breaking the 50 barrier. Next comes the 40 barrier. Went to my surgeon's office this week for a routine visit and he did make an adjustment. He did not make one three weeks ago when last I saw him but said it was necessary now as I was off my 2lbs per week weight loss goal. I had a week and a half of 0 weight loss and that means an adjustment. Of course it was my fault as I did not drink enough water. This is very important. A person can lose weight just by drinking a lot of water. It fills the stomach and flushes the system. A very good health habit. With the onset of cooler weather I notice my consumption of water is way down. Must concentrate on this.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Good job, T.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Do you mean 50 pounds to go, or 50 lost? Must be 50 to go. I am, WE ARE so proud of you T-plant! You are an inspiration.

xxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

80lbs lost. 50 more pounds to lose!

You continue to amaze me. :-) Great job!
Hugs&blessings ... Elaine

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It feels real good to be this way Elaine. I'm still amazed at all the chores that I can now do? I even carried my bags of mulch from my car to my garden? Never able to do that before! Before or after I reach my goal I will conquer this horrible pain and stiffness in my shoulders caused by arthritis but ---- that will be another thread.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Way to go ~ T !

Well done!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Another unprepared shot of me out in my garden thinking how good it will be when my tomatos are ripe and juicy. I'm now wearing an XL shirt from 3XL and the pants are 46 and bulky down from a tight 54" to a loose 46". Hope to be in a sze 44" pants real soon....

Thumbnail by Tplant
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Tplant looking very handsome...keep up the good work.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Fifty (50) more pounds to go. Six more months should do it at 2lbs per week. Lost eighty (80) pounds so far and still can't believe how easy and painless it has been. Never, ever hungry or have any craving for anything. If I want ice cream I'll have some and still lose weight as long as I keep drinking water. Very important!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Good job!
You look great !

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Tplant... If I was older and you were closer! LOL Boy you are looking AWESOME!

BTW, Jeff and I split in late September :(


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry to hear. Too many break-ups today but better than being unhappy for the rest of one's life. Had a weird experience the other day that I did not mention but my arthritris flared up recently. My shoulders can be quite painful and I have been taking darvocette to control the pain but I have a previous history of duodenal ulcer and must be careful of meds with aspirin in them. You guessed it! I started a slow bleed internally and it showed when I relieved myself. Fortuneately it was not serious enough for hospitalization and after three days it cleared butt my doctor told me to take it easy and get plenty of bed rest and this time I did do just that. Have to be so careful. Back in 1985 I almost bled to death by taking excedrin for a toothache. Of course I overdosed myself, so you be careful.

A freind visited today! One I have not seen for over three years and he could not believe I was the same person?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, T-, it must be a remarkable feeling (for your friend) to see someone you think you know look so different. Do you look different to yourself when you look in the mirror? When I was maybe 20 or 22, after a pudgy childhood and overweight teenage years, I lost a lot of weight (probably too much) and I remember my little sister staring at me and commenting on how thin I was. But you CAN be too thin. If I ever get rich, I'll let you know about the too rich part!!! LOL, LOL, LOL!

xxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Weigh-in day and a little disappointment as it says 253??? That is up 4lbs? Disappointing to say the least! Well I know that is how it will be some weeks. I must consume more water but it is so difficult to do with the onset of cooler weather. Anyhow I am sitting in my recliner sitting on a Homedic massage unit and my shoulders are in heaven. Why didn't I think of this before. AAAAhhhhhhh ssssooooooooooo gggggggooooooooooooddddddddddddd!!!!!!!! I'm vibrating all over the place. My dog SCooter, however, does not want any part of sitting on my lap while I have the unit on! LOL

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

LOLOL Evil grin

Now I'm going back to my corner to be good so I don't get in trouble :)


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


You know perfectly well as long as you lose more weeks than you gain, you're still on the right track. Maybe adjust your water intake a little, wait, I know - cherries aren't in season again, are they? But losing weight isn't ever gonna be a straight line, it's gonna have weeks where you lose three or even four pounds to make up for the ones where you gain. Don't give up on us now!

xxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

No I'll not give up? Just being honest in my reporting. Besides I couldn't give up on my own ? Not with all this supervision and going through all I've been thru? That would be unspeakable...

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I'd come kick your butt!


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