Wierd Weather!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Ken, Did anyone get a photo?

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Zen, no, we were all too busy staying upright.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I have this vision of one side of your body having one long arm and a short leg and the other being the opposite.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Still raining, we're at the 1/2'' mark.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Wow, Billy, I thought I was the one who lived in the desert. And we have had an inch and almost a third. 1.27" on the official counter. Not that much fell in my yard but i'd bet even right here I had an inch. One day it rained downtown where the measure is and it didn't rain up here.

Funny to just drive right out of a storm just a mile and a half away.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Eleven days ago I noted a blizzard dumped 7" of snow here in central Illinois and the fact that the blizzard had been preceeded the week before by two tornadoes. The post here is of one of those tornados. Over 200 homes and businesses were severely damaged or wiped out.
Tonight another tornado swept through here. I heard 20 trailers in one of the suburbs (Riverton) were blown away and in Tayorville (25 mi SE) Ace Hdw store and a church lost their roofs.
Talk about weird weather.

Thumbnail by jmorth
Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Please tell us you weren't out standing in the path of the tornado to take that shot?

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Picture was taken from a hospital room by a friend.

Beachwood, OH

I am hating this thread ! ... I started out reading it without noting the date and thought a major snowstorm and freeze was headed my way, and ended up freaking on the tornado pic. I have family who lost most of their house, an entire barn and all the out buildings and every tree on the farm was razed in the tornados in IL 3 years ago. Well Mother Nature has her own ideas about the crazy weather - - - back to cleaning out garden beds

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Great pic of the tornado, I saw the caption on it and realized the person taking it must have at least FELT safe .... have been watching and reading about the strength and unusual number of this years tornados. I saw where the Springfield area got 2 more hits .... wow.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Like adding insult to injury, tonight it's supposed to freeze.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We were at our Daughter's house Sunday. The sky turned green, we had some pretty nasty clouds and a little hail, but all passed and we got rain. I came home to a grand total, for the whole day, of 1 & 1/0th''. It must have poured. The tree bud hulls(?) were all over the road. The wind started howling sometime in the night and hasn't stopped yet. At least the sun came out!

That's exactly how much rain we got. We also got the very nasty looking sky, some very small hail(briefly), and then just rain and wind. Bad stuff passed quickly, as yours did.
We live in far NW Davenport, right off Interstate 80.The bad stuff went right north of us and tornado touched down in Riverdale,NE edge of Bettendorf-but no one hurt.
The summer storms(when there are any) are the ones we get -especially if they're coming from Washington-nails our place every time! We've lost 4 nice shade trees in those storms over the last ten years.
Once, about 10 years ago, I was at the stove, preparing dinner, about 5p.m. I glanced out the kitchen window(looking west), and I couldn't believe my eyes!! Our garden shed (12'x16') was ROLLING towards the house!!! I kid you not. I grabbed the phone, called the neighbor behind me and screamed for him to get over here NOW! I ran out the door, and braced my ample(hehe) self against the shed, and held it!! It was jumping up and down, all the while. After what seemed like an eternity(only a couple minutes, really), here comes the neighbor and another neighbor he grabbed along the way. He literally fell to the ground, he was laughing so hard,at me. The other friend was doing his best to control himself. After a couple unladylike expletives, they lifted the thing off my back, and sent me into the new garage for a few 16 penny nails, and NAILED the darn shed to the back of our old garage!
I guess I did look pretty rediculous holding that shed back.
About that time , my DH drove in, from work. He walked around the old garage-looked at me and our neighbors- then said to me,with this goofy grin on his face, "Sooo, I take it you like the garden shed better HERE, huh?"
Then ALL of them laughed till they cried. What a day.Sure makes for a good "remember when", when we're sitting around shooting the breeze in the summer. I tell you, I wouldn't trade this bunch of neighbors for anything. they are the absolute best.
Thought you all might get a chuckle out of that one.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chuckle? Mentally, I am incapacitated with laughter, even if that isn't the right defination.
We heard a Lone Tree AND Muscatine had tornado warnings. We were near Moscow.We got home around 6:00pm and the roads were covered with bud hulls. (?) We were not far from I-80 either.
I'm still laughing!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I am starting a new thread for the people who don't have DSL or cable.
Weird weather #2

