OK, TIME TO CONFESS: What lilies did you order for 2006?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

The lily garden was very generous with me last year and sent lots of extras. Bulbs were huge and almost all of them bloomed the first year even though they went in pretty late.

They were about 6 feet tall the first year. Here's a photo.

Thumbnail by doss
Corte Madera, CA

i do what i can, moby.

that's a pretty photo, doss. oh, i'm so excited about spring.

i haven't planted more lilies today, but my potting up operation was a success. more brugmansia sanguinea seedlings to share when spring happens!

i hope we all get to play in the dirt this weekend!


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I hope so too. It's clear here but pretty cold.

I've got some seeds to start. My brugmansia sanquinea is orange. Do they come in any other colors than yellow, red and orange?

Corte Madera, CA

i'm not sure, but i've only seen the colors you mentioned.

one dger posted her sang photos, and depending on the weather, the sang is REDDER, and sometimes, orange.

hmnnnn....brugs and lilies.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

doss - Is that a pic of Triumphator?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's a photo of 'Sheherazade'. The Lily garden has a very nice price on them - or they did. The flowers face down. They are up on a terrace and it's a lovely way to grow them. Of course if they really get to 8 feet then pointing down is going to be spectacular. Mine needed staking but they are against a west wall - or it was just their first year. LG has assured me that they won't need staking if they get enough sun.

Here she is up close.

Thumbnail by doss
Corte Madera, CA

absolutely gorgeous! thanks for sharing.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It was a very nice intro to the world of lilies. I'd never grown them before because I'm allergic to the scent and didn't think that there might be some unscented ones. Adds a little to the difficulty of finding the right lily.

Myrtle Beach, SC

Hey Doss, I promised myself I was gonna wait until our Costco got Lilies and Roses before I bought anything else, but dang it all, you had to show more pictures! (lol) Between you and Annapet, (and everyone else) my keyboard stays drooled on !! I reaally want Sheherazade and a couple others I saw when i was "just looking", lol. This is going to be the best Lily show ever. I just can't wait for pictures!!!! God bless you all, Margo

Kathy, that's such a pretty combination !! Great photo !!

This message was edited Jan 20, 2006 9:33 PM

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Keyboard drying out yet?

Atlantic Ocean

Thumbnail by Moby
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Is Atlantic Ocean a Oriental?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Yes, it is.

Myrtle Beach, SC

Ohhh Moby...deep sighhhh !! Gorgeous....another added to my "got to have" list. God bless, Margo

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm way too much of a junky too. It's funny how we get to be collectors. DG can be a very dangerous place!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

doss, White Butterflies looks so graceful and appropriately named; hope to see pics of all those lovelies when they bloom :) I got Scheherezade from TLG last year to, and wow! Sure makes me look forward to this year's show!

Annapet, I love Falstaff and think it would be perfect with Visaversa! Something plum or deep purple would be rich and dramatic with them, and silvery foliage would be a pretty accent. I have mine with Japanese painted fern. Your garden is going to be amazing this year!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Neal- how do you grow a lily with japanese painted fern? How do you manage the different sun requirements?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

doss, I live in a cool, woodland area in a valley, so partial sun is about as good as it gets in most of my garden. But it's enough for lilies thank goodness (I was worried till they performed well for a couple of years). My soil is moisture retentive, so a lot of shade lovers will take as much sun as I can give them. I'm loving it because I've got roses, lilies, hydrangeas, daylilies, astilbes, hostas, and ferns all growing together.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sounds really lovely! I can see why you love it. It must be so fabulous in the flowering season. And it sounds as if that's pretty much all season long.

Filtered semi shade can be very forgiving.

Corte Madera, CA

neal, i'd love to see more photos please! a few days ago, i stumbled on the "garden tours" forum. i haven't really looked around, but i'd love to see yours there.

doss, has a fabulous garden as well =). showstopper of a yard and cute pets.

last year, i planted each lily in 1 gallon pots and they all bloomed. they are not tiny either. 8-10" across on both the "noblesse" and "tom pouce" varieties. the bulbs doubled in size, and that alone is a wonder to me. the first time i saw a photo of buggycrazy bulbs, my mouth stayed open for a few seconds. pure amazement. lol.

how many seasons before that happens?

moby, your atlantic ocean sure is pretty.

margo, perhaps something will arrive in the mail for you this week. someone from the bay area is WAY behind packing goodies.

love you guys.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Moonglow, do you grow orientals? I thought that is was too warm here for them.. Or not cold enough, whatever the case may be.

Corte Madera, CA

doss, i've only grown "tom pouce" and noblesse" - - - and they are both oriental hybrids. frost is rare here, and it doesn't get too hot in the summer either. i'm really excited about my little costco collection. lol.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

And so you should be. :-) No one ever asks where you got your plants as long as you have them beautifully arranged, that's for sure. And at those prices you can have more of them!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Unfortunately I did'nt get any lily pics in the later part of the season last summer. A huge tree fell right smack dab in the middle of the pink area of my cottage garden at the height of bloom for Orientals and Orienpets. The Scheherezades were just a day or two from full bloom, and I was waiting to get a pic. I thought they were going to be more wine colored than that rich red, so I've moved them and replaced them with Black Beauty in that spot. While all the blooms were snapped off, most of the stalks and leaves were somewhat intact, so I think I'll still get a good show this year. They'll get more sun now to.

doss, finding this place has renewed my enthusiasm for gardening in KY. I had always gardened in the Bluegrass area before-lots of clay, hot, dry summers, cold winters. So when I got to plant in soil that is a black, humusy, sandy loam I thought I was in Heaven! Still do :)

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

GOSH (about the tree)!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh yeah, I even cried!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I bet!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I would have cried too. Now black loam I might kill over! lol.

I've got clay but great weather. I've put so much organic stuff into it over the last 30 years it should be great but I'm still fighting it. Some stuff loves it. The Sheherazades are a deep wine raspberry color as you can see in the photo so if you wanted black red, you made the right decision.

Corte Madera, CA

oh, i'd cry, too.

2 pine trees in my property are not doing so hot. we'll have both taken down before they fall on us or on our little house. the east side will be sunnier, and i can plant more roses and lilies...and brugs. $300 a pop, a bargain compared to the cost of the eucalyptus trees we have had removed a couple of years ago.

neal, i'm so glad you weren't near that area of your garden when the tree fell.

Corte Madera, CA

btw, there are other kinds of lilies at the SF costco that i didn't grab. i don't know why. i was so looking forward to get another bag or two of amarone/suncrest, but didn't find any. when i go to "my" costco, i'll be patient and look. the thing is, i really couldn't get to the other side of the rack.

SF costco has:

stargazer and dizzy.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

This thread is very dangerous! That Dizzy is gorgeous. I'll definitely be checking my Costco.

I would have cried too, Neal. :-(

Corte Madera, CA

danger is my middle name, mendy. lol.

i planted a bag of altari/visaversa combo in a 17" pot. thinking of a container garden of sort to fill my small deck. 18.5' x 5.5' (west-facing). might be too hot for the lilies? i'm moving 2 potted up disneyland rose standards there also. must plant lilies to match those.

Corte Madera, CA

hello everyone! having an awesome sunday, i hope! it's 47F and sunny here. after mass, i'll be planting the rest of the daffs (underneath the oak tree).

here's the thread to continue our confessions....

beam me up, scotty.


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