Whos sick of this weather

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I went to Carlmont nursery in Belmont yesterday and picked out a Japanese Maple.

It's a gem that is almost invisible. 100 kinds of maples hiding behind the Carlmont Shopping center. And everything else too. Had a great time with a DGer who works there and he helped me pick out a maple. His name is Gary and he's be happy to give people tours if they want to contact him.

This message was edited Apr 8, 2006 10:42 AM

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gosh, I haven't been to that nursery in years. I should stop by.

Look at this maple I found in Berkeley on a side street from Berkeley Bowl last week, Doss. It was so incredible. I wish I knew the name.

Thumbnail by Kell
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

That's definitely an old maple. But I don't know it's name. Thanks for sharing it Kell. I love to see trees of character.

Phoenix, AZ


Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I went to our club daylily meeting and hit the Oakland Longs on the way home. Spent 2 hours there. Got lots of foliage things to making up my pots.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I love vaiegated foliage.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

And this pretty beogonia with the reddish stars on the leaves.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

and this begonia with th cool leaves and bright white blooms

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Well Sue....... eat your heart out, guess what Lali and I did today??? LOL

We missed you too, A LOT!!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I didn't go to any nurseries today, but I did get rid of all the broken appliances I'd been storing in my garage ever since the dump started charging $25 per appliance. There was a free electronics recycling site in Santa Rosa today. I got rid of three computers, two printers, five VCRs, three TV sets, two big boomboxes, a microwave oven, a huge stereo, and a slew of little tape recorders and dictaphones. I'm ecstatic to get rid of that stuff for free. It's almost depressing to realize how little it takes to make me happy as I get older. It seems so simple-minded to be delighted at getting rid of garbage, but I feel positively euphoric tonight.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Wow Zuzu, bet that does feel good to clear that all out!

Ok, Kell, where did you go today? I couldn't even find it in th thread above where you were planning on going. And what did you two get?
I posted several pictures in Keith's thread in Perennials http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/587279/ in case anyone wants a peak. Keith always shows such fun stuff that he gets to try, I told him today I want to quit my job and work at Monterey Bay Nursery and do what he does. Why work hating what you do when you can play and talk plants all day. 'Cept I'd have to learn latin.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I did buy a couple more daylilies at the club auction today, like I really need more.


This message was edited Apr 8, 2006 11:01 PM

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

And Keith donated this one, couldn't resist, I had admired it last summer in a greenhouse where I took this shot and then several raved about it so I bid until I won it.


Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh, that is so incredibly gorgeous, Sue. I'm in love with that one.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I would take Joe home with me in a second. Great treats you got today!!

Hey Zuzu, all the money you saved can go for a few roses. I would be so happy too!!

I was bouncing off the pavement and Lali is so calm..................

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I wanted everything I saw including this bird............

Thumbnail by Kell
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Hey, there is that geranium madrense, mine just started blooming, I posted in the perennial thread.
Nice to hear you missed me.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I even bought you a begonia at the sale, Sue. You will love it...............

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Oh Kell, you spoil me! Where's the heart smilies when you need them?! Thank you so much!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Sue, the begonia with the reddish center is b. 'Essie Hunt' (well, I'm pretty sure anyway, you may want to ask the other begonia heads over in the begonia corner)And in your first photo, looks like b. erythrophylla 'helix' on the left side (leaf with sinus curl) the green with brown veins I don't know who that is.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

A couple of us are going to Nola's Iris Garden in SJ on the 22 at 10:00. Anyone want to join us?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA


This message was edited Apr 10, 2006 12:15 PM

edited to add: I deleted this as I posted in the wrong thread but got my answer anyway! Thanks kell!

This message was edited Apr 10, 2006 3:37 PM

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Doss, they are about 10 min. from my house, I visited when they first opened. Nice collection they have. I just don't collect them though.

Thanks Lali for the ID's, I'll make up tags for them. Oh, and I also found a pretty varigated african violet at Longs, the last one, for $2.99.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm full up of iris. Just going for the iris experience... Maybe. There are mudslides and 1/2 mile of one way road on the detour. The slide won't be fixed until the following week. We may brave it anyway.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

uh oh Sue, are you being wooed over to the dark side? (av's?) It might be too late to turn back! LOL (evil laugh)

Butch or Joolz probably will be able to id the green one.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Yeah Lali, I already went thru Rob's Violets site, there's a green one and several varigated ones I liked.I went there innocently checking for begonias. Haven't ordered, yet. But at $2.99, I sure couldn't resist that beauty.I'll take a shot of it later. The SUN is out!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Shoot, when we go a gallopin', I'll bring you leaves to put down. I have many!
You need to go hang out in the AV forum for a day (or more) - it's a great group to kick it with!

I have some coming from Robs in a few weeks. They're still charging for 'winter shipping' so I waited a bit until the price for s/h went down.

Also if you know of some 'green petal' ones you want, just post, I'm sure someone has them.

Leaves are so fun to propagate!

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I worked in the garden this morning! Hurrah!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I just learnend something so cool!!! I was googling for Weegy12 for an answer to her iris and Ronstar question and came upon a thread on GW dealing with it. But when I clicked on it, the thread had been deleted. I then noticed for the first time there was a "cache" link so I hit that and up came the thread that is no more!!