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


Chatham, IL(Zone 5b)

I hate to be a hater....... but that same photo was sent to me via email, and there is no way that that is springfield, IL. Those are palm trees in the left foreground, and that building has balconies.... no highrise has balconies in our town. Plus with the skyline showing clouds that form mostly over coastal towns.... that is NOT Springfield........ and furthermore, the storm in question happened during hours that would have made this photo impossible.... It was dark as midnight when this happened..... I was on the east side of town outside of a restaurant when this happened. I saw the outline of the said tornado once in a flash of light.

Wow, this is an old thread.

Has anyone seen or heard from our little sweetheart Ken? I miss kandlmidd.

Chatham, IL(Zone 5b)

Not sure, but I am curious as to where the pic came from :) I have made more enemies than friends debunking this photo.

I lost a regular bar guest.... I think he was too embarrased to talk to me after I gave six reasons why it was false.

There's a lot better things out there for people to get in a huff about than a photo of a tornado with Palms in the background.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

A tropical garden gone mad in Illinois?

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Speaking of weird weather, it's so cold here today I'm thinking I may have to turn the heat on this evening. Suppose to be cold and rainy all weekend and I just got all the Dahlias planted. Bah Humbug!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Uggg..... I wish!! It's 97° here.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And I just heard it's supposed to be 60 degrees here tomorrow - Wierd - Dax

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

It's 62 out and I'm freezing! Suppose to be 69 tomorrow and Monday 80!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I got home from the UMW RU last night and thought that I must have left a window open. I didn't. It was even colder in here this morning, and I finally broke down and turned on the heat. I can't believe it.....64 in my living room this morning and I had to turn on the heat.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Marie, we have the heat on too. brrr. After the high temps of last week, this is quite a shock!

We were a little chilly at the Upper Midwest Roundup yesterday in Janesville, but the sun finally came out....


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

57* for a high today. I was outside this morn and my nose got cold. We will be warming up tho.
I'd rather have the cold now than on Memorial Day when we usually have it. Boy can that be unbearable!
We haven't turned on any furnaces, but I am drinking hot, sun tea!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I brought a bunch of p[lants home from the Janesville Round up, but this cold will make me wait a couple of days to plant. DH is working, kids are gone--Heavenly peace & quiet here.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

When we woke up this morning our furnace had come on.

beaker, It was great to meet you today. (We were at the same plant swap.) Now to find the time to plant the new ones and a place to put them.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Hey.....did you MN people have your own RU? We really need to have an RU more centrally located so that we can meet those from the western side.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

No we didn't have a round up and I do think it would be a good idea to have one sort of half way. The swap I was at was one from the other garden site. It was a swap and pot luck lunch. We have two plant swaps and a seed exchange every year.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

And Zen, it was a pleasure meeting you and all the other folks. I'm looking forward to the fall plant swap and am already plotting what I might bring. I'm hoping that my Agastache gets real big this summer so I can share some of that. It's a bumble magnet.

I was a semi-wreck after getting home from Leftwood's place. I had to take a nap. Just don't like driving anymore. Chances of me attending a RU are pretty slim. Driving to the fall bulb sale is about my limit.

As I was leaving for the first time, a fellow by the name of Dave was talking to me and it turns out he is the brother-in-law of a gal I work with. Small world. When I was leaving for the second time, Julie gave me a Lemon Verbena and invited me over to see her garden. Nice group of people and loved all of Leftwood's very special plants. LOL, if I had a shovel, those species glads probably would have disappeared on him!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

beaker, If we all had shovels he wouldn't have a garden any more. As it was I ended up with two seedlings from his garden.

It is such a great group. The fall swap will probably be at my house. I don't have as much room as Rick, but we can set our plants out in the park across the street from me. It is very quiet and I will rope off an area for the couple of hours we need it. I will start potting up plants earlier so I have more ready.

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