Anyway Weegy this is what it said... I have no clue if it is correct.

Posted by MNature z7 (My Page) on Sat, Aug 21, 04 at 7:43
Can Preen for weed control be put around newly transplanted Iris rhizomes?
Follow-Up Postings:

RE: Preen ?
Posted by: CntryTwang z7 So Middle TN (My Page) on Sat, Aug 21, 04 at 23:04

You can use it, but use it sparingly. Preen seems stronger and seems to impede the root growth that's desired on newly planted rhizomes. I choose to use Ronstar. It doesn't impede the root growth and will let the rhizomes build a good foundation before winter. Since Preen is much less expensive, try it and see if you like it. Some folks swear by it :-) Keep good notes on them and tell us what successes you achieve.
- Ev.

Weggy12, I bet if you go to this link I found and download the product label it will tell you more about its safety around certain plants.

Oh Sue, so you are getting into AV? LOL. I boughth a great variegated one at HD a few months ago. I love it.

Gee Doss, I would say I would love to go look at Iris but it seems there are so many plant events the next month, I will have no time left to actually garden. I used to have great iris, now I just have huge green fans. I think I must give them too much nitrogen to flower. But they are near my roses.........................

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

So what ever happened to jltbaw, Kimberly?? I hope we did not chase her away!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I've decided not to go to Nola's after all. They've had a landslide and you have to take the back way which is an hour for me by car. That puts it out of my range.

Sounds like you may have too much nitrogen there Kell. I'd pull them out and put in something that looks better. I grow iris in spite of the foliage.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I deleted my original post because I meant to put it in another thread! But thanks kell for finding the info for me. The bag doesn't have much info on it but I'll check the link you sent. Sounds like I'm ok using Ronstar, yep, it's expensive...89.00 for a 50 lb. bag but if it keeps me out of my chiropractor's officce, I'd say it's well worth it. Kell, you're a doll!

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi all,
I'm just hanging around reading all the posts, writing down all the nurseries I want to visit. Sounds like you guys know them all. Very exciting for me. I want to go to all of them. Of course I love it that someone else out there has my passion for plants. Most people including my family think I'm just nuts. My husband thinks I should just plant something and let it be, never replacing anything or changing my mind or adding things I don't have room for. I just tell him I started everything from seed. LOL

I have learned so much and aquired so many new favorite plants I can hardly keep from smiling ever time I look at them. My new fav is brugs. I want one of each. Tomorrow I may see something else I can't live without and I look forward to it. lol
I think its interesting that the only thing I ever grew growing up was vegetable. Now I try to grow everything but veges.

And last but not least It didn't rain today! To bad I was at work (sigh) I think good weather is on its way.

Thanks for all the good info.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Linda, sounds like you fit right in!! You sound like me, I love the part where you said you can hardly keep from smiling when you look at them, I know that feeling, it's a happy feeling, a peaceful satisfying feeling. Can't describe it to a non-gardener, thank goodness we have here to let loose as there are others like us. And what fun when we all enable each other either here or on these road trips. My Mom and I are both alike in that repsect too and I am grateful as is she that we can bounce that passion for plants off each other.
So today, the sun shines and what do I do? Call my Mom, she wanted a few house plants for in front of her fireplace to brighten it up. I know just the place. Longs in Oakland and since I just bought lots on Sat., I'll just drive her, I won't find more things anyways. Yeah right. Pictures to follow tomorrow. LOL!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Weegy, hope it helped. I use Amend and I if I remember correctly on the label it has a list of plants that do not like it. small gladiola corms will not grow if you use it.

OH Doss, when will this rain end. I know lots of people are just so nervous afraid their houses will be in big trouble. What a shame there are so many slides.

I am so sorry, Linda. I do not know how I got Kimberly out of Linda! I so apologize. Glad to see we didn't scare you away. I think your husband is in for a rude awaking. LOL. My husband has never recovered from being married to a plant crazed nut. LOL

I meant to take a pic of your begonia but forgot to! So did your Mom get anything hot today? You should go by the Lakeside Garden, Sue. It is about 5 minutes from Ace. I went there Sunday and had the most peaceful time. I also stopped by the lake as I left and had an even better time.

Thumbnail by Kell
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

We ran out of time and didn't even make it to Ace.
She picked up many houseplants and two abutilons, 'Tangerine' and 'Mobile Pink' I think was the second one.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Glug Glug...splish splash...

Arrrrgh! I believe that in fact the Pacific Plate has dislodged and we have all moved up the coast and are now in fact located in Seattle.

Laurie (who just got at least an inch of rain in the last few hours... grrrrr)

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Yep, just coming in down here, the wind is just horrendous, bringing this storm in. I'm making a mad dash to HD for potting soil, maybe I can do some repotting before it gets too bad.
Look at all this waiting to be planted.
That's mt new cordyline to go in a large pot and lower right, a 'Blue Wave' euphorbia, stays small.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

And another begonia, tag says 'Carol'?

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Sue, on the tag, does it say it was grown by cottage gardends in tiny print? It's looking to me like b. imperialis group 'Silver Jewel' I think. Anyway Cottage is 'naming' thiers what ever they want. My Mt. Olympus is named somethign like Lucy but it's clearly Mt. Olympus.

Consider giving that one lots of humidity. (I keep mine in the greenhouse year round)

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